Wine nights in D.O. Pla de Bages

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Discover the heart of Catalonia, a region where the wine and the food it's an important part of her legend and her future

Transcript of Wine nights in D.O. Pla de Bages

Ocio Vital: viajes y Experiencias,

Tel: 93 3171909 1



FFRROOMM 112200€€

The wine region of Bages is situated inland on wide Catalan plains that have been

formed by the River Llobregat over the passage of time. The wines have a distinct

personality due to the severity of the climate, the scarcity of rainfall and the

undulating ground; facts that result in vines that yield little in terms of quantity but a

lot in terms of quality. We invite you to discover them through a wonderful weekend.

It includes:

1 night accommodation in one double bedroom, bed and breakfast basis.

2 visits to wineries including wine tasting.

1traditional meal in the area.

Price per person, taxes included

The above rate does not apply during high season. The selection of hotels, restaurants and wineries will be done by

our expert team 4 days before the event following different criteria: season of the year, customers profile, seasonal

products, etc. This way of working allows us to select freely those bars that fulfill best our needs.