Williams AR # 1541 Page 1 of 75Mr. Don Atkinson Mr. Dennis On Mr. Geoff Watkin Mr. Dale Anderson...

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Transcript of Williams AR # 1541 Page 1 of 75Mr. Don Atkinson Mr. Dennis On Mr. Geoff Watkin Mr. Dale Anderson...

Williams AR # 1541 Page 1 of 75

Attendees:Ms. Michelle Lewis

Mr. Len FuchsMr. Scott JohnstonMs. Mary HallMr. Len Fuchs

Mr. Don AtkinsonMr. Dennis OnMr. Geoff WatkinMr. Dale Anderson

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Former Williams Air Force Base (AFB)Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)

Meeting Minutes

August 21, 2012, 7:00 p.m.Highland High School

4301 E. Guadalupe Rd.Gilbert, AZ

Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment (AFCEE)/BaseRealignment and Closure (BRAC) Environmental Coordinator(BEC) /Air Force Co-chairRAB Community Co-chair/Gilbert residentAFRPA Public Affairs/ Napkin CommunicationsAFRPA Public Affairs/Napkin CommunicationsRAB Community Co-chair/Gilbert resident

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)Phoenix-Mesa Gateway AirportCherokee Nation Government ServicesGila River Indian Community

Mr. Jim Holt RAB Member/Queen Creek residentMr. Glen Smith Gilbert residentMr. Alan Ruffalo Gilbert residentMs. Lisa Gerdl RAB Member/GilbertMr. Tom Zuppan RAB Member /GilbertMr. Victor Gomez CH2MHILL

Mr. Everett Wessner AMECMr. Don Smallbeck AMEC

Mr. Len Fuchs called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and asked the attendees to introduce themselves.The RAB approved the May 2012 meeting minutes without changes.

Ms. Michelle Lewis introduced Mr. Don Atkinson as the new project manager for the ArizonaDepartment of Environmental Quality. Mr. Atkinson is taking over for Mr. Andre Chiaradia.

Mr. Scott Johnston reviewed action items from the May RAB meeting: Mr. Stark asked at the May RABmeeting if 1,4-dioxane has been sampled for at LF004. Mr. Don Smallbeck answered that historical datawas looked at and it was determined that there has not been a requirement or identified basis for samplingand analysis of 1,4-dioxane in groundwater and thus no groundwater samples have been analyzed for 1,4-dioxane in groundwater.

Status Updates for UST 1114, FT002, SS017, LF004, ST035 and ST012Mr. Everett Wessner presented updates for each site, see attached slides for more information. RAB andcommunity discussions for each site are presented below.

UST 1114 (Underground Storage Tank, VORTAC facility)Mr. Wessner stated that UST1114 was an underground storage tank located on the flight line; it wasremoved in 1993. In order to support closure, ADEQ required sampling under the former tank for volatileorganic compounds (VOCs) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Samples were collectedand analyzed in April; there were no detections that exceeded cleanup levels established for unrestricted


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use. A report will be submitted to ADEQ and regulatory approval for unrestricted site closure isexpected.

FT002 (Fire Training Area No. 2)Mr. Wessner stated that the initial investigations at the former fire training area found VOCcontamination in the soil down to 80 feet. The OU3 Record of Decision (ROD) established bioventing asthe selected remedy for the soil problem. Bioventing and soil vapor extraction were implemented andoperated until 1997, but cleanup goals in the ROD were not achieved and a land use control was put intoplace. A draft sampling plan was submitted to ADEQ and EPA to determine if through natural attenuationover the past ten years the ROD cleanup goals have been reached. If that is the case another request forclosure will be prepared and the site will hopefully be closed in the spring of 2013.

Questions asked during FT002 presentation:

Mr. Ruffalo asked if closure means monitoring.

Mr. Wessner responded that an unrestricted closure would not require monitoring. Right now the site isunder restricted use and still being monitored.

Mr. Zuppan asked about the sampling plan and how deep AMEC planned to go on the borings.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that the sampling will go down 85 feet. The plan is to go back into the areawhere there was still contamination when the system was decommissioned back in the 1990s to confirmthat those concentrations are actually gone. If contaminants are still present then a path forward will bediscussed.

Mr. Zuppan asked if sampling will be done all the way down to non-detect or just to the residentialstandards.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that sampling would be conducted to the method detection limit for theparticular compound of interest so there would be results of non-detect.

Mr. Zuppan asked if it will just be re-characterizing them in effect.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that it is re-characterizing in a sense.

Mr. Zuppan asked if there are any groundwater wells.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that there are not any groundwater wells because as it shows in the ROD it isstrictly a soil problem. There is no evidence of groundwater contamination. They are not any groundwaterwells right in that area.

Mr. Zuppan asked if the contamination went down to 80 feet.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that about 85 feet was as far as it was detected.

Mr. Holt asked relative to this site the type of contaminants found there do they normally go down inelevation over time.

Mr. Smallbeck asked do you mean that they descend.

Mr. Holt responded yes.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that most of those are not the chlorinated compounds. These are hydrocarbontype compounds and they did not get down into the lower soil.

Mr. Holt asked how far down into the water table is the contamination at this site.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that at this point the water table is at 150 feet so there is about 70 feet of soilbetween where the last detection was and the water table.

Mr. Ruffalo asked if there are any cross-contamination issues they should be concerned about regardingthe Power Ranch supply well they use for landscaping purposes because it pumps perforated pipe.2

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Mr. Wessner responded that he expects the sampling data for FT002 to verify thatcontaminants no longer exceed cleanup levels. Groundwater contamination was notidentified at FT002 so there would be no impacts to the Power Ranch supply well.Landfill LF004, located at the southeast corner of the base, is the closest site to PowerRanch, but the Power Ranch supply well is located up gradient of LF004 and pumping ofthe Power Ranch well has not affected the groundwater gradient at LF004. Because thesupply well is up gradient of the landfill site and doesn't influence the LF004 area, thereis no potential for LF004 groundwater contaminants to impact the Power Ranch supplywell. (see further discussion regarding LF004 below)

SS017, Former Pesticide/Paint ShopMr. Wessner provided a status update on remedial actions at SS017. SS017 is the old pesticide/paintshop and the chemical of concern is Dieldrin in both the soil and groundwater. Currentlythe Air Force is preparing a response to regulator comments on the OU-6 ROD. Agroundwater work plan is currently under review by the regulators.

LF004, Former Solid Waste LandfillMr. Wessner said that at this site the ROD dealt with soil contaminants, and the remedy, a permeable cap,was successfully implemented. The groundwater at the time was not a problem, but since thegroundwater has started to rise it has picked up some contamination and it must be addressed. Thechemicals of concern are perchloroethylene (PCE) and ftichloroethylene (TCE). Results from the May2012 sampling event depicted little change in contaminant concentration. A Focused Feasibility Studythat evaluates potential groundwater remedial alternatives. The Proposed Plan/Public Comment period iscurrently anticipated to occur in the winter of 2012/2013.

Questions asked during LF004 presentation:

Mr. Smith asked approximately what depth the groundwater table currently was at.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that the shallow aquifer is around 110 feet and the lower is 200 to 230 feetbelow ground surface.

Mr. Zuppan asked if the two wells on the far east side extend all the way down to the third layer at thedeepest point.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that one does.

Mr. Smith asked if the cleanup followed a linear degradation and if you do nothing does it have a flatdegradation with a sudden fall off at the end or is it a top left of the graph to the bottom right of the graphtype of degradation. If you remediate it or put a contractor on it and you wash it does that cause it to runlinear for a while then have a rapid fall off.

Mr: Smallbeck responded that's typically what happens. It could be a consistent fall off or it could, in factbe a large drop off.

Mr. Zuppan asked if it was correct to say that in six months it has naturally attenuated without anythingbeing done.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that is actually longer than that. The graph shows a three-year period andpotentially since 2008. The graph shows a slow, progressive decline of that concentration.

Mr. Zuppan asked if there was any change in method.

Mr. Smallbeck responded the same analytical and sampling methods are being used.

Mr. Watkin added that one possibility for the decline in concentrations is that there was not groundwatercontamination until water levels rose. It's possible that the rising groundwater hit an historic contaminantzone and produced groundwater contamination, but as it continued to rise it began diluting.


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Mr. Zuppan stated that it might not be natural attenuation.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that dilution is a part of natural attenuation.

Mr. Wessner added that it's attenuating without any remedial action currently.

Mr. Zuppan asked if it is through dilution, and not through any type of biological activity.

Ms. Lewis responded that it could be biological or dilution.

Mr. Zuppan added that his recollection over the last 10 years was that historically the plume has migratedand the Air Force had to keep chasing it with wells. That it has crept off the property. Before it wasdefined as being contained on the property and now it has slowly migrated off.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that was the perception, but it could be that it was there all along, but the wellswere not in the right place. It may have looked like it was creeping because the Air Force kept puttingwells out until the boundary was, found.

Mr. Wessner stated that the good news now in all the zones is that there are wells now that are either non-detect, or that are really close to non-detect.

Mr. Ruffalo asked if, given the close proximity and the possibility of sharing groundwater at PowerRanch's shallow well level, it would be a good idea for them to test the water beyond the typicalcontaminants.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that the Power Ranch well is up gradient, meaning that it is up hill from wherethe groundwater is going, so the water is running away from the Power Ranch wells.

Mr. Ruffalo responded that they also have the rising groundwater issue and if that touches the Air Force'scontaminated area is the rising groundwater also touching the Power Ranch well.

Ms. Lewis responded that Power Ranch is on the other side (east of the Air Force site) and its water isflowing to the Air Force site, not the other way around.

Mr. Ruffalo asked if it be advisable to do additional testing on the Power Ranch water.

Mr. Wessner responded that while it might be something to do for their peace of mind, he did not see aneed to do it due to possible concern from Air Force contamination. He explained that the water flowdiagram shows a pretty consistent, flat water table with a small gradient from east to west. If pumpingfrom the Power Ranch supply well were pulling water from the LF004 area, the ongoing measurement ofgroundwater levels would show an opposite gradient.

Mr. Ruffalo asked if it would be a waste of time to do additional testing.

Mr. Wessner answered that if their concern is Air Force contamination getting in their well then yes itwould be.

Mr. Wessner summarized by pointing out that concentrations are decreasing in the hot spots and it's arelatively stable plume. Additional data will be collected in November.

Mr. Holt asked if AMEC could speculate on what the remedial action would be.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that an in-situ application would remediate the groundwater in the saturatedzone above these hotspots. There's a soil gas that is either TCE or PCE so a system will be put in that willtreat the unsaturated zone and remove those vapors. There will also be a groundwater treatment that willtake place to treat the hotspot and the area around it and get rid of all the concentrations. After that iscomplete, monitoring will continue to determine if additional treatments are needed.

Mr. Zuppan asked if AMEC is looking at soil remediation and groundwater treatment.

Mr. Smallbeck responded yes.

Mr. Wessner added that they want to remove contaminants from the soil before groundwater is furtherimpacted.


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Mr. Ruffalo asked if as the water table rises will it tend to push the soil vapor up or will it become part ofthe groundwater.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that it would be a dissolution process. As groundwater levels rise,contaminants present in soil or soil vapor will dissolve into groundwater.

Mr. Zuppan asked if AMEC will have the feasibility study submitted before the next RAB.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that it has already been submitted for review.

Mr. Zuppan asked what AMEC will have at the next RAB to discuss in regards to this timeline.

Mr. Smallbeck responded that by the RAB meeting they will have comments back from the regulators onthe feasibility study, but would not be in the public comment period yet.

Mr. Zuppan added the RAB will be before the public comment period so they wouldn't see anything atthe next RAB.

Mr. Wessner responded that they will be approaching finalization of the documents, but it would mostlikely not be in the public comment period by the RAB meeting.

Mr. Smallbeck added that the next step of the process after agency comments are received and resolved,is to set a date for the public comment meeting.

ST035, Former Base Gasoline Station Building 760Mr. Wessner summarized the slides presenting the site background, contaminants and the cleanupmethods in place. Soil vapor extraction continues to remove fuel contaminants from the soil andgroundwater monitoring is ongoing. Regulatory agencies are currently reviewing the Work Plan forinstallation of groundwater monitoring wells and a groundwater remediation well. Well installation isexpected in the fall/winter of 2012.

ST012, Former Liquid Fuels Storage OperationMr. Wessner summarized the slides presenting the site background, contaminants, cleanup methods inplace, and the path forward.

Mr. Holt asked what the results of the steam injection pilot study were.

Mr. Wessner responded that AMEC is in the process of doing another focus feasibility study to determinewhat to do with the groundwater. Steam is likely the only method that will work. The Air Force iscurrently responding to agency comments on the Draft Focused Feasibility Study.

Mr. Holt asked if the plan includes thermal enhanced extraction.

Mr. Wessner responded that it does.

Mr. Zuppan asked if the documents for the public comment period will be available at the ADEQ site orthe EPA site or will they be emailed to the RAB members.

Ms. Lewis responded that the public will have access and will be made aware of where the documentswill be available both hard copy and electronically.

Contracting UpdateMs. Lewis provided an update on contracting issues.Regarding the MMRP site located east of the landfill Ms. Lewis stated that the money has been sent overto the Army Corp of Engineers and they will conduct a site visit in the next month or so to prepare tofinish clearing that site.

The other contracting piece is that the Performance Based Remediation (PBR) contract with AMEC hasbeen modified to cover the containment system at site ST012. It was being run by URS and is nowswitching to AMEC.5

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Meeting Wrap-upThat concluded the information portion of the evening.

Mr. Fuchs asked if it was possible to receive an electronic copy of the RAB slides before each meeting.

Ms. Lewis responded it would be possible to do that after noon on the day of each RAB meeting.

Mr. Zuppan asked if the Air Force could preview the feasibility studies it is working at this time.

Ms. Lewis responded that they should be ready by the next RAB meeting.

No other topics were suggested for the next meeting. Ms. Lewis thanked the RAB for attending and Mr.Fuchs adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

The next Williams RAB meeting date is scheduled for Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. atHighland High School.


August 21 2012 RAB meeting slide presentation


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Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity-Service-Excellence

Former Williams AFBRestoration Advisory Board


August 21, 2012

Highland High School4301 E. Guadalupe Rd.

Gilbert, AZ

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Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Welcome& Introductions

Presented by:Mr. Len Fuchs / Ms. Michelle Lewis,

RAB Community Co-Chairmenand Scott Johnston

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Welcome & Introductions

Mr. Len Fuchs, RAB Community Co-Chair

Ms. Michelle Lewis, Air Force Center for Engineering &the Environment, PM/BEC and RAB Co-Chair

Ms. Carolyn d'Almeida, Project Manager, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9

Mr. Donald Atkinson, Project Manager, ADEQ

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Time Topic Presenter

7:00 PM RAB Meeting Convenes Mr. Len Fuchs

Welcome and introductions Ms. Michelle LewisJohnstonCommunity co-chair remarks Mr. Scott

Review May 2012 meeting minutesand action items

7:15-8:00 PM Program Updates

UST114 Status Update

FT002 Status Update

SS017 Status Update

LF004 Status Update

- May 2012 GW Results

Ms. Michelle LewisMr. Everett Wessner

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Agenda Continued


7:15-8:00 PM

Topic Presenter

Program Updates continuedST035 Status Update- May 2012 GW Results- Apr-June 2012 SVE Performance Results

ST012 Status Update- April-June 2012 SVE Performance Results- Groundwater Containment Study Results

Mr. Everett Wessner

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Agenda Continued


8:00 p.m.

8:30 p.m.

Topic Presenter

Meeting wrap-up Ms. Michelle LewisReview action items for next meetingCall for agenda items for next meetingPropose next RAB meeting - NOV 13, 2012

Adjourn Mr. Len Fuchs

Integrity - Service - Excellence 6

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Minutes and Action Items

Review May 2012 RAB meeting minutes

Action items from May 2012 RAB meeting

Presented by:Mr. Scott Johnston

Napkin Communications

Integrity - Service - Excellence

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Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity- Service - Excellence

Program UpdatesSites UST1114, FT002, SS017,

LF004, ST035, and ST012

Presented by:Ms. Michelle Lewis, AFCEEMr. Everett Wessner, AMEC

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Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Former UST 1114


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1541 Williams AR # Page 18 of 75

Former UST 1114 Site Background

Underground storage tank (UST) source of release;removed in 1993

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) andpolyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil

Collected verification soil samples

Site closure under Tier 1 UST regulations by ADEQ

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Former UST 1114 Site Update

Soil Sampling Work Plan for site closure approvedMarch 27, 2012

Field work performed week of April 2, 2012

No detections above cleanup levels for unrestricted use

Site closure documentation in progress

Anticipate regulatory approval for site closure Sept 2012

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Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Site FT002, FireTraining Area

Number 2


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1541 Williams AR # Page 22 of 75

Site FT002 Site Background

Fire protection training activities (1958-1991)

Soil chemicals of concern (COC); benzene, chloroform,1,4-dichlorobenzene

No evidence of groundwater impact

OU- 3 Record of Decision (ROD) 1996. Soil Remedy (bioventing)implemented in 1996-97

Final soil cleanup goals for unrestricted use not yet achieved

Declaration of Environmental Use Restriction (DEUR) to prohibitresidential use and require soil management below 5 feet

8/21/20128 April2008

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Site FT002 Site Update

Soil and Soil Vapor Sampling Work Plan underregulatory review, submitted June 2012

Verification sampling Nov 2012

If ROD cleanup goals are achieved, site closuredocumentation Jan 2013

Anticipate regulatory approval for site closureSpring 2013

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Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Site SS017, OldPesticide/Paint





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Site SS017 Site Location Map


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Former Williams Air Force BaseMesa, Arizona

55017 Site Location MapFIGURE


ameeIntegrity - Service - Excellence

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Site SS017 Site Background

Old pesticide / paint shop

Soil and groundwater COC: Dieldrin

Removal action for soil completed in 2000

Ongoing groundwater monitoring

Draft OU-6 ROD March, 2012

8/21/20128 April2008

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Site SS017 Site Update

. Dieldrin concentrations in groundwater remain stable nearsource area (last five years)

. Dieldrin concentrations above EPA regional screening level(0.0015 µg /I); continue groundwater monitoring

. Air Force preparing response to regulator comments on DraftROD

. Groundwater monitoring work plan under regulatory review

. Annual groundwater monitoring event Aug 2012

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Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Site LF004, Landfill


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Site LF004 Site Location Map

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LF004 Boundary

Former Williams RFS BoundaryCZ1

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Former Williams Air Force BaseMesa, Arizona

LF004 Site Location MapFIGURE


&neeIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Site LF004 Site Background

LandfillFormer solid waste landfillOperated from 1941 to 1976Closed in 1995 with a permeable soil cap(0U-1 ROD 1994)Rising groundwater table

COCsPerchloroethylene (PCE)Trichloroethylene (TCE)

Integrity - Service - Excellence

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1541 Williams AR # Page 32 of 75

Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring UpdateGroundwater Flow Direction






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Groundwater Monitoring ReportMay 2012 Event

Site L F004 Former Williams Air Force Basemesa. Anzona

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Integrity - Service - Excellence

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Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring UpdateMay 2012 Sampling Event

54 wells sampledResults similar to past events

PCE and TCE only contaminants above EPA MaximumContaminant Levels (MCLs) and Arizona Aquifer Water QualityStandards (AWQS)*PCE and TCE continue to decline in hot spot areasPCE concentrations exceeded the standards in 14 wells,highest concentration 53 I.tg/L in LF01-W19 down from 71.9 inNov

TCE concentrations exceeded the standards in 14 wells,highest concentration 41 [tg/L in LF01-W17 down from 50.3 inNov

*MCL/AWQS 5 [tg/L

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Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring UpdateMay TCE Sampling Results



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Groundwater Mc/laving RepoliMay 2012 Event

Site L F004 - Former AnIllarns Air Force aaseMesa. Arizona

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Integrity - Service - Excellence 27

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.i Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring Update4.* TCE Sampling Results

Shallow Groundwater Zone Nov 2011


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(Dashed Where Inferred)

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30-40 pg /L 50-60 IJg /L

40-50 pg/L >60 pg /L

May 2012

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Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 36 of 75

,teSite LF004 Groundwater Monitoring Update

4fr TCE Sampling Results

Middle Groundwater Zone Nov 2011$ ' Lf91:."

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(Dashed Where Inferred)

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20-30 pg/L

30-40 pg/L

40-50 pg/L

May 2012


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Flow Direction


LF01 -WO ..

t_.,LF01 -W2aMF 3

0 19 F


LF 01-W32M







0 95 F







0'40 F

LF 01-W35M

0 98 F

:It' tICS

LF 01-W36M

< 1 0


50-60 pg/L

Monitoring Groundwater>60 pg/L LF004 Boundary

Well Location Flow Direction

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 37 of 75

Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring UpdateTCE Sampling Results

Deep Groundwater Zone Nov 2011.t' v., .

!%-- i a

.0" L-eirw6:LW7573M,- cm,A,

1 88 ..111."'"4"."146 LF0149260 ,..S a 53 t7... -

IS6 *101.0S


L101401717 L;.01910D`, LF411,54/9A 9.46 NO

1:F01-WO9D 1.69 ,,.2 r1 ge tor L.F.01V110.... 138

..." ' A,

)% .111,::

LF014280..... ... LFP 14/190 LFa745740



1-5 pg/L

5-10 pgIL

TCE Concentration in Groundwater

(Dashed Where Inferred)

10-20 pg/L

20-30 pg/L

30-40 pg/L 50-60 pg/L

40-50 pgIL >60 pg/L

May 2012


LF01-WIC ,


1 Groundwater

Flow Direction





0.25 F



sr 16






LF01-1N20 D iiit 1 .,'7 5






LF 01 -W30

.4 <1 0 u8.9 i .I





LF013501139 F

LF004 BoundaryMonitoring Groundwater

1.. Well Location Flow Direction

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 38 of 75

Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring Update41.< May PCE Sampling Results

Tr., , Nv

r -1(tai.bmx s / z


' - t.r.0 e -

L.Ii-Ve3.1 . - 2. _ L.P1 i -LAME '...re . 0 L .11.3. ugri -arm I-.-..e.r/ _L______--.- LF.0.3e0e103, 4 ' -

4. 11

----7iN. LF01-r. 01


EE .

...r. ,.. ua ft,4. e.0

i.1..111111P Lf...2.3ms 5

IGroundwater ' ' r

Flow rP ELIO n


4 1.41./eula

.11Y ta -

L.F.31-114L. 'w it

L., *VC

. -....-:::,- ',, _. 1.1.P1.-401403 .....,<S 4, .....,,.,.....

.i. 4 .k 3 0


r:IMMMIli'.'11Q1 4'-WM- -----j IYIL/I3D013,3IRI '''

I- I ., we [et ec tron


.- ...,,,stra .........1. .......


4 um...mato±r




PCE Concentration in GroundwaterCastle-al y'rdnere inter -ern


5-1 lawl_

10-20 y.O.L

29-30 iapaL

30-40 yy L

4-0-30 L

59-60 port

Morlitorwc Well LOwaearr

L-, LF0104 Boar-Wary

NotesLFOIAN 111M roaraorrg 1WI Mate,t-Mot

13 Wares" PCE Oreertrarrcroiyao PP" let

.Z OF YDE,E. R2 Hi_ Sr NI,

"ne wayra Calvey oletiMe TAASCC/1121E.CMCIi E11-18:43 ri ViDErliZOI3M130.6 lepLa-tr Rift cr.4 4.

RC- werwo Drotaicr

PC! wEcnvrveIVrr


T3-* NE114130 EY OLE Eaanemia at It mem tie L mom

1.^! 4!t 1.150


Groundwater Mr:Mitering ReportMay 2012 Evert'

Site 1 F004 - Former Williams Air Force BaseMe Sa Arizona

L1004 Depth Specific Dian-aut' On .1:;Litteof Perchloroethene {PC Elin Groundwater - May 2012 3-7

.13/4e 14,1240.M.MrM amec:ere ,-... 1.-Ei


Integrity - Service - Excellence 31

1541 Williams AR # Page 39 of 75

'Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring UpdateS.J PCE Sampling Results

Shallow Groundwater ZoneNov 2011

. . L.F9' 517325 '

9.5451 .-;14 .


--LiFellY3/91..a .....,..----'" 125


.roi Am

ND '--*11$LF

ND ,

:Fa .wa


LF0 114IS


Flow Direction

s ,joloaok 11014,1203

12 11+

LF91.91121 ($jII: 3.19 111/4....






...ar siZ464 22 7




PCE Concentration in Groundwater

(Dashed Where Inferred)

1-5 pgiL 10-20 pgiL 30-40 pgiL

5-10 pgiL 20-30 pg/L 1 40-50 pg/L

70-80 pgIL

50-60 pg/L

60-70 pg11_

May 2012



0.37 F


_ - 1.



a6 LF01-W21


Lf 01 NS37 F


Flow Direction

MEM*11me w s am. 1

Tin 0 58 F

Fa -771 -



L 1101417S\ 3.2







LF01 16S




Flow Directiont LF004 Boundary

Well Locationn

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 40 of 75

Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring UpdateAd

4** PCE Sampling Results

Middle Groundwater ZoneNov 2011


IJOI-er,1/0.,,'?04 LF01,6106M

1 06.

lfli1-** C

0 951F


'64: AP




Flow Direction



Lf. 01. 101+




"m_ATTTIlt_J54% L F01(21.1LF01,1Y05


S-... .., -E.

\\,%Ak\' I1

,.:,.....1 I 1 )1 I I I'......:,\:......../

.\\,:-.\..-..---./ j / / / / Y. ,r,, \ s.,":-............._,/ A/le/ /6=

PCE Concentration in Groundwater

(Dashed Where Inferred)

1-5 pgfL r t 10-20 pgli_ 30-40 pg/L

5.10 pg/L 20-30 pgIL 40-50 pg/L

70.80 pg/L

50-60 pg/L

60-70 pg/L

May 2012





jIjGroundwajerFlow Direction

LF01-w31 M







LFOI.M6m< ! o (,)



Monitoring GroundwaterLF004 Boundary C

Well Location Flow Direction

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 41 of 75

ikk 00i Site LF004 Groundwater Monitoring UpdatePCE Sampling Results

Deep Groundwater ZoneNov 2011

44 S.65LFD$ 4110

4.,2 26


(110091] 1.03


PCE Concentration in Groundwater

(Dashed Where Inferred) 70-80 pg/L

1-5 pg /L 10-20 pg /L 30-40 pg/L 50-60 pg/L

5-10 pg/L 20-30 pg/L 40-50 pg/L 60-70 pg/L

May 2012




1 Groundwater LF01-W090

Flow Direction4.'41


.ire -I I s- LF01-1131Dj*

; '

LF01-1.A03D T-ou LF01-13106




41 fir


0 t./


MMEM410mm mmMammmmdommimmmmmmom

S LP01WiTD3.5



L FOIM 240



PPPimmil, Iry Fm-


LF004 BoundaryMonitoring Groundwater

r. - Well Location Flow Direc

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 42 of 75

Site LF004 Summary

Groundwater results indicate decreasingconcentrations of TCE and PCE in hot spot areas

Plume is stable

Next groundwater sampling event November 2012

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 43 of 75

61 Site LF004 TCE Source Area4* Concentrations since 2008








LFO1 -W17Historical TCE Concentrations

0.0 -,R 4



Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 44 of 75

Site LF004 PCE Source AreaConcentrations since 2008








LF01-W19Historical PCE Concentrations

LL 2Date

1 LL

s Lr0i -W s9

Integrity - Service Excellence

Site LF004 Path Forward

Focused Feasibility Study submitted to regulatoryagencies

Proposed Plan/Public Comment- Winter 2012/2013

Record of Decision- Spring 2013

Remedial Design I Remedial Action- Fail 2013

Continue groundwater monitoring and landfillmaintenance

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 46 of 75

Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity Service - Excellence

Site ST035, FormerBuilding 760 USTs


1541 Williams AR # Page 47 of 75

Site ST035 Location Map

R a y.R d


ST035 Boundary (Former Building 760)

Former Williams AFB Boundary

P ecos.Rd

0 0 25 05 1


AD NO. 9101110001PM: EM/

Ole: 07/262012coo 1 - 0 5m0e A

TI *an., II% w Nit.474 ma. afmeist a n aArm er Oast WM...MI 91311413. WE

armed e ,..araws wpm, 1a flu**pomp liorinan 111f wao Imo. MIX POcned 1111. a,1 1:11dgrV ifk

Former Williams Air Force BaseMesa, Arizona

ST035 Site Location MapFIGURE


&neeIntegrity Service Excellence 40

1541 Williams AR # Page 48 of 75

Site ST035 Site Background

Building 760 gas station and oil/water separatorGas dispensing until 1986

. Tank and dispensing equipment removed in 1993-1994Oil/water separator removed in 1996

Vadose zone soil COC. Benzene

Groundwater COCs. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX). 1,2 -Dibromoethane (EDB)

Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE)1,2-Dichloroethane (DCA)

Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) system to treat COCs in vadosezone soil in operationSite cleanup regulated by ADEQ under Leaking UndergroundStorage Tank (LUST) regulation (R18-12-263.04)

Integrity - Service - Excellence

t\ve, Site ST035 Groundwater Monitoring Update4* May 2012 Groundwater Flow Direction

GvetnConred INen.r

d Row I. MOPam.041

1. Utwimeri 14 tear.

C100.0=0.102,11:07, We.I. OMR.

ear-rannt Ge mu anONEWw. ,n,1[G0 k a1 0

amecr, _.......d..

403 NplonlImK bal 020.0.:0a .


Potentomelnc Surface Map

May 2012

1541 Williams AR # Page 50 of 75Iwe// Site ST035 Groundwater Monitoring UpdateMay 2012 Sampling Event

. 13 wells sampled

. Benzene detected in 9 wells, exceeded AWQS/MCL of 5 ilg/L in1 well

1,2 -dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) exceeded ADEQ/MCL regulatorylevels in 4 wells

Concentrations of MTBE and EDB continue to be belowADEQ/MCL regulatory levels in all wells

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 51 of 75

1 Site ST035 Groundwater Monitoring Update4.* May 2012 Sampling Results

8760 -heNOS


SW. Result

1.2-01c hlauelhane {DCA)


ADEQ Tier 1COC SW. Re suit

1 2.Cachlurvelhane (OCA) 5 14



Std. Result

1 2-Dichl.ofoethane (DCA) 5 24

B760-MW 12


ADEQ Tler 1Std. Result

Benzene 5 5.6

B7604AW 17

COCAOS0 Tler 1

Std. Result

1 2-Dchloroethane (DCA) 510-

F num-I O..,


L.P., b F q..; 7604.1


Ilkorlerd,1. ...lien

P.14.10 01.71.4fte

MelSel nis0PI7 PIM Kapp*UV 'NW OWN.) AM. 1...15.F. WOE MN CI ',Ir. C.:.Ce.r:,, km, Urers 14t

n. .1.0E0 2947J


4W, ". M'awpo. Srme


COC Exceed a nces

May 2012

1...iner VW-m*4 An FrA. SSw

vac. Fcure 3-3

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 52 of 75

Site ST035 Groundwater Summary

Concentrations of benzene, 1-2-DCA, and MTBE in source areahave significantly decreased since SVE startup in 2010

. Toluene, Xylenes, MTBE, and EDB below AWQS/MCL in allwells

Next quarterly groundwater sampling August 2012

Integrity - Service - Excellence


Corrective Action Standards

1541 Williams AR # Page 53 of 75

Site ST035 Source AreaConcentrations since 2008






Benzene, 1,2-DCA and MTBE in Source Area

Benzene. 1,2 DCA

Jan-011 ui -03 Fab -09 Aug-09 Mar-10 Sep-10Date

Apr-1.1 Nov-11



May-12 Dec-12

Integrity - Service - Excellence 46

1541 Williams AR # Page 54 of 75

Site STO35 SVE System Update4.;April-June 2012

98.6% operational uptime

Petroleum Hydrocarbons (PHC) removed - 878 gallons

7 of 15 SVE wells continue in operation

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 55 of 75

qi Site ST035 SVE System Performance













The value above the bar represents thepercentage of time the system wasoperational during that sampling period.

96.88%90.63% 99.54% 99.50%

6411.1 r 99.89% 96.% 100.00% 100.00%

93186% I I




Monthly sampling was changed toquarterly beginning in 2012



NC) ' ,\ N' NI' RI'15) 1Q' /.° 151 rP rt.° 15) 19 IP 19 ,P 19' r19


06 04 cfr s2P ,10 7.0 yc* 0 1,03 ez0 \,04 ok

G a i.o ns











Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 56 of 75

Site ST035 SVE System Summary

. Average mass removal of PHC stable to slightly declining asexpected

. Nearly 16,000 gallons of PHC removed to date

SVE system continues operation within permit emissionrequirements

. Next performance sampling August 2012

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 57 of 75

Site ST035 Path Forward

In Well Air Stripping (IWAS) / Groundwater CharacterizationWork Plan under final ADEQ review

Characterization and 1WAS remedial action- Fall/Winter 2012. Planning and coordination-Aug-Sept 2012. Well Installation- Oct-No 2012

Well sampling-Jan-Feb 2013

Continue SVE operation and groundwater monitoring

Site closure under LUST regulation (R18-12-263.04)

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 58 of 75

Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Site ST012, FormerLiquid FuelsStorage Area

1541 Williams AR # Page 59 of 75

Site ST012 Location Map


ST012 Boundary

C:1 Former William s AFB Boundary

C[5 05 1


Joe Na. glom cooPM. EWDate. O5N9e2012celF =0.5-rei5e A

Tit Zp I OM. 1.0.4 PR. 4. WM* 714 470410124I Irrly git II.MIK olul md .11111.11. 71. sap40974..,470,1.Y.4 Ma.11.01r..163141.1.pan, Ile W.nap 4..2 .Au rq. trr or.F LW M= pp...11010WarK r illprird 1..11.04st

Pecos -Rd

Former Williams Air Force BaseMesa, Arizona

ST012 Site Location MapFIGURE


&neeIntegrity - Service - Excellence 52

1541 Williams AR # Page 60 of 75

Site ST012 Site Background

Former liquid fuels storage operation

19 USTs and piping were removed in 1990

COCs in soil and groundwater are petroleum hydrocarbons andbenzene

Shallow soil (< 25 feet deep) cleanup achieved: OU-2 ROD 1992

Deep vadose zone soil (> 25 feet deep) currently being treatedby SVE: OU-2 ROD 1992

Groundwater pump and treat remedy ineffective

Current water table at 1154 feet up from -245 feet in 1978

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 61 of 75

Site ST012 SVE System Update

April-June 2012

95% operational uptime

PHC removed - 2,225 gallons

10 of 27 SVE wells are in operation

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 62 of 75

Site ST012 SVE SystemPerformance Reporting









40 000



Figure 4-1. Hydrocarbon Mass Removal by SVE System



The value above each bar representsthe percentage of time the SVE systemwas operational during that quarter.

For the 1st quarter of 2010. thesystem only operated from 23February through 31 March.


i 11,11,1,,1




.-Fre ifftee-e4401,Noteeleele",,,,A6Vi6e,OP" cIR c,9SfijNO .4 ,NV5:12Ptt? ,049 OP,

C6 2$ v4 Oe 06" 1 vY 06 pS 04Y 1 0 0 0' OlY 1 0aim ouarleoly Mass Hemmed - Cumulative Volume Removed


250 000




50 000


Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 63 of 75

Site ST012 SVE System Summary

Mass removal rate continues to decrease

PHC removed to date 256,000 gallons

Next SVE performance monitoring August 2012

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 64 of 75

Site ST012 GroundwaterContainment System

Existing extraction wells and equipment configured to allowoperation of a modified pump-and-treat system

Lower Saturated Zone (LSZ) extraction wells targeted forpumping

Containment system configuration initiated in Fall 2011

Extraction operation began in January 2012

Integrity - Service - Excellence

3.000 lb.CarbonVessel

1541 Williams AR # Page 65 of 75

ST012 Groundwater Containment System

Process Flow Diagram

Oil WaterSeparator

Non-Aqueous Phase

Aqueous Phase

Offsite Disposal

> Temporary


'D6.000 Gallon


attridge Bag Transfer PumpFilter Filter (Internuttem Flow

a f75 spar) To Sanitary Sewer


Extraction I TO17 5 -GAC.-INTPumps


Flownieter Flowmeter


Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 66 of 75

Site ST012 Groundwater Containment System

LSZ Potentiometric Surface MapNovember 2011


CL7hear, R..,

Pm. Ux



1...10 r0....01F Pineter

fir., IX-cur. V1.3.421 00.re PL-20


ST012 C.ontainment SystemPre-System StartupLSZ Potenbornetric

Surface MapNovember ?oil

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 67 of 75

Site ST012 Groundwater Containment System

LSZ Potentiometric Surface MapMarch 2012



Ingrgn ...gm11-nr 111. MMIMML

Imw riming 11wim =111113 OA Wrenn. WInlWins= Wm. Wu n=13w1 Man MEW

.n.nrw ,rmg,

..51 ...WE, Grim WE10m. =13

nrommormIr =I

m W= wimmwwwgm gy

mmm. r winign

.g...nrgin worn dW1 WM,

3T012 Containment SystemLSZ Potentiometric

Surface Map19 March 2012

ForerilntlaaAr Fills eais

F611.11.2 5a

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 68 of 75

Site ST012 Groundwater Containment System

LSZ Potentiometric Surface MapMay 2012

r" -of era4o4C


ma me Orna.arr.6







/ 2:NM 1

ri 4. MS

.0111. M1INN 1.11V

4-,12 mom.,....0.


IIIMMVINFIM.I.1.11. IMMO...111.11=1.111/1. a

maioI-1 oinowarg

ST012 Containment SystemLSZ Potentiometnc

Surface Map21 May 2012

Foriw mums Al FORM BM*ow

I, -: F9.14 %-X

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 69 of 75

Site ST012 GroundwaterContainment System

Extraction activities influence the potentiometric surface inLSZ

5.7 million gallons of groundwater extracted and treated fromJanuary through June 2012

110 pounds of benzene removed through June 2012

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 70 of 75

Site ST012 Path Forward

Air Force preparing response to ADEQIEPA comments onFocused Feasibility Study

Proposed Plan/public comment Winter 2012

Record of Decision - Spring 2013

Remedial Design/Remedial Action Fall 2013

Ongoing groundwater and SVE performance monitoring

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 71 of 75

Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Contracting Updates

Presented by:Ms. Michelle Lewis


1541 Williams AR # Page 72 of 75

Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Meeting Wrap-Up

Presented by:Mr. Len Fuchs/ Ms. Michelle Lewis

RAB Community Co-Chairmenand Scott Johnston, Napkin Communications

1541 Williams AR # Page 73 of 75

Meeting Wrap-Up

Review action items

Call for agenda items for next RAB meeting

Schedule next RAB meeting (Proposed dateNovember 13, 2012)

Meeting adjourned

Integrity - Service - Excellence

1541 Williams AR # Page 74 of 75

Headquarters U.S. Air ForceIntegrity - Service - Excellence

Meeting Adjourned