William F. Schmidt, P.S. T.C., Chairman, Tall Cedars of ... · Ward will be in l'tl.Il swing in the...

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Transcript of William F. Schmidt, P.S. T.C., Chairman, Tall Cedars of ... · Ward will be in l'tl.Il swing in the...

William F. Schmidt, P.S. T.C., Chairman, Tall Cedars of Lebanon Muscular Distrophy Fund

Sec. 34.66 P. L. & R.

'1 And I said to the man nho stood at the gate of

the year - •Give me a Light that I may tread safely into the unknown.' And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness and put thine hand into the hand of GOD - that shall be to thee better than light and safer than a known way• ;i. 1.~ . L. Haskins


As a Tall Cedar of Lebanon, wherever you live, To our National ObJective, you're expected to give

A personal donation, there is no fixed fee, In our V7holehearted effort against l!luscular


So, I said to myself, ~ell, what can I give To this worth~hile proJect, so that others Imy

live I stop to consider, then come up with the anfrner Against a ruthless killer, no less deadly than


! 111 reach in my pocket, give ell that I can, Be it 1, 5. 10, 20, or even a GR.AND,

Then v.hat I have given, I 1m going to have Judged, By looking in a mirror and saying YOU ARE TEE JUDGE.

Do you think I have given - all that I can, As I stand here before you, truly, men to D1ln?

I know that your ansVler can only be true For there is no one ';Yho knor:s me - better than you.

The Judgment completed and I've done quite alright, In the Tell Cedars of Lebanon Muscular Dystrophy

fight, God grant you contentment, that only comes dear

brother When you have given YOUR ALL, to help another.

Bard of Spring City Forest, No. 34 --000000000--

"As the purse is emptied the heart is filled. 11

Victor Hugo "Charity is the perfect ion and ornament of religion. 11


"Brotherly Love · "Relief'" and ''Truth: ..

Betll•een (ebars Published rr..onthly in an endeavor to unify and

further the grov1th or Cedarism; urge ~i,a sons to re­dedieate thanselves anew to the Tenets of Freemas­onry; and assist Tall Cedarism in ac~ievi~ its National Cbjective _nThe establishment and ~in­tenan.ce of Research Laboratories to combat that ilKiller Disease .. MUS;ULAR DYSTROPHY.

:===:::;;::=======:..=~Wm. Homer Carroll

FROf.1 OUR CH.URMAN - - --- h - • • · · -

Dear Homer: I n rite you at thi s t itre to extend my

thanks and appreciation for the splendid coopera­tion 11Between Cedars·• has given us in covering so ably our National ObJective - Euscu!ar Dystrophy.

On Christmas Day I visitea five ci' our ¥oung­sters who are either r:heel chair or bed riuaen; and one nru.st see these youngsters to fully appr~ciate the urgent need for imrne<liate act ion. One- lit tle fellow was in bed and had Just received a Ho~along Ca ssidy outfit. The hat was on his head and in his hand 't'!8s the pistol; he wanted to ~hon me ho,, the pistol worked. To b~in with1 he had difficult y in fiolding the gun, and even wi~h the aid -0f his other hand, he did not have the strength to pull the t rig­g~r. He could no longer speak, oecause even his ~roat muscles n ere gone.-This boy will not see the Spring. In each case I visited l could recite simi­l~r eXIJeriences. This multiplied by the thousands g1ves us sqma id~a of the magnitude of the need for action.

I sincerely hope that the newly elected officers of those forests ~no have not done nru.ch thus rar will dedicate themselves to the task of put ting iheir forests over the top by Convention Time.

THE NEED IS GREAT. In the very near :ruture I will be able to giv~ you further infonnation on the won­derful ~ofress bein~ made in the ·establishment of ~~:if that1i~~gui~gaY1;~tr~~e~~1~fir~~sr~~~Ythe Ward will be in l'tl.Il swing in the interest of finding a cure for this disease.

·v11 th kindest personal regards, Cedarly yourst

1i1ILLIAY F. SCHMIIJI' Cha irmai.1. •




Congratulations Clyde F. Linton upon your ele­vation to Grand Tall. Thanks Clyde for the excerpts from speech delivered in Congress by Honorable Clyde Doyle of California on Nruscular Dystrophy. It is to be noted these excerpts were forwarded in neat form and V7 itla an urgent apneal to all imtnters of' No. 104, and some of them are set forth herein:-

11There are 200,000 lives at stake. These 200,000 persons of' whom I speak are doomed to die***unless research in the laboratories by a handful of devoted men can save them. A generation ago, there were less than 20, 000 persons kno1;m to be suf'ferers from Muscu­lar Dystrophy. Nou there are 200,000 victims ** they all face a hopeless battle to live out their lives unless some ne~ agency of research and sci*ntific study can f'ind a control :for the disease. ' there is no known treatment for this affliction; there is no known cure • 01

111.:ore than 50 percent of victims in the U.S. are children betv1een 3 and 13 years of age. Few of these children ~ill ever reach adolescence. Little boys outnumber the girls almost 5 to 1. It is a dis­ease which brings about complete degeneration of the nruscles of the liuman body. The disease is a progress­ive disease. It attacks the voluntary DJ.lscles,being chiefly noticeable in the incbilitf of little boys to nalk prqp9rly, to keep their ba ancet to learn to climb stairs to get up when they fall aoon. The disease---atiacks muscles of the body, one group at a time, and generally first depriving the legs of power~ until motor paralysis of the oody is complete.

fllese stricken little bQys·, often from the Nation s best families, and orten amo:qg the bright­est and most J?IDmising of our country's children, are victims Ofi a disease whose cause and mture are both unknown.

Lancelot (Love rboy) VI . Bartley, P.G.T. of this Forest was the first Cedar to contribute toV18rds the cdost of BEYv1EEN CED.A.RS, having banded your ED a ten ollar bill.


Deal' Mr. Cal'roll: December 13, 1951

Your note and your December issue of "Between Cedars;; we re most ~elcome. Believe me, we are truly inspired by the help which the Tall Ce­da~s are giving us and when we see the sin~ere eff'ort being pu:t fortn as re:flected in your beautiful poem

BETWEEN CEDARS _________ _2

and your wonderful appeal, we are heartened. the cure cannot b e far off when ne can count on such re­sources as t he members of the Tall Cedar.s of Lebanon .

Thank you fo r everything and with our everlasting gratitude.

Sincerely yours, /s/ Michael E. Freelund

Executive Director . 11

ED is note - Cedars please read arii rereadi then re -read once more the above lines - they are ooking to Ceda ri sm to c ome through - we ~1JST NOT FAII - ma Re a sacrifice a n d send a che~k or mon.ey order NOVI to Her­nBn V!illaredt, PS'I\'::, Mont Cl a re, Fa . and urge your Brother Cedars to do likev1ise. Your Forest will re­ceive due credit._ Open up your hearts to real need.

11As vre have therefore ou1

po7tuni ty, let us do good unt-o all men. Ga • o: 10 .iFollov.· after CHAHITY, and desire spiritua l gifts." I Cor. 14:1


Our hat is · off to ·. ·c s t e rl y Fore s t for the fine job the v are doing in raising fund9 for Q.ur r,;uscular Dystropny Fund, unde r the legdership of Ross Aiello, a Director of Our Muscular D.%. trophy Fund, Inc. , Joe Law and P.G.T.C. Claud e L . ba1ne .

On 20 November, 'The Pawcatuck Valley Homan is Club gave their 7th Annual Concert in the Stonington High School Auditorium for the benefit.of our Muscu­lar Dystrophy Fund. Mary Freeman 1 Harpist, YJas the featured Soloist during the evening. It is .noted from the beautiful and most attractive ~rogram for­warded by Claude Maine, that Mrs. Ross ll_ieilo was a member of the Chorus and the Se:xtette which was also featured during the concert .

The proceeds from this wonderful Concert, so gra­ciously given by these good Ladies for the benefit of our l'~ational Qbj~ctive, brought 1Jeste,;rlyis total con­tribution to ) ~,!:Jtl., or approximately :;p,5. per member. This truly establishes a mark for other Forests to shoot at . Cedars does the above not make you feel like taking off your co at, rolling up your sleeves, and turning to with a will to work for our National ObJective. Three rousing cheers for Westerly.


Ovr hearti~st congratulationp to BridgetQn for becoming the 11th forest to reacn its quo~a ror our

l>iuscular DystroIJhY Fund and ma~dng the Esmor Roll of BJ:TWEEN C:EDA.:r.S before the clore of l))l.

Thus ·ne ring dovm t~ curtain on · 1951 with only 17 Forests within the 1 quota" fold. This Brother Cedars was far short of the gonl set by our Supre111e Tall l.iedar .John r.r.cFzul. 'rye are no':'! in 1952 - let .' s _ try and have all Forests on the :Ionor Roll by the · time we i!ji t her in Atlantic City on 22 ~-~a¥ for our Supreme Fores.t Eeeting. Our Supreme Scribe Edmund Reeves is a member of Bridgeton For~st as is Fra:ck­lin Hill, District Representative_, District One.

----------·-~ ~


Yes, to Brother F. a. G118Y of Gray Concrete Pipe Co., Inc., 209 Randol:PlJ. Street, T~omasville, N.C. for his generous contribution of ~100. to our Muscular Dystrophy Fund. It ~s contributions such as this, and E!imilar cqntribut·ionsAfrom other Cedars which has enabled us to reach tl'le . w.20,000 mark as the old year ended. · ·. · ··

The followi. ng -is an excerpt from PSTC Jil liam F. Schmidt's lettElt' to Tall Cedar Gray:

"On Christmas Day I visited 5 of our children who are bedridden w1 th Muscular Dystrophy; one of them will not see another Spring. There are t~usands more like tt. I have seen many ceses of thi$ disea~ and if you couJ.d have been with me, you would have · rea 1 iZed how much ycu:n generous gift means in our · e_f­fort to find a cure~ I am sure our Heavenly Father must have sent His blessing upon you and rmde l~~I Chri.stnas Season JUst that much more merrier ·.* -·. "

--------------"RICHMOND FOREST NO. 66 .

Past District Representative Stewart .T. Roberts6n on 29 November, with most fitting ce!'emonies was :rmde an Hono:m.ryMember of' Richmond Forest. Robbie as he is af'fectionately called ts a member of New Brunswick Forest No. 12. · · · ·

TV7o good slogans in ]for.est 's "BREEzy NEcrsii_ "Send in ~he dough and watch ~6 grou ~ n in conne.ct ion w~ th rem1 ssion of . dues; a11d ' If' you intend to move 1 f?:ive . your Scribe a break - let him in on the secre't.'

I.zys_tecy 117fho w~nt off' with viro~ overcost at Nov­ember lv.ieeting leaving Harold 'PYrell and Fenton LeBlanc in the cold.,~ s~ns ov~rcoat?" Shame on you Cedar.

FEBRUARY lbth - tl:30 p.m. at Boulevard Hotel, in Grant City, Stat en Island, the Forest will sponsor a DANCE for the benefit of our Muscular Dystrophy Fund.

BET\TEEN CE:UARS .5 A Chanter's Group--has ;been organized in Richmond

Forest, u ith Bob {,foVlcker as Direc'tor and Carl Tb.omp son as Pre sident. The Chanters rehe a rse each Friday night at YJas a Luthera,n· Church in Port Richmond • . ir1e expect ~o s ee a¢ hear this gt-oup on TV soon . p1ug ing our Na.t1onal Objective • . Good: luck Cedars. · ·

'£he Forest 7.s -ladies· Auxilia ry has or1?ani zed a · Bowli:r:ig League arr.ong its members and .bowl'. each Thurs­day night. These good ladies ·h ave been wor k ing ha rd for our National Objective. -At ChristJ.Ua s Ti me they manned booths to solicit and r e ceive <X>ntributions for our Muscular Dystrophy Fund, to which th~y h ave already contributed~ 'Pe need more ·of this. cooJEra­tion Ladies in a ll Forest s to0

• essUI'e t h e succe s s of our National Objective. · ·An-orchid to. ~ youse girls too.

~---- -- ·---7-~-· -OUR SYNiPATHY: - -.. .. ~ ... ~~-"-:""' ..

Our dee re s t s ymPt:?- t hy t .o · Grand T~ll . (Zlect) of' W.i0nt­gomery lt'orest 1'Jo •. 134, over the loss of l:lis mother. ·

;'In the _v.or-ld ye shall have tribulation: but be of good che er; I ha ve overcome . the world. 11 .J"ohn lb:33 ·


Al F. Rick born :tBs taken over 'the he l m as Grand Tall and in his letter asrure$ your Ed that the rais­ing of Funds· f'or our National ObJective will be No. 1 on the Forest Age:ida and that one third . of t h e rre mbers have contributed t o da t e. Adds that he ;;as pleasantly surprised to hear Dennis James on the Old Cold Program make an 8ILl1ounceme nt about our National ObJective. The new Jr. D.G.T.C. is Herbert Danielson. Thanks far the let_ter Al and test wishes for a 100st successf'ul year.

PENNS GROVE FOREST NO. 51 · Cong:retulations to Milton DuBois, the new Grand

TaU Cedar; to .Tim Malley upon bei~ elevated to Sr.D. G.T.C . and to Emanuel Cooper upon his election as .Tr. D.G..T.C.; also t0 Ernie Heverin upon being elected as Treasurer a nd L:c.:·rie Patterson as Trustee .

The Ladi es Auxiliary entertain~d their husbands at a . Christma s Party and contributed )2.5 . to our Muscular Dystrophy Fund. Thanks for the help girls - fill)l work.

During the year 19.51 the Forest contributed :)4 00. . to cha. ·rity and conmunity service in addition to helping the good Eastern Stars to purchase new tables for the Temple; alro J:>Urchased a P . B. System. Contributed its quota i:;o Ou:r Nat ioml Objective and made Honor Roll.

P.G.T.C . Phillip E. Griffith ms been appo inted


Chairman of the Forest's Musculnr DystroJ)hy Fund Com­mittee for 195i. Good luck and success Phil.

This Forest gives a Defense Bond to each ~mber who brings in 10 new members. This is truly en in­centive !'or members to sell Cedarisr.1 to their friends.


God, give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;

Men whom the lust of o:ffice does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;

Men who possess opinions and a will; Men wllo have honor.; i:::en who will not lie; Men i·1ho co.n stand oerore a demagogue

.And drunn his treacherous flatteries without winking? Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog

In public duty and in private thinking; For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds, Their large professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom Tieeps,

Wrong rules the land rmd wei ting J"ustice sleeps." Josiah Gilbert Holland


To Past Grand Tall Cedar ~rnest Bischoff of York Forest No. 30, goes an "orchid for his willing and truly lo~l service to Cedarism and our National OD­jective, in printing gratuitously five hundred (500) envelopes for use of PS'IC Herman ~-! illaredt, Treasurer o:f our Muscular Dystrophy Fund for his use in the per­formance of his official duties. Our pro1'0und thanks and appreciation Ernie for this fine gesture and your help. It is acts such as yours that will assure suc­cess.

h 11 All service is eguall:y honor.able 1 but to everyone

w o does his best wi tli a willing hear-c; and mind the Great Master will say t '1i'1ell done, good and f'ai thful servant, thou ahal t have a great reward 111 • Cedarism.

------..---------BETIILEHEt.1 FOR~ST NO. 61

d PSTC Har:ry L. Dillinger advises that the Tall Ce­

ars of Be~hlehem, Pa., on New Year's Day xoove d into their new .i4o

1ooo. home and that the 11111elcome 11 sign is

out to all Ta 1 Cedars and their friends. Cedars ac­cept this cordial invitation and visit your Brethern up Bethlehem way. Note this Cedars "The noted Xmas decocra tions in Bethlehem cover 9 c~ty m.iles~_making the ity truly a F3.irylar.d. A large star p.Laced on

BE'TilEEN CEDAR?._~-----------2-

the top of a peak which can be .seen for twenty-t1P.o miles. The City's Christmas Tree is made of 142 small trees on which are placed approximately ~,200 electric bulbs. Thousands of visitors VIend tneir way to Bethlehem .each Christmas to vie11 the wonderful displav. - ·1,ocks like Tie have been missing a Christ­rras treat Ceclars - v7e too should Bend our vmy to old Bethlehem like the 'ii ise ) en did to a Sacred Bethle­hem nearly tvro thousand years a~ . Ths nlcs HaJ::.ry for the lovely Christroos 0ard am the inforrna ti on.


"I dream a .. world- v1here man, __ Ho bther rnfm 7I_ill .scorn, . _. :c11ere love Tii 11 bless the eert h,

· ··. · .And pea ce its r;e th adorn-. · - · Langston Hughes

Had , a fine :letter from the N~ff' Grar:td !J'all· ·Harry .. I. Ro"get1:1 afirl · he in no . uncerte.in ter:ns states that our NatiOnol ObJective .is No. l on their agenda, and as a matter of emphasis he sta t,es that the Forest is norking fe '.ier).s.l-J.ly, rehearsinv. for t!le C-...'11a i:instrel Sho7! which nEl be ste@:ld in 'the rorylanG. Casualty superb audi torh:.m 011 FEBRU.A..ttY 19th t:ind .20th for. the Muscular Dystrophy .Fund - further the Forest I,micheon Club has a douted the i:-;orthy cause a,nd on 9 January · . the speaker nc s a Doctor familiar· ':i i th !·~ .n.· from the Johns Hopkins Hosnitel -;;ho sho:-;ed fil=.. on the dreaded disease - still :'1irthcr on ..January 31st our Nat ionel Obje9tive ···il::!.. be Plugged ·21 th~ Forest ts Ma ster l·~as­on Night to be hela in the ,::ith Hegiment Armory. At all affairs the old Pyramid will l5e passed ana roonies" solicited. Fine vrork Ijnrr1 ~-,~ uill try and be v1ith you on 31st and 19th - bes~ o' luck in. your efforts for .El most ..-rorthy undertaking by .Cedar ism. .. .

Poul M. Dunlap is the nen .Jr.D.T.C. for 195·2. On 2.5 November the Forest held a marvelous and

most impressive 1.~emorial Service at Hampton Methodist Churcnt on Falls Road A ryhich ~as attended by more than l)_;iO Ceqors. Unironned bodies in uniform added color to the evening 1 and ri th the a1;tendance 0£ the f2.milies of members the Church ...-ms filled to ov~r- . flo::in:;;_. The sermon >1as delivered by .. Rev~ 1.\al"ph ~ - - . ,.'ott, rastor of the Qhurch.

The Chanters furnished the I!lUsical selections under the able l63dershiP · of Ric.ta rd Ball. G.T.C. Chester N. Phillips conducted the Eeri'.orial Service assisted bY. Harry I. Rogers, SrDGT; Cmrles H. Cover, JrDGT; J. >,fatten rlcClellen, Scribe; :Im. B. Stenart, Treasurer; Rev. Rea ':7 . Mar-c:;ln, Forest Chaplain. and Rev. Elmer Baker, Assistant For est ·Ghapla in. The Church vras oo autifully decorated with palms and cut

8 . BET .. !BEI\J DEDJLL{S -------------- ---------· flowers. The processional and reM ssional v1ere under the capable leadership of Parade Marshal E. A. Hurlock. ·

"O God our help in ages · past, Our hope for years to · come,

Be Thou· our guide while life shall last, And our e ter.nal home. ··

· On 26 February the Forest y;ill hold its first Ceremonial of -the Ne v; Year· in the imposing Alca-zar in Baltimore. . -- · . .

On 26 I.':arch a ; ;F~th~rs, Sons and Daughters Night ·· will be held by the· .Fores:t in the large and spacious Fifth Regiment A:pnory. .

Looks.like Harry and his b,000 odd irembers are starting off with a bang - good luck Harry.



Per,cy t. oa11as has occunied .the Ea st in . rrrenton Forest as the Grand 'l'a·11 Ge'ctal'.' .for 19.52, ' and knowing what Percy ha:s ·in mind for, ·the year. · you can ·ex~ct a . banner ~ear for No. 4 .• . ·" · : . ·

· .en .?9 J:Jebruary,_ the .l!Orest vzill hold . Roy~l Court Night a.nd ;;1e nope that they have .a -l~rge cla·:s:s o'f Hewers to Yii tness the beautiful artd most impressive· ritualistic •aork. It ~1 6.Uld -be a good. r.e solution ' for we. Cedars to visit other F?rests du~ing 19.52. . . · .·

., · .. ~GOMERY FOREST NO. 134

J. Dwight Cook, _the new Grand Tall and his Color Guard .under l .eadership of PGTC Layton Einer are going to hold ·a Solla.re· .IR:l.nce for. the benefit ?f our Na~ional ObJective·. • .Orville · J ~. l'.''.ontgo100ry is the ne vi Sr.D.G.T.C._ and J. :tvtyron Jcmes, J~DGTC.

Yes! Cedar.s our little paper BET·,'fEEN CED.A.RS last issue wendea its way beyond the continental ~imits, the first copy goin~ to a . b~other serving in Korea. The number going ·ove·rseas· ' will in­crease a~d. will constitute .a. 11Link" 'binding U:s t<? · ·., our Brother Cedars sorrewhere Over There •

. INTERESTING._· On 2 · .Tanuary~ Tall Ceci.a .c 'George<tee or No.139

_________ B_E"_b_IE_EN _C_EDAR_S ____ ____ 2_

brother of Neviman S. L~e. Chairman of S.F. Publicity Comnittee, was installed as ~.-'orshipful Master of 1fest Gate Lodge No. 220, A.F. & A. NI.i Mt. Ranier, Maryland' and Brother Tall Cedars , a 1 from Prince Georges Forest, Howard A. Gaod as Secreta:rv, 'rilliam Gwinn as .Junior '.7arden, Paul Stout as .Tunior Deacon, CJ.ayton Barlov1 a;;,,_ Junior Steward1 and Richard 'i'il­liams as 'I'iler. inere i'Jas a lar~ti dele~t ion of Tall Cedars present and Grand Tall s· ... inson of' No . 139 and your 2d spoke and gave CedarisrJ a boost.

Tall Cedars Charles -\·; • .Tohnson , v1as installed as 1.-ro.rshipful Laster -of Silver Sprin.r. Lodge No. 215, A. F. & A.1,1., Silver Spring, Marylan~ , and 2 d Hamilton as Senior "·!arden, George · 'erner as .Tunior ':.·arden, J. Melvin Miller as Senior Deacon and Paul Thompron as Tiler, all n:embers of Montgomery Forest No . 134 .

Tall Ceda rs Leslie Foltz was installed. as · ·or­shiJ>ful Laster of Kensington Lodge No . l~ t5, Floyd Fun!tllouser as Secretarr, are mal!l!'ers or .~ontg<?mery

. Forest as are Past ~ . Ias vers J;lbert Kroll, Or.,nlle Montgonery, J'ohn Price and Leonard Daymude. · J,, Tracey Hankins .,:ie s installed as Senior War-d~. ~! illiem Mort i!ller as Se.c~tary,.1, Russell Ripka as Senior veacon Glarence ~rice PuTC as .Tunior Deac'on1

1!Jilliam Lo· 1e as Senior Ste'!lard. and Harold Benne ti; as 'Iiler or I,~ount Hermon Lodge No . 179, . in Hyatt~ville, Maryland . All are rrembe:- s of Prince Georges Forest Ho. 139 as is Jr. ~.M. E.I. Rohrer.

>,:- .. '~~::: * ,;;~******

"To relieve the distressed is a duty incumbent on all men, but particularly on Masons, who are linked together by an indissoluble chain of sincere affection. To soothe the unhappy, to sympathize with their misfortunes, to compassionate their mis­eries, and to restore peace to their troubled minds is the great aim we have in view. On this basis ne _ form our friendships and establish: .our connections•!

· Ma:soni c Dogma

FRIENDSHIP FOREST NO. 146 ---·-·------ --Letter trom Bil~ 'l'ho:rms novi a P.G.'i'. and in the

proverbial •ash can· explains error in Bulletin re nevi Forest at New Kensington, Pa., indicating that el,tber he doesu't hear v1ell or SrSTC Doc Reichard, no SP'! ake da H:t english on Ladies Night; explained larnentingly that :t'ailure of Friendsliip to oo Honor Roll was due to overburdened Scribe (shame on you Milt Hillrer) not getting cheg_ue to Herm --·u1aredt; but that the Forest ~ill be oack on Roll this is­sue. Bravo Friendship we knew you vrould not fail.

Bill Thomas has been nede a Trustee and will continue to be Edi tor or CEDAR CHIPS, the Forest is excellent and attractive paper which is paying o.ff.

10 BETW~~'T CEDA..~S

Feb~uary 2~tl the Forest will hold a Ladies Nite ('lfalent1ne Pari:r and on Earch C:4th , Sidonian Degree Tiill be striking ¥ exemnlifie d et their regular meet­ing in old C'uaker,o~n, Pa.

The Rangers throush their ov.n efforts and without expenditure of Forest Funds secured unifor~s which thef are nov: ':learinf':. ;!ill display them and their a­bility to drill at Pork and Sauerkraut Suppe~ the Rangers ar~ holding on 9 February from 4 to ~ at a charge of "l l.25 per person. This is sor:ething Ceda rs we should atten.d and sample that fine Penna Dutch food.

B~ll and his channing ~ife state the~ enJoy BE­TIIEEN CEDA-::?S and tho~ht it -r1as n good iaea for your ED to stick his wrinkled mug on the cover so all could see Tihat a horrible l0oking bloke was publish­int:; the little Cedar paper.


Cn 16 J"anuary at the Nevi Century Club in ·J est Chester, Pa., 'i' . Phillips Conrad waa. duly inst a lled as Grand '1'811 and wielder of the Forest's m::i.ssive gavel. Russell C • .Mosteller as Sr.L.G.T., ·Hillard ;J. Trez ise as Jr. D.G.T.c., Roy 1IT. Thompson as Scribe succeeding Arthur R. McClure and John ~ De.rlington as Trea surer succeeding ~illiam Ed~r Powell uho was installed as Trustee. Congratula~ions and good luck Ce~ars.

Look out ' ... est Chester or you will be out-done -you should see the roonstrosity of a gavel presented to Grand Tall 4 x 4 Stinson of Prince Georges. They are going to build a box to stand on so he can see over the altar nnd wield the gavel. Believe me he is the shorest Tall Cedar '1e ~var sa' ... - but a live n ire one as all good things come in small packages, so it is said.

Congratulations on making M.D.F. Honor Roll.


Tallllcasdtalking theo the son Qf a very ~ctive Mason and

e ar the ot r day and upqn asnng him what ).edge he belonged to, he replied instan'taneously NCNE . t7hen asked mtyne gave this ansner uhi-Ch has been the same given to Your ED by others: ilBecause lodges, or­ganiz~tions and Churches are the breeding place of on­yyd t. hate, jealousy, disuni_on anfi enemies. •1 Then he ad-ea this as others have done, 1 Therels too much kni'f'-

1ng in t~e back and folks hate to see someone do.ing something, there's jealousy and resultant quarrels."

)Io'\'1 would you ansvier these people, all o-f whom are solid, rooral, honest and serious tninking humans?


. . The ·roreg¢ ing-·is ··fni:J:y -~-sad 'commentary and is- ·: a challen~e 1;'0 · ev"ery l1lason, ·Ta:tl · Cedar, Church :Men­ber and· tne )Jleml:er of every-organization. No mnder the vre:r:-1-d'is at tl:e cross roads of disaster - too much th<?~ght of seli'. am not eno1,1gh thought given to the other · fel1ow - v1e have · forgotten the tv10 bears-bea·r and forebear. -' . · · ... . _ . Is th_e· fo1lcr.ri~·g meaningless·, due in. a great measure to - the man1festat ion. of the despicaole snir­it I am going to get mine come. vihat my and to tne devil vri th · the · other guy, "AMONG ;.·moM NO CONTENTION SHOUID EVER EXIST, EXCEPT THAT NOBIE CONTENTION OR RATHER K'li"Lf}TICN.1. - OF iffiO C:Afl BEST '!ORK AND BEST A­GREE. •i . and ' HYP0CRI$Y ANL DECEIT ARE UNKNOWN AMONG ~,.:Z. SillCd:RITY. AND. PLAIN DEALING DISTINGUI-sH US, MID Tm; HEART- k'ID TONGUE J'OIN. IN FROM.'JTilm EACH OT!iERS Y'ELF~, M.11) nt. ~E!OICING I.N EACH Q~ S ~SPEH­ITY•''????? Gtve ;!,t S0\11~ thought Ceaars and .. ~;asop.s • . - ~ ~ . .,. .

---- .---:----~-

. .' LoSING OUT ... _____ _,_ . . ~ ~

Via: r~dio ~ Tl. and press, · hel:p -f:ar t .ha · vie tims­of 1':uscular D~tro_phy .is being req~e stedi even. in the Ralls of vO'ngress an appe.al < arises for .SO.l:'e a­gency to. ccme T-ortlard ·_a_nti sponsor · these unror:j;µnet~s. Tall Cedarism has volunteered - Bll!J.' nho knov1s -it"? Many Tall Cede.rs. ht:ive not heard nor. been appriseq of'· what C<;idar ism has undertakeI;t. ' · -

This is only one voice c~ying ovt and as a mem~ ber st~n.41·~ uprightly in Cedlil"i:~m.lt is my riro1t anli .pnvi esse· .to oo so • .. 'lie are tn iling mis~ra15ly and toq much thou~ht ·is-being given to ~tters of an i .nconsequenti.a.i na tm-e ..., our National Objective is~ being made secondary on Cedar:iam' s .agenda. by. . some ;... not by all t,hank God or else we_ vio.uld _nQt. · have gone as :tar as vre nave or have Forests on the .Roner Roll. . . .. . .

. . Jn previous is~mes and by };1ersonal .letter to the Suprene Tall ;the quest ion or unnece::isary travel and the naking of filllds ava;ilable to our National Objective. Cbplllli ttee his been raised. Despite this a meeting has. been called at York, Pa. whid:t will cut into Supreme Forest Funds which could have been better used- in behalf of t ' ,e victims o:f Muscular .

·D~troDllv. Anything Which ;:;a vors of politics or is not a MUSI' mould oe pushed, aside ana our ObJective given a GREEN LIGHT. Mer~ talk, wishful .thinking, am procrastination J'7111 not achieve goals. We. need that o:f v1hich . ""'Anston Chm-chill spc>ke 'F-!hen England VIas threatened ' SWEAT, BLOOD and. TF.ARS·• to maRe a ;success of that which we have under taken. Sad to relate the predictions of· your Ed last .Tune have come to :pass and he claims no physic pCNJ ers - we must dedicate ourselves to our National ObJective._

U 'Jf ~~1~B t/-~ b 'I Ir O»?iJl...


First my heartfelt appreciation to Brother Ta ll Cedar Hoviard Ste.in Proprietor, National ~ress, 7312 Car­roll Ave., Takoma ?ark, I.:aryland, for gratuitous1y dcing the printing for BE'Y'l1EEN CEDARS - this is truly loy~l and willing service Howard. Howard •s uife Annette who also assists your

}'.:ditor, operates a Greeting card and Gift Shop at the same address. "i1e should patronize these h : o loy­al workers for Cedarism - our National ObJective.

Sorry to relate that a few in authority in Ce­darism have confessed to others that they felt the editorials in BET~1EEN CEDARS on the Clique, vloseu Corporations and :Ungfish anplied to them. My old professor used to say that lf a person indicated that a true statement of facts, written or oral, apnlies to himj such an admission is an acknowled­gement of guilL and the existence of a guilty con­science. This is truly a sad commentary in a fra­ternal g!'.oup dedicated to the Brotherhood of r,1an and the-l!'atfierhood of God. Change appears in order.

·;e have ·1Drifted" wh;n-Past Iv~asters 1 some Past Officers in higher bodies, maintain tha~ a pool table is a necessary adJunct to a Blue Lodge and gloatingly and with rude gestures defeat a motion to close the pool-room while at Labor; ~erhaps the banging of pool balls on the floor, loua and pro­fane language is in keeping with the solemnity of degree work in these modern days. .

DISTURBING: Your Ed in his travels through var­ious States during recent months has been shocked to hear many Shriners state that they would drop · out of the Shrine were it not for the Crippled Childrenis Hospitals; giving as their reason that they deemed the arrogance and snobbishness of the governing bodies in higher M:lsonic groups to be far VTorse than that of the Roman Hierarchy. Another in­dication we have drifted from the EQUALITY we teach in the Craft. Take a looksee at the following lines and indulge in a little introspection:-VJe meet upon the LEVEL and we part upon the SQUARE; \!hat words of precious meaning, these v1ords Masonic

are.l Come, let us contemplate them, they are worthy -0f

a thought In the very walls of .Masonry the sentiment is


BE'Yv7EEN CEDARS ---- - ----- ' . -- 13 We meet upon the Level-though :from every station come The rich man from his palace, and the poor man from

his home; For the rich must leave his uealth and state outside

the r:Ta son -, s door A."'ld the :poor man find his best respect upon the

checkered floor . There are four more excellent verses to this poem

by an unknown author to be published herein late r .

:Jhy is it t hat virtually thousands after receiving degrees in Masonry, even Cedarism, either through de­lusion, unfortunate experience, the absence of peace, harmony, and equality; entrance for purely personal or pecuniary gain; or the securing of rrembership in a high body, never attend any com.'TJUnications o'f the Lod ge, or Forest, and in man:; instances drop out? A lit­~le analysis and remedial action appears necessary -1n e are failing miserably to instill IEasonry and Cedar ism in the hearts of those who knock at our doors; ~e nmst wake up Fasons and Cedars and §et back on the true course established by our Fore.Lathers.

We have ,; Drifted" nhen brothers cheat brothers and profanely defame the ir character because the¥ have the conviction and courage to cry out againsv the dis regard f o r voVJs tsken, and non-adherence to the Tenets of the Fratornitv and Tall Cedarism. ..'hen officers in authority, notwithstanding the temperate and moral ad­monitions of the Frate~nity, endeavor to justify the indiscretions of other officers which bring discredit upon Freen£sonry and Tall Cedarism.

Big Brother Tall Cedar we -do appreciate your help i1~'

_in making your National • ~·J?!/ ObJective the raising of ~~§ funds to establish ~e- ~~ search Laboratories in an ?{f,,?/j endeavor to find a cure '.' ,..£//[;' for MUSCULArt DYSI'ROPHY. 't!> Please heed the cry for : ;.I he 1 p ar is ing f:rom our wan ~ -~/, lips - do not fail us, but ~~ work harder, sacrifice and r~ ~· give that the_ finding of a ~-~( / -~ cure for the ·'Killer Disease may be expedited . 'iie know that our Heavenly Father will bless you for the sacrifices you may m:ike and the efforts you pl!:l; forth in giving 11HOPE TO THE -HOPELESS11

• Please give NOW. Muscular Dystrophy Victims.

14 BETW""~ CEDARS ~~~~ ..... ~~--~-

Ti]}, PL Z FO~iE~T- NC. 136 Carroll K. Rush received the nholehearted a"O:...

probation or his brethern and too~ over as Grana Tall~ to lead the good Cedaru of · Northern Virginia during l~)~. Carroll is a devoted Tall Geda r and }.~ason enc. vte can e:xpect much f'l".orn Temple during his

t ,,erm.&g a~O.:~tra;\iave pledged a d~Uar a xrember . ·. for our Nat ;i:onal ObJecti ve during 1~)2_. So far they have given ,,50. to th9 Euscular JJystrophy Fund and are holding e Card Party, on 30 Jan,uary to rais.e ad-ditional .funds. ; . · . .. . . . _ . .Clarence Price, 1>GTC of No. ).:39 vias made· an Hon­

orary Me,mber 01' the Forest. The Fores-t Ma®nic. De-- . gree Team,_ nicely robed, cont~nue.s ·to '-exemplify the . n~ster Ma:son begree . in nearby L9,dges .. Carroll lil';:es · · BET"iEEJ'r CED!RS -and contr.ibuted .; 5 .. to..,1ard~ the cost ~hereof. Congrats to Foster A. 'i'ouart the nev~ J'r. U.G~T.C ·. o'f Tenlp_le. · · .. . · .··

. -:...:-----------·-~


- Grand Tall (short tlktis). s • . Bryon Stinson p:re-sided like a vateran over his 1'irst :meet'ing- on J"an- : .

,uar~ 5th when -he oblt~ted in .short form a. former · Dekolay_1 v1hose. fa"l;her is Chaplain Elmo,R~n<;> of No_ .• ,· .

. 104. -Eeing a c-lergui,µ Ray.Reno after initiation was ap.po§nted assisten .c)lapla,;i.n end gav~ closin~.a -oraye:r.

ryan present IV:r:;i u.nar.ies Hoe.lk, .Fre si.u~nt or· -the eaarettes · a beaut1hi1 · stand which he made ···for them to hold their ·bible. Yes arter a short but --..rery jovial meeti~ the ladies Jotned their husbands and enJoyed some i ine entertainment,.,._ the singi~ of old songs and a little :talk by Tom navell, PS~C on his trip this summer to :Europe-. where he ran across some of 'the old landmarks of Fre~~ori.ry. In order that Tom would not become. hungry Myron J'ones o:f 134 pre­sented him with a band of frozen. bananas.

Your Ed was taken to task tor visitin,g the G. T. 1 s home while he ~as e~ay. Glen Elliott ~tated that for all the razzi~ Homer was a gentleman -but qualified thi a a ta temen t by 30 ying the Serl be yad a d vised tiat . the def' in! t ion · of · a gentleman vms

A patient wo f ... So you see your Ed · I:s o terrible cri~ter, but d enJoy ' sitting on the .side lines with his brethern weariilg a .green Pyramid, on a level of equality without P.G.T. is jer1el. Mrs. Paul Robey, President ot' Temple's Cedarettes was present with a number o'!: her members. ·

Mrs. Hoelk state,d the Cede rettes uere holding a Siupper at the Methodist Chu_O':.h on 2.5 January_ to ra se :funds for our Muscular yatrophy Fund. They . . ..... ··- .

BETi.1EEN CEDARS 1.5 ----------- - ·---·---- --------'~

also ~athere d clothing and distributed it to needy f~ilies. They assisted the Tall Cedars in .. packing llj Christmas baskets vrhich cost the Forest 'jl3\J. Am sorry tQ rencrt :tQe 19th basket through error landed in the Grana Tall 's home and after pressure admitted he ate the f owl- then placed several bills in payment theref'or in t he big Christmas pig maintained in the Forest into '.:hich are placed birthday p~I)Tlies and fines for no pyramid. It netted nearly ; bO. last year.

G.T. Stins on~ .P.G.T. ?rice, HowaFd .Good each gave your ED fi ~ bucks r!hile Carl Hoelk, Harold Ben­net aµd John Hod~kins of the Forest also contrib:i+tted to the cost of BET r:E:fil,T CEDA."qS. Elwer Stein, PGT ;rl04 g_ave five dollars to you Ed for BET"EEN CEDA.~$r ll:P.d the De~.ioley i:x>P?r, the LINK. Paul :go bey, PGT ff,l)b al­so made a contri-buticn to your Ed. FinD refreShments sel"Ved after the me~ting.


Perhaps some re-...ort should oo mado of vour Ed 1 s ste77erdship during 19.51. Not including 1113ny~incidente1 expenditures nor any cost for labor on :part of himself HO'i7ard Stein, or others ~ho h~lped, the cost of opera­tion to 31 feaember nes -;5~8.~9 while contributions a­mounted to ~90. ~onations of certain materials kept cost dovm. Your ED prepares aJ 1 SUbJect matter, cuts stencils operates hand mimeograph machine Tihich re­quired 20,000 turr.s of handle for .Ternary issue which represents more than 1,)00 copies mailed to every one of our 49 States and Korea· stanles copies, trims them addresses and affixes labeisA al'fixes stamps, assorts by Sj;ates and lugs to :post Oifice for mai Ung. It re­qµires approximately 200 hours and sometimes it is one thirty a .m. when your Ed cal s it a day and le~ves the National Press in 'l'akorm Park, rJ:Srylanct, to drive to his home and bed. Perh.als it Tiould not be amiss to ask here what are ou acr ici . f edarism, Mason and our Nation~ O~Ject ve;~ou~a ~hose who criti~ze your Ed and sligl].t him and treat him VIi th disdain do e.s much and 131>end their S{>are time in uorking for oth­ers - not se 11'. Gradually more of the little paper will be printed and other improverrents made - this in a large measure \"lill be dependent upon funds recej_7ed to augment those bein~ expended by your ~ • . ·e r · : 11 mail approximately ~7 0 copies of February issue. 'Ille nanes of those not in erested in BETII:ilEN CEDARS r.ill be dropped from tlle IIBiling list if they so desire.

A LITTLE WAIK AROUND YOURSELF. \!hen you're criticizing othe~s ·

fu--id are finding here and tbere

A fault or two to speak of, Or a u~akness you can teal·;

When YQU're blaming soilleone •s -.eakness, Qr accusing soma of pelf--

It• s time that you went out T<> take a walk around yourself.

Th$re are lots of hUimn failures In the average of us allj

And lots of grave shortconungs In the short ones and the tall;

But when we think of evils Men should lay upon the shelves-­

It's time we all went out To take a walk around ourselves.

7'!e need · so often in this life This balancing of scales;

This se~ing how much in us nins And how much in us fails;

But before you JUdge another Just to lay him on the shelf-­

It would be a splendid plan To take a ~alk around yourself~

Unknonn Sent in by PSTC Frank B. Sterner of No. 66

having been clipped from Lion s C~ub Bulletin. Thanks for a fine poem Frank, it contains food for thought by the critics.

----------.---NE!' BRUNS1:'ICK FOREST }.T() • 12

Edward Peterson is now Grand Tall and we have no doubt but what Ed Ls gping to have a fine year and carry on vrhere Tom Acken left off. Your ED has pleasant :memories of his visit with No. 12. Sr.D.G.T. Charles Klein, Jr.D.G.T. Wm. Bird; Chas. ·;lallner succeeded John N. Tompkins as Scribe, and Chas. 0 1Rourke succeeded Russell V. Stryker ~s Treasurer - John Kaminski, Preceptor; Chas. Groth, G\J.ide.1. Trui:j;~e (3yrs) Tom Acken. Looks like a :fine line ror l ,4:!.

Congra ulations Cedars for I!Eking your quote in 19.51 and winning a place on the HONOR ROLL of one hundred percenters in contributiilg to our M.D. Fund. Know you 11ill make it aef'I in this year.

Nothing VIorse could happen to a 1i ttle boy than to climb under uhat was taken for a Circus Tent and discover that he had crar1 led into the midst of an old fashioned Methodist Revival Service~

Bi:;v:n;:,r.wE~·::' ~-'"'ln".AR&- _. ·-<.· __________ ,,,._J.~ .u ·~' \J.1"1..i _____ -_ . _ .. _--_ - ··- - }:]_

!': · •.. ...; !


:Li1 o r the check .signed by your good wife I.iyrtle for ten dollars; c.overing five c·9ntri but.ions of mem­bers of Friendship ·Fo:t·est _ l~o. 14b, and five for your ovm t;ood f?elf. Your , intere.st, cooper at ion and encour­aging words are a~preoiated and in keeping with the t:ruc Cedarly Gpiri t your Ed experiencea in Quakertorm at your Institution. Thanks a million Bill •

. - .- ·-...:.-

.ATIANTIC G I TY. FDREST . NO . 11. _: '·· . .

Sorry to learn 'ilal ter Glandi~ has dropwd out of line. Ne~ officers Carl F. Beuttel, Sr. D.G.T. ana Harold Palmery, Jr.D. G.T. - congratulations Cedars and thanks Bob Poqd, Asst . Seri oe, for this· data. See you all on May 23rd . Your Ed will be hi:lleted in the Chalfonte. This is ?,nothe.r Forest .that. rmde_ the M.D.F. Honor Roll - only H 5 ·did' in 1951. Gbod work No. 11 Congrats and good - ~uck i:.'Alter Ji'ink, .the ne...-: G.T.C .

:_ . __ _ u 'Ynanks Charles Bang, P.'G . 1'.c., :Rfohmohd Forest No. oo, for t':ie five dollar -bill Hto help BetBeen Cedars grow bigger and better, .. and the good v1ishe9 and true words of encouragement. Real team v;ork Charlie and it is Vihat is needed to put our National Objective,..si­cross. Tha nks ap;11in and nzy best to Cedars in No. ob; who also made M.D.F. I:Ionor Roll, _ ov~r.subscribed. · · ·


· Congrats -LeRoy F; . .Vf.e±ner upon elevation to .G.-T.C. and · to J"ohn· M. Zahri. your new Jr . D~G.T.C. LeRoy assureii! your ED that M D. :F' . v;ill be ··Ne.- ·l: on Forest Agenda and that on April ~4th tne Fores.t r Band .v:ill , .play a Concert in Phoenixville, Pa . ; in conJunction __ wi tfi Snring l:i ty Forest No. 34~ pr.oceeds -to Muscular J.iystro~hy Fund. My

-thanks LeRoy ro r letter and your interest in · BE'IWEEN. CEDARS as viell as your good wishes for its success."

EXONERATED~ 11Thanks for your exo11eretion of· Shenandoah F'orest No. 1.50 1 in the haniling ·. of- the introductions. at our Insti tu"tion. 1'fe vlish to further extend thnl:L_::; and ap~reciation, in the near .future vrhen ve have . . time to dO 1. t more . elegantly • II . .· _ : ... ·-

APPRID IATIQN :" ;;BE~EN CEDARS is an inspirtaioJ;t 'fo'lj · all who \foUTd :cal themselxe-s brothers . Hegarding TO '.iJHOM IT MAY CONCE LEITER' ·I would Just leave tfiem with this idea - 'It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it v-11

• _ · •


BETFfEEN CEDJ>_-qs ----·- ---·-- ........


N'ey tl:e C'...ood Lord :!:less our Country, fu:ly He alviays kee~ it free, .

1'/iay He he l;p us · in our g,ue st -A cure for l'Juscular. D'Js t:-ophy.

Ma~ He guide us on to victory . Ji or ne seek it i~ His Na:me.

If re . f;:iil in oi:r ObJective . It would" surely be e . shame.

May the Lord bestow upon us · -FDith- to figl:it for such-a- cure

iii th all good Cedars helping -Such a nQble thing is sure.

Ms.y He make our Forests aoti ve That we fnay reach our goa 1.

So all the crinnled bodies May once ~galn be whole.

For we knoTI our aim is His aim Anci we . beg Him hGar our :plea­

~7alk among us - dirnll v;i th in us Novi . ancl- .for Etcrni ty.

.. · . - ·· · · .. Ch!trle9 ~l . Eorris, Sr.D.G.T.C., Per~h .Amboy i.:;-orest J: .o. b8 Charlie a'dde·d · this "Your ·help in 13ETJ.EEN C!EDARS for our Naticmal · ObJective ·is ·sure fire. · It made me a~are of our failings ~nd · I have composed a little Prayer which I thi,nk all Cedars should memo­rize, a nd lf tl:e:- do, I know they n ill not be found viant1n# v1hen they don the Lambskin .Apron for the l a st time·; .. ere is n~y check ftjr five dollars to help you conti!lue your guod uork;. Thanks for all ,Charlie.

BA'¥__ sT·~ri.TE FOR3ST NO. - 148 'l,. .-

Your lcttc.rJ:;..ead _i_s IllQst attractiv~ your .ED !las· seen. GTC Don~la F. Lor:r1scn; Sr.D.G(°'.t'. Burton B. Der­by- Jr.D.G T. Avery s. Daisley· Serice Harry E. Koeh­ler, PGT; Treasurer Alfred :F'. Benozzoli. Sorry. to soo OliveT .tnat you are not in harness but ,tnanks for . the data on ,.tho rn:n·; officers -to r1hom v:e extend congr·a·ts. Oliyor D. Vfoods, ex-Scribe kindly sent in this data ..

-~~- ·--

CONTRIBUTIONS: In addition to thoso npecifically named o-uhors have_ cont:x;ibutcd five doll~rs or l~· S/· dur-i-ng 19.51, R.E. Hood 7;139 and Paul Robey, PGT' "" l3o, tt-ricc. A list of all, contributors will be. publis od. _Thanks ..

. "The way of the spirit exactly as in the flesh in a v1orld like O}FS, spells LABOn~ . hard LABOR, v:hat­evcr end uc sock. 1

Sir 1ililfrcd Grenfell


SPRING CITY FOREST NO. 34 Allan L. Becker, new G.T.C. sent o contribution of

ten dollars and advised Earnest C. Hus tor r:a s ne:-1 .Jr. L.G. T.; that our National ObJective 1aill be .No . 1 on agenda; the~ s9 far ~9~est has contrib~ted $~4~ .75 to M. D. F ., on oasis of ~2tl rr.embors approximately ·P 3. 70 per mem~· 0 r and funds still coming in. Only Westerly Forest zl07 has topped this average so far. ~ts off to you 1 1 Herm Hillaredt and ¥ou Cedars of f34 - if ~11 Fores"ts had rretch~q your e. forts no v1oula have ·:t:::'.00, 000. in lieu of '.t.:..O , OGO . Koep up good v10rk.

Thanks ·:'1 . Y. (Bill) Die1'.m f'or the five dollar~ and cong:rets on being G,._T.CA of L.Al1CASI'J!:R li'OHEST NO . 't!.7 -and ~to your ne'.7 Jr.J.J.G.i. D. H. Delbo. Bill states 1st meeting n ill be National ObJective Nite and Brother T. C. Dr. -Et:wmrd ·,J i tmor Hill talk on anhat is :ifilscular Dystrophy?" - c.mtcrtainroont of evening >. iill be v1rest ­ling and tumbling by high school teams to remind mem­bers what heal thy bodies Irean and what Muscular l)ys­troDhy does to healthv bodies. Bill sa~s LANCASTER is goiiig to meet li.I.D.F. quota for 19.51 anc. 19.52.

SCHIJ'!Ll\:ILL No. ,?C - as result of your plug first subscriptionTr9m Utq:.'l L . Ney, HM 3c ...... "GSN; 2nd.from Charles S. Harris, P::.ne Grove, Pa. Tn.an.1<:s again.

NE,J B:rtUNSi!ICK ~O. 12 - as result of ycur plug 1st subscript;i,_on l'romf;..; rles Grothi, 1·;ho runs Hub Motors, Higb_lana. Park, N. J" . enclosing cneck for five dollars. Otlicr subscriptions coming in. Than.1<:s again Tom Acl!en.

SUNBURY FO:=tEST NO. 65 - Congrats Rgx C. Spoon~r, new c~ T .C nnu La'i/r~fice .)!; •

Cecco ne'i1 Jr.D.G.T. Rox s'tate~ Jiil .il. F . i;;ill. oo No. 1 objective for 19.52, starting ~ith a Card Party .Janu­ary 31st, all monies received go to Muscular Dystro­phy as will proceeds of other Card Parties to be field. during tne year; also he is alvrays 1i1ai ting and anxious to receive copy of BETj/EEN CED.IBS as it is very good reading and helpful in :rmny m1ys.

WEST CHESTER NO. 22: Phil Conrad, G.T.C. says he has full year planned;starters 20 February , Past Of­f'icers Nitei l'.;1 March , Master Masons Nite; 16 April regular mee~ing Turkey Dinner folloned by Royal Cou­rt end Prolog. ~ongrats Phil and thanks for invite, your Ed Tiill try and mke it.

BRANDYWINE FQREST NO. 20: .James L. Pryor G.T.C. and MJrton E. Bennett .Jr.D.G.T. Mort former Ca_ptnin or Forest Rangers and ha did a good job too. Next meeting Shrine Club, Wi~~~§!~n, Del. 13 February.

~TON ~REST NO. ~$: Ne1.1 Grand Tall S. S. Hart­zell Or::Tared printed ca rd shoi.·i ing full program for 19_52. Sure starting off nith a bang S.S. Aaron Kroner the new Jr,D.G.T.C. is a member of Supre100 Forest Muscular ThJstrophy Fund, a retired business executive and an .indefatigable norker for Cede ri s m and Easton. Forest, Arthur H. Miller is Personal :rtepre senta tive of · G.T. Ceremoni,al 15 February in Moose Hall and Slat·e Belt Cerenxmiel 21 lle rch.

NORRIS'IffN F~~ NO. 31: Perry E. Beaver GTC Charles H. SchieE;; r., Jr.D.G.T. for 1952. ~947.2_$. contributed to Mlscular Dy~ronhy Fund by 291 mambers out of 923; an average of ~3.25 Per contributor. What a ':!OnderfUl shoTI ing the Forest . n ould have made if all 923 had contl"i buted like the 291. Le di.es Ni te F.ebru- · lH"J 20th at Ste';iart .Junior High School; Ceremonial on N'arch 12th . Congratulations and good luck. An.othe+ . o'f · the Fore~ts uhicp. met quote for National ObJecti ve and Honor Roll in 19..?1. .

indi~~~~~ J~·K~e~~~~n~u~~fi1~adc~D~ln~L~t1~r from Bill r1ho is Commercial Division :M=ma_ger Rohrer Chevrolet Co. 1 in Camden, N • .T.~ stati!1$ _fo .D.F. · n i ll be No. 1 in Fores~ endeavors~ ·i;h.at h~ .i.ikc d Eu's name given his Forest • Gra11d-daddy · Forest''.t· he like·s our · Ii ttle pa:Per am that Wm. J .• Fawkes, _ r . . is lle'il Jr.D. G.T1c. Glassbo~o: made their M.D.F. quota and Honor Rol for 1951. Bill extends a cordial invitation to Cedars to visit the Forest uhen near Pitn~n, N • .T.

CAMDEN FOREST NO. ~: Thanks Bill Welden, ne-;1 G.'l'. for your lette r indica ing Gilbert Reid is neH Jr. D. G.T.C tbat you and Forest are going to do. utmost for Muscular Dystrophy Fund"' and YQur g.ood ";Jishes for t he continued success of BETh'EEN CEDARS. Good luck Bill snx>oth sailing and success in your every endeavor.

CIEVEIAND FOREST NO. 70: Teanks John H. Leadley; neu Grand Tafl---ror your J:Ofter indicating Fred F. - Dun­nell is new Jr.D.G.T.C.; that you e~joy receiving our paper and that y_ouJ n~-.; address is "d'67 Englewood Road, Cl 1 d ije. ht.s 21 o. Nice to hear from you .To n . an~"M:1f 71 isS~s fo a most successful tenure of o~ice.

· wEST.MoREi.A.Nv FOREST N0~-11· Congratulations Lewis (Lew) M. Potter upon being Grand Tall and tllsnkB for yourd letter, manifestation of interest in this paper, an letting us know Scott Hockensmith, Sr. is your neu Jr.D.G.T., and indicating Forest will work harder for our National Objeqtive tfi1 s year as it is a very" worthy cause. Every good n ish Le1;1 a nd ne hope your Forest n ill make Muscular DystrQphy __ Fund Honor Roll in 1952.


SHA:"ll\1EI.A FOREST l'JO. 64 ·-: Hervey . Polan, G'IC and Neel 15. M::!rtin, JrDCTC for 19.52, tl;ian~s for data Scribe Ben Beadle- best Tiishes for No . 64 for '.52. B~ FORE~T NO·. 61 - Henr;x N. Buchman, GTG and Harryomig, J .D.G.T~ , fo~_l95c - thanks for your fine letter . Henry - . oe:st-~·o I luck during your term. SITENANilOAH FOTu~ST NC. \50 - Here are the of'ficers oi' · that fine ne71 Forest do"l1n Martinsburfi Wa~- :.:toderick Cheesema?!., GTCi Hunter T. Butts, Sr •• G._.; Floy A. Files, Jr.DGTC; John E. Caskey, Treas., Kenneth E. Norris, Scribe. An attractive postal card announced next meeting at Moose Hall 17 January and 3rd Thurs­day of each month until '''NE .ATTAIN A HALL OF OUR O:!TN·' Congn;i.tulations upon such a fine start and your deter­mination. You noy; have two objectives to work for and solidify your Forest, M.D.F. and. a · H01v1E. Good luck . CENTURY FORES!' NO. 100 - -~- I. J ~ (Bili) $ert.n, GTC and Lou Gilli Jr .:Ocn'C f'or '_52. Bill wr.i tes :Muscular I>ystre phy is F RST on agenda and he noTI resides at b7 Teaneck Road~ Teaneck, N.T . Good sailing Bill and success. BERGEN'. COIBffl FOR:;;.s;T NO. · 108 - Ed L8essig GTC and Ro­bert Kern, Jr.DGT. Thanks Henry Foehl for · your letter in which you say "BF.'l'WEEN CEDARS is o wonderful trow­el to spread the CE!JZNT in our BUILDING and we all wish you success." Tbanks Henry and the good Cedars of 100 r9r their encoure.gexrent and good wishes. C !TOL FOR~ST ro. 104 - Harry Parker, Jr is new JrDGT.

a er • oc ane , DB mber Band Cainden No. .5 L1,J.Lu Band is Inst~nta Teacher in Schools in Alexandr.ia Va. and plays with Capi.tol's Band. Walter received BS and MS Degrees from Harvard and University cf Pennsylvania. UNQLE HARRY'S aQ~ S~P - 504 Smith St. , Provide~ R. I. run by PGTC anD.Er nrry 8anderson of Westerly ltij, who in addition to sending three dollars for pa r said "BET:'IEEN CEDARS is the only medium whe:re we T.C.L.s can find out ~bat is . doing in the Cedar Kingdom. You are do­ing a . swell ~oh mor~ power to.you · a.nd _your Booklet. I am D~ud of Wesierly Forest .which I instituted and found ed Zb years ago.•~ You can wel). be .proud Harry and my heartfe.lt thanks and ap~reciation ·ror your interest and . financial assistance• ' My best for 19.5~-MY THANKS to Paul V Thompson .of No. 1?4 for k~eping my typewriter in repair · and his contribution of ;.5 .00. He is also my pillnr of strength · in my DeMolay ~-rork • .

· - ~ur Ed is most happy to ~dd ores o e scu ar str8phy HONOR ROLL for No.

1 has made quota during 19 1. ongratulations Cedars. "The meaning of life~ its purposes and all its joysL

come out of being aole ana ready to help others ~ ~o tm.ke personal sacr~fices for a brother1'~ seke • 11 Sir Wilfred Grenfell. ' May it ever be thus.;


BET'v1EEN CEDARS will contribute ioJo of all monies con­tributed towards its support to ~11USCULAB DYSTROPHY FUND. ERRONEOUS INTERPRETA'l'ION - Roderick Chexsemen wrote your Ed a fine lett er thanking him for ,p sent to him to start Forest l.fu.scular DKstrophy Fund - what your Ed said in last issue was TR!\.T 018 NATIONAL OBJECTIVE ;,-:As NOT MElJTIONED AT OTIGANIZA.'I'IONAL J,JEl'..'TINGS. Vfuy not? YORK, Pa. li January - thanks to Perry Peiffer,PGT we had o marve ous time - full report next issue - all present were ins~ired by talks b~ Dr. A. T. Milhorat, Paul Cohen, President, Muscular Dystrophy Associations of J,merica 1 and W S Wurzberger, Publicity Director I.. 1!.D.A. of A.; also by telegram Mr . Cohen received rrom Drevr Pe&rson - rea~ account of this in next issue. 7!ASHINGT01'~c D.C. lv Januarr Your Ed, upon the request of Lieut. ;eorge Dixon, OS., four.der of 'ashington, Chapter M.D . of A., spoke at IJBeting held in Goo.d ':Jill Industries, at which imeting i\:1ichael Freelund, Director Muscular Dystrophy Asrociations and Dr ... D­Price, Assa. Director National Institute of Health, were present and snake. More than 100 _:prominent men and women were present also . BET~1EEi\f CEDARS was given a big boost by Lieut. Bixon, as was the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. At long last through our little p:i.per we are securing public recognition on TV and in the press. MYSTERY - who stole York Forestls gavel on the 19th? CF..ARITY: As a result of up:peal by L,R Len Robertson ;pyramiCis ~ssed. at Brandy-.nne Forest Meeting and one nundred and tvmnty :five dollars raised for n needy family with ten children in Delaware City ·.7ho had lost eve,+;ything i:r:. e fire. To this awount the Shrine Club of lhlmington, DCl.(rnare, added .:;>100. ¥oGEBW<Yi.¥ FOREST ~O. 95: Thanks GTC Franklin Miller

or nice 0tter en contribution - M. 1!Iilliam Hess is ne~ JrDGT. Good luck Cedars. BRIDJ-ETON FOREST NOFJ: Ladies Euxiliary (!J:J.Ve '~100 to MuscUJar DYstrophy ~ · d· Forest meets 3rd Thursday in Masonic Temple on Bank Street; 2.50 at Ladies Nigh't in November v1h1ch ua s a huge success; Frank Gibe+..-.ne117 GTCR graciously contributed fi>e bucks to BE'IVi.t;~N CE­DARS. Thanks Frank for kind rwrds and support. PATERSON VALLEY FOREST NO. 33: Bill Abraham, GTC and Andre~7 A. '11Uscano new ~+OO'I'. Smooth sailing brethern • .ANHAPOLIS.FOREST NO . 1 b: Pt:llll Johnson, GTC and Allen M Beals, Scribe, Ray C :N illimns, .TrDGT; Donald Greis­er, Chainmn, M.D.F., for 1;1,5c. -EASTERN SHO FOREST NO. 53: Geo •:.r Todd, Jr., GTC, Lee Gorqy, JrDGT; Hantnon BreVIington, SrDGT; Robert Martin Scribe. Thanks :for information Bob. Good luck. ~VER~RE~ FOREST NO. 49: Thanks Elliott Evnns, GTC m r es • SaUJ."ld ers nen JrDGT- Museum r ~JStrophy is

to be No. 1 on Forest Agenda. Going to rmke quota.



The good Cedars up in Pottsville, Pa ., have elected Harry S. Mellon their Grand Tall,selected Harry E . Yeich for .Tr.D.G.~.c. Walter A. Lovell has steppec up another round to Sr . D.G . T .C 7 To date the Forest has contributed .;470. to our .. ~uscular Dy::it rol?hY Fund...t and have set a goa 1 of jCOO . by r·.iay, 19.>2. The c;edars Auxiliary \the good. Ladies of Schuylkill) so far he.s contributed ) 100. Congre tulations ladies an orchid to you.

Your Ed expresses deepest appreciation to Schuylkill Forest for including i n l!.,orest Bullet in for .January a plugfor BE'I'JE1GN CED.Al={S and including therein subscription blank. This is real coopera­tion and truly constitutes a shot in the arm and enc9urages Homer to greater effort on behalf of Tall. ceaa rism, the Cr(.lft and the success of our National Objective. Thanks a million Schuylkill.

The Forest olrea r\ 'T is plannipg to put another "First Prize ··-inning• ·Float in the Supreme Forest Parade in Atlantic City next May. It is hoped that many other Forests W].11 emulate the example of the Cedars in Schuylkill. Good work Schuylkill Cedars.

11 DUES FO:?l 19.52 A.i.~ DUE AND OVERDUE CTJ:DARS -send them in P.D.0. and save your Scribe headaches and unne'cessary work and pa; tage.

"Your mag?zine BETllEEN CEDARS is an inspira­tion and should be read and re-read by all line officers of the various Forests. Your editorials have helped me immensely in forming my message each month to my Forest."

VALLEY FORZST NO. 145 Three cheers for too Cedars in Shippensburg,

Pa., for going ovEr the ~op and naking B:E.T.7EEN CEDA..."'1S Honor Roll of lOO"o contributors to our Muscular Dystrophy Fund efore the c10~3 of '51.

'~7e can easily forgive a child who is afraid o~ the dark. The real tragedy of life is when men ere afraid of the LIGRT. 11 Masonic -Messenger



On our front cover appears the out of the hard viorking Chairman of the Bonrd of ~irectors vrho are charged uith the responsibility cf adr.i.inistering the Tall Cedars of Lebanon Huscular Dy~trophy Fund, and coordinating the varioas activiti e s ana endeavors to raise money therefor. Bill·' as he is endearingly referred to by his Fellon Ceda rs1 is a Past S~preme Tall Cedar ana A PG'!C of Ricluoona Forest No. bb, of Staten Island, New York.

"Bill's·; heart and soul is wrapped up in this drive to raise fUnda with Which to aid the victims of the 11KIILER DISEASE11 • He is devoting much time and effort, and e~nding personal :t"Unds to assure the success of our National ObJective. It each and every Tall Cedar would only manifest one tenth of the interest in our ~uscular Dystrophy Fund Raising Campaign that 'Bill11 is manifesting, we would reach the goals nhich have been, and naJ be, set nith our hands down. Each or us as Master ):Iasons pleclgG.d to the practice of true CHARITY should .sacrifice .end give to this northy prOJect, urge others to do so, end get squerely behinfl ·'Bill" ond his cor:mittee.

" The greatest of these is charity, for our faith m'.ly be lost in sight, our hope end in fruition~ but charity extends beyond the_greve, through the oound­less realm of Ete:rni ty • 11 The successful termination Qf our National Objective is a challenge Brother Ce­dars, it demands tfle best that is in us, priority over all othor functionsi it will require consecra­ted effort h~rd work ana determin8 tion. In fine, Cedars we have in the eyes of the world and kindred organizations assumed an obligation to 11Give Hope to the Hope:kss" Cedarism is being weighed in the balances - no

1wdl be Judged as a fraternal ~rder by

~ow me as Ta.i Cedars meet" the chall.enge - CEDARS, WE :WST NOT FAIL.

This month we ccmmeaorate tbe birth of a great :Emancipator - one who ga-..ie his ..life to unite t"his Great Nation and tree men from the bonds of slavery. It is litt"le enough Brother Ce~rs for us to give of our earthly store which God has entrusted to our keeping to free moro than 200,000"-~d thousands to follow from the deadly chains of JVJU;:::1.;ULAR DYSTROPHY. Do not fail to heed the cry from the Tian lips of these unfortunate victims of this KILLER DlSEASE.

~ Homer. "It'hdestructiqn be our lot 1 ue nust ourselves be 1 ts aut or - and rinishor.i1 "ihth cNir1ty towards all, malice towards none. 11

A. Lincoln

r·· ;------~==-==---=-·· ----~~:_ ______ -==----/) !I HONQE BQLL · 11 I I These Forests have contributed one or ! I I,· I more dollars for each member towards our j ·

I National ObJective. I . '

I. I ~: :~~~~~~~ ~~~==~ · · · · ·::::: :~~: iiz l J 3. Frederick Forest .......... Na. 132 j'

j ! 4. Wes t erly Forest ..•......• ~No. 101

7 * 1 1

1 1

5. Atlantic Ci t y Forest .•••.•• No. 1 1 1

1 b. Brandywine Fore st ••.•••.•.• No. 20 · j 11, 7 •• Vie st Che st er Fore st... . . .• No. 22 .! ·.

8 New Brunswick Forest •.•••• • no. 12 ! 9. Spring City ]fore st ••••••••• No. 34 I I l j 10. Portsmouth Forest •••••••••• No. 143 I j i 1 11. Chesape a ke Forest ••••••.••• No. 11.5 1




1132 .. Millersburg Forest ••••••••• No. 125

1 1!

Glassboro Forest ••..•••••• No. I r 14. Massasoit Forest ••••••....• No. 112 I 1 I 1,5. Penns Grove Forest ••.•...• . No. .51 I I ; 16. Valley Forest .............. No. 145 j

I J 17. Bridgeton Forest ••••.••.••• No. 7 : 1

i 18. Norristo'\7n Forest •••..•••.• No. 31 I I'. i


•• Montgomery Forest •... . · · .· .No. ;i.14

34§ j l Friendship Forest •.•••.•.•• No.

1 2l. Bay State Fore st ••••••••••• No. 14 ,. I 22 ? ? No. 1


, 23. ? ? No. j

/ I ::~erage abo:t ?·'.~5.00 ? :enOOrN:~ date I I I

r per ! I

Please send f'unds as soon as received to 1 j 1 Herman 7Ji1laredt ,PS'IC, Mont Clare, Pa. the II


I Treasurer of our Muscular Dystrophy Fund. , 1 "For Cedarism will find a way, ~ j'

I I To a happier, brighter and healthier day, , i


. For those suffering m th l\IIUECUIA...'R DYSTTIOPHY. 1 j

I I . i '. "Cedars, vie MUST NOT FAIL'.1 I I ' I ~~---- -- ---===-· --====-··-~



1. To provide social entertainment and clean wholesome recreation; promote a wider acquaintance and a more sincere friendship among Master Masons; perpetuate itself as a fraternal, charitable and social organization.

2. To bind Master Masons more closely together and cooperate fully with all Masonic Bodies in upholding the Ancient Landmarks of Free Masonry, and by precept and example to hold aloft and further the Tenets of the Craft.

3. To create and maintain cooperation, peace and harmony among Master Masons and to discountenance jealousy, rivalry and ill feeling among Master Masons and Masonic Bodies.

4. To emphasize that a Master Mason is not only a member of the Blue Lodge to which he belongs, but an integral part of the Masonic Fraternity as a whole.

5. To teach that a Master Mason should not be judged by his worldly wealth or honors, his social status, or the manner in which he earns his livelihood, but from the viewpoint of true equality.

6. To urge all Tall Cedars to meet upon a Common Level at all times, to practice true peace and harmony, and to be ever mindful of a Brother's welfare.

To remind all Tall Cedars that they were first Master Masons and should refrain from saying or doing anything which would bring discredit upon the White Lambskin, which is the badge of a Mason; or upon the Pyramid which is the badge of a Tall Cedar.

8. To teach that Tall Cedars, as Master Masons, are brothers upon the street as well as in the Lodge Room or the meeting place of the Forest, and thus should practice true brotherly love and affection towards one another.

9. To scatter sunshine, afford surcease from the cares and labors of the day, provide entertainment and refreshment without excess; and adhere to the cardinal principles of Cedarism, HOSPITALITY, SOCI· ABILITY and GOOD FELLOWSHIP.

10. To establish and maintain R2search Laboratories in assisting in the combatting of the "Killer Disease"-MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, which activity has been adopted as the National Objective of Cedarism.

Edited and published by Wm. Homer Carroll, Sr., 7904 Woodbury Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland

Cover - Compliments of National Pre55, Takoma Park, Md. JU 8-9406