WILL Patterns March 2009

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WILL program guide for TV, AM and FM

Transcript of WILL Patterns March 2009



S e a S o n P r e m i e r e

Uncovering African-American History in New Philadelphia



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Patterns Magazine Editor: Cyndi PaceleyArt Director: Michael Thomas Designers: Laura Adams-Wiggs Don ChambersProofreader: Elaine Avner Patterns (USPS 092-370) is published monthly at Campbell Hall for Public Telecommunication, 300 N. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-2316 by and for the Friends of WILL. Membership dues for the Friends of WILL begin at $40 per year, with $9.78 designated for 12 issues of Patterns. The remainder of membership dues is used for the support of the activities of The Broadcasting Service of the University of Illinois through the Friends of WILL. Periodicals postage paid at Urbana, Illinois, and additional mailing offices.

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March 2009



A Message to Our Members from General Manager Mark Leonard

2A New Season of Prairie Fire Premieres .......................................... 1 Cover design by Michael Thomas Cover photo of excavators Cecilia Ayala and Dan Blount: Gary Andrashko,Illinois State Museum. Cover photos of artifacts: Christopher Valvano.

Who’s in the Kitchen Making Chili, Soups and Stews? ............................. 2

America Abroad Examines Terrorist Hideouts ......................................... 15

Let The Morning Express Jumpstart Your Day ......................................... 16

WILL-TV Schedule........................... 4 AM 580 Schedule ........................... 14 FM 90.9 Schedule ........................... 16

Corporate Support…Inside Back Cover

Despite what has been a financially challenging time for WILL, your public broadcast stations have managed to achieve much during the past year. We launched a new digital FM transmit-ter, providing enhanced quality FM programming in addition to expanded reach for WILL’s AM programming on a digital multicast FM channel, while at the same time automating much of our on-air radio operations for signifi-cant labor savings. Illinois Gardener expanded its reach statewide through syndication on Illinois public televi-sion stations in all markets. Memorial Stadium: True Illini Spirit was broad-cast in September on WILL, and in Chicago on WTTW. Underwriting and grant support resulted in this program producing net revenue for WILL, with additional support coming from on-air pledges and DVD sales through local retail outlets.

We were one of 12 pilot stations selected by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to experiment with ways of deepening our local community impact, and we gained new insight

by training with the Harwood Institute. We’re focused on creating a public media organization that’s committed to be a catalyst for positive change in our com-munity. I am happy to report that we are already achieving tangible results!

With a shift to securing external funding, our Community Engagement Initiative recently received a $120,000 grant from the Adobe Youth Voices Foundation, al-lowing us to disseminate our Youth Media Workshop model to national leaders and the public broadcast industry. We’ve also been selected to coach other public broadcast stations on methods of elevat-ing their community impact.

WILL’s Young Learners Initiative worked with several campus units to implement the Youth Literature Festival, the Health and Wellness Showcase and Rocket Into Space. We collaborated with the Child Care Resource Service (Department of Human and Community Development) on A Place of Our Own and Healthy Hab-its outreach initiatives, and founded C-U Fit Families as a community action group to help prevent childhood obesity.

We launched a new Web site, and collabo-rated with the Graduate School of Library and Information Science to develop a system for cataloging and archiving digital media. Students from GSLIS and the College of Media assisted with the Web site and in producing several web-based community engagement projects published on the site, including Voices of Great Schools Together, Central Illinois World War II Stories, and the Youth Me-dia Workshop. With one award already to its credit, the Web site places WILL at the leading edge of online media.

All of our activities serve as a power-ful public engagement agent for the University of Illinois, contributing to the university’s recent certification in community engagement by the Carnegie Foundation. We will continue to focus on improving our communities by using the tools that we have in new and innovative ways. We work every day to maintain the trust that you have in us, and to demon-strate that we are good stewards of your financial investment. Thank you for your continued support of WILL.

PATTERNS • MARch 2009 �

Prairie Fire’s 2009 Season

The 2009 season premiere of Prairie Fire, airing at 7:30 pm Thursday, March 26, tells the story of New Philadelphia, Ill., the first town founded by a free African American in U.S. his-tory. We visit with University of Illinois archaeologists, who are unearthing the remains of this once racially integrated town 85 miles northwest of St. Louis, and learn about its founder, “Free” Frank McWorter.

Although the site was designated a National Historic Landmark in January, it’s still largely unknown to the public. Prairie Fire series producer Steve Drake said he understood why after visiting the remote dig site. “I parked on a non-descript dirt road. I never would have guessed that the remains of such an important part of American history were being excavated nearby.” A portable lab, several holes in the ground and a bus lined with shelves filled with artifacts like dolls, bones and crockery were the only clues that history was being unearthed.

“It always surpris-es me how many amazing things you can find here in central Illinois if you know where to look,” Steve said. “That’s one of the things that I love about

First Up: A Look at First African-American Town, and Lincoln’s Views on Slavery

Prairie Fire; that we can find out about some of these little-known,

out-of-the-way places and help bring them to our viewers.”

Steve interviews two descen-dants of McWorter, siblings Gerald and Sandra McWorter, who talk about New Philadel-

phia’s role in the Underground Railroad and their pride in their

great-great-grandfather. He also talks to U of I ar-

chaeologist Christo-pher Fennell, who is principal investi-gator at the dig near Barry, Ill.

In other stories in the first episode, we meet a photographer who is traveling across America documenting the many

Governor Quinn on Illinois BudgetJoin WILL-TV and AM 580 for live coverage of Gov-ernor Pat Quinn’s first budget message to the Illinois General Assembly at noon Wednesday, March 18, including reaction from legislative leaders and analysis from veteran Statehouse reporters. WILL-TV will repeat the address at 10 pm.

Analog TV Shut-Off DelayedAs Patterns went to press, Congress passed legislation postponing the analog TV shut-off until June 12, 2009, and ex-tending the converter coupon program until July 31, 2009. Some stations have decided to end their analog service on the original date of February 17; how-ever, WILL will continue broadcasting its analog signal. WILL is here to help viewers through the transition. If you still have questions, please give us a call at 217-333-7300.

sculptures, monuments and other public artworks dedicated to Abraham Lincoln, including those located on the University of Illinois campus. And we examine Lincoln’s evolving thoughts on slavery and colonization and how race played an increasingly important part in his political development.

In celebration of the 200th anniver-sary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, every episode in the 2009 Prairie Fire season will include a feature story devoted to Lincoln’s life in central Illinois. This companion series to WILL-TV’s docu-mentary Lincoln: Prelude to the Presi-dency will explore Lincoln’s formative years riding the Eighth Judicial Circuit as a traveling lawyer and how they shaped the man who became our 16th president. The Lincoln episodes were produced by Alison Davis Wood, who returns as Prairie Fire host this season.

Steve said other highlights of the 2009 season include a behind-the-scenes tour of the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in In-diana, where abused or abandoned big cats find a home; we’ll see how a wind farm outside Bloomington is generating alternative energy; we’ll meet a group of enthusiasts who come from across the Midwest to race souped-up riding mow-ers to satisfy their need for speed; and we’ll visit airbrush artists, blacksmiths, fashion designers, memorabilia collec-tors, and many other people and places with intriguing central Illinois stories.

sFrank McWorter, founder of New Philadelphia (Photo courtesy of Sandra McWorter and the Lincoln Presidential Library).

� PATTERNS • MARch 2009

What’s Cooking at WILL?What is it that draws us to those comfort foods of chili, soup and stew? According to our WILL audience, the attraction is based on equal parts of tradition, creativity and connecting with others. Those were some of the com-ments submitted with your favorite reci-pes—the focus of our new Chili, Soups and Stews cooking show debuting at 7 pm Monday, March 9.

Jodi Francis of Champaign upholds the tradition of making Hazel’s chili (her mother-in-law’s recipe) every winter while Ericka Crist of Atwood cooks the same minestrone soup with herb garlic garnish she created as a teenager to now feed her own family. Ephie Crain of Til-ton knows that her vegetable beef soup is considered a staple of her family’s annual weenie roast. Lisa Braddock of Fisher received a great white chicken chili recipe from a family of campers last summer, thanks to her job as camp-ground host for Utah’s Arches National Park. Even when recipes originated with sources other than family, they perse-

vere. Carol Buss of Urbana lost the magazine long ago, but still makes a hearty oven-baked beef daube stew. Likewise with Reva Egherman of Cham-paign, who got her recipe for Riddle’s winter-perfect honey lamb stew from a res-taurant in St. Louis.

Beverly Foote of Charleston used her creativity to turn a casserole recipe into cauliflower and legume soup. Paula Wells of Urbana took five years, along with suggestions from numerous friends and family, to perfect her Chisholm Trail chili. Ruth Raines of Champaign employs the philosophy that soup recipes are refined over the years, based on the discovery that what is left out is as important as what is put in.

Continuing a public televi-sion tradition of showcas-ing culinary stars, a new program brings together six of America’s favorite chefs, who pay tribute to our di-versity in food and culture.

Setting the stage for an hour’s worth of mouth-watering dishes perfect for family and friends, A Move-able Feast at 3 pm Sunday, March 8, begins with all of the chefs sharing the stage in a communal kitchen. In the spirit of a potluck dinner, each chef contrib-utes a single course to the banquet, then “passes the plate” to the next. Leaving the group kitchen, we’re transported to Boston and Ming Tsai’s restaurant, Blue Gin-ger. Master of East-West cuisine, Tsai prepares ginger syrup, the basis for his golden ginger thaihito and ginger

That’s especially true in how cooks construct chili. The recipes we received include mainstream variations of beef, tomatoes, chilis and beans, such as the one from Nadine Stew-art of Jacksonville, but also include vegetarian varieties like butternut squash chili made by Meredith Schroeer of Normal. Mark Hurts of Tolono goes all out with his chili verde, which features pork, chicken, potatoes and four kinds of peppers.

So before we bid farewell to winter, join us to discover who’s in the kitchen with hosts David Inge and Doyle Moore for our live studio program of Chili, Soups and Stews. And stay tuned for details on the companion cookbook so you can add all of the great recipes to your repertoire!

margarita. Then Ruth Reichl of Gourmet’s Diary of a Foodie picks up the tongs and presents some quick and tasty appetizers, including shrimp curry in lettuce leaves. Taking a quick drive from Manhattan to Queens, Lidia Bastianich rolls up her sleeves and prepares a delectable

‘primi’ dish—one of her trademark pastas featur-ing fresh-made pesto. Arriving in Chicago, Rick Bayless creates a memo-rable Mexican dish—cafe tacuba-style creamy chicken enchiladas—con-firming his role in bring-ing authentic Mexican cuisine to America. Using a recipe flown in from Spain, Jose Andres pre-pares a zesty dish—pork loin baked in sea salt with sliced Spanish-cured ham. And to end on a sweet note, Christopher Kimball brings the whole

group back together for an apple dessert that’s classically American. A Moveable Feast concludes with all six chefs tasting their colleagues’ foods and sharing stories from this unique progressive dinner experience.

Now That’s a Progressive Dinner!

PATTERNS • MARch 2009 �

s Clockwise from above: Romola Garai as Cordelia, Ian McKellen as Lear, Frances Barber and Monica Dolan as Goneril and Regan, and Philip Win-chester as Edmund.

A Monarch’s MadnessFew actors could follow roles like Magneto in X-Men and Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy with King Lear, but Ian McKellen proves himself worthy of the task. Arguably the finest Shake-spearean actor of his generation, he re-creates his recent stage performance of the tragic monarch in a special television adaptation for Great Performances, airing at 8 pm Wednesday, March 25.

The program includes nearly all the original cast members of the sold-out Royal Shakespeare Company produc-tion that premiered in April 2007 and toured internationally before con-cluding in January 2008.

Joining McKellen are Romola Garai (Atonement), Frances Barber and Monica Dolan as King Lear’s daughters, Cordelia, Goneril and Regan, respectively; William Gaunt as his longtime ally Gloucester; Ben Mayjes as Gloucester’s rejected son, Edgar; Philip Win-chester as Gloucester’s illegitimate son, Edmund; and Sylvester McCoy as Lear’s Fool.

Last of the Summer Wine Marathon Features a Special GuestIt seems only fitting to honor the world’s longest-running sitcom with a 2-hour marathon session, so that’s just what we’re doing at 8:30 pm Tuesday, March 10 (repeated 9:20 pm Thursday, March 12), as part of our pledge drive. The bonus? The show’s producer, Alan J.W. Bell, will join us in studio March 10 to share a special behind-the-scenes film never before seen on television! What a great oppor-tunity for all Last of the Summer Wine fans to show your support for this enduring classic!



World Primetime Schedule

Monday-Friday Nightly News Programming 9:00 NewsHour with Jim Lehrer 10:00 Nightly Business Report 10:30 Worldfocus

Sundays 7:00 NOW on PBS 7:30 McLaughlin Group 8:00 Bill Moyers Journal 9:00 Global Voices 10:00 Varies

Mondays 7:00 Wild Chronicles 7:30 Wild Chronicles 8:00 Nature

Tuesdays 7:00 Varies 7:30 Varies 8:00 American Experience

Wednesdays 7:00 Independent Lens 8:00 Afropop (3/4) National Debate Series (3/11) Frontline (3/18, 3/25)

Thursdays 7:00 Nova 8:00 Scientific American Frontiers Repeated Saturday at 10 pm.

Fridays 7:00 Varies 7:30 Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness P.O.V.: Traces of the Trade 8:00 Varies 8:30 Varies

Saturdays 7:00 Nature 8:00 History Detectives 9:00 History Detectives 10:00 Scientific American Frontiers Repeated from 8 pm Thursday.

WILL Digital TV

Saturday Marathons on Create Saturdays are filled with a day of how-to programs focusing on a specific theme. Here’s what’s coming up in March.

March 7 O Canada

Our favorite globe trotters, Darley Newman, Burt Wolf, George Bauer and Joseph Rosendo will take you across the American boarder to experience the glory of Canada. Your itinerary will include Quebec, Ontario, Vancouver and Toronto.

March 14 Luck O’ the Irish

World travelers Rick Steves, Rudy Maxa and Burt Wolf will be showing us the sites of Ireland. For a different perspec-tive, Darley Newman will be taking us on horseback through the Irish Coun-tryside.

March 21 Moment of Luxury

Travel around the world with interior designer, Bill Stubbs. You’ll be inspired by the elegant designs and Bill will show you how to recreate them for your home on a much smaller budget.

March 28 Ladies of Leisure

Traveling, sewing, cooking, gardening, and crafting—there’s something for everyone in this marathon.

Sundays and Wednesdays6:00/Noon Jacques Pepin6:30/12:30 Lidia’s Italy 7:00/1:00 Healthy Flavors 7:30/1:30 Perfect Day or Sara’s Weeknight Meals 8:00/2:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 8:30/2:30 Art Wolfe 9:00/3:00 Garden Smart 9:30/3:30 Ask This Old House10:00/4:00 For Your Home10:30/4:30 Cultivating Life11:00/5:00 Knit & Crochet Today11:30/5:30 Gary Spetz’s Painting Wild Places!

Mondays and Fridays6:00/Noon Jacques Pepin6:30/12:30 Lidia’s Italy 7:00/1:00 Spain...On the Road Again 8:00/2:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 8:30/2:30 Art Wolfe or Africa Trek 9:00/3:00 Garden Smart 9:30/3:30 This Old House10:00/4:00 American Woodshop or Cultivating Life10:30/4:30 Cultivating Life 11:00/5:00 Sewing with Nancy11:30/5:30 Donna Dewberry or Everyday Food

Tuesdays and Thursdays6:00/Noon Chefs Story6:30/12:30 Cook’s Country or Baking With Julie 7:00/1:00 Christina Cooks 7:30/1:30 Endless Feast 8:00/2:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 8:30/2:30 Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions 9:00/3:00 Victory Garden 9:30/3:30 New Yankee Workshop10:00/4:00 Katie Brown Workshop10:30/4:30 Moment of Luxury Glass or With Vicki Payne11:00/5:00 Your Brush with Nature 11:30/5:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

Create Daytime SchedulePrograms provide expert advice on cooking, arts & crafts, gardening, home improvement and travel.

Create and World schedulesWorld presents PBS documentaries, news and public affairs from 6 pm to 6 am on WILL-DT 3. Create airs in two six-hour blocks from 6 am on WILL-DT3. After the analog shut-off, Create and World will be on separate channels.

Locating the digital channelsWILL-DT 1 is also on: Comcast: Channel 916 in C-U; Channel 917 in Springfield/Decatur Media Com: Channel 712 in Charleston and Gibson City

Create/World are broadcast on WILL-DT 3 and on: Comcast: Channel 219 in C-U; Channel 220 in Springfield/Decatur

Program listings are available on our Web site, will.illinois.edu.

s Darley Newman



WILL-TV/DTPrimetimeWILL-TV/DTDaytime David Thiel, program director All WILL-TV programs are close captioned for the hearing impaired.

5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00

Maya & Miquel Body Electric (M, W, F) Priscilla’s Yoga Stretches (T, Th) Between the Lions Martha Speaks Curious George Sid the Science Kid Super WHY! Clifford the Big Red Dog Sesame Street Dragon Tales WordWorld Super WHY! Barney & Friends It's a Big Big World (Gov. Quinn budget address 3/18) A Place of Our Own Sewing Programs Painting Programs How Tos Martha Speaks Arthur WordGirl Fetch!/Electric Company (F) Cyberchase/Design Squad (F) BBC World News Nightly Business Report The NewsHour

Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday

Sesame Street Curious George Sid the Science Kid Super WHY! Clifford the Big Red Dog Bob the Builder Thomas & Friends Design E2 Make: This Old House Hour Illinois Gardener Great Performances at the Met “Thais” (3/28) Victory Garden America’s Test Kitchen Cook's Country Lidia's Italy Simply Ming Jacques Pepin Everyday Food Diary of a Foodie Burt Wolf Volvo Ocean Race Animal Attractions Wild Chronicles Rick Steves’ Europe Lawrence Welk

Guten Tag Destinos French in Action Make Way for Noddy Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood Mama Mirabelle Zula Patrol Wunderkind Little Amadeus Saddle Club Biz Kid$ To the Contrary Wealthtrack America’s Heartland/ Hometown Housecall (3/29 Market to Market The McLaughlin Group Religion + Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange Motorweek New Yankee Workshop Hometime This Old House Hour Parklands of the Midwest Victory Garden Prairie Fire Red Green Show Doctor Who

Friday Night Public Affairs 7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Now on PBS 8:00 Bill Moyers Journal

BritCom Saturday Night 8:00 As Time Goes By 8:30 Keeping Up Appearances 9:00 Are You Being Served 9:30 Ever Decreasing Circles10:00 YourWeather 10:04 Red Green Show 10:26 Doctor Who11:10 Doctor Who ConfidentialSchedule changes 3/14 and 3/21. See listings.

Daytime SpecialsBudget AddressLive coverage of Govenor Quinn’s budget message at noon Wednesday, March 18.

Opera Great Performances at the Met presents Thais at 11 am Saturday, March 28.

Weekdays at 1 pm Moveable Feast (3/9) Journey to Greatness (3/10) Be Well Now (3/11) Daniel Pink (3/12) You: Inner and Outer Beauty (3/13)

(DVS) Descriptive Video Service available for the visually impaired through the Illinois Radio Reader.(TV-G) Suitable for all ages.(TV-PG) May contain material unsuitable for younger children.(TV-14) May contain material unsuitable for children under 14 years of age.(TV-MA) Specifically designed to be viewed by adults; unsuitable for children under age 17.(V) Graphic violence.(S) Explicit sexual activity.(L) Crude and indecent language.(HD) Available in high definition on WILL-DT(WS) Wide-screen format available

Key to Primetime Listings




Daytime programming will vary during the Festival fund drive: March 8, 14, 15, 21 and 22. See listings.

1:00 pm Sewing M: Knit and Crochet Today Tu: Sewing with Nancy W: America Sews Th: Martha’s Sewing Room F: Quilting Arts

1:30 pm Painting M: Best of Joy of Painting Tu: Wyland’s Art Studio W: Your Brush with Nature Th: Painting with Paulson F: Best of Scheewe

2:00 pm How Tos M: Piano Guy Tu: Wai Lana Yoga W: Garden Smart Th: Paint, Paper and Craft F: Katie Brown’s Workshop



1Sunday 7:00 Nature (TV-G)(DVS)

True Adventures of the Ultimate Spider-Hunter. Join arachnid guru Martin Nicholas in finding the world’s most exotic spiders, including a bird-eater in Venezuela.

8:00 Opera Louisiane (TV-G) An accomplished roster of international stars and Louisiana natives celebrates the opening of a new opera company in Louisiana.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Globe Trekker (TV-G) (DVS)

Sweden & Denmark.11:00 Woodsongs (TV-G)

Kathy Mattea.

2Monday 7:00 Antiques Roadshow (TV-G)

Honolulu, Hawaii. Part 1 (2007). Repeated 7 pm Saturday.

8:00 Chihuly in the Hotshop (TV-G) Get an up-close view of artist Dale Chihuly’s process, from initial design to completed piece, as he creates glass art before a live audience in Tacoma’s Mu-seum of Glass hotshop.

9:00 Richard Bangs’ Adventures with Purpose Join Bangs on a quest for the modern-day equivalent of the Kasbah, the walled residential quarters surrounding Moroccan cites.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

3Tuesday 7:00 NOVA (TV-PG) (DVS)

Walk to Beautiful. Follow the stories of five Ethiopian women devastated by a common aftermath of neglected childbirth as they journey to the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital.

8:00 In The Footsteps of Marco Polo (TV-G) Equal parts travelogue, adventure story, history trek and buddy movie, come along on a two-year attempt to retrace Marco Polo’s legendary 25,000-mile trek from Italy to China.

9:30 Geocache (TV-G) A look at the emerging outdoor sport that utilizes global satellite positioning technology, the Internet and hiking skills on a treasure hunt to locate items hidden around the world.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

�Wednesday 7:00 Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work

(TV-PG) The Queen and Us. The story of a Buckingham Palace Garden Party through the eyes of four guests, along with several interesting travel experiences of the Royal family.

Marking the first anniversary of his passing, Pavarotti: Salute Petra honors the legendary Italian tenor in concert. Taped October 12, 2008, at the famous historical site of Pe-

tra (Jordan), performers include Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, Cynthia Law-rence, Angela Gheorghiu and Andrea Bocelli. In keeping with Pavarotti’s legacy of generosity, proceeds from the live concert benefited projects in Afghanistan funded by the United Nations Refugee Agency and the United Nations World Food Programme.

Giving New Meaning to

BrainpowerIn a new public televi-sion special, New York Times bestselling author Daniel Pink (A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future) describes the rise of right-brain think-ing—artistry, empathy, big-picture thought—in our everyday lives. Drawing on his experience as a volunteer research subject at the National Institutes of Health, he offers a clear explanation of the differences between the two sides of the brain. Using that simple science as metaphor, he reveals why abilities characteristic of the right hemisphere are now the key to professional success and personal fulfillment.

Tribute to a Tenor

Pavarotti: Salute Petra 7 pm Sunday, March 8 Repeated 8:50 pm March 19.

Daniel Pink: Living on the Right Side of the Brain 7 pm Tuesday, March 10 Repeated 1 pm Thursday.



8:00 Great Performances (TV-G) Dance In America: Wolf Trap’s Face of America. An inside look at Wolf Trap’s celebration of America’s cultural and natural landscapes with new commissioned works by the country’s top choreographers and musicians.

9:30 Jonathan Green: The Art and Dance (TV-G) Choreographer William Starrett combines music, dance and art to bring Jonathan Green’s paintings of South Carolina’s Gullah culture to the ballet stage.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

�Thursday 7:00 Illinois Gardener

Repeated 11 am Saturday. 7:30 Prairie Fire 8:00 This Old House Hour (TV-G) 9:00 Soundstage (TV-PG)

Seal. 9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

�Friday 7:00 Public Affairs

See page 5. 9:00 Last Ghost of War (TV-PG) (DVS)

Meet plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit seeking justice and compensation from U.S. chemical companies charged with introducing Agent Orange into Vietnam’s food chain.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

�Saturday 7:00 Antiques Roadshow (TV-G)

Honolulu, Hawaii. Part 1 (2007). Repeated from 7 pm Monday.

8:00 BritCom Saturday Night See page 5.

11:30 Austin City Limits (TV-G) Brad Paisley and Dierks Bentley.

8Sunday 2:00 Heart Healthy Yoga: Yoga for the Rest

of Us 3:00 Moveable Feast with America’s Favorite

Chefs See article page 2.

4:30 Visions: The Great Cities of Europe Experience an overview of London, Am-sterdam, the French Riviera and Monaco, Rome, Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Dublin, Florence, Venice and Paris.

6:00 Doctor Who Series The Family of Blood.

7:00 Pavarotti: Salute Petra See article page 6. Repeated 8:50 pm March 19.

Rocketing to worldwide fame in the early 1980s, Andy Summers, Stewart Copeland and Sting—better known as The Police—revitalized rock ‘n roll with their signature fusion of punk, New Wave and reggae sounds. After a host of hit singles, five smash albums and six Grammy Awards between 1980 and 1984, group members parted ways in 1986. In 2007, Great Performances captured the reunited trio in The Police: Certifiable as they launched the band’s farewell tour from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Stay tuned for more great music from Paul Simon following The Police special.

We’ve Summoned

The Police

Great Performances The Police: Certifiable 7 pm Wednesday, March 11 Repeated 9 pm Friday; and 10:04 pm Saturday.



7:55 Yanni Voices: Live from the Forum In Acapulco A new concert featuring Yanni’s orchestra and four extraordinary young vocalists, captured with 12 cameras over four nights at Acapulco’s Forum at Mundo Imperial.

9:45 Chris Botti: Live In Boston Trumpeter Chris Botti brings together Sting, Lucia Micarelli, John Mayer, Josh Groban, Katharine McPhee, Yo-Yo Ma, Steven Tyler and Sy Smith at Symphony Hall in Boston, with Keith Lockhart con-ducting The Boston Pops.

11:00 Journey to Greatness with Noah benShea International best-selling author Noah benShea shows how lifelong learning and a commitment to self-improvement can re-new spirit, re-orient efforts and transform life. Repeated 1 pm Tuesday.

9Monday 7:00 Chili, Soups and Stews

See article page 2. Repeated 11:30 am Saturday; 2 pm Sunday; and 9 am Satur-day, March 21.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Be Well Now!

Based on her national bestseller, Nancy Snyderman, MD, explains the life-extend-ing, health-improving medical truths and debunks the myths in this new special. Repeated 10 am Saturday; 1 pm Wednes-day; and 8:50 pm Wednesday, March 18.

11:30 Charlie Rose

After learning to play by ear at age 4, guitarist Tommy Emmanuel’s career spans more than four decades. His unique finger style is akin to playing guitar the way a pianist plays piano, using all 10 fingers. A household name in his native Australia, Emmanuel is a two-time Grammy nominee, the only non-American to be induct-ed into the Thumb Pickers Hall of Fame and ranked in the top three favorite artists among readers of Acoustic Guitar magazine.

Tommy Emmanuel: Center Stage was filmed in high definition at the Sierra Nevada Brewery in Chico, Calif., for public television and includes four never-be-fore recorded tracks.

This compilation of outstanding musical produc-tion numbers from public television specials pro-duced during the past 10 years salutes the beloved members of the Lawrence Welk Musical Family. Eighteen solo and group artists are spotlighted in short biographies, illustrated by their personal collections of photographs. Featured are Anacani, Bobby Burgess, Jo Ann Castle, Henry Cuesta, Dick Dale, Ken Delo, Arthur Duncan, Ralna English, Joe Feeney, Myron Floren, Guy Hovis, Jack Imel, Len-non Sisters, Mary Lou Metzger, Tom Netherton, Bob Ralston, Jimmy Roberts and Norma Zimmer.

Much More Than

a One and a Two!

Welk Stars: Through the Years 6 pm Saturday, March 14

Tommy Emmanuel: Center Stage 8:10 pm Thursday, March 12

Perfecting the Art of

Acoustic Guitar Play



A Most Memorable EveningRenée Fleming, one of the world’s leading sopranos, headlines the opening night gala of the Metropolitan Opera’s 125th anniversary season, featuring fully staged ex-cerpts from three of her favorite operas. Joined by tenor Ramon Vargas, baritones Thomas Hampson and Dwayne Croft and bass Robert Lloyd, Flem-ing appears in the second act of Verdi’s La Traviata, the third act of Massenet’s Manon and the final scene from Strauss’ Capric-cio. Music director James Levine and maestros Marco Armiliato and Patrick Summers share the podium for this special event.

Great Performances at the Met The Metropolitan Opera Opening Night Gala Starring Renée Fleming 7 pm Sunday, March 15

Lincoln: Prelude to the Presidency 7 pm Monday, March 16

Ten Sisters: A True Story 8:10 pm Monday, March 16

If you missed the February debut of our new documentary, Lincoln: Prelude to the Presidency, you can still discover the numerous ways that Lincoln’s time on the Illinois Eighth Judicial Circuit shaped him as our 16th President. This WILL-produced documentary features interviews with Lincoln scholars Doris Kearns Goodwin, Edna Greene Medford and Orville Vernon Burton, as well as reenactments of various cases Lincoln tried. You also have a chance to meet producer Alison Davis Wood and see the documentary on the big screen this month. Lincoln: Prelude to the Presidency and Looking for Lincoln, produced by WNET, will be shown dur-ing Lincolnfest’s Free Family Matinee, beginning at 1 pm Saturday, March 14, at the Virginia Theatre in Champaign. Alison Davis Wood hosts.

The 10 Waggoner sisters of Illinois’ Paradise Township, grew up caring for one another in their rural two-room home when their parents remained too distracted by financial troubles and disagreements to nurture them. Every-thing changed in March 1942 when the sisters became wards of the state and were placed in orphanages, foster and

Revisit Lincoln and Ten Sisters Documentariesadoptive homes. Ten Sisters: A True Story recounts the legal proceeding that separated the daughters of Glen and Ruth Waggoner from each other and their parents.

Local Influence



Taped before an audience of 2,500 enthusiastic fans in November 2008, Daniel O’Donnell’s Hope and Praise concert is an uplifting mix of multi-denominational hymns, gospel and pop songs featuring an orchestra, a 24-member young adult choir, a 12-member children’s choir, Daniel’s band and Mary Duff.

Three Roman Catholic clergymen from Northern Ireland—brothers Eugene and Martin O’Hagan and their friend David Delargy—are trained vocalists brought together by their faith and passion for music. Performing at Armagh, one of Ireland’s most prestigious cathedrals, The Priests are accompanied by a full orchestra and choir and joined by legendary flutist Sir James Galway and Moya Brennan of Clannad.

Experience the land of saints and scholars in high definition, set to a soundtrack that includes traditional jigs and reels, as well as modern Celtic rock. Visions of Ireland reveals the country’s timeless country glens, abundant fishing ports, the famous golf courses of counties Kerry and Cork and more.

2125 South Neil StreetChampaign, IL 61820


Suzanne Trupin, MD, FACOG



State of Illinois






A Fitting Celebration of St. Patrick

Daniel O’Donnell Hope and Praise 7 pm Tuesday, March 17 Repeated 3 pm Saturday.

Priests in Concert at Armagh Cathedral 8:50 pm Tuesday, March 17

Visions of Ireland 10:02 pm Tuesday, March 17



10Tuesday 7:00 Daniel Pink: Living on the Right Side

of the Brain (TV-PG) See article page 6. Repeated 1 pm Thursday.

8:30 Last of the Summer Wine Marathon See article page 3. Repeated 9:20 pm Thursday.

10:28 Your Weather10:32 Eckhart Tolle: Awakening in the Now

The first broadcast featuring excerpts from a rare public lecture presented in 2007 by Eckhart Tolle in Los Angeles. Repeated 10:40 pm Sunday.

11Wednesday 7:00 Great Performances (TV-G)

The Police Certifiable. See article page 7. Repeated 9 pm Friday; and 10:04 pm Saturday.

8:20 Paul Simon: The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song (TV-G) Simon received this newly-created award in recognition of popular music’s impact on the world’s culture at a gala concert in Washington, DC’s Warner Theatre, featur-ing appearances by his friends and fellow musicians. Repeated 9 pm Friday, March 20.

9:40 You: Inner and Outer Beauty with Dr. Michael Roizen Beauty, including that of heart, brain and soul, influences how you feel about your-self and your overall feelings of happiness and satisfaction. Repeated 1 pm Friday.

11:00 Charlie Rose

12Thursday 7:00 Alison Krauss: A Hundred Miles Or

More (TV-PG) Join Krauss performing with members of her band, Union Station, and special guest musicians, including Brad Paisley, James Taylor, John Waite, Tony Rice, Sam Bush and Stuart Duncan. Repeated 9:30 pm Sunday.

Champaign Cycle506 S. Country Fair DriveChampaign(217) 352-7600www.champaigncycle.com

Champaign Cycle


offers the equipment, experience and information to help the active cyclist of any age enjoy the fun of riding.

FisherTrekThe Bicycle Specialists

BACH initiates a year-long celebration of the music of G.F. Handel with this richly scored setting of John Dryden’s “Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day” for chorus and orchestra.

Smith Memorial Hall, 805 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, $18/$15/$10

Purchase tickets online, by email at info@baroqueartists.org or by phone at 217-378-6802.


Handel’s Alexander’s FeastSaturday, March 21, 2009

7:30 pm

8:10 Tommy Emmanuel: Center Stage See article page 8.

9:20 Last of the Summer Wine Marathon See article page 3.

11:20 Charlie Rose

13Friday 7:00 Public Affairs

See page 5. 9:00 Great Performances (TV-G)

The Police: Certifiable. See article page 7. Repeated from 7 pm Wednesday.

10:20 Your Weather10:25 Rock, Rhythm & Doo Wop (TV-G)

This program features over 200 performers from rock and roll, rhythm and blues and doo wop music, including Little Richard, Jay Black and The Americans, Little Anthony & The Imperials, Lenny Welch and more.

1�Saturday 9 am Heart Healthy Yoga: Yoga for the Rest of

Us10:00 Be Well Now! Repeated from 10:02 pm

Monday.11:30 Chilis, Soups and Stews 2:30 pm Rick Steves’ Romantic Europe 4:30 Rick Steves’ Iran (TV-G) (DVS)

Join Rick Steves as he explores Iran’s artistic and cultural heritage, splendid monuments, bustling cities, historic capital and countryside villages.

6:00 Welk Stars: Through The Years See article page 8.

8:00 As Time Goes By Reunion Special (TV-PG) Dame Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer bring their beloved television characters, Jean Pargetter and Lionel Hardcastle, back to life as they anticipate additions to their extended family. Repeated 9:30 pm Monday.

10:00 Your Weather

10:04 Great Performances (TV-G) The Police: Certifiable. See article page 7. Repeated from 7 pm Wednesday.

11:33 Chris Botti: Live in Boston Repeated from 9:45 Sunday.



1�Sunday 2:00 Chili, Soups and Stews 5:00 Rick Steves’ Romantic Europe 7:00 Great Performances (TV-G)

At The Met - The Metropolitan Opera Opening Night Gala Starring Renee Fleming See article page 9.

9:30 Alison Krauss: A Hundred Miles Or More (TV-PG) Repeated from 7 pm Thursday.

10:35 Your Weather10:40 Eckhart Tolle: Awakening in the Now

Repeated from 10:32 Tuesday.

1�Monday 7:00 Lincoln: Prelude to the Presidency

(TV-G) See article page 9.

8:15 Ten Sisters - A True Story (TV-PG) (DVS) See article page 9.

9:30 As Time Goes By Reunion Special (TV-PG) Repeated from 8 pm Saturday.

11:30 Charlie Rose

1�Tuesday 7:00 Daniel O’Donnell Hope and Praise

See article page 10. Repeated 3 pm Saturday.

8:50 Priests In Concert at Armagh Cathedral (TV-G) See article page 10.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Visions of Ireland (TV-G)

See article page 10.11:30 Charlie Rose

18Wednesday 7:00 Welk Stars: Through The Years

Repeated from 6 pm Saturday. 8:50 Be Well Now! Repeated from 10:02 pm

Tuesday, March 9.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Illinois Lawmakers: Gov. Quinn Budget

Address11:30 Charlie Rose

19Thursday 7:00 Illinois Gardener 7:30 3 Mo’ Divas

From Puccini to Proud Mary, Jamet Pitt-man, Laurice Lanier and Nova Payton offer amazing individual and group performances.

8:50 Pavarotti: Salute Petra Repeated from 7 pm Sunday, March 8.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 You: Inner and Outer Beauty with

Dr. Michael Roizen Repeated from 9:40 Wednesday, March 11.

11:30 Charlie Rose

20Friday 7:00 Public Affairs

See page 5. 9:00 Paul Simon: The Library of Congress

Gershwin Prize for Popular Song (TV-G) Repeated from 8:20 pm Wednesday.

10:20 Your Weather10:25 3 Mo’ Divas

Repeated from 7:30 Thursday.11:30 Charlie Rose

21Saturday 9:00 Chili, Soups and StewsNoon Moveable Feast with America’s

Favorite Chefs Repeated from 3 pm Sunday, March 8.

1:30 Visions: The Great Cities of Europe Repeated from 4:30 pm Sunday, March 8.

3:00 Daniel O’Donnell Hope and Praise Repeated from 7 pm Tuesday, March 17.

5:00 Welk Stars: Through The Years Repeated from 6 pm Saturday, March 14.

7:00 Viewer’s Choice10:00 Your Weather

22Sunday 3:00 Masterpiece Classic (TV-PG)

David Copperfield. Part 1 of 2. The ac-claimed 2000 adaptation of Charles Dick-ens’ beloved novel boasts an all-star cast headed by Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter).

4:30 Masterpiece Classic (TV-PG) David Copperfield. Part 2 of 2.

7:00 Viewer’s Choice 9:58 Your Weather

23Monday 7:00 Antiques Roadshow (TV-G)

Wichita, Kan. Part 3 of 3. Repeated 7 pm Saturday.

8:00 Sister Aimee: American Experience (TV-PG)(DVS) A revealing portrait of Aimee Semple McPherson, a controversial evangelist who brought conservative Protestantism into mainstream culture and politics.

9:00 Powder & The Glory (DVS) The story of competing companies formed by immigrants Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein that defined a new business segment and created what is now the $150 billion global health and beauty industry.

10:28 Your Weather10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

2�Tuesday 7:00 NOVA (DVS)

Extreme Ice. Join a photojournalist and a scientific team as they deploy time-lapse cameras in remote locations to create a photo archive of melting graciers in the hopes of understanding how they drive rising sea levels.

Strawberry Fields306 W. SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, URBANA • 328-1655


For flavorful and healthy eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner, visit Strawberry Fields,

our area’s premier natural foods store.

Susan Kundrat MS, RD, LD

Listen to Susan thefirst Monday of everymonth at 1 p.m. onAM 580’s AfternoonMagazine withCeleste Quinn or visit her from 3-5 p.m.every Monday atStrawberry Fields.

In-Store Nutritionist

You are whatyou eat.



The 2008–2009 Season Ian Hobson, music director

For more information contact the Krannert Center Ticket Office, call 217/333-6280 or 800/kcpatix or visit www.krannertcenter.com

April 3 — Der Rosenkavalier

Featuring over 20 vocalists and a large orchestra, this legendary work will be preformed for the first time in Central Illinois.

R. StraussDer Rosenkavalier

Sinfonia presents a concert version of Richard Strauss’s colorful opera Der Rosenkavalier.

8:00 Frontline Sick Around the World A look at what the United States could learn from the health care systems of Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

9:00 Betty Ford: The Real Deal Drawing from a 2002 interview, historian Michael Beschloss paints an intimate por-trait of the former First Lady, including her advocacy for equal rights and founding the treatment center that bears her name.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

2�Wednesday 7:00 Great Performances (TV-G)

King Lear. See article page 3. 9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

2�Thursday 7:00 Illinois Gardener 7:30 Prairie Fire

Season premiere includes New Philadel-phia/Lincoln Photographer/Lincoln: On Slavery. See article page 1.

8:00 This Old House Hour (TV-G) 9:00 Gershwin at One Symphony Place 9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

2�Friday 7:00 Public Affairs

See page 5. 9:00 Independent Lens (TV-PG)

Arusi Persian Wedding. Iranian American filmmaker Marjan Tehrani chronicles her

brother’s return to Iran during the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, as he travels with his American wife to have a traditional Persian wedding and explore his lost heritage.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

28Saturday 7:00 Antiques Roadshow (TV-G)

Wichita, Kan. Part 3 of 3. Repeated from 7 pm Monday.

8:00 BritCom Saturday Night See page 5.

11:30 Austin City Limits Corinne Bailey Rae/KT Tunstall.

29Sunday 7:00 Nature (DVS)

Kilauea: Mountain of Fire. Join filmmaker Paul Atkins on Hawaii’s Big Island as he captures the Kilauea volcano, which has created 544 acres of new land and con-sumed 200 homes since 1983.

8:00 Masterpiece Classic (TV-PG) Little Dorrit. This lavish new adaptation follows the Dorrit family and the rich array of characters they encounter on their way from rags to riches and back again.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Globe Trekker (TV-G) (DVS)

Food Hour: Southern India.11:00 Woodsongs (TV-G)

Del McCoury Band.

30Monday 7:00 Antiques Roadshow (TV-G)

Chattanooga, Tenn. Part 1 of 3. Repeated 7 pm Saturday.

8:00 Live from Lincoln Center Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra.

9:58 Your Weather

10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose

31Tuesday 7:00 NOVA

Last Extinction. Discover the story behind the May 2008 headlines when a team of scientists announced newfound evidence of an impact from space that contributed to the extinction of more than 34 types of prehistoric animals.

8:00 Frontline Sick Around America. An examination of the best and worst of U.S. healthcare through the experiences of ordinary Americans.

9:00 Journey to Planet Earth (TV-PG) The State of the Planet’s Oceans. The lat-est installment in this series investigates issues affecting marine preserves, fisher-ies and coastal ecosystems in the United States and elsewhere.

9:58 Your Weather10:02 Last of the Summer Wine10:32 Are You Being Served?11:03 Charlie Rose




5:00 8:49 9:00 9:49 10:06 10:58 11:06 11:58 Noon 12:55 1:06 2:06 3:00 4:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:00- 5 am

Saturday Sunday

HighPower,LowPowerAM 580 broadcasts at high power from local sunrise to local sunset. Your reception may also vary depending on other atmospheric factors. In March WILL-AM will broadcast at high power (5,000 watts) between 6:15 am and 6 pm, March 1-7, and 7:15 am-7 pm March 8-31. A clear digital signal of the news and information service is available 24 hours a day on FM 90.9 HD2 and HD3.


The news from AM 580’s award-winning staff of reporters —Tom Rogers, Jim Meadows and Jeff Bossert—can be heard during Morning Edition, The Afternoon Magazine and All Things Considered.


For further news, weather and Webcasts, visit us online at will.illinois.edu.


Monday-FridayWeather Forecast: 5:35, 6:35, 7:35, 8:35, 9:35 am; 12:35, 4:33, 5:33 pm SaturdayandSunday

TalktoEd&TalktoMikeFridays7:50am&12:40pmCall (217)333-9455 or (800)222-9455 with your weather-related questions. Watch WILL-TV for nightly YourWeather. Occasional Updates

To listen to archived ag reports, sign up for the AM 580 Ag E-Letter, or download our agricultural podcasts, visit www.willag.org. Call 217-333-3434 for daily market analysis.


5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 Noon 1:00 2:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:00- 5 am

BBC Overnight Continued Commodity Week with Todd Gleason Illinois Gardener Weekend Edition with Scott Simon (NPR) Car Talk Wait Wait ... Don’t Tell Me State Week in Review Commodity Week with Todd Gleason Travel with Rick Steves This American Life (repeated 6 pm Sunday) The Midnight Special with Rich Warren All Things Considered (NPR) The People’s Pharmacy Sidetrack (3/7) America Abroad: Terror, Tribes and the Taliban (3/14) Intelligence Squared: Carbon Emissions (3/21) India Rising (3/28) Living on Earth Latino USA World Vision Report Alternative Radio CounterSpin Humankind BBC World Service

City Club Forum Inside Europe with Helen Seeney Weekend Edition with Lianne Hansen (NPR) Says You Car Talk On the Media Media Matters with Bob McChesney The Tavis Smiley Show All Things Considered (NPR) Keepin’ the Faith with Steve Shoemaker This American Life To the Best of Our Knowledge with Jim Fleming New Dimensions with Michael Toms Le Show with Harry Shearer BBC World Service

Morning Edition with Renee Montagne, Steve Inskeep (NPR) Pre-Opening Market Report BBC World Briefing Opening Market Report Focus 580 with David Inge 3/4 Cooking 3/10 Lawn & Garden 3/16 Home Maintenance 3/20 Personal Finance Market Update 3/23 Women’s Health Market Update The Afternoon Magazine with Celeste Quinn Ag and Stock Market Report 3/2 Diet & Nutrition 3/6 Dog Behavior 3/16 Computers & You Closing Market Report The World All Things Considered with Robert Siegel, Melissa Block, Michele Norris (NPR) Public Square (4:45 & 6:45 F) Environmental Almanac (4:45 & 6:45 Th) Fresh Air BBC World Service The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Mon: Commonwealth Club Tue: City Club Forum Wed: A World of Possibilities Thurs: Bookworm Fri: State Week in Review Thurs: New Letters on the Air Fri: Washington Week BBC World Service

Bold Listing = National/International News Italics = Agriculture and Marketing Reports Jay Pearce, program director AM 580 FM 90.9 HD2 and HD3



Join us at the Beef House in Cov-ington, Ind., on March 10 for our AM 580 All Day Agricultural Out-look Meeting. This year might be our strongest lineup ever.

AM 580 Agricultural Director Dave Dickey said, “With the high degree of uncertainty about what producers will plant due to fluctuations in in-put costs, our lineup of analysts will offer up-to-the-minute information to help manage risk and increase on-farm profitability.”

Presenters include: Glen Ring of Glen Ring Enterprises from Cedar Falls, Iowa, who will provide us with his unique technical analysis for 2009; ADM chief economist Parry Dickson from ADM in Decatur, who will brief us through world market fundamentals; Bob Boesdorfer,

senior vice president – commercial and agribusiness banking, First Midwest Bank, who will discuss production costs and farm revenue from the banking and producer perspectives; Murray Wise, chief executive officer and chairman of the Westchester Group in Naples, Fla., who will provide expertise on land values; AM 580 chief meteorologist Ed Kieser who will give us the latest on agricultural weather; and University of Illinois economist Gary Schnitzkey, who will walk us through 2009 crop insurance options.

2009 Agricultural Outlook Meeting: The Changing Paradigm of Farming

We’ll also have futures and basis analysis panels for both corn and soybeans. Registration at the Beef House in Covington begins at 8:15 a.m. Eastern time (7:15 a.m. Cen-tral) with the first panel scheduled for 8:45 a.m. Eastern (7:45 a.m. Central). Cost is $16, which includes a light continental breakfast and a lunch buffet. Full details are on our web site, willag.org.

Tackling More Issues Saturdays at 6

conditions on the ground there, and the inability of Kabul and Islamabad to tame the badlands along their border.

NPR’s Intelligence Squared, which brings Oxford-style debating to America, at 6 pm March 21 tackles the

topic of whether major reductions in carbon emissions are worth the money. Peter Huber, Bjorn Lomborg and Philip Stott come out in favor of the idea, while Daniel Kammen, Oliver Tickell and Adam Werbach speak against it.

In line with its tradition of offering award-winning radio programming, a new Stanley Foundation series takes an in-depth look at the rapidly chang-ing global order and what it means for the United States. The March 28 in-stallment at 6 pm, India Rising, exam-ines the effect of the Mumbai attacks on India’s economy, its internation-alism, its pluralism and its openness. This nuclear-armed nation, the world’s biggest democracy, now faces a historic challenge—one that will test its mettle and shape its evolving world role.

March 7 is another episode of Side-track, AM 580’s monthly news/fea-tures magazine hosted by Jason Croft. Sidetrack brings you the stories you might have otherwise missed. Some-times offbeat, sometimes unusual, but never dull, it’s a fresh look at the what’s going on in our backyard and around the world.

The issues at the center of America’s consciousness take center stage on the rest of March Saturdays.

The mountains and caves of the tribal regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan are the stomping ground of terrorists—where the plots are hatched that threat-en America’s security. On March 14 at 6 pm, America Abroad: Terror, Tribes and the Taliban explores the deteriorating

s An American soldier abroad

Weekdays WILL-FM 90.9 and HD1 101.1 in Champaign-Urbana 106.5 in Danville

6 amThe Morning Expresswith Vic Di GeronimoEverything you need to start your day, in one handy place!• Great classical music and companionship all morning long • A complete weather forecast at the top of each hour • NPR news headlines at 7:01, 8:01, 9:01 • Frequent time and weather checks each hour • School closings (when occurring) at 6:30, 7:04 and 7:30, and as confirmed (with a complete listing also available on will.illinois.edu) • Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac at 7:45

10:01 amNPR News Headlines

10:06 amMid-Morning Classicswith Jeff Esworthy

NoonLive and Localwith Kevin KellyKevin’s new lunchtime get-together features music and a daily serving of news about and interviews with area music-makers.

1:01 pmNPR News Headlines

1:06 pmAfternoon ClassicsJulie Amacher, Valerie Kahler and others keep you company throughout the afternoon and early evening with music and occasional news updates, including NPR headlines at a minute past 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm.

8 pm (M-Th) The Evening ConcertGreat orchestras from the great concert halls!

Monday:Chicago Symphony Orchestra3/2 Leonard Slatkin, Miguel Harth-

Bedoya,Georg Solti, cond; Cho-Liang Lin, violin; Yo-Yo Ma, cello; The Silk Road Ensemble. BRUCH, ZHOU LONG, BEETHOVEN

3/9 Manfred Honeck, cond; John Sharp, cello


3/16 Charles Dutoit, cond; Lang Lang, piano SIBELIUS, CHOPIN, MUSSORGSKY/



Tuesday:Chicago Ensembles3/3 Civic Orchestra of Chicago Alan Gilbert, cond RAVEL, MUSSORGSKY Chicago Chamber Musicians R. STRAUSS, FAURE3/10 Civic Orchestra of Chicago Cliff Colnot, cond All-BEETHOVEN program Chicago Chamber Musicians ROUSSEL, SCHUBERT, PONCHIELLI3/17 uSPECIAL: Carolan’s Dream. From

our “Music You Can Use” series, a St. Pat’s compendium of the Baroque-influenced works of the blind harper, without interruption. A great soundtrack for your party, or for a contemplative evening alone!

New York Philharmonic3/24 Bramwell Tovey, cond;


RACHMANINOFF3/31 Lorin Maazel, cond;

Jean-Yves Thibaudet, piano BARBER, GERSHWIN, STRAVINSKY

Wednesday: Beethoven Festival Concerts3/4 Elena Bashkirova, piano; Karl-Heinz

Steffens, clarinet; Guy Braunstein & Michael Barenboim, violins; Amihai Grosz,

viola; Kyril Zlotnikov, cello; Robert Holl, bass BEETHOVEN, HINDEMITH, BRAHMS,

R. SCHUMANN3/11 Gewandhaus Quartet All-BEETHOVEN program3/18 New York Philharmonic Orchestra Lorin Maazel, cond BRUCKNER: Sym No 83/25 National Orchestra of France Kurt Masur, cond BEETHOVEN: Sym Nos 1, 2 & 3 Eroica

Thursday:New Jersey Symphony Orchestra3/5 Hannu Lintu, cond; Kyoko Takezawa, violin BEETHOVEN, SIBELIUS3/12 Neeme Jarvi, cond BACH/BUSONI, HAYDN,

SHOSTAKOVICH3/19 Kwame Ryan, cond Karen Gomyo, violin DVORAK, RACHMANINOFF3/26 Gilbert Varga, cond;

Haochen Zhang, piano TCHAIKOVSKY, BARTOK

10:01 pmNPR News Headlines

10:06 pm (M-Th)Night Music Ward Jacobson, Bob Christiansen, Alison Young or John Zech keep you company through the wee hours.

s Kwame Ryan (8 pm, 3/19)

Joyce Yang (8 pm, 3/24)

Grosz (8 pm, 3/4)s


Jake Schumacher, program director


Friday evening WILL-FM 90.9 and HD1

3:59 pmLiving Music WeekendTo guide your choices, a calendar of weekend musical events in our area, presented by Roger Cooper.

4:01 pmNPR News Headlines

4:06 pmBroadway RevisitedThe American musical theater, explored by Art Hilgart.3/6 Fred Astaire and Irving Berlin. Between

1935 and 1948, Irving Berlin wrote the scores for six Fred Astaire pictures. Today we sample all of them!

3/13 Pal Joey. The Rodgers & Hart show that led the way to modern musicals.

3/20 Oscar and Anita. Oscar Peterson and Anita O’Day sing Broadway.

3/27 The Lion Sings. The MGM musicals of Arthur Freed.

5:06 pmFascinatin’ RhythmMichael Lasser examines the history of American popular song.3/6 Some Forgotten Females. Tin Pan Alley

had women songwriters from its earliest days; here’s a chance to rediscover some forgotten writers of some remembered songs.

3/13 Ned Harrigan. This is the Harrigan that George M. Cohan wrote about; he helped to define the American musical in the 1880s and lift the Irish beyond stereotype.

3/20 Five Kinds of Songs. Making something out of something else: sentimental ballads, artistic songs, march songs, waltz songs, and ragtime songs.

3/27 Fred Fisher. You may never have heard of him, but you probably know Chicago, Oh, You Beautiful Doll, For Me and My Gal, and dozens more of his compositions.

6 pmThe Song Is YouBonnie Grice talks with all sorts of people about the sorts of music that influenced them.3/6 Elizabeth Streb. A huge name in the world

of experimental dance with her dance company SLAM joins us for an hour to play music that influenced her through the years.

3/13 Giancarlo Impiglia. More than a celebrated painter and graphic artist, he’s a true renaissance man, who shares some of his musical passions, from Pavarotti to Led Zep.

3/20 Bill Charlap. The jazz pianist’s mother is singer Sandy Stewart; his father was famed Broadway composer Moose Charlap, who wrote the music for Mary Martin’s Peter Pan.

3/27 James Villas. Winner of the James Beard Award, the elegant author looks at food and music during our hour with him.

Midnight Bluegrass BreakdownNashville’s Dave Higgs presents bluegrass music, often with live performances in the mix.

1 amThe Bluegrass ReviewMore bluegrass music, interviews and features, with host Phil Nusbaum providing an historical perspective.

2 amThe Folk SamplerFrom the foothills of the Ozarks, Mike Flynn pres-ents folk, traditional, bluegrass and blues.

3 amThe Art of the SongExploring creativity in songwriting and other arts.

4 amCeltic ConnectionsFrom Carbondale, Brian Crow plays music of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brittany.

7 pmMarian McPartland’s Piano JazzGreat playing, great conversation!3/6 Joanne Brackeen. A virtuoso pianist and master composer, she has been a trailblazer for women in jazz.3/13 Jesse Green. This pianist, composer and

arranger’s father was trombonist Urbie Green and his mother, Kathy Preston, was a big band singer.

3/20 Kate McGarry. A singer/songwriter who has traveled many musical paths, exploring everything from Celtic music to swing and various genres in between.

3/27 Christopher Ziemba. An amazing young pianist and composer, currently honing his craft at the Eastman School of Music.

8 pmRiverwalk JazzThe Jim Cullum Jazz Band plays classic jazz. David Holt co-hosts with Jim.3/6 Steppin’ Out with The Jim Cullum Jazz

Band & Friends. Clarinetist Kenny Davern joins a session featuring high energy songs from the 20s and classic Ellington compositions.

3/13 Empress of the Blues: The Life & Music of Bessie Smith. Born in a ramshackle cabin, she danced on street corners for tips. Ma Rainey discovered her there; the rest is history.

3/20 The Rhythmakers: A Gathering of Jazz Titans. Trumpeter Duke Heitger and guitarist Clint Baker help celebrate Eddie Condon’s multiracial recording group.

3/27 A Night at Bricktop’s: Jazz in 1930s Montmartre. Ada ‘Bricktop’ Smith was the red-headed American chanteuse who taught Paris how to Charleston. Music from the bohemian jazz scene there in the ’30s includes repertoire from Django Reinhardt, Satchmo and Cole Porter.

9 pmRhythm, Sweet & HotRare and wonderful recordings from the ’20s through the ’50s, primarily from 78s.

10 pmRadio DeluxeJazz singer/guitarist John Pizzarelli and his vocalist wife, Jessica Molaskey, host a two-hour weekly music party from their “deluxe living room!” Snappy patter, classics from the American Popular Songbook, and a lot of fun! Catch it Sundays from 4 to 6 pm as well!

Kate McGarry (7 pm, 3/20)s


Saturdays WILL-FM 90.9 and HD1

s Sonny Rollins (8 pm, 3/21)

5 amClassical MusicGillian Martin helps you wake up, or go to sleep, depending.

7 amThe Morning ShowVincent Trauth is your Saturday morning com-panion, offering classical music, weather, the occasional interview, NPR news headlines at 7:01 and Garrison Keillor’s almanac at 8:01 am.

9:01 amNPR News Headlines

9:06 amClassics By RequestJohn Frayne plays requests at this time each Satur-day morning. Submit requests at classreq@illinois.edu or (217) 265-5084. 10 amClassics of the PhonographJohn Frayne’s weekly exploration of classical music from the pre-digital recording era.3/7 Scheherazade. Favorite pin-up of the LP

era!3/14 The Allure of the Celtic Twilight.

Stanford, Harty, Bax and Bantock.3/21 Mravinsky & the Leningrad

Philharmonic. Greatness behind the Curtain.

3/28 Vladimir Ashkenazy. The pianist turns conductor.

11 amFrom the TopA live performance program featuring America’s best young classical musicians! Pianist Chris O’Riley hosts. Each show repeats Sunday at 6 pm.3/7 Guest artist Hilary Hahn plays with a

number of talented young musicians and meets her number one fan.

3/14 We visit the campus of the Warren Performing Arts Center in Indianapolis to hear performers from Chicago (including Gabriel Cabrezas) and Bloomington, Indiana.

3/21 From one of the world’s leading opera houses, in Houston, Texas, young singers and instrumentalists from Chicago and elsewhere perform the finale from Hansel and Gretel.

3/28 From Saenger Auditorium in charming Mobile, Alabama, a show including Mobile’s Singing Children, a 42-member chorus aged 9-17.

NoonAfternoon at the Opera: Live from the Met!Margaret Juntwaite hosts, John Frayne provides the extras. 3/7 MADAME BUTTERFLY (Puccini). Patrick

Summers, cond, with Cristina Gallardo-Domas, Maria Zifchak, Marcello Giordani and Dwayne Croft.

3/14 RUSALKA (Dvorak). Jiri Belohlavek, cond, with Renee Fleming, Christine Goerke, Stephanie Blythe, Aleksandrs Antonenko and Kristinn Sigmundsson.

3/21 THE SLEEPWALKER [LA SONNAMBULA] (Bellini). Evelino Pido, cond, with Natalie Dessay, Juan Diego Florez and Michele Pertusi.

3/28 THE RHINE GOLD [DAS RHEINGOLD] (Wagner). James Levine, cond, with Wendy Bryn Harmer, Yvonne Naef, Jill Grove, Kim Begley and James Morris.

4:01 pmNPR News Headlines

4:06 pmFootlight ParadeBill Rudman presents musical theater from Broadway to Hollywood.3/7 The Toasts of Broadway. Songs written

to toast someone or something, ranging from Rent’s “La Vie Boheme” to “The Drinking Song” from The Student Prince.

3/14 Spotlight on The Fantasticks. An hour celebrating an American classic that ran more than 17,000 performances, with fascinating observations by the show’s co-author Tom Jones.

3/21 A Salute to Spring. We welcome the season that wins popularity contests hands down: spring songs performed by Julie Andrews, Al Jolson, Bobby Short and many more.

3/28 1959 on Stage. The best of the year including the Tony Award-winning Sound of Music and the Pulitzer Prize-winning Fiorello!

5 pmA Prairie Home CompanionGarrison Keillor and friends present music, skits, and the latest news from Lake Wobegon. Each week’s program airs again at 2 pm Sunday on FM 90.9!

7 pmE-TownA variety show recorded live in front of an audi-ence, featuring top bluegrass, folk and country art-ists, as well as conversation about our communities and our world. 3/7 @ Red Rocks I: Mavis Staples; Michael

Franti & Spearhead.3/14 @ Red Rocks II: Michael Franti &

Spearhead; John Butler Trio.3/21 Richie Havens; Angel Taylor.3/28 Eliza Gilkyson; Matt Costa.

8 pmAmerican RoutesA program of and about all the roots and branches of American music, with host Nick Spitzer.3/7 Herbie Hancock & the Neville Brothers.

Hancock’s release River: the Joni Letters was only the second jazz recording ever to win the Grammy for Record of the Year.

3/14 James Blood Ulmer & Tracy Nelson. Elemental blues, jazz and country from two performers with deep roots and cosmic connections.

3/21 Sonny Rollins & Bob French. Saxophone colossus Rollins has been igniting the jazz scene ever since he was a kid, hanging out with his mentor Thelonious Monk.

3/28 America’s Hippie Heritage. Along with their spiritual forefathers the beatniks and folkies, hippies latched on to the great music before them and created their own versions.

10 pmThe Saturday SpecialA month of concert documentaries.3/7 Stevie Ray Vaughan and Friends: Pride

and Joy. Stevie Ray jams with Bonnie Raitt, Jeff Beck, Albert and B. B. King in this program hosted by Ray Benson of Asleep at the Wheel.

3/14 Elvis: The ’68 Comeback Radio Special. Material from unedited live shows, backstage rehearsals, and some of the rawest, most captivating performances by the King ever captured.

3/21 Waylon Jennings: Never Say Die. The story behind his final concert at Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium, with musical highlights from that night.

3/28 My Own Peculiar Way: The Songs of Willie Nelson. Rich, colorful stories from Willie and his friends and family focusing on how his life intertwines with his best-known songs.

11 pmThe World Music HourDan Storper and Rosalie Howarth take you through music of many different cultures.

MidnightBlues Before SunriseWhere every month is Black History Month! Steve Cushing explores African-American music on the best blues show on the radio!


Sundays WILL-FM 90.9 and HD1

5 amClassical MusicGillian Martin selects classical music for your Sun-day morning, with NPR news headlines at 7:01 am and Garrison Keillor’s daily almanac at 8:01 am.

9 amSunday Baroque Suzanne Bona provides relaxing early music by the likes of Bach, Handel and Vivaldi, at this new time. You’ll also hear NPR news headlines at 9:01 am and 12:01 pm.

1 pmThe Thistle and ShamrockFiona Ritchie hosts this program from Scotland, featuring traditional and contemporary music from Scotland, Ireland and elsewhere.3/1 Welsh Momentum. From traditional harp

music to genre-bending blends of Latin, funk and Afrobeat, with Drymbago, Mim Twm Llai, Gwenan Gibbard and Crasdant.

3/8 New Traditions. Music from traditional roots absorbs new influences and styles from the Celtic heartlands and around the world.

3/15 Irish Classics. A nostalgic browse through Irish classics of the ’70s and ’80s by the Bothy Band, Kevin Burke and Paul Brady.

3/22 Solas. Seamus Egan and Win Horan chat about their roles in shaping this influential Irish-American band and share loads of their music.

3/29 Bass Rock. Contributions by acoustic and electric bass to Celtic music are

subtle, imaginative and, with players like Brittany’s Alain Genty, firmly in the foreground.

2 pmA Prairie Home CompanionGarrison Keillor and friends with skits, music, comedy and the news from Lake Wobegon!

4 pmRadio Deluxe Singer/guitarist John Pizzarelli and his sing-ing wife, Jessica Molaskey, host a two-hour weekly music party from their “deluxe living room!” Snappy patter, classics from the American Popular Songbook, interesting guests, and a lot of fun!

6 pmFrom the TopA rebroadcast of NPR’s young classical musician showcase. (See Saturdays 11am listings.)

7 pm Prairie Performances with Roger CooperA newly-expanded weekly program of regional concert broadcasts, interviews, reviews and previews. 3/1 Champaign-Urbana Symphony

Orchestra (1/31/09) Schumann & Syme Steven Larsen, cond; David Syme, piano

BOLCOM, R. SCHUMANN, BRAHMS3/8 International Women’s Day Special: The Women on the Prairie!

The U of I Women’s Glee Club, Amasong, Marilyn Horne, Ani Aznavoorian, Charlotte Mattax, Ollie Watts Davis, Karen Lynne Deal and others.

3/15 Sinfonia da Camera (2/4/09) English Garden

Ian Hobson, cond; Csaba Erdelyi , viola ELGAR, WALTON, VAUGHAN WILLIAMS 3/22 Illinois Symphony Orchestra (2/6,7/09)

Lincoln Bicentennial Karen Lynne Deal, cond UNGAR, HARRIS, DVORAK3/29 Prairie Ensemble (2/14/09)

The Ultimate Valentine’s Date Kevin Kelly, cond; Stefan Milenkovich,

violin; Ani Aznavoorian, cello; Rohan De Silva, piano


10:01 pmNPR News Headlines

10:06 pmHarmoniaAngela Mariani presents an hour of Baroque and early music. For this month’s program listings, visit will.illinois.edu and click on Schedules, WILL-FM, Sunday and Harmonia.

11:06 pmThe Romantic HoursMusic, poetry and romance, seamlessly woven by Mona Golabek.

MidnightClassical MusicScott Blankenship eases you into the new week.

s Roy Harris (7 pm, 3/22)

Kevin Burke (1 pm, 3/15)

Gwenan Gibbard (1 pm, 3/1)





Inside WILL

Set for May 16 from 8 am to 6 pm in the former Baskin’s clothing store at Lin-coln Square Village, the 2009 Vintage Vinyl sale will offer hundreds of LPs, CDs, audio equipment and much more at garage sale prices. The proceeds directly fund WILL’s Illinois Radio Reader Service in bringing news, information and entertain-ment to east central Illinois residents who are visually impaired.

The premium sale, with a $5 admission fee, runs from 8 to 11 am. There’s no fee from 11 am to 3 pm. Doors close from 3-4 to prepare for the half-price sale, which runs from 4 to 6 pm.

Beginning March 16 until April 10, donations of recordings and equipment are being accepted at the local Busey Bank offices in Champaign, Urbana and Savoy. Please be sure that donations are in sturdy containers or boxes.

On April 13, we’ll begin accepting donations at the sale site from 9 am to 4 pm. The Vintage Vinyl sale reserves the right to refuse any items deemed unsaleable or unsuitable for the sale.

For more information or to volunteer, call Deane Geiken at 217-333-6503.

Last chance to enter!Kids, don’t forget to enter your stories in the Youth Literature Festival Writing Contest. Spokesperson Jolette Law, coach of the Illinois women’s basketball team, encourages you to “Make a slam dunk with your writing!” Students in grades K-5 are eligible, but entries must be postmarked by March 9. The contest is sponsored by WILL Public Media, the College of Education and the University Library at the Uni-versity of Illinois. For entry forms and rules, please visit the YLF Web site at youthlitfest.ed.uiuc.edu/con-test or call 217-244-0708.

Writing Contest

Community Foundation Supports Illinois Radio ReaderIllinois Radio Reader (IRR) Director Deane Geiken accepted a grant of $2,450 from Joan Dixon of the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois in January. This important grant award will be used to replace old subcarrier radios that use the analog TV signal. With the new receivers, users will contin-ue receiving the IRR digital programming on the FM subcarrier signal.

Boston and Beyond!

Learn more about WILL’s New England/Nova Scotia Tour


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Do you have questions about WILL’s New England Tour coming up in September? Join us for wine and cheese and answers to your questions.

Sunday, March 8 3:30 pm Campbell Hall 300 N. Goodwin, Urbana Call 217-333-7300 to register.

WILL thanks these businesses for providing valuable underwriting on WILL AM-FM-TV.

For more information about how your business can benefit from underwriting, please call at (217) 333-1070.

Illinois Farm BureauIllinois State Bar AssociationIllinois State University School of Music Illinois Symphony Orchestra Infant-Parent Institute Jane Addams Book ShopKennedy’s at Stone Creek Kirkland Fine Arts CenterKraft FoodsKrannert Art MuseumKrannert Center for the Performing ArtsLandscape Recycling CenterLeRoy Veterinary Clinic Lincoln Square VillageMeijerThe Meredith FoundationMervis Family FoundationMid-Central Illinois Regional Council of CarpentersMinneci’s Ristorante Monticello Chamber of CommerceThe Music ShoppeOsher Lifelong Learning InstituteOwens Funeral HomeParkland College TheatrePatterson Office SuppliesJohn T. Phipps Law Offices, P.C Prairie EnsemblePrairie Village Private Client Group at National City BankProspect BankRadio MariaRamada HotelRatio Architects RE/MAX Realty AssociatesRental City Risk Management CommoditiesSt. John’s Catholic Newman CenterSt. Joseph ApothecarySangamon AuditoriumSchnuck’s Supermarkets The Sea BoatSew SassySilver Creek/Courier CafeSIU School of LawSinfonia da CameraState Farm InsuranceSteamatic of C-UStewart-PetersonStrategic Farm MarketingStrawberry FieldsSupervaluSweeney Brothers Rug Gallery TargetTate & LyleTen Thousand VillagesThat’s RentertainmentThrifty Nickel TK Service CenterTrophy TimeU of I College of LawU of I Employees Credit Union University of IllinoisMike Weaver Ballroom DanceWorden-Martin SubaruWorld Gourmet FoodsWorld Harvest International & Gourmet FoodsThe Yoga Institute

AAA StorageAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library & MuseumADM Investor Services— Tabor GrainAG Edwards AgriGold HybridsAllerton ParkALTO VineyardsAmerenThe AndersonsArcher Daniels Midland art martAssociated Antique DealersAuditory Care Center Bah Humbug ProductionsBaroque Artists of Champaign- Urbana (BACH) The Beef HouseBevande Coffee ShopBevier Café and Spice BoxThe BlindmanBloomington Auction GalleryBodywork AssociatesBrown Bag Deli Busey BankC-U Craft LeagueCarle Cancer CenterCarle Spine InstituteThe Center for Advanced Study Central Illinois Antique DealersCentral Illinois Regional AirportChampaign CycleChampaign-Danville Overhead Doors Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District Champaign-Urbana Symphony Chevy’s Fresh Mex RestaurantThe ChoraleChristie Clinic City of Urbana Farmer’s Market Clark Lindsey VillageCollege of EducationCollege IllinoisColumbia Street RoasteryCommerce BankCommon Ground Food Co-opCommunity Blood Services of IllinoisCommunity Shares IllinoisCorkscrew Wine Emporium Corley Photography Country Arbors NurseryCountry FinancialCrossroad Global Handcrafts Danville SymphonyDecatur Earthmover Credit UnionEast Central Illinois Building & Construction Trades CouncilEastern Rug Gallery Eberhardt Village Eco Water TreatmentsEnglish HedgerowEsquire Lounge Farm Credit Services of IllinoisThe Finn GroupFirst MidwestFlooring SurfacesFriar Tuck’sFurniture LoungeGrainfield MarketingThe Great Impasta Hendrick HouseHickory Point Bank & TrustIBEW Local 601IGA Supermarkets

Thanks to these Program Underwriters

Thanks for Helping Cook Up Another Tasty Production!A new installment of WILL-TV’s popular local cooking show series will debut March 9. AM 580’s David Inge and WILL Chef in Residence Doyle Moore will once again host an array of central Illinois cooks live in our studio, this time sharing their favorite recipes for Chili, Soups and Stews with our viewers.

Along with the show, WILL has published a cookbook of these recipes, submitted by viewers all across central Il-linois and made possible by businesses who helped support and underwrite printing costs.

We thank these businesses for helping fund the production of great local programs on WILL.

• The Beckman Café is located on the west side of the first-floor Beckman Institute Atrium on the University of Illinois campus. Open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm with a selection of coffees, espresso drinks, bottled beverages, bagels and sweets, The Café serves lunch from 11 am to 2 pm and is planning to once again offer half-en-trees and more dessert items for sale.

• Common Ground Food Co-op is a cooperatively owned grocery store that promotes local and organic produc-tion, fosters conscious consumerism and builds commu-nity. Though it is community-owned, membership is not required to shop in the store! The Common Ground Food Co-op is now located in Lincoln Square Village.

• World Harvest International and Gourmet Foods is located at 519 East University Avenue in Champaign and brings you great foods from around the world. Offering the area’s largest selection of cheeses, olives, olive oils and butters, they also have many varieties of fresh baked bread, treats such as baklava, harissa and freshly made hummus, and falafel.

Chili, Soups & Stews

Let us know six weeks in advance of moving so that we can make the proper change. Check here if you wish to remove your name from our membership list. Please update my membership with this new address:



City State Zip

Phone day ( ) evening ( )

Fill in your new address in thespace provided and send it withthe attached address label (oldaddress) to:

Friends of WILLCampbell Hall for Public Telecommunication300 North Goodwin AvenueUrbana, IL 61801-2316

MOVING?Let your public broadcastingmembership move with you . . .

Next Month





onstage 3-4 Cirque Éloize: Nebbia

5 Angela Hewitt, piano

5-7 How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

5, 12, 19 Krannert Uncorked

7 Sinfonia da Camera: Classics and Contemporaries

7, 15 Dessert and Conversation: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

8 Maxwell Street Klezmer Band

12-14 Studiodance I

13-14 Mark Morris Dance Group

14 International Festival

15 Aswat: Celebrating the Golden Age of Arab Music

17 Jupiter String Quartet, Cleveland Quartet Award WinnerPrelude: Jupiter String Quartet

18 Juan De Marcos and the Afro-Cuban All Stars

31 Anna Deavere Smith: Snapshots: Glimpses of America in ChangeTPO Company Demonstrations


Join us for Power Hour at 7 am Wednesday, April 15, on AM 580.

On FM, an Easter weekend Saturday Special, Johnny Cash: Amazing Grace, explores the gospel roots of the Man in Black, April 11 at 10 pm.

On WILL-TV, We Shall Remain spans 300 years of American history from the perspective of its indigenous people. Composer Philip Glass is profiled by American Masters. And Jean-Michel Cousteau takes us on an ocean adventure to meet killer whales.