Wii Clone Wars Lightsaber Cozy - TVBimg.tvb.com/p/pp/starwarstheclonewars2/digitaldownload/... ·...

Post on 08-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Wii Clone Wars Lightsaber Cozy - TVBimg.tvb.com/p/pp/starwarstheclonewars2/digitaldownload/... ·...

Wii Clone Wars Lightsaber CozyBy Bonnie Burton

When you're not playing the Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels video game keep your Wii controller dust free with this handy Wii Anakin Skywalker lightsaber cozy. It's easy to make, plus it's fun! Just follow the instructions below!

What You Need:

Wii controller Colored felt squares (gray, black, red) Yellow yarn or felt scrap Dark thread Sewing needle Scissors Straight pins Fabric glue


1. Roll the Wii controller in the gray square of felt to see where to start sewing. Don't make the tube of fabric to be too snug or you won't be able to fit in the controller. Once you have the tube of fabric rolled the way you like it, keep it in place with straight pins as you sew the edges together.

2. Cut out a circle from the black felt and sew it carefully to the bottom of one of the tubes. This will be the end of the lightsaber hilt.

3. Cut black felt strips and use fabric glue to secure the pieces to the hilt of the lightsaber. Use Star Wars: The Clone Wars Visual Guide book as reference to design the lightsaber hilt.

4. Be sure to look at every button and switch on the hilt of the lightsaber. Here's a close-up of one of the activator button on the lightsaber made with red and gray felt.

5. Here's the completed Anakin Skywalker lightsaber Wii cozy! Happy gaming!