Wihea poster #knowhow

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Wihea poster #knowhow

#knowhow : Open Educational Practice (OEP).

I am more aware about open courses which may be

available to me. I have accessed and participated in 3

online open courses during this project which prior to

being involved, I probably wouldn't have done. This was

due to these courses being shared through the project

platform …I am now registered on the FutureLearn

website and find this really easy to use and informative.

I'm also becoming a little more daring on Twitter!

Join our open G+ community to find out more!

In education, openness is a concept that advocates transparency and the

lowering or removal of barriers at all levels within an institution. This includes the

processes involved in research, teaching and learning.

The WIHEA #knowhow project provides advice, community and resources to

help you discover open educational practices which can reduce the costs of

learning and improve the impact of your work through safer digital presence.

The project team evaluated, curated and reflected upon resources to provide

access the learning opportunities available through open, connected practice.

Our research looks at existing practice across the Warwick community and offers

pathways to open educational practices which touch on all of the 10 dimensions

presented in this graphic (from the European Commission’s Opening up

Education: A support framework for Higher Education Institutions.)

The project used the metaphor of wildflowers to communicate the value of

working “in the open” online. Envelopes containing a wildflower seed mix

were distributed within the Warwick community, sharing the project blog

and inviting social media connections using the #WIHEA #knowhow


#knowhow legacy.

• A connected community

to support exploration of

OEP at Warwick.

• Signposting to tools and

courses to increase your

digital confidence.

• A set of digital open

badges to provide

recognition of digital

capabilities. Images:

Shared under Creative Commons licence

CC BY 4.0