Wider Reading 8A December 11

Post on 18-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Wider Reading 8A December 11

Connect the text with another textWrite a text-to-text response in which you connect a key element from the exposition (setting OR character[s] OR conflict) to the same in element in another text. A text here is loosely defined as not only another book, but also a short story, a TV show, a film, a poem, a song. Your first paragraph should be about the key element in the book you are currently reading. Your second paragraph should be a much longer paragraph, in which you elaborate on the same key element in the other text.

The book Victor written by Mordicai Gerstein takes place in France during the French Revolution. This book starts off when a naked dirty boy from the wild was caught by woodcutters and was tied to a pole at the stone ledge of the ancient Roman fountain in the center of the square. He was taken to the vast courtyard of the Institute of Deaf-Mutes. The boy was locked in a small room where he tried to bite a woman and caused the crowd to have a big commotion. The people of the Institute of Deaf-Mutes had a meeting and agreed that the boy was useless, so they trashed him. A doctor named Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard, disagreed and named the boy Victor. Itard tried to educate and teach Victor how to speak and behave like a normal French boy.

The exposition of the book Victor connects the text with a film called Tarzan. The book Victor is quite similar to the film Tarzan. The book Victor written by Mordicai Gerstein is about a naked, dirty child who was captured in the forests of the Aveyron. He cannot speak, and shows no interest in anything except for food and escape. One doctor, Jean-Marc Itard believed that Victor was a normal child and tried to educate him and teach him to speak and behave like a normal French child. The book Victor relates to the book Tarzan of the apes because it is about a boy who was raised by the apes and lived in the forest. One day a group of humans arrived a Professor and his daughter Jane, who have traveled to Africa in search of gorillas, along with their hunter guide Clayton. Jane tries to educate Tarzan how to read, write, speak English and learn about the social world.

Shelfari PostThis book is really interesting and enjoyable to read. The author did a great job putting the reader into the mind of an animal. The author describes the setting of the book very vividly, so the reader can imagine what it feels like in the character's shoes.

Multimedia Put a character on the cover

Create a magazine cover that has your character on the front and has articles that are themed around key ideas from your book. What magazine would your character be on the cover of? What would the headlines and subheadlines say? Remember that you must show understanding of characterization—that is, the author’s description of the character’s physical appearance, personality (speech and action), and what other characters think about that character. For inspiration, see: http://goo.gl/Ccg4O and http://goo.gl/Z77yR.

Why you chose this form.

How it links to the text.

Which literary concepts (plot, characters, theme, symbols) your

multimedia piece explores.

What choices you made as you designed and constructed your

multimedia piece and the reason/s why.

I chose to put a character on the cover of a magazine because it describes the setting, plot, conflict and character of the book. This links to the text that I wrote above about exposition because making a magazine cover with headlines and words to express what the book is mainly about and more descriptive words about the main character and how other people think of him. The literary concepts that my multimedia piece explores are the plot and characters of the book, because the plot is that a doctor is trying to teach the boy how to speak, write, read and behave like a normal French boy. The main characters in the book are the wild boy whose name is Victor and the Doctor which are expressed in the magazine cover. The choices that I made as I designed and constructed my multimedia piece was that I had to show understanding of characterization and the exposition in the book. I had to chose correct subhead lines that would fit the main plot in the book. I also included

the boy’s personality such as brave, innocent, wild, fierce, and that he loves freedom and food. I also had to chose a headline that categorizes and relates to the book.

A naked, dirty child was captured in the forests of Averyon district in southern France.

It was said that he had survived the harsh winters that he seemed to feel neither the cold of snow nor the heat of glowing coals. Doctor Jean

Marc Itard will educate this boy who he named Victor on how to read, write, and behave like a normal French boy.

Human nature at its finest.

AggressiveBraveInnocentWildFierce Loves freedom and food

Doctor Itard’s ways of teaching

The life of the Savage of Averyon

How to awaken your senses touch, hearing, vision, taste, speech, thinking, and new thoughts and ideas.

Growing up in the wild

World Knowledge