Why was Spelhaugen station exluded from Construction Step ...

Post on 31-Dec-2021

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Transcript of Why was Spelhaugen station exluded from Construction Step ...

Side 1 av 2 Versjon 1

Marketdialog meeting D18



Kl.: 09:00-11.00


Teams Live meeting


Potential contractors D18

Procurement team D18,

Bybanen Utbygging

Written by

av by:

Christine S Larsen, Bybanen Utbygging

Present :


Potential contractors D18

Procurement team D18 Bybanen Utbygging

Mona Løvås, Project manager D18

Catrine Hatlenes, Construcion Manger D18

Anne Vonli Dagsvik, Contract Manager D18

Daniel Frantzen, Design Manager D18

Cecilie Thiis, Process leader D18

Christine S Larsen, Negotiation leader D18

Summary, questions from the meeting:



Why was Spelhaugen station exluded from Construction Step 4? Answer: This was done due to financial reasons in order to reduce total amount. The end stop is now Oasen in Fyllingsdalen.

2 How many meters in the Kronstad tunel is Pipe Umbrella method Answer: The "arm" is 20 meter, the double part is 30 meter.

3 Will there be a limited number of contractors invited to tender? Answer: Yes this will be limited, but the number of tenders is per now not defined.

Side 2 av 2 Versjon 1

Attached with the minutes of meeting: The Presentation from the meeting.

4 Will there be a tender conference?

Answer: Yes, this will be arranged for the contractors invited to tender.

5 What is the D18 budget? Answer: This will not be informed of per now.

6 For the rig area and the availabilities/limitations, can you elaborate on this ? Answer: The eastern part of the parkinglot at Møllendal kapell is the planned rig area. When Møllendalsbakken 6 (Drevelinbygget) is demolished, there will as well be possibilities for using this ground as rig area. Access to tunel will be from the Kronstad side. There will most probably also be possibilites for access to the construction area at Kunsthøgskolen, but for this sone there will be weight limitation for transport crossing the railway bridge.

7 Will the D18 3DModel be available? Answer: Yes this will be available in the competion documents for the contractors invited to tender.

Bybanen Utbygging (BU)

Market dialog Bybanen byggetrinn 4

D18 Sykkelvei Kronstadtunnelen

Dato: 2020-15-10

Bybanen Utbygging

The procurement team

Project managerMona Løvås

Negotiation leaderChristine Sletten Larsen

Process leaderCecilie Thiis

Construction managerCatrine Hatlenes

Contract managerAnne Vonli Dagsvik

Design managerDaniel Frantzen

Todays goal is not.. …

• to invite for a tender conference

• to give a lesson into deep detail on Bergen Light Rail

Todays goal is to give the market a presentation of the upcoming contract D18 Sykkelvei Kronstadtunnelen for Bergen Light Rail stage 4.

The presentation will be uploaded at the website of Bybanen Utbygging; https://www.hordaland.no/bybanen-utbygging/


• Presentation of the Bergen Light Rail project– Overall presentation of the project

– Presentation of construction stage 4

• Presentation of the contract D18

• Progress and procurement

Bergen Light Rail project

Quality througout the whole journey – ”the good journey”

Criteria for success

• Predictability– Segregated tracks

– Priority in all traffic crossings

• Frequency

– Efficient operations

• Availability– Smooth transfers

– Urban adapting

– Open and easy readable system

– Universal design

• Quality– Good design

– Efficient maintenance

Bergen Light Rail is awarded with several prizes

• Worldwide project of the year 2011

• Red Dot Design Award 2011

• Vakre veiers pris 2012

• SRF-prisen 2012

• Kollektivprisen 2012

• BOBY – byutviklingspris 2012

• Bymiljøprisen 2012

• Årets anlegg 2013

• Innovasjonsprisen UU 2015

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


2 000 000

4 000 000

14 000 000

12 000 000

10 000 000

8 000 000

6 000 000

Bybanen 2010-2017

Antall påstigende

Byggetrinn 1 juni 2010

Byggetrinn 2 juni 2013

Byggetrinn 3 august2016

Byggetrinn 3april 2017

Bergen Light Rail – Who are we ?

• We are a public developer working on behalf of the County Council of Vestland and the members in Byvekstavtalen (City growth agreement)

• We are given the authorization to develop and manage the strategies for procurement and execution of theconstruction works.

• We are responsible for the engineering, procurement,construction and handover to the owner and maintainer of the infrastructure.

Bergen Light Rail & the contractors

Contractors are of a high importance to us:

• They are the ones executing the construction

• It is paramount that the contractors fully understands their tasks and scope of work

• Contractors must have the correct and needed competence and ability to execute

• In Bergen Light Rail we depend on having high skilled entrepreneurs and contractors

Bergen Light Rail – we are …

• a professional and demanding client

– Only the good contractors are allowed to work with us

• a client with a high competition focus and ability to create a competition in the market. Targets are:

– Contractors of good quality

– Reduction of uncertainty in the market

– Gain the "correct price"

Recieve the order

Procurement Building HandoverEngineering

Construction stage 4 in a nutshell

D14 Mindemyren

D12 Ado Kronstad

BU delstrekninger

D11 Sentrum

Existing line (grey)Sentrum – Airport.(approx. 20 km)

D15 Løvstakk tunnelen

D19 Buss terminal

D16 Fyllingsdalen

D18 Sykkelvei Kronstadtunnelen

Building stage 4 contains:

• Prepared zoning plan agreed in Bergen City Council June 21st 2017

• Approx. 10 km of railway from Kaigaten(in City centre) to Oasen (inFyllingsdalen) - Approx. 5 km of distance in open air, 5 km of tunnel

– Travel time approx 20 minutes

– Good development of urban areas and the Haukeland UniversityHospital.

– New connection between Fyllingsdalen and Bergensdalen

– New paths for walking and bicycling

• 8 new stops + 2 common stops with Line 1 (Kaigaten and Nonneseter)

Cut april-18

Progress highlights

• Approved zoning plan

• KS2 process

• Startup Procurement Main contracts

• Startup Building Main contracts

• Startup Technical contracts

• Test driving

June 21st 2017

Sept. 2017

Feb. 2018

Dec. 2018

Autumn 2019

Winter 2022



What does «Green construction of light rail» mean ?

Bergen Light Rail wants constructive green contractors

• Requirements to renewable energy (80%)

• Requirements to electrical vehicles for transporting workers

• Requirements to more low emission concrete where applicable

• Encourage to use electrical construction machinery

• CEEQUAL-certification

Link til film; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ga3K_7eG0Q

D18 Sykkelvei Kronstadtunnelen

Overview D18

1. Demolition of Møllendalsbakken 6

2. Dismantling/removal of old bridge

3. 100 meter concrete culvert for railway

4. 60 meters rock tunnel for railway

5. Ventilation and emergency lighting for railway

6. Escape route from the railway tunnel

7. Expansion of bridge in Møllendalsbakken

8. Rebuilding and expanding old Kronstad tunnel (railway) to a pedestrian and bicycle tunnel

• Expanding existing tunnel with drill and blast

9. Establishing an additional exit throughsoil, using the «Pipe Umbrella» method

10. Pedestrian and bicycle path

11. Renewal and upgrade of water, sewage and drainage

12. Protected cultural monuments

Summary - Scope of work

1) Demolition of Møllendalsbakken 6 2) Dismantling/removal of old bridge north of Kronstadtunnelen3) 100 meters concrete culvert for railway4) 60 meters mountain tunnel for railway5) Ventilation and emergency lighting for railway6) Escape route from the railway tunnel7) Expansion of bridge in Møllendalsbakken. 8) Rebuilding and expanding old Kronstad tunnel (railway) to a pedestrian and bicycle tunnel. 9) Establishing an additional exit for pedestrians in the northern end of the PB-tunnel, through soil under

Møllendal cemetery. The method chosen is «Pipe Umbrella».10) Pedestrian and bicycle path11) Renewal and upgrade of Water and sewage, new water pipeline and new drainage between Kronstad and Fløen12) Protected cultural monuments


• Interphase towards other contracts in BT4

• Public agencies such as BKK, water & sewage dep., Norwegian road administration among others

• Bane NOR (national railway infrastructure)

• - specified time for connecting new tracks to excisting tracks (des 2022)

• Neighbours, public schools, cemetery, medical hospital

• Limited access to construction site

• Urban construction site

• Traffic

• Pedestrians

• Kindergarden/Day care

D18 - Progress

Estimated Progress Purchase D18

AnnouncementDeadline Qualification

November/December 2020Minimum 30 days afterannouncement

Deadline for tender March 2021

Contract award June 2021

Startup August 2021 (some preliminary work in June)


• Qualification requirements

– ESPD-form

– Documentation for fulfilment of qualification requirement to be submitted together with the application

• Award Criteria

– Total price

– Comprehension of the assignment

And finally

• Please read the competition documents carefully and submit the application for qualification and tender according to the given guidelines.

• Use the opportunity to ask questions if something is unclear

• Start uploading documents in TendSign (the procurement tool) well in advance of the deadline