Why Training Does Not Create Great Leaders

Post on 15-May-2015

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If what you desire is a robotic, static thinker – train them. If you’re seeking innovative, critical thinkers – develop them. Unquote

Transcript of Why Training Does Not Create Great Leaders

Why Training Does Not Create Great Leaders?

One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea.

-- Walter Bagehot

Unfortunately dated ideas still control industry. One is training, another is CRM. Yet another is that satisfaction by itself Creates Value, and NPS is a great predictor of market share. Few want to let go, and unlearn and create next practices. Others want to be followers by seeking best practices.

For years, I have been flinching when introduced as a trainer. Training is for dogs, education “for human beings”. I do not teach “Sit”, “Stand”, “Bark”. I teach people to transform themselves to create value and next practices. I want them to build their self esteem, awareness and proactiveness.

So what is wrong with training has been enunciated so well by Mike Myatt, and he discusses the difference between training and development (and what I call education)

Quote: The following 20 items point out some of the main differences between training and development:

1. Training blends to a norm – Development occurs beyond the norm.

2. Training focuses on technique/content/curriculum – Development focuses on people.

3. Training tests patience – Development tests courage.

4. Training focuses on the present – Development focuses on the future.

5. Training adheres to standards – Development focuses on maximizing potential.

6. Training is transactional – Development is transformational.

7. Training focuses on maintenance – Development focuses on growth.

8. Training focuses on the role – Development focuses on the person.

9. Training indoctrinates – Development educates.

10. Training maintains status quo – Development catalyzes innovation.

11. Training stifles culture – Development enriches culture.

12. Training encourages compliance – Development emphasizes performance.

13. Training focuses on efficiency – Development focuses on effectiveness.

14. Training focuses on problems - Development focuses on solutions.

15. Training focuses on reporting lines – Development expands influence.

16. Training places people in a box – Development frees them from the box.

17. Training is mechanical – Development is intellectual.

18. Training focuses on the knowns – Development explores the unknowns.

19. Training places people in a comfort zone – Development moves people beyond their comfort zones.

20. Training is finite – Development is infinite.

If what you desire is a robotic, static thinker – train them. If you’re seeking innovative, critical

thinkers – develop them. Unquote

I will be chairing 3rd "Maximizing Customer Loyalty & Profitability" Telecom Conference organized

by Telecom IQ (A Division of IQPC), in Germany on May, 21-22, 2013

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_____________________________________________________________________ Customer Value foundation (CVF) helps companies to Create Value and profit by Creating Value for the customers, employee and for each person working with the companies. Total Customer Value Management (TCVM) transform the entire company to focus on Creating Value for the customer by aligning each person's role in Creating Customer Value and getting shareholder wealth and Value.
