Why Sport?

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Meet the people who have sport in their lives, not their careers!

Transcript of Why Sport?

My Sport in Life

Whatever your job, career or

thoughts for the future come

and meet the people who

work, rest and find time to



Former manager of Liverpool FC, Bill Shankly who found an escape from the coalfields of

Ayrshire through his ability as a footballer, once said:

“Football isn’t a matter of life and death – It’s more important than that.”

It may have been a wry comment from the former miner who turned Liverpool FC from

a second rate, second division side in the English league to European Champions but it

defined his passion for the sport.

In Ross High School we have a similar passion to promote sport through PE because we

know that, through its impact on each pupils health and wellbeing, it actually promotes

life itself. Government studies show participation in regular physical activity promotes

physical and mental wellbeing as well as reducing the risk of many fatal diseases like

cancer, obesity and heart disease. We therefore rigorously pursue the engagement of

our young people in exercise and sporting activities.

As you will read in this booklet, from the contributors who come from many different

backgrounds, sport is a key part of their lifestyles. They detail how sport keeps them

healthy, active, feeling young, develops friendship and adds value to themselves as

human beings. In many cases it defines who they are.

We in Ross High School want to engage our young people in regular physical activity as

soon as they become part of our collegiate team. We want to build on the skills,

experiences and interests they have developed in primary school and engage them in

our PE classes and clubs.

Regular physical activity is habit forming and life enhancing. It can also lead to a variety

of careers in the ever expanding leisure industry.

Please take time to read the comments of the contributors, to reflect on what sport has

done for them and on how sport can define your future.

We want pupils in Ross High to look good, feel good and stay healthy not just for today,

tomorrow or next year but for the rest of their lives. We urge everyone to choose sport,

choose life!

Ross High would like to thank Skills Development Scotland for their assistance in

producing this resource.

Ross High School - promoting healthy lifestyles for healthy lifetimes.

Here are some of the careers you are going to


Enjoy reading the thoughts of our contributors and thanks to everyone who took

the time to complete the survey.


You've got to take the initiative and play your game. In a decisive set,

confidence is the difference. - Chris Evert

Sport and me


How does sport impact

on your life?

It is a healthy pass

time, it is an

opportunity to meet

friends and it

promotes many


opportunities.It is also

the rationale that

underpins family


It is also part of my

current remit at work

of PT HWB which in

short promotes

healthy lifestyles for

healthy lifetimes.

Resources: Skills Development Scotland is my top tip and no.1 resource.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Go for it. It can keep you healthy; give you health promoting opportunies; extend

your social life; widen your horizons and help your career prospects!

Positive statement

Physical, social, mental

and emotional wellbeing

are keys to a happy,

healthy lifestyle.

Sport in any of it’s

shapes and forms

stimulates and promotes

these wellness


Choose sport, choose


Why did you take up sport?

I was interested from media and spectating at an early age in football. Being

given the opportunity to participate at school and with friends this interest

became both a hobby and a passion. Similarily my sporting interests

developed in other ways including golf, skiing and cycling.


"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."- Beverly Sills

Sport and me

Technical Director

How does sport impact

on your life?

I like feeling fit. I am

able to walk, run, cycle

in and around

Edinburgh and have

no need to own a car.

I also enjoy completing

races - triathletes are

pretty friendly and

there are always

people to cheer you on

whether first or last.

Resources: Google is your friend.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Find a sport you enjoy and try and be consistent with any training you do. Build it

into your life - get into a routine. Make sure you have off times though, to


Positive statement

Sport is not just a New

Year's Day resolution, it

is for life.

Why did you take up sport?

Enjoyed playing Rugby at school then University. Then did nothing for 10

years until I saw a program about a round the world yacht race that was

open to amateurs - even those like myself, who had never sailed before. I

signed up for the race in 2000 and spent 4 years getting stronger and fitter

in preparation. After the race, I resolved to keep fit, and took up running.

Worked up to marathon distance, and then a friend introduced me to



"If you don't have confidence, you'll always find a way not to win."- Carl


Sport and me

Management Consultant

How does sport impact

on your life?

I feel fitter, healthier

and better about

myself when I am

exercising. The team

sports have

undoubtedly helped

me at work - I always

work in (and lead)

teams and this helps

me to understand how

to get the most out of


I also think that sport

helps give me a

chance to live as long

as my wife - the

statistics are against


Resources: Chrissie Wellington Autobiography. I've not read it but she is trully inspirational.

Similarly, I think Ellen McArthur's autobiography would be good.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Do it. If you don't enjoy the sports you are doing now, do another one. There are

so many to choose from.

If you need more motivation, set yourself a challenge. Can you run 10k or a half

marathon? Anyone can do a triathlon if they put their mind to it (there are wee

short ones to start with!!)

Positive statement

Sport - do it, you'll feel

better and live longer.

Set yourself a challenge

and get stuck in!

Why did you take up sport?

I took up rugby and cricket at school - partly because it was compulsory but

I also really enjoyed the cameraderie and team spirit. I was influenced by

my dad who played those sports at the time.

More recently (10 years ago), I took up running. Great distraction from

work, made me feel healthy and beat the general lethargy you get from

sitting at a desk all day. I then took up cycling to work - great way to

incorporate sport and fitness into your day and stil have time to see your


The logical progression was triathlon. I do that for the challenge. I also had

to learn front crawl practically from scratch - that was a tremendous

challenge and then sense of achievement when I swam across the River



"You only ever grow as a human being if you're outside your comfort

zone."- Percy Cerutty

Sport and me

Head of Training

How does sport impact

on your life?

Being a member of a

club and having held

office in the sporting

body has made me

many friends across

the world. I have also

gained professionally

by the skills I have

developed in sport. I

am a qualified coach

which is a direct

parallel to business

management. In sport I

have managed

projects, managed

major events, recruited

and trained event

volunteers and made

business cases for

funding; all of which

have an impact on the

work I do


Resources: The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People by Steven Covey is a useful resource.

It's not about the bike by Lance Armstrong truly inspiring read.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Use every experience as a learning opportunity. The determination and

dedication involved in doing sport at the best level you can can be used in the

same way in the working world.

Positive statement

Every day look for ways to

be the best you can be.

You can control how and

what you do, there is no

point in worrying about

what others do as you can't

affect that. Focus on your

own self.

You always miss 100% of

the shots you don't take.

Why did you take up sport?

I played football rugby and cricket at school. We had two half days devoted to sport.

I took up football at youth then amateur level and I was picked for our local amateur

league team whilst still in third year. The coaching I received at school made the

biggest difference. I played football at southern counties level before taking up

athletics when I started training with the local club. The middle distance coach saw

some talent in me and took me under his wing. I was able to run at UK national

league level and was a regional cross country champion. My coach was a selfless

and organised friend who brought me to a level I probably could not have dreamed

of : I raced in the same team as my athletics hero Steve Ovett, running with an

olympic champion was an amazing experience and helped me realise a dream. I then

had a very bad injury which meant I couldn't train at the same intensity so I took up

triathlon as the training load was shared across different disciplines and therefore I

could still be competitive. I have been helped all the way through my sporting career

by good and inspiring people either coaches or fellow athletes. I now try to be one of

those inspiring people.


"The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the

core of strength within you that survives all hurt."- Max Lerner

Sport and me


How does sport impact

on your life?

Keeps me fit, keeps me

happy when both

playing and watching

(especially when

Wales win).

Resources: http://www.rugbyworld.com/

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Do something - it doesn't matter what - there is always a sport that suits your


Positive statement

Do something - it doesn't

matter what - there is

always a sport that suits

your lifestyle

Why did you take up sport?

Always loved sport and wanted to compete. Athletics was my forte at

school, rugby too injurious and later on I played a lot of football, badminton,

squash, basketball and others. For the last ten years I have been a keen

mountain biker which has fed into my career when trained as a Mountain

Bike Leader.


"Spirit ... has fifty times the strength and staying power of brawn and

muscle."- Unknown

Sport and me


How does sport impact

on your life?

Love it and could not

live without it. It has

made me the person I

am today. Friendly

competitiveness and

banter are a key part of

any young person’s

life. Being successful

at all types of sport

has given me great

confidence in

everything I do.

Resources: www.careers-in-sport.co.uk

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Either as an individual or a teamplayer, sport can give you a very happy life. You

are guaranteed to meet friends for life throughout your sporting life and

becoming involved in such a great thing will create many opportunities

throughout your life.

Positive statement

Pursue your dream with

courage and prepare

your heart with


Why did you take up sport?

It was the only thing you could do to stay out trouble where I came from.


"Continuous effort -- not strength or intelligence -- is the key to unlocking

our potential."- Liane Cardes

Sport and me

Police Officer

How does sport impact

on your life?

Through my interest in

sport and contact with

the PE dept for curricular

activities and extra

curricular sport

throughout school, I went

on to study PE teaching

at uni. It was my interest

in sport that got me to

that point.

My friendships, lifestyle

and positive health

(physical and mental) all

revolve around my

interest and participation

in sport. I also think that

it has taught me

extremely valuable

transferable skills for life,

for example

determination, resilience,

and working as part of a


Resources: http://www.britishtriathlon.org/

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Sport can impact on every aspect of your life, both directly and indirectly. It keeps

you healthy, is the vehicle for long-lasting friendships, develops a huge number

of skills for life and you can achieve great things that you will be proud of for life.

It is an easy option to say no to the challenges that sport can bring, whether it is

the first time you are going to go to a session where you don't know anyone, or if

you are a high level performer struggling with the willpower to complete a fitness

session, the winners get on with it.

Positive statement

Don't just think about it,

or sit back and watch

others, because it will

very quickly be too late.

Get involved!

Why did you take up sport?

Played any sport possible at school, including badminton, volleyball,

football and rugby all competitively.

From 16 years old focussed on playing volleyball through the week and

rugby at weekends, with all of the training that was involved too, until going

to uni at 18. Still continued with other sports recreationally.

Played rugby throughout uni at the highest club level in Scotland, until

about 5 years ago. Then took up triathlon.

Have always loved the physical 'rush' of competition and the sense of

achievement. Latterly enjoyed the health benefits that it has brought.


"If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat."- Herschel


Sport and me

PT Science

How does sport impact

on your life?

It improves my energy

levels and mood,

regular exercise

improves my mood

and I have more

energy. I have also

been able to involve

my passion for hill

walking in my job

through the Duke of

Edinburgh programme

Resources: www.bbc.co.uk/sport

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Just find something they enjoy and keep doing it. Try lots of different sports then

stick with one that provides challenge, rewards and enjoyment.

Positive statement

There is a sport for

everyone, so try a

variety and stick with it.

Why did you take up sport?

As a teenager I was never very good at traditional team sports. I started on

solo sports such as fencing and martial arts. When I started at University I

continued with martial arts training and developed a love of the outdoors

and new challenges through hill walking and mountaineering.


"Train, don't strain."- Arthur Lydiard

Sport and me

Bike Mechanic

How does sport impact

on your life?

I think "being active" is

more accurate than

"sport". It makes me

smile and feel good. I

can never get enough.

When I engage with

other people, if there is

an activity link

involved, the

interaction will usually

be stronger and more

engaging. I do work in

this line and I chip

away every day trying

to get others to engage

in some of what I

experience, sometimes

it actually works!!

Resources: Tell them to switch off their computers and go out for a walk or a ride!! As mentioned, stop reading about it and go and

do it!

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Learn to slowly enjoy it. Try lots of different things with different people in

different places in different ways. Be active with your friends, family, community

and parents. It’s okay not to be elite, in fact it’s good not to be elite. Visit a lung

cancer hospice. Go to the third world and stay a while, then come back and

worship how lucky we are in the UK. You really do get out of life what you put in,

but by the time you realize you don't like what you're getting out, you’ve missed

out a lot of putting in time, so start early.

Positive statement:

Scotland is in crisis. We are

dying due to poor lifestyle

chioces. We all know that we

should eat better and do more

and smile lots, but for some

reason we're not doing it. We

live in a country with the best

access rights and the most

amazing free and adv

advanced health service, yet

were are the sickest people on

the planet, something needs to

change, it’s really not rocket

science, it’s actually a lot of

fun, so lets stop talking about

it and actually do it!

Why did you take up sport?

My parents took me out playing all the time, went on walks and on bike

rides all the time. At school we were all exposed to a wide range of sport, I

grew up in a very rugby orientated town but didn't really buy into the rugby

scene. I got involved in the Army cadets and decided to follow a career with

the Military and quickly worked out I'd need to be very fit, so I started

running a lot, with a lot of other fitness work thrown in. I joined the army

when I was 15 and did very well over the years. I also went travelling and

spent a long time in the Alps where I got into adventure sports such as

climbing and skiing. I still do a lot of those things now, but am also a fully

addicted cyclist.


"Number one is just to gain a passion for running. To love the morning, to

love the trail, to love the pace on the track. And if some kid gets really

good at it, that's cool too."- Pat Tyson

Sport and me

Sport & Physical Activity Co-ordinator

How does sport impact

on your life?

Most of my friends

have been made

through one sport or

another. My initial

interest in volunteering

has led to a very

enjoyable career in


Resources: www.rosshighsport.co.uk


What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

It can open many doors, introduce you to lots of different people, and allow you

to learn and develop skills you might not know you had. Not just sporting skills,

but life skills.

Positive statement

There is a sport or

physical activity for

everyone, you just need

to experience as many

as you can to see which

one makes your face


Why did you take up sport?

My friends played rugby so I started playing.

This initial interest led me to take part in Rugby, Athletics, Badminton,

Volleyball, Weight Training and Archery.

As I mentioned, I got involved in rugby through friends, but as my career

has developed so have my interests and experiences.


"Just remember this: No one ever won the olive wreath with an impressive

training diary."- Marty Liquori

Sport and me

Engineering Specialist

How does sport impact

on your life?

Up until recently was

coaching so taking

regular exercise. Since

stopping coaching I

have put on weight

and my fitness levels

have dropped

dramatically. I once

worked as a fitter

(manual job) and now

spend all day on a

computer - the lack of

exercise stops you

achieving many things

as you find no energy

to do much in the


Resources: “Beware of the Dog - Rugby ‘s Hard man Reveals All” by Brian Moore

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Get started as young as you can and keep going...guys who I played with in my

younger years are now coming to the end of their playing careers only because

they maintained the activity.

Positive statement

What do you want to be

doing when your

seventy.....your lifestyle

choice you make today

will have a big part to

play in what you will

achieve when you’re

older. By creating an

active lifestyle you are

potentially increasing

your chance of an active

old age.

Why did you take up sport?

Took up golf end of teens having spent most of my teens attaining DOE

gold. Mid twenties was coerced into a game of rugby and never looked

back. Played till I sustained a back injury then took up refereeing.


"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of

progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a

failure."- Thomas Alva Edison

Sport and me


How does sport impact

on your life?

Sport is very important

as it provides a healthy

balance to work.

Being fit helps with

mental well-being and

ability to perform work

at higher energy


Resources: Books - Born to Run and Lance Armstrong cycling books are good reads

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Sport of some description is a key life choice. It brings not only physical and

mental well-being benefits but friendships, respect, social skills and the

importance of teamwork.

Positive statement

Sport is very important

as it provides a healthy

balance to work. Being

fit helps with mental

well-being and ability to

perform work at higher

energy levels.

Why did you take up sport?

Triathlon, Rugby, Football, Ski-ing. Learned to play rugby at school and still

play occasionally in my mid 40s. Took up triathlon 10 years ago and train 4

to 5 times a week. Annual ski trips.

Started playing rugby as that was the main school sport. Took up triathlon

following participation in a number of adventure races.


"The five S's of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and

spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit."- Ken Doherty

Sport and me

Prison Officer

How does sport impact

on your life?

Keeps me active,

interested, entertained

and a bit of me time to

recharge the batteries

after a stressful day at

work (which is every

day for me)

Resources: “Great Olympic Moments” by Sir Steve Redgrave

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Health and well being cannot be underestimated. It is important to keep fit but it is

also good to have interests then why not take up a sport to keep you active and

stress free. Sport is open to all no matter what your abilities are, rugby for

example at Ross High offers rugby for all, our current eldest player is 53. If you

do not like the physicality, come along and support by getting involved in the

club. And you even get to meet friends, from all over the world, we have a bi-

annual trip to Wales, we have an annual youth tour in the UK, AND WE ALSO


Positive statement



Why did you take up sport?

Rugby, on and off for 30 years. PE Master at Ross High School.


"My jump was imperfect, my run-in was too short and my hands were too

far back at takeoff. When I manage to iron out these faults, I am sure I can

improve."- Sergei Bubka (first pole vaulter to clear 20 feet)

Sport and me

Research Scientist

How does sport impact

on your life?

It was probably my love of

swimming and the feeling

of freedom that it brings me

that fed my interest in

marine and freshwater

biology. I wanted to

become a qualfied scuba

diver etc to help with this

and I chose my university

course based on where

could offer me the chance

to learn to dive along with

specialist courses in

marine biology and

freshwater biology - which I

did as part of my biology

degree. All of this lead to

me becoming a university-

based research scientist

working in environmental

sciences and specialising

in freshwater ecology,

trying to solve some of our

environmental problems.

Resources: "Touching the Void" by Joe Simpson

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Do it!

Sport includes so many different things, you just need to find a part of it that you

can enjoy. It will help you short-term and long-term with all sorts of things, like

health, fitness, social events, being part of a team, building your confidence etc.

Positive statement

Sport can really save lives -

yours by helping with

fitness etc and sometimes

other peoples too.

My swimming lead to me

doing lifesaving classes.

Unexpectedy, I got to put

this into action on a beach

in Cornwall, where I was

able to rescue someone in

difficulty. They would not

be here if not for sport.

Why did you take up sport?

As neither of my parents could swim and were anxious that their children should

learn, I guess officially I started sport by attending swimming classes from the age

of about 4yrs old. I loved this experience (possibly also encouraged by occasional

treats of chips afterwards) and went on to be involved in swimming teams from

primary school right through to university. I did not like much of what we had to do

in PE at Primary School but started to enjoy it all more at Secondary - where I took

up hockey, netball, tennis and more swimming including lifesaving and personal

survival. I was in the school team for hockey, playing usually Left Half and when

working at university was persuaded to return to doing some netball - being part of a

"fun team". At school it was my Hockey teacher Mrs Blythe who provided most of

the encouragement to keep going and trying to build skills and overcome any

disappointments of losing matches. At university I also became interested in sub

aqua, hillwalking and caving which provided exercise and excitement and helped

develop teamworking and problem solving skills. I continue to do hillwalking, long

distance walks and swim regularly. These days it helps keep me fit and active and

enjoying life - and a good swim or walk can definitely give time to get a sense of

perspective and reduce stress.


Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Japanese proverb

Sport and me


How does sport impact

on your life?

Main focus through


Enjoy taking part in it

socially and

competitively and also

for my own fitness


Resources: Challenger Sports - company I coached in USA with for two summers.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Give it a go! Try anything that is on offer, you might enjoy it, you might be

naturaly great at it.

Positive statement

Give different activities a

go - a chance for new

friends, challenges and

successes. Better to

have tried and failed

than to have never tried

at all!!

Sport is the most

effective way of

challenging yourself

mentally, physically and

emotionally - but also

just for fun!

Why did you take up sport?

Rugby - dad was a coach

Skiing - family all did it

Swimming - enjoyed it

Basketball and volleyball - friends were doing it too


Only those who risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go. -

T.S. Eliot

Sport and me

Geography Teacher

How does sport impact

on your life?

I believe it helps

develop social and

team skills. For me, a

healthy body allows

for a healthy mind.

Resources: http://www.british-gymnastics.org/

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Take part and try your best!

Positive statement

Sport is a brilliant way to

make friends and keep

fit, so get involved.

Why did you take up sport?

My family has always enjoyed sports and have always encouraged me to

participate. I was involved in various sports from a young age, including

dancing, gymnastics, orienteering and netball from Primary school and then

participated in hockey at secondary school.


Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but

they may start a winning game. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sport and me


How does sport impact

on your life?

Sport has always been

important for me for

general fitness.

Sport has proved a

great avenue for

making friends getting

out and socialising.

Some sport interests

transfer to work

environment - playing

golf with Clients,

attending sport

fixtures with

colleagues, suppliers

and Clients.

Sport provides a good

topic of conversation

starter “Did you see

the football, rugby,

cricket etc etc at the


Resources: http://www.scottish-hockey.org.uk/

Sport has always

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Take fitness seriously, even at school age.

The regimes you embark upon will follow you into adulthood and hopefully allow

you to maintain a level of fitness.

e.g. I have always trained (rugby) 2 nights week from the age of 15-ish. I enjoy it

and it is part of my week. I also play 5-a-side at least once a week and enjoy the

team spirit and banter these activities give.

Positive statement

Sport / fitness – does not

just help your physical

health. Sport can help you

improve communication.

Sport can give you a social


Sport can keep you


Sport can help take your

mind off other things.

Sport can help you make

lifelong friends.


Why did you take up sport?

Played football and tennis from a young age with friends in neighbourhood.

Played golf, rugby, hockey at school,

Played rugby for rugby club


Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of

the shore.- Andre Gide

Sport and me


How does sport impact

on your life?

Coaching rugby keeps

me active

Resources: http://www.rugby.co.uk/


What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Sport is very important in a young person’s life, as it gives them an interest and

keeps them out of trouble.

Positive statement

Healthy body, healthy


Why did you take up sport?

I have been coaching rugby at North Berwick High School for 3 years now . I

was a keen player whose career was cut short by injury. I started playing at

10 years of age. My biggest influence was my P.E. teacher Mr Paul Hawker.

I started coaching because I wanted to give something back to the



Inspiration cannot be willed, though it can be wooed.- Anthony Storr

Sport and me

Rugby Coach

How does sport impact

on your life?

I have had some great

experiences playing

and watching sport.

This despite not being

outstanding at any

sport. I have made

many friends through

sport and really enjoy

being a passionate fan.

Sport helps you keep

fit, it is great for

teamwork, leadership

skills etc. I now enjoy

seeing kids develop

their sporting skills,

but perhaps more

importantly, their

personal skills though

coaching rugby and


Resources: There are numerous sports websites that can tell you all about different sports and the different roles that

people can play. For example, people interested in rugby should have a look at irb.com

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Everyone can get involved in sport in some way. You don't just have to play - you can

referee, you can be a coach, you can do the kit, you can drive the team bus -

whatever works for you. It helps you keep fit, it helps you build your skills and it is

generally great fun (although losing is not always fun ....)

Positive statement

Don't be afraid to try any

sport and it doesn't

matter what level of

ability you are - there is

space for everyone. If

you are interested in

sport as a career, then

go for it .....

Why did you take up sport?

My Mum and Dad were very keen on sport. My Dad had been a good

footballer and my Mum a good hockey player. As small kids we went to

watch my Dad play cricket and played tennis with my Mum, so sport was a

big part of my life from an early age. I then went to a very sporty secondary

school where we were encouraged to play sport as much as possible - my

main sports were cricket, rugby and football.


Problems are only opportunities in work clothes. - Henry J. Kaiser

Sport and me

Civil Engineer

How does sport impact

on your life?

Sport is now used for

social enjoyment and

a way of keeping fit.

Resources: http://www.pgatour.com/

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Unsure: I am sure it would be a rewarding career but maybe not so much


Positive statement

The earlier kids are

involved and trained in a

set sport the more and

higher they will achieve.

This has been very

evident from our rugby

set up at NB.

Why did you take up sport?

To keep fit and enjoy myself. I am involved with rugby, football, golf and hill


Rugby was influenced by school, football through friends at a young age,

golf and hill walking later in life.


Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. - Frank L. Gaines

Sport and me

Recharge Project Manager

How does sport impact

on your life?

Sport has a big impact

in my life. The majority

of friends that I have

established and

sustained are through

sport and I would not

be in this line of work

had I not initially been

involved in sports at


Resources: there is a wide variety of sport specific coaching materials which are available fromn the governing body of

each sport.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

It can help people’s social skills greatly and can act as a great deterrent to getting

into trouble and it can become a key support in life.

Positive statement

Sport is more than just

about playing the game

and it can be seen as a

positive life choice

which can help in all

aspects of life.

Why did you take up sport?

I am involved with a variety of sports but the main one is Rugby, I started

rugby when I was at secondary school and was influenced by my PE

teacher/coach and family and friends


Nothing will work unless you do.- John Wooden

Sport and me

Youth Worker

How does sport impact

on your life?

I seem to be getting a

bit fitter each week.

Resources: Walking routes in East Lothian and any council leisure centres on ELC website.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Start early because the older you get, the harder it becomes.

Positive statement

See above !

Why did you take up sport?

I have taken up excercising recently to improve my core strength as I have

back problems. I go swimming, running and walking.


Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you

want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.- Jack Canfield

Sport and me

Autism practitioner/youth worker

How does sport impact

on your life?

It helps me stay

healthy and fit. It also

helps me use my time


Resources: Visit Recharge for info on programmes there, for example kick start. Also Recharge frequently runs trips to

World of Soccer if you are interested in playing football with your friends.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

It's a great way to stay healthy and active. It can also be a good way to meet new

friends and use your spare time for something that will benefit you.

Positive statement

Get involved!

Participating in sport will

help you stay motivated,

as well as fit, and also

provide you with the

skills that employers will

look for in the future!

Why did you take up sport?

I am involved in dancing and have been since the age of 5. I am also

involved in a football project at my workplace.


The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's

determination.- Tommy Lasorda

Sport and me

Guidance Support Auxiliary/Youth Worker

How does sport impact

on your life?

Any kind of sport

helps improve your

fitness level and

health. Also your

wellbeing, as you

always feel a lot better

after having exercised

even if you were really

tired beforehand.

Exercise is social also

as I meet up with

friends for a walk

instead of a coffee and


Resources: Duke of Edinburgh is an amazing opportunity at all levels to focus on team work and achieve a personal and

team goal.

What would your advice be to young people about sport as a life choice?

Always try out new things. Never be scared. Once you find the sports that you

love you will always keep it up. You will love it. Once you are part of a group that

love the same sports as you, the benefits are huge and can lead to many

opportunities. I have gotten new job opportunites through being able to say I

have done rockclimbing/ kayaking etc.

Positive statement

Once you find the sport

that you enjoy (as there

are many to try out and

you will not always like

them or be good at

them) it can lead you

anywhere. You can take

your sport as far as you

can. The important thing

is to feel good/happy

about being involved in

the sport you are doing.

Why did you take up sport?

I do Rock Climbing, Kayaking, Walking, Table Tennis, but am happy to try

any sport. I did do sports throughout my time at Ross High School as a

pupil. Now I am heavily involved in youth work and am lucky enough to now

get young people involved and watch their confidence and skill improve.

The smile on their faces when they have achieved their goal is amazing. I

think the young people appreciate me having a go at all the sports also and

think they are quite impressed sometimes!