Why Should You Invest In Inbound Marketing?

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Why Should You Invest In Inbound Marketing?

Why Should You Invest In Inbound Marketing?

Want to know which Email campaign got the maximum clicks? Or the most viewed pages on your site?

Inbound Marketing is your answer


Let’s find out. Shall we?

1. Inbound Marketing Is Easily Trackable

You can easily set goals, measure on-the-go and analyze your campaign performance with fair simplicity

2. Small Bet – Big Returns

Inbound Marketing requires a fraction of your advertising budget

All you need is a solid foundation with a carefully optimized site for lead generation and a smart marketing software to hit the ground running

The channels are so wide spread that even if a handful of your efforts go viral, it’ll bring in your valuable customers

3. Helps Build Brands

Inbound Marketing is all about investing your dollars into making your site more efficient and optimized

By keeping your pot boiling through superior storytelling and sponsored blogposts, Inbound Marketing creates a brand image over a period of time

4. Low Cost per Acquisition

The cost of acquiring a customer through print and television ads is pretty high – and often it’s not possible to track from where the customer has been converted

With Inbound Marketing, you can efficiently track the customer right from a lead to the final conversion

Since Inbound Marketing is all about attracting customers organically, the amount spend on each customer is significantly lower than that of any other conventional marketing channel

5. Builds Trust & Credibility

Inbound Marketing has a cascading effect on your brand performance

With consistent inbound efforts, you can expect a spike in your brand engagement levels and your website’s SEO value

When you provide value to your target audience, you establish your credibility and gain people’s trust

This way, Inbound Marketing goes a long way in influencing decisions

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