Why should a marketer attract the mobile audience

Post on 10-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Why should a marketer attract the mobile audience

Mobile users are gradually increasing every day when compared with desktop users; this is because the mobile phones are more

convenient in size and has additional features beyond a computer. The recent statistics show that above seventy

percentages of people are accessing the internet in a smartphone than in desktop devices. So, the web designers are developing responsive websites to match with all display screens but the marketers are still publishing their ads in desktop websites by

using desktop ad server.

Usually, an ad is published by an ad server which is suitable for distributing the advertisements either in a desktop or a mobile

device. If you use a desktop ad server it will not support mobile phones and if you choose mobile ad server it supports only

responsive websites and smartphone applications. But being a marketer, you should increase the share rates and compete with opponents. If a product losses its shine in the market, the share rate will automatically come down to a lower position. So, when

you invest your money on an advertisement choose the right platform and start processing.

What is a mobile ad server?

It is a software platform that handles ad publishing in smartphones and other display devices. It has necessary ad formats and

features to create an advertisement and distribute in online. The tool is used by publishers, advertisers and the admin. The

advertiser can create the advertisement and purchase the ad space from publisher's website. The admin can manage the ad

server and distribute the revenue to a publisher for each impression and click rate.

Each user of it holds an individual position in the ad network and they are divided into the following.

Admin manager: The admin manager oversees the reports in the ad network.Finance manager: The financial manager control the transactions and payment services of the network.Operational manager: The operational manager supervises the overall network operations.Advertiser: The advertiser can manage the advertised banners and monitor the progress of it. The user can also control the payment records.Publisher: The publisher can manage the advertised spaces and their earnings.

Ad formats used for mobile advertising

Basic formats: Text and image banners.IAB rising stars: Adhesion banner, full page flex, slider banner, pull banner and filmstrip banner.MRAID format: Expand banner, reveal banner and intestinal banner.

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