Why Screenshots Will Matter More in iOS 8

Post on 11-Aug-2014

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This PDF will show you exactly why screenshots in iOS 8 will have even more of an influence on if people download an app or not. There are two basic factors that will change: orientation and scrolling speed. Find out more by downloading this short presentation.

Transcript of Why Screenshots Will Matter More in iOS 8

The App Store Optimization Platform

Why Screenshots Will Matter More In iOS 8

Photo Credit: Alvy via Flickr CC

SensorTower.comCopyright © 2014 Sensor Tower

Screenshots are one of the first things that people see when they find your app in an app store search. Attractive screenshots that quickly communicate the benefits of your app will catch people’s attention and get them to stop scrolling. This gives your app a good chance of being downloaded. !If your screenshots are not attractive and informational, people will move on and probably download one of your competitors. Notice how the screenshots below do a great job of being informative and eye-catching.

Why Screenshots Are Important

The App Store Optimization Platform

SensorTower.comCopyright © 2014 Sensor Tower

There are two primary reasons that screenshots should have a bigger effect on downloads in iOS 8. First, screenshots will be easier to view in search results. !In iOS 7, screenshots are not always displayed in the correct orientation. !Notice how the example iOS screenshot to the right displays in portrait orientation when it is a landscape screenshot. !Regardless of how beautiful and informative the screenshot is, it can be easy to ignore if it is in the wrong orientation.

Screenshot Display In iOS 8

The App Store Optimization Platform

SensorTower.comCopyright © 2014 Sensor Tower

This is how the same screenshot will look in iOS 8. !Notice how it is much easier to read because it is displayed in the correct orientation. Another thing to note is the next search result on the list.!It is partially hidden but you can see that since the screenshots are in portrait orientation, the first two screenshots are displayed. This will give app publishers an additional screenshot to show off their app. !iOS 7 currently displays only one screenshot, regardless if the screenshots are in portrait or landscape orientation.

Screenshot Display In iOS 8

The App Store Optimization Platform

SensorTower.comCopyright © 2014 Sensor Tower

Another feature that will change in iOS 8 is how search results scroll. !iOS 7 scrolls search results horizontally, which is slow and not intuitive. In iOS 8, vertical scrolling will return, making it much easier to scroll quickly. !This change should have a twofold effect on app discovery. First, more apps will have the opportunity to be discovered because people will scroll deeper into search results. !Second, because people are scrolling faster, your screenshots will have to be even more eye-catching. The fact that they will display in the correct orientation will help, but they will have to be even more attractive to get people to stop scrolling.

Vertical Scrolling In iOS 8

The App Store Optimization Platform

SensorTower.comCopyright © 2014 Sensor Tower

So if you have not reviewed your screenshots lately, take some time to examine them now. If you can get your hands on a beta version of iOS 8, play around with it and figure out how you can use the new format to your advantage. !Then create new screenshots to test your ideas. Whenever possible, only change your screenshots to measure the effect they have on your downloads. !Also take a look at what other app publishers are doing. We are not suggesting that you copy them, but they can give you ideas that you can adapt to your app. !We think that the new search results format will be a good thing for app publishers. But just like anything else in App Store Optimization, you need to put in the time to test your ideas and find out what works for your app. !Stay tuned for more iOS 8 tips…

What To Do Now

The App Store Optimization Platform

Copyright © 2014 Sensor Tower

Sensor Tower provides businesses with a powerful keyword research and app intelligence platform to help their apps get more downloads.!For a free trial, visit SensorTower.com!To schedule a demo for your business, visit: SensorTower.com/plans

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Copyright © 2014 Sensor Tower

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