Why Pinning Is Winning: Social Content Curation Will Rule 2012

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Presented by Josh Kocurek (@joshkocurek), this presentation is part of Switch: LIberate Your Brand's 10/20/30 lunch presentation series given by employees, for employees. 10 slides, 20 employees, 30 minutes and and lunch. Social media is continuing to evolve based on the trends adopted by its users. What used to be long-form methods of communication, such as blogging, are now spontaneous status updates and 140 character thoughts. The latest trend shortens the form even further by introducing board and feed based curation sites that allow users to share what they like at the mere push of a button. Josh talks about the evolution of this trend and the emergence of popular platforms like Pinterest, Storify, Fab.com, and more. He also touches on how these platforms are being used by businesses to continue the conversation away from bigger social networks like Twitter and Facebook.

Transcript of Why Pinning Is Winning: Social Content Curation Will Rule 2012

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012