Why own if you can utilize?

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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As cloud-based services and adoption of social media change the landscape of B2C interactions, can B2B players stand on the sidelines watching? Here is a quick look at some traditional business models that have been disrupted by the advancements in virtual, visual, mobile and social media technologies.

Transcript of Why own if you can utilize?

why own, if you can utilize?


why own, if you can utilize?

from the Cloud…

networking technology

social media


have disrupted…

why mail?

when you can email

consumers have embraced the concept

of utilize vs. own

let’s take a look…

Retail to online When was the last time?

Retail to online

you went to a bank?

do you still buy CDs?

or, do you subscribe to itunes?

or perhaps spotify?

Books to Kindlehow about books?

have you tried an e-reader?

maybe you are a movie buff…

now you can get them from the cloud!

remember encyclopedias?

that was before wikipedia!

brick & mortar

Is feeling the pressure…

from click & mortar

when you can google drive…

There are classifieds

Then there is craigslist

Do you read the news paper?

or real-time news blogs?

it’s about time

that businesses paid attention

they can start…

Wired to Wirelessby moving conversations

Wired to Wirelessto collaborations…

from the Cloud…

why own, if you can utilize?
