Why is Raid a Problem for Data At Scale?

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Why is Raid a Problem for Data At Scale?

RAID @Scale

Quick FAQWhy is RAID a Problem for Data @Scale?

Why is RAID a Problem for Data @Scale?1


HDD capacity is unprecedented; RAID protects disk drives, not dataYet RAID rebuild times have become an unmanageable liabilityRAID is an equal opportunity failure risk for any vendor's high-capacity drives deployed at scale. The data center cannot support todays scale using 20+ year old technologyBit rot happens when the block isnt read, RAID doesnt read until you ask for it, and then its too late.


Why is RAID a Problem for Data @Scale?

2Under RAID 6 two drive failures within the RAID set can be sustained with of no data lossDuring rebuild times performance can suffer, especially under heavy loadDisk Size GB# of HDDsArray Size GBBits/ArrayError RateRAID 5RAID 6500625002.00E+131.00E-1418.11%1.74%1000650004.00E+131.00E-1432.95%6.13%20006100008.00E+131.00E-1455.04%19.07%40006200001.60E+141.00E-1479.78%47.44%60006300002.40E+141.00E-1490.92%69.10%

RAID rebuild times increase with HDD density and can become an unmanageable liabilitySubsequent read/disk errors during the rebuild operation can result in data lossRAID is an equal opportunity failure risk for any vendor's high-capacity drives deployed at scaleRaid6.svg by CBurnett, DrJolo Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/), via Wikimedia Commons

HDD capacity is unprecedented; RAID protects disk drives, not dataYet RAID rebuild times have become an unmanageable liabilityRAID is an equal opportunity failure risk for any vendor's high-capacity drives deployed at scale. The data center cannot support todays scale using 20+ year old technologyBit rot happens when the block isnt read, RAID doesnt read until you ask for it, and then its too late.


Why is RAID a Problem for Data @Scale?Larger capacity drives have exceeded the capability of RAID configurations to protect against the loss of data at acceptable levels of risk.

Why you should careYour data center will not be able to scale safely to meet your business objectives. Your performance can suffer and risk window (rebuild time) increase under load.You can lose data if you incur subsequent read/disk errors during a rebuild operation.You are gambling your organizations data with odds that are stacked against you.

Thanks for watchingClay RyderDCS Marketing itblog.sandisk.com/author/clayryder

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