Why is Girls Education So Important

Post on 11-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Why is Girls Education So Important

WHY IS GIRLS EDUCATION SO IMPORTANT?There is a African saying "If you educate one boy, you educate one person, if you educate a girl, you educate the whole family" A girl is going to be far more likely to spread on her knowledge to her children the boys are.HOW MANY GIRLS DONT GO TO SCHOOL?62 millionHOW CAN WE STOP THIS?Well, there is a fund that does give food to children. Most parents, who would not let their daughtersgo to school would allow their daughters to go to school to recieve food, meaning that they recieve education.WHAT ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF GIRLS THAT WENT AGAINST THIS ?MalalaYousafzaiWHO IS MALALA?She is a now 16 year old Pakistanian girl. She was always an activist against girls notreceivingeducation. When she was 14 years old, she was shot in the head by a Taliban. She was transported to a hospital in England. The bullet, just missed her brain. She won the Nobel peace prize in 2014. IS THERE A QUOTE ABOUT MALALA ?Yes; "every child deserves education" WHICH ARE THE COUNTRY IS THERE LESS EDUCATED GIRLS?It is mostly done in Asia.WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR NO GIRLS EDUCATION?One reason would be that they are kept at home because of their religion. They are often treated as property. Some reasons are that there is not enough money in the family(not really the families fault). Others might be that the family needs the daughters at home( this also relates to religion and girls bring "property")HOW IS NO GIRLS EDUCATION SIMILAR TO CHILD LABOR?Well, child labor isbasically- girls and boys - were they have to work and not go to school.( like working in a factory or a mine) Girls education is were only the girls are not allowed to go to school. It is similar in the way that the children are not allowed to go to school.