Why Investing in ArchVentures, SA, a Portugal Holding Company Through Archcoin will Make you Minimum...

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Why Investing in ArchVentures, SA, a Portugal Holding Company Through Archcoin will Make you Minimum...

Why Investing in ArchVentures, SA, a Portugal Holding Company Through Archcoin will Make you Minimum 50 - 100% Profit


The original ARCH whitepaper focused on the concept of controlling the flow of information within a decentralized autonomous corporation (DAC) in an effort to promote financial stability and growth within a DAC and protecting sensible information. While most cryptocurrencies are created as an alternative to bitcoin, ARCH was created as a startup holding company which equity is represented by a cryptographic token. The goal is to test new applications of blockchain technology as well as to model an investor-token relationship in a use-case scenario involving a non-crypto-based startup with palpable products and services. To improve equity fungibility, revenue from any of the holding company's products or services is to be used to purchase more tokens from the market, thereby making the holding company's equity token exponentially more valuable with each additional revenue stream.

Although no substantial revenue has been injected into ARCH's fungibility yet, its tiered conditional access levels have created a natural self-audit system that has proven very effective when it comes to managing this corporate setup and its shareholders. Value in information is trusted to shareholders according to their own responsibility in the corporate structure. In this tiered setup, the amount of tokens held serves as a basis of evaluating trust and involvement with the company itself.

This system promotes unbiased transparency from the developers and corporate responsibility on behalf of the shareholders. This system alone, without any major revenue stream, has already proven itself as the backbone of the current stable growth in the ARCH equity token's market cap.

This unique approach opens doors for a new generation of DACs, fusing decentralized communities with traditional company structures using tiered conditional access levels to secure the flow of information. Although tailored to the company’s specific ventures and “community” needs, the ARCH trading platform concept is an outstanding, first-of-its-kind example for other future DACs looking to combine all relevant information and tools regarding the company and its equity token in one place. ARCH is taking that concept even further and seeks to integrate the whole company structure into its platform as the company grows.

In a nutshell, Arch re-arranged how investors interacted in DACs to establish healthier lines of communication while changing the financial structure so that FIAT revenue would be injected directly into the tokens fungibility instead of being distributed through dividends.

To add to this concept, Arch has committed itself to allowing a one-to-one exchange of its tokens for traditional holding company shares after a one-year period for any investor who has 32,000 archcoin tokens. This scenario eliminates digital imposition allowing investors the freedom to choose their form of financial retribution or participation in the company.

ArchVentures’ products, services and software are inspired by bitcoin, disruptive and innovative but not interdependent.

So, what sets this coin/crypto-equity apart from the rest?

1. ArchVentures will release on April 25, 2015, an exclusive trading platform where an investor can get unique trading information which is designed to be ahead of the next trader – this is an alternative option to paying $30 to $100 monthly subscriptions for memberships in certain trade groups. The platform is the next evolution in crypto trading tools. It only takes acquiring 8,000 archcoins (which you can sell anytime) and no membership fees.

2. Moby Project – ArchVentures’ flagship has taken a huge leap forward. While the company’s shipyard is meticulously building the prototype, they have officially registered the project under a new company called FunnyPyramid Lda and hired a management team to oversee the whole http://moby.io product, from the marketing plan to the economic development; leaving the partners to focus on architecture, design and engineering.

Every time there's a Moby unit sold (roughly $30,000 value), that's a huge market buy of archcoins. An investor who has 16,000 archcoins will be notified of an imminent buy in the market. This arrangement will guarantee that as long as there are Moby units sold, an investor will never have to sell their holdings at a loss, regardless of excessive selling by traders, even if bought at top price.

3. 3D Printing with focus on architecture modeling and 3D portraiting. ArchVentures has purchased an Ultimaker 2 to begin exploring another innovative market, the 3D printing realm. Leading ArchVentures Partner, Edgar Soares, said that the architecture niche is obvious as they are foremost a designing firm. He said that they have already been providing 3D services for several architecture firms. “Now we will be adding this latest technology as an additional service,” Soares said.

4. BlockTrust, a trust system that bridges angel investment and development, is a crowdfunding platform that brings blockchain-related projects and their investors together in a mutually beneficial manner. Projects are certified by a team of capable individuals who verify developer identity, review the source code, and provide essential steps to assist startups with securing their development funding. http://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2014/12/59850-blocktrust-launching-blockchain-crowdfunding-platform-project-certification-service/

http://cointelegraph.com/news/113146/blocktrust-launches-crowdfunding-platform-for-blockchain-based-projects http://finance.yahoo.com/news/blocktrust-launching-blockchain-crowd-funding-150611800.html http://www.chinabtcc.cn/qt/2014-11-25/5663.html

Company Information

ArchVentures S.A. is located in Faro, Algarve, Portugal at LARGO S.LUIS nº11-C 1ºESQ. All the subsidiary companies have to be separate entities partially owned by ArchVentures S.A. This way, if a Venture Capital Investor invests 20% in the Moby project, they would not have rights to any portion of the other ArchVentures projects like BlockTrust.org, iHash.co or the holding company itself.

Edgar Soares – Architect, Developer and Creator of Moby - Partner Hélio Mascarenhas – Designer and co-developer of Moby - Partner Tiago Silva - Marketing Director that has worked for Grupo Gamobar, Peugeot and Audi Ana Silva – Economist, Financial Advisor, VC Pitcher, CEO at Ecovariante Lda Financial Administration - http://www.marso.pt/Default_GB.aspx Company Registration - https://www.racius.com/funnypyramid-lda/

Recent Updates

* FunnyPyramid is currently looking for a warehouse to serve as a dry dock to assemble Moby, apply finishings and test it thoroughly. In the following two months, the Moby production team will be finishing the prototype mockup to properly evaluate production costs and draft a sound marketing and business plan to submit to the awaiting venture capital investors, the EU Structural Funds assigned to the program Portugal2020 and start a Kickstarter Campaign.

FunnyPyramid thanks in advance the venture capital investors for their continued interest and patience.

It’s important to underline the main detail of the Portugal2020 program, the minimum investment is €150,000.00 and ArchVentures is investing that amount using funds raised during the archcoin token pre-sale. This will be the starting market capital of FunnyPyramid of which ArchVentures S.A. will own 50% equity.

* Portugal2020 Program – ArchVentures needed to be located in Oporto because of the 21 billion euros that EU STRUCTURAL FUNDS 2014-2020 will allot, will mostly be distributed in the Center and North of Portugal (2 billion euros each) and Algarve (only 500 million) – related article: http://www.portugal.gov.pt/en/the-ministries/minister-in-the-cabinet-of-the-prime-minister-and-for-regional-development/keep-updated/20140131-madr-portugal-2020.aspx and https://www.portugal2020.pt/Portal2020/Media/Default/Docs/avisos/AAC_10_2015_Demonstradores_Individual_30032015.pdf

For the next two months (June 24, 2015 deadline), the company will strengthen and elaborate its candidacy to the Portugal2020 Program. Other private venture capital companies are competing for this funding and are awaiting this same economic study. This documentation will serve as concept pitch and business plan for http://www.portugalventures.pt/. *Sorry about the Portuguese but there isn’t an English version of the Portugal2020 Program.

*ArchVentures have setup a new office and hired a web programmer to assist in the coding of the wallet interfaces.

*The first contract to purchase Moby units has been signed. https://twitter.com/BTCarchitect/status/590614456025120770

*Moby will be showcased on Archello, a PR5 site for architecture and design with over 650,000 readers.

*Due to the unprofitability of the current state of the crypto economy, other projects enumerate below are placed in the backburner for the meantime.

• Mining rentals http://www.irig.co/ • Cryptoexchange http://archx.co/ • Mining pool http://ihash.co/ • Coin creation http://coinry.com/

Other Products

Android ARCH Mobile Wallet https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.coinlabs.archcoin

ArchX Mobile Trader https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.zholmes1.archxmobile

Edgar Soares' other design projects