Why Influencer Marketing is the Future - Conor O'Flaherty, DMX Dublin

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Why Influencer Marketing is the Future - Conor O'Flaherty, DMX Dublin


Traditional advertising sucks.

A brand is no longer what we tell the consumers it is;

A brand is no longer what we tell the consumers it is;

It is what consumers tell each other it is.

Consumers made purchasing decisions based on the

advertisements they saw.


Consumers make purchasing decisions based on looking at their favourite personalities on YouTube


People no longer trust ads.

Consumers no longer expect brands to sell to them, but to entertain them and

inform them.

Consumers no longer expect brands to sell to them, but to entertain them and

inform them.

But thats not really happening..

One way communication methods like TV, Radio, Social Media Ads & Print have

consumers fed up of being ‘talked at’.

Consumers are tired of being interrupted by brands online.

One way communication methods like TV, Radio, Social Media Ads & Print have

consumers fed up of being ‘talked at’.

Consumers are tired of being interrupted by brands online.

This drove the birth of the ad-blocker.

One way communication methods like TV, Radio, Social Media Ads & Print have

consumers fed up of being ‘talked at’.

AdBlock has 200 million people signed up.

AdBlock has 200 million people signed up.

200 million people sick of traditional advertisements.

Consumers now have a choice. They have a voice.

Marketers have no choice but to follow the shift - to move away from traditional

tactics and towards the ‘new web’

Consumers now have a choice. They have a voice.

On this ‘new web’, consumers respond to disruptive advertisements in three ways:

On this ‘new web’, consumers respond to disruptive advertisements in three ways:

1) Blocking the ads

On this ‘new web’, consumers respond to disruptive advertisements in three ways:

1) Blocking the ads

2) Clicking the X button asap

On this ‘new web’, consumers respond to disruptive advertisements in three ways:

1) Blocking the ads

2) Clicking the X button asap

3) Treating them as a background wallpaper(There but not worth paying attention to)

Brands need to find new ways to reach consumers

Brands need to find new ways to reach consumers

Consumers want trusted messages from people like themselves

Building trust is where the challenge lies for brands.

Building trust is where the challenge lies for brands.

Brands need to put consumers first, re-build the eroded trust through innovative solutions.

Youtility is marketing upside down.

Youtility is marketing upside down.

Instead of marketing that is needed by companies, youtility is marketing that is

wanted by consumers.

Youtility is marketing upside down.

Instead of marketing that is needed by companies, youtility is marketing that is

wanted by consumers.

Useful, free content that creates long term trust.

Instead of having a product forced on consumers through ads, they prefer brands

which are more subtle about their sales pitches and provide info that they can use and

take value from.

From that, brands understand that they need to be creating and pushing out content.

From that, brands understand that they need to be creating and pushing out content.

However, in todays world it is nearly impossible for brands to cut through the noise

and stand out among the crowd.

Every minute…

Every minute…

400 hours of video uploaded

Every minute…

400 hours of video uploaded

3.3 million statuses posted

Every minute…

400 hours of video uploaded

3.3 million statuses posted

55,000 photos shared

The most powerful way for a brand to stand out among a crowd is to place a brand

message in-front of an interested audience through a voice they trust.

The most powerful way for a brand to stand out among a crowd is to place a brand

message in-front of an interested audience through a voice they trust.

This is what we call influencer marketing.

“Nothing influences people more than a

recommendation from a trusted friend”

Mark Zuckerberg

Influencer marketing is the process of identifying, targeting and connecting with individuals that have influence over your

target audience, rather than trying to reach that audience by yourself.

Influencers are established, independent voices that create authentic and valuable content

Influencers are established, independent voices that create authentic and valuable content

They look like consumers because they are consumers.

Influencers are established, independent voices that create authentic and valuable content

They look like consumers because they are consumers.

They give a brand an authentic voice and a real world presence that they could never achieve


People like Zoella.

People like Zoella.

She is passionate about creating beauty videos and has an audience of 10 million subscribers.

People like Zoella.

She is passionate about creating beauty videos and has an audience of 10 million subscribers.

She naturally integrates brands into her content like:

Influencer marketing is built on providing value to consumers through great content, relatable

stories and authentic connection.

Influencer marketing is built on providing value to consumers through great content, relatable

stories and authentic connection.

It opens up a new channel for brands to connect with customers more directly, more organically

and at scale.

Influencers are real people, which is why they resonate with customers.

Influencers are real people, which is why they resonate with customers.

When people recommend a product to their friends, it carries a lot more weight than a banner

ad does these days.

This can easily catapult brand awareness into new markets, whereas traditional marketing

would be much more difficult.

Influencer marketing presents a glaring opportunity for brands to leverage the power of

word of mouth at scale through personalities that consumers already follow and admire.

Influencer marketing presents a glaring opportunity for brands to leverage the power of

word of mouth at scale through personalities that consumers already follow and admire.

If you want to get a potential customer to buy from you, then you have to get their attention in such a way that they are open to learning more

about what you might sell them. Influencer marketing is key to that.




Customers are happy as they are being provided value through content that resonates with them.

Customers are happy as they are being provided value through content that resonates with them.

Influencers are happy because they are able to work with brands they love and monetize their


Brands & Marketers are happy because…..

Brands & Marketers are happy because…..

Influencer Driven Brand Advocates spend 35% more, and keep on buying, increasing the lifetime

value of those customers.

Brands & Marketers are happy because…..

Influencer Driven Brand Advocates spend 35% more, and keep on buying, increasing the lifetime

value of those customers.

Word of mouth generates twice the sales of paid advertising - McKinsey

Brands & Marketers are happy because…..

Influencer Driven Brand Advocates spend 35% more, and keep on buying, increasing the lifetime

value of those customers.

Word of mouth generates twice the sales of paid advertising - McKinsey

Businesses make $6.50 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing:

Influencer Marketing:

The fastest growing acquisition channel

Influencer Marketing:

The fastest growing acquisition channel

Delivers high quality consumers

Influencer Marketing:

The fastest growing acquisition channel

Delivers high quality consumers

Cost effective

The world of marketing and advertising is very saturated.

The world of marketing and advertising is very saturated.

Influencer marketing is a way for companies to cut through the noise.

This is the future of marketing.

This is the future of marketing.

I am at the forefront helping brands to do this successfully.

This is the future of marketing.

I am at the forefront helping brands to do this successfully.

Lets talk.

Thank you.

