Why I started to do sports?

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of Why I started to do sports?

Why I started to do sports?

The pupil 11 «A» class

Lyceum №6

Christina Zubkova

Why? When I was a little girl, I often watched

different sport competitions, especially I liked Rhythmic Gymnastics. I admired every girl, because they were very graceful and beautiful. I thought that it’s was something impossible.

When I began training, I was really fond of it.

My favorite gymnast is Daria Dmitrieva.

Daria Dmitrieva

Daria is a Russian rhythmic gymnast,

born June 22, 1993 in Irkutsk, Russia. She started rhythmic gymnastics at age 8. She is coached by Olga Buyanova

Daria’s rewards

She is the 2012 Olympic all-around silver medalist, the 2010 World ribbon champion, the 2011 World Cup Final all-around champion, 2012 World Cup Final all-around silver medalist, the 2012 Grand Prix Final all-around champion, 2011 Grand Prix Final all-around silver medalist and 2010 Grand Prix Final all-around bronze medalist.

Daria is a model

A little bit about my gymnastics life

I like gymnastics very much. I have been training for 9 years.

Now I’m a candidate master of sports, but I’m working on the program master of sports. And I hope to get a master of sports this year.

Thanks for your attention!