Why I should play rated M games

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Why I should play rated M games


Before we start…

Whatever stereo-type or bias you have of Mature games

Get rid of them!

Because in this PowerPoint I will share why mature games aren’t so bad as they seem


Don’t judge a book by its cover

Great games with great story lines are bound to be

mature. But why?

Games with a beautiful story line are often moody, atmospheric and really edgy.

So some scenes might be violent, and some others not!

You can’t have both.

A story with a good story line and an E rating? It is rare!

This is beyond two souls

The story is of Jodie Holmes and her psychic abilities and her second soul named Aiden. Aiden was separated from her from birth and gives her psychic powers. The story coincides with Nathan Dawkins a researcher in the Department of Paranormal Activity.

The story goes along with Jodie trying to get her way through life which is hard considering her psychic abilities.

Ellen page --->

The story then goes on with Jodie becoming homeless, bullied, and almost shot. Sounds like a great game right?

But guess what?

Unlike Call of Duty or Mortal Kombat there are beautiful games that deserved to be played and enjoyed. And some are not so bad as they seem.

And that’s one of the reasons I should be allowed to play mature games.

Also I would be fine not playing Call of Duty or that kind of stuff but still be able to play mature games. Instead of banning them all lets just ban hard-core mature games?



A lot of mature games have an option to turn off blood. Like Assassins Creed, Gears of War, and Metal Gear Solid.

Some games even have language filters too! Like Gears of War!

I have good grades, I am mature in the household. And I am a teenager. I know I’m mature enough for some games.

I don’t care for violence in games, I look for great story line and/or re-playability.

I want the Last of Us. It is a mature game, but it has a good story, good characters, and a rating of 95/100!

The story focuses on the last of humanity after a zombie apocalypse. One girl is immune to the infestation and travels alongside Joel to engineer a cure.

Also it is not illegal for me to play mature games. Rated M is a suggestion, not a restriction.

I will buy my own mature games so don’t worry about that.



Video-games help train your brain to make faster real life decisions

Until Dawn ->


Video games also improve creativity.

Dead Rising 2


Mature first person shooters were found to improve eyesight!

Violent video games even reduce stress and depression! Just take a look!

In a study made by the Texas A&M International University associate professor Dr. Christopher J. Ferguson.

103 young adults were given a hard/upsetting task and then given a randomized game. The categories of game were violent and non-violent.

The results hint at that violent games reduced depression and stress.

So what do you think? Please take time to think about your answer. Thank you for listening!
