Why go greena

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Why go greena


Consider this…..• Why are are so many people installing

Solar Panels at the moment?

• How can I be less reliant on my energy provider and generate my own energy?

• How can I earn a additional income from generating my own electricity

Whats the world doing about climate change?

The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement

setting targets for industrialized countries to cut their greenhouse gas


As of April 2010, 191 states have signed and ratified

the protocol.

Most countries agree we need to reduce green house gases….

What has the UK done as a result of the Kyoto Protocol?

"Britain is the first country in the world to set legally binding ‘carbon budgets’, aiming to cut UK emissions by 34% by 2020 and at least 80% by 2050………

“…the depletion of our domestic fossil fuels reserves, combined with projected growth in global energy demand, puts our security of energy supply at risk”

“….renewable resources will make a strong contribution to our energy needs and allow us to be less reliant on others.”

“Our drive to increase the proportion of energy we obtain from renewable sources….

This will “increase the security of energy supplies in the UK”

How does the UK contribute to climate change?

Total carbon emissions produced in 2006 in the UK verses the UK goal for 2050……

26.5 % of UK emissions came from electricity generation


159 million tonsCO2 emissions


77% reduction by 2050 needed from 2006 to reach 80% reduction.(bunker level is 1990)

184million tons

134million tons

103million tons

108million tons

98million tons

42million tonsInternational Aviation & shipping

Uk non C02 green house gases

Industry (heat and industrial processes)

Residential and Commercial Heat

Domestic Transport

Electricity Generation

695 million tonsCO2 emissions

We can help with this target by insulating our homes and producing our own electricity

What does 1 tonne of CO2 look like?

Times this by184 million!

That’s how muchCO2 we created

generating electricityTo power our


the electricity produced in the uk, mostly comes from….


The problem is:1. Its Expensive and prices are on the rise

2. Fossil fuels are quickly depleting

3. The produce lots of carbon emissions which are damaging the earth!

Current annual energy demand

Uranium reserves

Natural Gas reserves

Oil Reserves

Coal Reserves

How do depleting fossil fuels compare to solar energy?

Solar Energy available every year

Dangers facing electricity generation in the UK

Chief executive Steve Holliday of the National Grid has said:

‘Britain Faces a severe shortage in power generation due to crumbling coal and nuclear plants…. Unless the government intervene … there will not be enough generation to meet demand by 2015 meaning power outages would result.’

What is the UK government doing to increase electricity generation whilst helping to reduce the C02 emissions?

1 April 2010 : Government introduced the ‘Cash back for clean energy’ scheme through

the Feed in tariff.

The Feed in tariff scheme was introduced under powers of the

Climate Change Act 2008

Instead of building new power stations, set up a way to pay for clean energy…..


“If you install an electricity-generating

technology from a renewable or low-carbon source such as solar PV,

the government's Feed-In Tariff scheme means you

get money from your energy supplier.”

“Through the use of FITs, DECC hopes to encourage deployment of additional small-scale low-carbon electricity generation, particularly by organization's, businesses, communities and individuals that have not traditionally engaged in the electricity market.”

Through the governments feed in tariff you can become

your own power station.

PRODUCT Annual Return

Typical High Street Savings Account 2.99%

Typical high street ISA 2.85%

National savings direct saver account 1.75%

Bond- Bank of london and middle east 4.05%

Best Cash ISA-West Brom BS WeBsave ISA 3 3.07%

Getting paid for your electricity makes a good investment ?

Go Greena Solar Install upto 13 % per annum

22 GWp by 2020 22 X 1 gigawatt = 1 000 000 000 watts

Or 5.5million homes having a 4 KWp system installed- Or 88million 250W solar panels.

This will make a significant contribution To our electricity production and help us to reach our

carbon targets.

What’s the UK Governments Solar targets?

Install a solar panel system and benefit from:

• Tax free income from the FIT for ALL the electricity generated

• It’s a government scheme guaranteed for 25 years

• Massive reduction in your current electricity bills every year

• Generate your own clean energy all year round

• Protect against rising fuel bills

• Reduce the amount of carbon emissions we create as a nation through generating energy from a clean source.

What can you expect from us?

1. We will make sure our technical assessors & solar pv expert conducts a thorough survey and assessment.

2. With this information we use market leading software to design a bespoke install to best suit your roof type, ensuring peace of mind that your system will stand up to all weather conditions for well over 25 years

When you have a Solar Panel system installed We will have a Energy performance certificate produced to help you see how energy efficient you are and what you can do to go greena ‘for more betta bills’

Our Promise to you.

1. We aim to be the most professional provider of energy solutions in the uk

2. We will not be beat on price or service3. We ensure we use the very best products that are

available4. Through our experienced work force we ensure

quality every step of the way5. We will be readily available to answer any queries

questions or concerns you have through your dedicated project manager



Book A free Assessment today.Call us : 0161 222 1072

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