Post on 15-May-2015

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Unforgiveness is the summary statement of how spiritually bankrupt and unfathomable a heart is to the word of God. We often don’t realise the extent to which our anger and inability to forgive is robbing us and leaving us far removed from the safety net of God.

Transcript of WHY FORGIVE?



Having an unforgiving spirit can decimates your faith and relationship with God.

God’s word can only be expressly sown and activated in an atmosphere of peace. The devil can make you grope with the severity of what has happened to you in fury. Don’t sweat, forgive and move on.

Moses switched his ticket at the desert called Zin during the long slog to the promised land because of

anger towards Israelites and disobedience to God

God commanded Moses to speak to the rock to bring forth water but Moses lifted his hands and smote the rock twice because he was enraged and inflamed with anger ...... Numbers 20: 1-13

If only Moses had moved on and not cling or held onto the past I am sure he would have gotten the instructions God gave and done accordingly but it was precisely in this assignment and his reaction that cost him the ticket to the promised land. Why are you sweating over what others have done to you? Don’t you think it’s time to move on

Unforgiveness is the summary statement of how spiritually

bankrupt and unfathomable a heart is to the word of God.


We often don’t realise the extent to which our anger and inability to

forgive is robbing us and leaving us far removed from the safety net of God.


Forgiveness is a master key to unlocking the possibilities God has in store for you. There’s more ahead of you than the ashes of the past that’s holding you down.

Forgiveness alongside repentance are significant and fascinating keys to credible worship and answered prayer in the congregation His holiness.

When You Forgive: You are able put on a spotless garment of praise instead of a heavy, burdened and failing spirit.

Because you have freed others from the prison of your mind, you are freed from the shackles of yourself imposed bondage

When you forgive an ornament of beauty is put upon you instead of ashes of the past draping over you.

Privileges of a forgiven Person

You are promptly forgiven your iniquities

Jesus said “ Father forgive them.....” or “ Go your sins are forgiven....” He understood the liberating power in forgiveness hence the reference in

some of his parables.

You are magnificently,

distinguished for uprightness
