Why Face to Face Prospecting is Dead for Network Marketing and How to Work Truly from Home

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Why Face to Face Prospecting is Dead for Network Marketing and How to Work Truly from Home

Why Face to Face Prospecting is DEAD for

Network Marketingand How to Work TRULY from Home

The days of talking to everyone within a 3 foot radius about your opportunity is


The days of bringing strangers into your house and speaking in front of them and spending money on drinks and snacks is


The days of going to Chamber of Commerce meetings and pretending to listen, but really

you’re just there to pitch someone about your biz is DEAD.

The old school ways of doing network marketing

are over.

Now, you can truly work from home, and that doesn’t mean sneaking out and

bumping into someone and asking them a few questions.

It means truly staying home and leaving your robe or PJ’s on and clicking your


The big old network marketing companies are just now catching on to the power of

social media.

Some companies still restrict you from promoting online. Isn’t that crazy?

We are independent business owners. Why are we still controlled like this from


Everybody craves to do this business from home. Why? Because the alarm clock can be

turned off forever and no more waiting in traffic during rush hour, and it gives you

your life back from a nasty JOB.

You may ask, “How do I do this online, I have little knowledge of websites and I

work 60 hours a week?

Believe me, I’ve been there and everyone has started from not knowing anything. If you have a strong enough desire you can

master anything.

My quick story of how I started with very little extra time.

I worked 60 hours a week as a Sous Chef, but wanted out of the hot stressful kitchen.

So, I set up an hour before work and two hours after work to promote my business.

The first hour in the morning I followed 800 people on Twitter

using a rapid fire technique using an app called CrowdFire.

When some of these 800 followed me back they got an automated message from

CrowdFire about my business and a link to my opt-in form. So, 5 to 10 leads there.

Then, I went outside and shot a 2 to 4 minute video about network marketing and

uploaded it to YouTube. Then, I went to work.

When I got home from work that night, I took the link from the YouTube video I

shot in the morning and inserted it into a blog post on my website.

Then I would generally write what I talked about in the video, roughly 600 to 900

words under the video on my blog. That’s it. That’s how my home-based business began.

All Online.

There are plenty of busy professionals that started a home-based business and grew it

successful along with their hectic schedules. If they can do it you can do it, if

your desire is strong enough.

After I got a pretty good following on Twitter, I got more Leads and more

upgraded members and I started getting leads from my blog the more content I

added to the site.

I added a “Work with Erik” page on my website and added a banner on the left-

hand side of the site people could click on if they wanted extra income.

Another thing that works in your favor is history. If you have a year or more in network marketing, ideally with one

company, people start to believe in you more.

They won’t want to join you if you’ve been in seven companies in the last seven


Thanks for reading. If this provides value please share this and go to: www.erikchristianjohnson.com