Why do I need a survey?

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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Why do I need a survey?. So that you know your site:. what you have what is going on what measures to introduce Whether change happens. What do I survey? The site (site audit) The people (staff travel survey). Elements of a Site Audit 1 Staff patterns How many? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Why do I need a survey?

Why do I need a survey?

So that you know your site:

what you have

what is going on

what measures to introduce

Whether change happens

What do I survey?

The site (site audit)

The people (staff travel survey)

Elements of a Site Audit 1Staff patterns

How many?What hours any shifts do they work?Is there: flexi time? home working?

Car park management How big is the car park? Is it full? Where do people park? How is parking controlled? By Permits? Charging? How much does it cost to maintain?

Walking & cycling environmentHow safe & pleasant is it to walk or cycle to work?Are there any obstacles to walking & cycling?Is there secure, enclosed and conveniently located cycle parking?How well used is it?Are there lockers and showers for walkers and cyclists?

Elements of a Site Audit 2

Public transportWhat are the local bus any train routes?How close do they come to the site?What hours do they operate?What are the routes any waiting areas like? Safe and clean?Is timetable information available on site and at the stops? How much does it cost?Are interest-free loans for season tickets available for staff?

Recruitment and employmentIs a company car offered as a perk?Do relocation packages restrict eligibility to those who move locally? Do the company recruit locally?

Elements of a Site Audit 3

Business travelDo staff use public transport for business travel?Do car mileage rates encourage people to drive?Are there mileage rates for cycling on business?Does the company use video or phone conferencing?

VisitorsDoes the site attract many visitors whose travel patterns could be,


Deliveries Are there significant vehicle movements which could be influenced?

A Staff Travel Survey

Provides breakdown of staff travel patterns to workCan also measure staff attitudes to travelHelps identify what measures might be most effectiveEngages staff on the ideas of the travel planCan be paper-based or online An incentive is worthwhile to increase response rateA good representative sample is required for effectivenessNeeds to be timed appropriately

Map of where staff live GIS Map gives strong indicators of where travel plan policies can be directed to.

Understanding your survey results

The right questions will allow companies to introduce the relevant initiatives

For example; the following may be appropriate in different circumstances

A car share database to encourage if many employees travel from similar directions and work similar hours

Secure cycle parking if much of the workforce is local and there are adequate routes

Discounts on public transport season tickets if public transport access is good and there are restrictions on parking

Baseline for setting objectives and targets

Monitor changes in staff travel behaviour

Measure effectiveness of Travel Plan

Staff Travel Survey Results provide

Presenting your data

Organise your data to get the best out of your results

Tables and charts allow easy visual interpretation

Use qualitative data to inform the changes that need to be made

Example: Hospital staff home postcode map

Example: Random Company staff travel survey results

Mode % of Employees Travelling by Mode

1998 2001 2006 2009

Car on own 60 54 54 46.2

Car with family/friends

13 17 10 9.4

Park & Ride (previously incorporated in bus)

- - - 4.7

Bus 14 17 18 14.3

Train 2 2 1 3.5

Cycle 4 3 4 4.7

Walk 6 7 13 14.6

Other (includes taxi & motorbike)

1 0 0 2.6

Setting Objectives

Use site audit and travel survey results to set your Travel Plan objectives

State what the plan is trying to achieve

Set targets against which to review effectiveness

Setting Targets

Essential part of a Travel Plan

Must be monitored so can be checked and adjusted

Initial travel survey will provide a baseline from which travel patterns can be measured

SMART Targets

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-related

Should relate to the particular circumstances of the site

Identifying Actions

Actions should:• Be based on site audit and travel survey results • assist the Travel Plan to achieve objectives any

targets• be as detailed as possible • be set out in Action Plan with timescales for



Regular monitoring is essential to allow the effectiveness of your Travel Plan to be monitored


Conduct regular surveys such as:

Annual staff surveys

Parking surveys (car, cycle, motorcycle)

Take up of staff incentives

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