Why Do I Need A Car Cover

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Why Do I Need A Car Cover

Why Do I Need A Car Cover



The environment contains harmful substances like UV rays, acids, alkalis, tree sap. That’s a big job for such a thin defense.

Using a car cover can protect your car’s finish and its interior as well, and save a lot of your money.

A Car’s paint can’t sustain such an array of destructive elements

ACIDS• Acid damage on your car’s paint may occur from a range of different sources.

• Bird poop is acidic. More, birds eat seeds and bits of gravel that can scratch your paint.

• Also bug guts are acidic, and they don’t hit only your windshield when you’re moving




• There’s a lot of powerful alkalis in the air, due to ashes from wildfires and water• mixed together.

• Black ash can scratch your paint, even when you use a duster.


• Resin drops and tree saps are a strong, natural glue.

• They may wreck your car’s paint rovinously if you leave your vehicle outdoor for a long time.


FINGERTIPS• “Wash me” writings on a car’s finish, tough written from well-intentioned tagger, make

things worse than just having dirty windows.

• Dirt acts like sandpaper when it’s dragged across paint, and it can make the marks last long after the dirt is gone.


• Direct UV rays degrade and crack plastic and leather interior surfaces.



• Water from automatic sprinklers leaves spots on your car’s paint, very difficult to remove.

• When unseen, they can bring severe damage to your car’s paint.

… And then there’s other people


Other people can pose threats to the exterior of your car• Construction workers can inadvertently cover your car in brick dust

• A careless neighbour painting their house or fence could easily contaminate the outside of your car with paint specks and over spray.

• Over time, all of these things combine to degrade, dull, oxidize, corrode and prematurely age

the paintwork and exterior parts of your car.


Damaged car paint could result in a loss up to 30% of its resale value

So what can a car cover do for me?

• A quality car cover can actually help to extend the life of your car and retain much of its value.

• Show potential buyers of your car that it has been kept under cover, this will tell them you have cared for the car.


• Car covers are an investment into its security: they can act as a great theft deterrent

• Today’s car covers are made using high tech, durable and eco-friendly materials.


• You will find a car cover for every size and type of vehicle, no matter the make, year or model.

• They are very easy to put on and remove, taking only a few minutes, and can usually be done by one person on their own.

