Why analytics

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Why analytics


Farid Asadi

UI/UX Designer

Analytics & SEO Specialist

Digital Ad Spending Worldwide to Hit $137.53 Billion in 2014

Blogad Wants start its Advertisement

In 3 Websites

After:Pagevisits/month: 30,000

Sales/month: 60

Before:Pagevisits/month: 10,000

Sales/month: 30

Whitout Analyze

Seems good!

x2 Sales!

But, Actually

His Do Wrong!

Conversion Rate!

Your Total Conversions is number of people who did whatever it is defined as

converting(email newsletter, made a purchase, and so on). To get your Conversion Rate,

you divide the above total number of conversions by the number of visitors to your site.

Website Sessions Conversion Rate Goal Completion

A 10,000 0.05% 5

B 5,000 0.2% 10

C 5,000 0.3% 15

With Analyze

It’s not analyze!

Analyze is so bigger!

Analyze can help you :)

We need a tool to analyze!


Google Analytics

Why Google Analytcis?

It has 80% of Market Share!

It’s Free!

It’s Easy!

It’s Powerful!

It’s Awsome!

50% Of All Websites Use Google


What can we do with Google Analytics?

Who is your audience?

What brought visitors to your site?

What they do in on website?

Did they do what you want?

Who is your audience?

What brought visitors to your site?

What they do in on website?

Did they do what you want?

Who is your audience?

What brought visitors to your site?

What they do in on website?

Did they do what you want?

Who is your audience?

What brought visitors to your site?

What they do in on website?

Did they do what you want?

A/B Testing

200,000 Number of split tests sent in 2013 using

MailChimp’s A/B testing feature

A or B?

Analyticsis not a


Analytics is about identifying trends

Analyze Circle

Data & Actions


DemographicsAge and Gender

- Which age groups and gender

visit your site.

- Which age groups and gender are

mostly like to convert.


- Target the most converting groups

to increase to likelihood of making

a conversion.


New vs. ReturningUsers

- Which between new and returning

visitors are mosly likely to convert.

- How and when people return to

the website


- If returning visitors are more likely to

convert, get first-time visitors back

onto the website by having them

subscribe or remarketing them.

- If new visitors are more likely to

convert, aim for conversion that grab

people on their first visit.



- What are the browsers with


- What are the most used browsers.


- Fix any problems that some

browsers could have.

- Check constantly if the website is

working well in the top three

browsers the visitors use.


Mobile vs. DesktopBrowsers

- The percentage of visits from

mobile, tablet and desktop.

- Which between mobile, tablet and

desktop is more likely to convert.


- Focus your effort on target the

devices converting more.

- Is it time to create an app?


CampaignsChoose the bests!

- How your paid campaigns are


- Campaigns that are bringing in

lots of users, but not converting.


- Fix campaigns with more

spending than revenue.

- Fix the landing pages associated

with campaigns bringing in lots of

users, but not converting.

Fix Landing Page Example:

500% more

conversion rate (Sale)

in 5 months!


Site ContentChoose the bests!

- How your single pages are


- How different types of content are



- Identify and improve the copy and

the design of the low-performing


- Grow the traffic to high converting

landing pages.

Site SearchA delicious tool!

Learn from the winners,

apply to the losers.

Without analyze your bussiness is dead!

Thank you for your attention :)

Twitter: @fariidasadi