Who’s Driving Your IT Strategy?

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Who’s Driving Your IT Strategy?

A MYTEK Whitepaper Slide share

Who’s DrivingYour IT Strategy?

Consultant. Partner. Leader.

A MYTEK Slideshare

It is often the case with organizations that an IT strategy is not delivering

strategic execution due to the fact that a clear chain of accountability

for each step is lacking, which leads to failures and strategy

deterioration. The question becomes, who is driving IT strategy?

The dilemma of most IT strategies is that while they may be born of

stakeholder committees, they are abandoned by the individual members

shortly after birth.

The reality is that strategy happens

at an individual level throughout

the workforce in an organization.

Consequently, strategies must be backed

by management processes that provide

individuals with a clear understanding of

where they fit into the process.

In order to have accountability, everyone in the organization must have

access to a realistic support network that shows them what new goals and

activities are required to align themselves with the strategic objectives.

As the IT organization transforms into a service delivery center, their perceived

role as the driver of IT strategy is disappearing, if it ever existed at all. Rather

than exclusively driving the traditional aspects of the IT strategy, the

IT organization must drive the service delivery that underpins them.

As stakeholders pave the way for IT strategy transformations, managers make

the list of operational goals available to the workforce. This is to ensure there

is sufficient awareness of technical innovations and their strategic benefits to


The outsourced IT management and services firm is the key to making this

possible via a comprehensive IT assessment, process mapping and the

resultant data that contributes to the defined IT strategy.

As adjuncts to the internal IT department they can support various aspects of

the IT strategy in terms of project fulfillment. Most importantly, they can fulfill

ongoing maintenance, monitoring, and help desk functions of the organization

and its IT infrastructure to maintain uptime. This frees the internal IT staff to

concentrate on more critical aspects of project fulfillment.

Skilled IT management and services consultancy partnerships with

organizations enable a process-connecting mesh that provides

accountability for actions in strategy fulfillment. With everyone

understanding their defined role to play in driving the strategy, it can

be realized within prescribed time frames and budgets while achieving

greater operational efficiencies, business growth and stability.

To learn how MYTEK can provide the IT management and services support that enables true

accountability for driving your organization’s IT strategy to successful fruition, visit mytek.net, and

then call to speak to one of our skilled consultants at 1-877-236-8583.

Consultant. Partner. Leader.