Who Are Oticon Hearing Aids Competitors

Post on 10-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Who Are Oticon Hearing Aids Competitors

Professional Hearing Centers (352) 419-0757

Who Are Oticon Hearing Aids Competitors?

Hearing aid help starts with a simple

hearing test. Hearing aids do not

interfere with life. In fact, they

improve the wearer’s quality of life by

bringing the joy of beautiful sound

back to them. Hearing specialists, such

as an audiologist, Hearing Instrument

Specialist, or hearing aid provider, will explain the different

brands and models available. They will offer hearing aid advice to

help you make the right choice for your needs.

Oticon’s Intiga features a high speed processing chip and wireless

technology that works with the brain to increase hearing. It also

filters out unnecessary background noise. Even people with only

minor hearing loss report significant improvement while wearing

the tiny unit.

The ReSound Alera was the first to deliver a wireless unit without

requiring a streamer to be worn on the body. It grants a greater

range of freedom to the wearer. It showed that ReSound can

compete with the technological advances going on at other

hearing aid corporations. The company also offers a large

selection of hearing accessories.

Phonak is a very large company with headquarters in Sweden.

They have been making hearing aids for over sixty years. They

claim that they don’t let technological limitations stump them, but

Professional Hearing Centers (352) 419-0757

instead work tirelessly until solutions are found. They make it

known that their goal is to bring the gift of hearing to all people.

Custom made hearing aids are available from Starkey. They are

leaders in water proof technology for hearing aids. They have a

special line for children.

Many hearing aid technology corporations have launched

nonprofit branches devoted to helping those who have suffered

hearing loss. Hearing is a valuable gift to protect. Don’t hesitate

to investigate the many different hearing devices available to find

the best option for you.

For More Information Call Us at (352) 419-0757 or Visit http://hearing-aids-inverness-fl.com/