WHICH CHILD HOLDS THE FUTURE OF AFRICA I met both in Uganda … 4X.pdf · 2008. 12. 3. · The...

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Transcript of WHICH CHILD HOLDS THE FUTURE OF AFRICA I met both in Uganda … 4X.pdf · 2008. 12. 3. · The...

Today hundreds of powerfulevangelistic outreaches arere a chi ng i nto ho pel e sscommunitie s, b ringing arelevant message of hope.

Over 600 international guestsfrom 36 countries joinedthousands from the USA inthe place where it all began.

Leviticus 25:10 commands:"At the end of the 50th yeareach of you shall return."

One of the most captivatingimages was Sonny Argonzoni,Nicky Cruz, Israel, and DavidWilkerson, the central characters ofCross and the Switchblade, onthe platform giving glory to God. Allare still involved in active ministry50 years later, l iving testimony thatthe message of Teen Challenge isnot what God did in 1958, but themiracles that still happen today,and the best yet to come .

The trumpet sounded and thousandsgathered in New York City where theTeen Challenge miracle began. Thecelebration wa s not about TeenChallenge, but about Jesus and thework He has done. God used theobedience of one man with a vision toreach the lost and TC has grown fromthat first step of faith to carry themessage around the world. Now theLord has raised up 20,000 beds inov er 1,000 centers, in 82 countries.

Nicky, Israel, Sonny, David WilkersonNicky, Israel, Sonny, David Wilkerson


I met both in Uganda . . . see page 3

between tribes did not takeplace. In the midst of politicalinfighting over 9 months,every part of the word cameto pass. On December 30,2007, as Mwai Kibaki wasdeclared winner of Kenya'spresidential election, thenation erupted in violence.Thousands were kil led andhundreds of thousands weredisplaced from their homes.Even some Teen Challengestaff lost everything in thewake of the escalatingviolence. Many of you prayedfor Joseph Karanja inJanuary as we shared his

saga. His family hasmoved back to the samen e i g h b o rh o o d a n dministers Jesus to thevery people that burned

On March 6-8th, 2007 Davidand Gary Wilkerson hosted aRenewing Your Passion forChrist Conference in Nairobi,Kenya. They brought a cry forreconciliation and a solemnword from the Lord about thefuture of this nation of 38 millionin 12 tribal divisions. Thousandsof pastors and leaders camefrom all over Kenya andneighboring countries to attendthe conference.While many gave lip service tothe word, real reconciliation

him out of his home. Histestimony has such favor,that we were able to walkthe Mathare slums togetherdespite the fact that I ammzungu (white).Mathare is home to morethan half a million people.About 60% are under 16. Itis recognized as one of theworld's most congested,ugliest and harshest slums.We visited the illegalchangaa dens where wesaw people drowning inil legal "hooch." After gettingpictures, I felt compelled totestify to them. God movedpowerfully. Suddenly menwanted prayer. As peoplebegan to commit their livesto Jesus, demons began to

manifest and a powerfultime of ministry anddeliverance followed. Eventhe owner repented andasked us to pray that shecould find a new job so thatshe could close the bar.We launched a choir fromKenya Teen Challenget h a t m i n i ste re d t othousands of pastors at theAssembly of God GeneralCouncil in Nairobi Kenya.

Kenya TC Choir at the KenyaKenya TC Choir at the KenyaAssemblies of God General CouncilAssemblies of God General Council

Global Teen ChallengeGlobal Teen Challenge points usto strategic hot spots around theworld and approves our trips aspart of the GTC Global initiative.We receive no salary from Teen

Challenge and are responsible toraise our own support and all

travel expense. It is your monthlysupport, gifts, and intercessionthat keep us at the cutting edge.

2008 Mission Trips2008 Mission Trips

OCTOBEROCTOBER: A F R I C A: A F R I C ACapetown, South AfricaCapetown, South Africa

10th Anniversary Celebration10th Anniversary Celebration

NOVEMBER: South AfricaNOVEMBER: South AfricaAll Africa Leadership TrainingAll Africa Leadership Training

Bloemfontaine, South AfricaBloemfontaine, South Africa

DEC:DEC: World Mission SummitWorld Mission Summit

2009 Mission Trips2009 Mission Trips

JANJAN:: Global Strategic SummitGlobal Strategic SummitLisbon, PortugalLisbon, Portugal

FEBFEB: W E S T AFRICA: W E S T AFRICAGhana, LiberiaGhana, LiberiaSteve Hill CrusadeSteve Hill Crusade

MARCH:MARCH: E A S T AFRICAE A S T AFRICATanzania, KenyaTanzania, Kenya



Nairobi, Kenya LTI TrainingNairobi, Kenya LTI Training

FacilitatingFacilitatingLife TransformationLife Transformation

† Preparing † Planting †† Preparing † Planting ††† Partnering †Partnering †

As we travelled In Kenya,South Africa, Ethiopia andUganda, we see streetsclogged with kids--manyabandoned. Since themedian age of the popula-tion is 15, that is no surprise,BUT they need a future.This graffiti ’d wall in Ugandasays it! STREET CHILDRENARE CHILDREN TOO ...Street Children,whoseresponsibility? Reaching

these young people on thestreetsor in the schools isextremely important. Weneed to reach them beforethey need the program. Theyneed to know they are loved!The United Nations hasdetermined that the numberone cause of poverty inUganda is alcohol abuse. Inevery slum we visited, wesaw the illegal neighborhoodstill. The money fathers

should spend on school feesgoes for “changaa” or lira-lira" (booze).

Girls like Washuka above,sell the lira lira, and use themoney to buy glue. It ischeaper than bread andwhen they sniff glue, it takesthe hunger pains away.Children that should be inschool cannot attendbecause no one will pay theirfees. Instead they wanderthe streetsor guard the stil lwhile "the old man" drinks!

I was inmaximumsecuritydetox, lockedup becauseIkept runningaway . I wasa loner, aloser, and amainliner ...addicted toheroin andcocaine.

I was truly “married to myaddiction.” Ev ery cent I laid myhand on went for my next “fix.”My addiction drov e me to crimeand armed robbery in an effort tosupport my habit.In jail, someone from TeenChallenge told me there was apower greater than my addiction.

I asked Jesus to come into myheart. He changed everything.I am so glad that God knew Ineeded a place to nurture thatseed I received when I cameto Jesus. Just a few monthsago Kenya Teen Challengeopened. I am growing ev eryday here at Teen Challenge.


The little girl on the right is acourier who walks thesewers, delivering the illegal"white lightning" to the men.The fields are truly “white” forthe harvest. Please pray forthe children. We are sograteful that you have sentus and stood with us inprayer for the hundredsthat came to Christ.

KAMPAL A, UGAND A NEWS:"God is Good!" The Lordmoved powerfully in Ugandatouching lives. We sawhundreds crowd into packedaltars in the schools, church,and on the street askingChrist in their hearts. Someprayed to be set free fromdrugs as God confirmed hispromise of freedom. Many

that came prayed for God toset them free from theiraddictions and restore them totheir families.We built our relationship withFresh Start Recov eryCenter, trained staff, andlaunched a choir for them asthe y a re moving fromaffiliation to formal relationshipwith Global TC. In the midstof the business of ministry, theLord sent His power. DarrylWoodson, FSRCFSRC director andpastor of Victory City ChurchVictory City Church,Kampala, is doing a powerfulwork there in Uganda.


Bernie and Cathy Gillott 426 Newport News Ave, Hampton VA 23669

One of our greatest priv ileges is to minister tostaff and students at Spiritual Impact events inTeen Challenge Centers across the USA. Thetheme f or the Spiritual Emphasis in NewEngland was, “The Kingdom has beenforcefully advancing, and forceful men layhold of it.” Matthew 11:12. It was a powerf ultime of ministry with Dr. Rodney Hart and their600 staff and students. Cathy and I drew onour 30 years of Teen Challenge ministryexperience as many made f resh commitmentsto Christ, were f illed with the Spirit and othersreceiv ed a call f rom God to Global Ministry .

A few months ago I wrote, “Thereare storms on the horizon.” Well,the storms have begun to hit. Weare seeing storms in the natural,storms in the spiritual, storms in thepolitical and storms inthef inancial.In Matthew, Jesus spoke abouttwo builders. One built on the rock,the other on the sand. Never wasthat demonstrated more clearlythan this photo from Gilchrist, TX.While others quickly erectedstructures following the devastationof Hurricane Rita, there was oneexception. Mike Riley built thisimpressive yellow house with 19-foot pilings. When Hurricane Ikeunleashed a 14-foot wall of water, itdev oured homes, churches,businesses and people's dreams.This house is the last housestanding on the gulf front.“Jesus said, Therefore everyonewho hears these words of Mineand acts on them, may becompared to a wise man whobuil t his house on th erock. 25“And therain fell, and the

floods came, and the winds blewand slammed against that house;and yet it did not fall, for it wasfounded on the rock.

Matthew 7:24-25There are two aspects; first toHEARHEAR, then to OBEYOBEY. Understandthis, Jesus promised storms wouldcome. Don’t waste time hoping foran easy way. It is time to dig deepand build on His word.Jesus said, "My… peace I… leaveto you." The word leave is tobequeath. It is used in theexecution of a will. When somebodydies they leave their most prizedbelongings, their most valuablepossessions to the people theylov e. They don't leave them junk.Jesus said, "Let not your heart

be troubled" (John 14:1).

You can choose, peace or fear.Choose peace!

It is yourpossession,

your inheritance!It is YOURS!

Often our first reaction to problemsis anxiety and fear. Choosing peaceseems apathetic because I f eel, "If Ireally care, I'll worry ...or... If this isso important, I have to stay upset."To think that the outcome will bepositively affected by the amount oftime we spend worrying is tobelieve a lie. Anxiety empowersthe problem, thanksgiving andtrust release thepower of God.Just because Jesus left His peace itdoes not automatically operate inour lives. It is a reserve I mustdraw from every day. The enemywill do everything he can to depleteit. Do not panic. Build on the Rock.Hear Hisword. Hold onto His word.Worry may have been a parachuteto cushion your landing in the past,but never hang onto a parachute ina hurricane no matter how bad youthink that you need it. Trust Jesus!Even when can’t hang onto him,He will hang onto you!

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Bernie and Cathy GillottBernie and Cathy Gillott426 Newport News Ave,426 Newport News Ave,Hampton, VA 23669Hampton, VA 23669 or

Global Teen ChallengeGlobal Teen ChallengePO Box 511, Columbus, GA 31901PO Box 511, Columbus, GA 31901

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