WHI.5: Ancient Greece -- Part 1

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Transcript of WHI.5: Ancient Greece -- Part 1


World History & Geography to 1500 A.D.Mr. Seward, Instructor of History – I.C. Norcom High School

Influence of Geography on Greek Development

Locations and places Aegean Sea Balkan and Peloponnesus Peninsula Europe & Asia Minor Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Dardanelles Strait Athens, Sparta, Troy Macedonia

Influence of Geography on Greek Development

Economic and Social Development Agriculture (limited arable land) Commerce and the spread of Hellenic

culture Shift from barter to money economy (coins)

Influence of Geography on Greek Development

Political development Mountainous terrain both helped and

hindered the development of city-states. Greek cities were designed to promote civic

and commercial life. Colonization was prompted by

overpopulation and the search for arable land.

Greek Mythology

Greek mythology Based on polytheistic religion Offered explanations of natural phenomena,

human qualities, and life events

Greek gods and goddesses Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite Symbols and images in Western literature, art,

and architecture


Zeus King of the Gods and ruler of Mount Olympus

Hera Wife of Zeus, Protector of families, children, and the home

Apollo God of truth, intelligence, music, and poetry

Athena Goddess of wisdom

Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty

Artemis Goddess of wildlife and hunting`

Athens and Sparta

Social structure and citizenship in the Greek polis Citizens (free adult males) had political

rights and the responsibility of civic participation in government.

Women, slaves, and foreigners had no political rights.

Athens and Sparta

Athens Stages in the evolution of Athenian

government: Monarchy

Central power is held by a ruler (king or queen) who inherited the position.

Aristocracy Rule by a small group of people (oligarchy); usually

landowners Tyranny

Rulers who achieved power by force Democracy

Citizens take part in the daily affairs of government

Athens and Sparta

Athens Tyrants who worked for reform:

Draco Created harsh code of laws in which both minor and

serious crimes were punished by death. Solon

Changed the “Draconian Code” Outlawed debt slavery, opened high offices to more

people, allowed some foreigners to become citizens, and gave more power to the assembly.

Origin of democratic principles: Direct democracy, public debate, duties of the


Athens and Sparta

Sparta Oligarchy (rule by a small group)

Two kings and a Council of Elders Major decisions made by citizens

Rigid social structure in order to control conquered people and slaves (helots)

Militaristic and aggressive society Boys started military training at age seven. Girls brought up to strengthen their bodies for child


Persian and Peloponnesian Wars

Importance of Persian Wars (490–476 B.C.) Persian wars united Athens and Sparta

against the Persian Empire. Athenian victories over the Persians at

Marathon and Salamis left Greeks in control of the Aegean Sea.

Athens preserved its independence and continued innovations in government and culture.

Persian and Peloponnesian Wars

Importance of Peloponnesian War (431–404 B.C.) Caused in part by competition for control of

the Greek world Athens and the Delian League Sparta and the Peloponnesian League

Turning point of the Peloponnesian War Spartan army overwhelmed the Athenians Pericles allowed people living in the countryside

to come inside Athens’ city walls; resulting in overcrowding, disease, plague, and death.

Athenians surrendered.

Persian and Peloponnesian Wars

The Peloponnesian War ended Athenian domination of the Greek world.

The Athenian economy revived and Athens remained the cultural center of Greece yet the spirit and energy of Athens declined.

Athens decline resulted in slowing of cultural advance and the weakening of political power

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