Where Personal Service is Always in Season Tree and Shrub ... · Tree and Shrub Insects Where...

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

A p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sA p h i d sAphids are small soft-bodied

insects that suck plant juices.

High aphid populations can

cause leaves to yellow, curl,

or drop early. The most

bothersome aspect of aphids

is the honeydew they produce.

Honeydew is sugary water

excreted by aphids. Sooty

mold grows on the honeydew

creating a sticky, unsightly

mess on trees, sidewalks, and



Insecticide applications will

help control aphid populations.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

B a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w oB a g w o r m sBagworms are caterpillars

that make distinctive spindle

shaped bags on a variety

of trees and shrubs. They

attack both deciduous trees

and evergreens, but are

especially damaging to

juniper, arborvitae, spruce,

pine, and cedar. Large

infestations of bagworms

can strip plants of their foliage

and eventually cause them

to die. Bagworms pass the

winter as eggs inside the bag

that contained the previous

year’s female. An insecticide

application will be needed

to prevent serious damage.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

B o r e r sB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o rB o r e rB o r e rB o r eB o r eB o r eB o r eB o r e r sre re rB o r e r sB o r e r sB o r e r s

Most woody landscape plants

can be attacked by borers.

There are many types of bor-

ers, the Emerald Ash borer be-

ing the most known. The larvae

bore beneath the bark into the

wood on tree limbs, trunks, and

main roots. Damage can vary

from foliage being discolored,

wilt, limbs may die back, and

branches or entire plants may

die. Borers attack mostly dam-

aged or dying plants. Healthy

trees are rarely attacked. Pes-

ticide applications to the bark

have not been found effec-

tive. Injections of insecticide

can provide control depending

on the damage that is already

done. The best prevention is to

keep trees healthy.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

CarpenteCarCarCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCarCCarCarCCarpentarpentarpearpearpepentpentntentententCarpenteCarpenteCarpenter Ants

Carpenter ants nest

underground or in wood.

They do not eat wood,

but their tunnels weaken

limbs causing them to

decline. Carpenter ants

feed on insects, honeydew,

and plant sap. Keeping

plants properly pruned,

preventing injuries, and

controlling the insects will

help prevent carpenter

ants and termites from

attacking the trees.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

Fall WebFaFaFFFaFaFall Well Well Wll Wll Wll Well WeebWeWeFall WebFall WebFall Webworms

Webworms also feed on

deciduous trees. Their webs

are formed over the foliage

toward the outer portions of

the tree. Adult moths emerge

in the late spring or early

summer and are mostly white.

In June or July, the females

lay eggs beneath leaves.

These eggs hatch in about

10 days and feed in the

silken tents until late summer

or early fall. The use of a

high-pressure insecticide

spray will penetrate the

webbed foliage and control

the worms.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

I n s e c tI nI nIIIIIIII nI nI n s e c ts e c ts es ee ce cc tc tc te ce ce cI n s e c tI n s e c tI n s e c t G a l l

In the spring, before leaves are fully developed, insects lay eggs in the leaf or stem of a variety of plants. Galls are abnormal growths of plant cells that are formed around these eggs. After a brief period of cell growth, the gall stops developing. The insect becomes enclosed by the gall and feeds only on gall tissue during its development. Small holes on the outside of the gall indicate that the adult insects have emerged. Generally galls do not seriously harm the plant. If your tree or plant is al-ready unhealthy or under stress, the damage that does occur can be to a greater extent than that of a healthy plant. Keeping trees and shrubs fer-tilized, irrigated, and pruned properly will help keep plants healthy.

After the formation of galls it is im-possible to eliminate the insects with insecticides because they are enclosed and protected inside the gall. Galls that occur on the leaves will drop off with the leaves but those on the trunk or stems may persist for several years. Controlling galls with insecticides is usually not practical because there is minimal timing to control the adult pest before the gall is formed.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

Lace BugLaLaLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLacLLaLaLL e Bue Bue e e e Be BugBu Bu BuLace BugLace BugL a c e B u g sMost adult lace bugs are

about 1/8 inch long and fl at.

The body is concealed

beneath lacelike forewings.

The nymphs and adults live

on the lower surface of the

leaves and suck juices

through slender, piercing

mouth parts. This produces

yellow or whitish spots on the

upper surface of the leaf.

Applications of insecticide

to the lower leaf surfaces will

limit their infestation

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

Leaf HoLeLeLLLeLLeLeaf Haf Haf af af f Hf Ho Hof Hf Hf HLeaf HoLeaf HoLeaf HoppersThere are several

hundred species of

leafhoppers. Most

adult leafhoppers are

¼ inch or shorter. Some

species are bright colored

while others blend in with

their surroundings. Leaf-

hoppers suck the juice

from various plants

causing the leaves to

appear stripped, pale, or

brown. The best control is

to have the landscape

sprayed with the dormant

oil to reduce any

overwintering eggs.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

Leaf MinLeLeLLLLLLLLLLLLeaLLeLeLL f Mif Mif Mf Mf Mf Mf MMinf Mif MiLeaf MinLeaf MinL e a f M i n e r s

The larvae of several

different families of small

moths are the most common

foliage-mining pests in the

landscape. These leaf

miners feed inside the leaves,

needles, shoots, or buds.

Leaf miners cause off-color

patches, trailing patterns, or

holes in leaves. Severe

infestations can slow plant

growth, but established plants

are rarely killed by these

insects. Pruning out and

disposing infested foliage

along with insecticide

applications will help keep

these insects under control.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

S c a l eSSS cSS a l ea l eaaaa la ll ea l ea l eS c a l eS c a l eS c a l e

Scale insects feed by

sucking plant fl uids, and

some may inject toxic

saliva into plants. Most

scale species are one of

two types, armored or soft.

Armored scale is less than

1/8 inch long and has a

plate like shell. Soft scale

are 1/4 inch or smaller.

Scale are also honeydew

excreters. Soft scale have

several annual generations

which overlap so that

multiple life stages are

usually present at once.

High infestations can kill

a plant rather rapidly.

Dormant oil applications

are used to control scale.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....


Spider mites suck fl uid

out of the plants cells

killing tiny areas of leaf

tissue. This causes leaves

to appear fl ecked with

pale dots. They also

cover leaves, shoots, or

fl owers with large amounts

of fi ne webbing. Heavy

infestations can slow plant

growth, cause leaves or

fruit to drop prematurely.

Applications of miticides

will help control spider

mite infestations.

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Tree and Shrub InsectsWhere Personal Service is Always in Season....

Tent CatTeTeTTTeTeTent Cant Cant Cnt Cnt Cnt Cnt Catnt Cant CaTent CatTent CatTent Caterpillars

Tent Caterpillars feed on

deciduous trees throughout

the U.S. Adults are hairy,

medium-sized moths, usually

dull brown, yellow, or gray

in color. Tent caterpillars

overwinter in eggs that are

gray to brown in color. The

eggs laid encircling small

twigs or a fl at mass on bark.

The larvae hatch and begin

feeding on the leaves.

The silken webs are formed

around the juncture of

branches. Pruning out the

infected branches and the

use of high-pressure

insecticide sprays will help

with the control.

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