Where Does The Money Go Ric Nicaragua 2009pdf

Post on 08-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Where Does The Money Go Ric Nicaragua 2009pdf

Where Does theMoney Go?

A Look at the Consuming Side Economics of the

Coffee Supply Chain

For this Example a

Milled Green Coffee

Fair Trade and

Organic Certified

Sells to an Importer

at $1.50 per pound

Importer Adds Costs and Margin

Green Coffee $1.50

Shipping and customs entry .095

Warehouse and logistics .05

Finance and Storage .095

Importer Margin .15

Total Importer Add .39

Cost to Roaster At Warehouse $1.89

Coffee Ships to Roaster

Ex Warehouse Coffee Price $1.89

Shipping Cost .12

Shrink Loss of 18% .44

Roasted Cost per Pound $2.45

Roaster Sells a Pound of Roasted Coffee for


Roasted Cost per Pound $2.45

Packaging Cost .39

Direct Labor Cost .55

Transfair Fee .10

Material Cost Total $3.49

All Other Operating Expenses for Roaster


Material Cost Total $3.49

Wages Excluding Direct Labor .94

Sales, General & Administrative (SG&A) 1.68

Interest, Depreciation, Amortization and Lease .38

Total Cost To Roaster One Pound $6.49

The Bottom Line

Sales Price from Roaster One Pound $7.25

Total Cost To Roaster One Pound $6.49

Pre-Tax Profit on Sale of One Pound .76

State and Federal Taxes of 35% .27

Total Net Profit per Pound $ .49 (6.7%)

Coffee Retailer Buys One Pound of FTO

Coffee for $7.25

• Brews coffee using a ratio of 60 grams of coffee

per liter of water

• One pound yields 7.5 liters of coffee beverage

• Coffee is sold at $1.75 per 475 ml cup

• Pound yields 16 cups or $28.00

Retailer Revenue and Cost of Goods

Sale of 16 Cups $28.00

Coffee Cost 7.25

Cups 2.00

Lids .46

Stir Sticks .16

Condiment Cost .56

Gross Profit per Pound $17.57

Retailer Operating Costs

Gross Operating Profit $17.57

Labor Cost (20%) 5.60

Leasehold ( 7%) 1.96

Utilities (2.5%) .70

Marketing ( 3%) .84

Repairs & Maint ( 2%) .56

Net Operating Profit per Pound $ 3.71

G & A ( 15%) 4.20

Net Profit Retail Operations

Net Operating Profit $3.71

Depreciation, Interest, Amortization 1.12

State and Federal Taxes .91

Net Profit $1.68

( 6%)

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