Where does success come from?

Post on 08-Sep-2014

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You go to meetings. You process your inbox. You might make a presentation here and there. You certainly seem busy. But I bet if I asked your team what it is you do all day long, most of them would say, “I have no idea”. And come to think of it, do you know how exactly they spend every day? In today’s new generation of tech company, leadership and responsibility is more distributed than ever before. People are expected to get the job done, without someone watching or directing every move all along the way. Teams are focused on results, not roles. So as leaders in increasingly flat organizations without the traditional hierarchy and process of the past, how can we make sure we are still leading effectively? What’s the balance between too hands-on and too hands-off? Your job as a leader is to let your team do what they’re good at, but you can only give over autonomy once you’ve given them the tools they need and trust that they can execute without you watching over their shoulder. The talk will cover strategies to help you build trust with your team and set up the right guard rails to loosen your grip on the steering wheel and give people what they want in a leader.

Transcript of Where does success come from?

where does success come from?

kate matsudaira


amazing you

... imagine

Do they put in more effort?

Are they more knowledgeable?

What do they have that you don’t?

It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.

Have you ever worked hard on something, yet didn’t get the recognition you deserved?

image source: http://rebeccathomee.files.forme.se/2013/08/tumblr-m41kp4bgdt1rs7j0fo1-1280.jpg?w=900&

praise isn’t always proportional to effort

how do you measure performance?



Bugs? Tests?

Lines of code?




Innovation & new ideas




The better you are, the less people know.

teams without managers

image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/discutant/1683117046/sizes/o/

image source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/kmallikarjuna/33-skeletor-affirmations-to-get-you-through-even-the-worst-d

someone still has to lead

image source: http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb188/suznf/leadershipNotLikership.jpg

what is leadership?

?image source: http://therecordingrevolution.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Abraham-Lincoln-1280x1024-2-1.jpg

lost his jobran for state legislature and lost

started a business... it failed

... and put him into debt, that took 17

years to repay

ran for state legislature again and lost tried to become

and elector .... and lost tried running

for congress, and lost. Twice.

ran for congress, and won; but wasn’t re-elected. ran for the

senate and lostlost VP nomination

ran for the senate and lost, again.

Leadership is a decision, not a position.


image source:http://www.buzzfeed.com/kmallikarjuna/33-skeletor-affirmations-to-get-you-through-even-the-worst-d

• relationships

• charisma

• expertise

sources of power

source: http://www.ccl.org/leadership/pdf/research/roleOfPower.pdf

formal informal

your power

• position

• reward

• information

• punishment

3 types of informal power

1. Charisma

2. Expert

3. Relationship

image source: http://www.groonk.net/

the power of charisma

the power of expertise

image source: http://www.social-science.co.uk/research/

the power of relationships

image source: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l5nbr6r9X51qzelhwo1_500.jpg

build trust

image source: http://redditlurker.com/funny/Post/t3_1152wx

what is trust?

elements of trust

relationship architecture



Elements are based on Kay’s framework from the “Foundations of Corporate Success”


image source: http://pinterest.com/pin/153685406004471861/

practice what you preach

image source: http://netdna.webdesignerdepot.com/uploads/2013/04/1.jpg

proactive status

image source: ladywhodoesntlunch.blogspot.com

are you on the same wavelength?

craft clear messages

know your timing








do the hardest work first


seek expert feedback

image source: http://naturalbirthrebranded.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/replace_fear_with_curiosity1.jpg

listen to feedback

image source:http://www.buzzfeed.com/kmallikarjuna/33-skeletor-affirmations-to-get-you-through-even-the-worst-d

Who is the person you admire most at work?

What do they do differently?

How do they make you feel?

Think about your coworkers...

be the model teammate

image source: http://illustrationfriday.com/topic/water/

make others feel important

celebrate wins

image source: http://alice-grafixx.de/bild.php?id=281&typ=jpg&w=1920&h=1440

image source: hhttp://nemountainsports.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/SnuggieTM-Blue-Main-Image-10.02.08.jpg

be open

take an interest

image source: http://naturalbirthrebranded.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/replace_fear_with_curiosity1.jpg

image source: http://lea-ree.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/z_3ea8347b.jpg

empathy & attitude


relationship architecture❋

Make 2 ordered lists: !

1. The most important people on your team 2. The people with whom you have the best relationships

what is your architecture?

How can you improve your relationships on the team?

How will that impact your work and happiness?

rebuild burned bridges

image source: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2325/2211446837_9a7eef5eb9_z.jpg?zz=1

image source: http://s017.radikal.ru/i432/1204/45/c1c059350a8b.jpg:

relationship troubleshooting❋

relationships are like filmstrips

apologize swiftly and sincerely

image source: http://farm1.staticflickr.com/55/113545804_60805053a0_o.jpg

jerk handling

image source: http://vet39.ru/blog/images/ukoli-shenkam.jpg

#1 be present

#2 ask questions,

wait for answers

#3 repeat back what you hear

focus on the long term

keep improving

elements of trust

relationship architecture



Elements are based on Kay’s framework from the “Foundations of Corporate Success”

image source: http://themavesite.com/TMS-Pictures/2010-07/InfinitePower.jpg

where does success come from?

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@katemats https://popforms.com


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@katemats https://popforms.com


thank you!

@katemats https://popforms.com
