· when the Paris Agreement entered into force on November 4. Cities and States are Ready for...

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Transcript of  · when the Paris Agreement entered into force on November 4. Cities and States are Ready for...

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SIERRA CLUB FOUNDATION > A N N UA L R E PO R T 2 01 6




Together, we are All in.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Now is the time to unite with the growing movement of activists and allies across the nation who share the belief that protecting our environment and stopping climate disruption is at the core of creating a just and equitable world. Our work is interconnected and requires all of our participation to drive innovation and realize ambitious goals—from forging a robust clean energy economy to safeguarding wildlands and wildlife. Person by person, in coalitions and in communities all across our great country, we are growing our grassroots impact and leading transformational change.

Together, we are powerful. Together, we are resilient. Together, we are All In.



Executive Letter Leading on Climate

Advancing Conservation Building a Movement

Our Commitment 2016 Grants Paid &Financial Statements

Our Donors Board of Directors & Foundation Staff

Our Mission is to fund and promote efforts to educate and empower people to protect and improve the natural and human environment.

We achieve our shared vision of a healthy planet through collaboration with the Sierra Club, our donors, and stakeholders. We embrace integrity through ethics, excellence, and transparency to ensure the trust of our donors and partners. We demonstrate stewardship in all we do through careful development and management of resources and responsible oversight of sponsored programs.

The Sierra Club Foundation bridges the intersection of strategic philanthropy and grassroots advocacy. Founded in 1960, we are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity governed by an independent board of directors.

SIERRA CLUB FOUNDATION................................................................................................................................................ EXECUTIVE LETTER..................................................................................................................................................................

2016 was an unusual year. On one hand, it was a year of divisiveness, where public discourse was often reduced to finger pointing and name calling. On the other hand, people came together to advance clean energy solutions, protect special places, and defend our right to clean air and water. Thanks to your generous contributions, the Sierra Club Foundation supported powerful movements that helped create a better world.

Dedicated leaders such as longtime wilderness advocate Marge Sill, Inupiaq Eskimo activist Esau Sinnok, and the new Sierra Club Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Nellis Kennedy Howard—who are highlighted in the following pages—represent thousands of inspiring changemakers who went All In to fight climate disruption, preserve natural wonders, and create a more equitable and just society.

As the Sierra Club celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2017, we will strengthen its grassroots legacy by supporting efforts to recruit and train thousands of new community activists. With a chorus of voices—from business leaders to young activists to Tribal Nations—we will prevail over those who try to dismantle environmental progress and place corporate profits above the public interest. We will fight to ensure a future where our sources of energy are clean, public green spaces are healthy and inclusive, and our democracy is strong.

Thank you so much for being a part of the All In movement and for helping make this progress possible. While we have incredible momentum on our side to meet the challenges ahead, it’s going to require a persistent, unified front. We’re grateful to have you with us.

DAN CHU Executive Director STEVEN BERKENFELD Board Chair



Iowa Wind Boom—The Iowa Utilities Board approved the largest U.S. wind project in history. In the heart of the Midwest, the $3.6 billion investment will create new jobs, provide enough electricity to power 520,000 homes without rate increases, and ensure Iowa’s homes and businesses are powered by 85% renewable energy by 2020.

“ I am determined to continue speaking up for my

community and the youth of Alaska. Climate change is

not just a political issue to me, it is my future.” — Esau Sinnok

21 cities are Ready for 100:

Aspen, Burlington, Boulder, Columbia, Del Mar, East

Hampton, Georgetown, Grand Rapids, Greensburg,

Kodiak Island, Nassau, Palo Alto, Park City, Rochester,

Rock Port, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Francisco,

San Jose, St. Petersburg, Taos

LEADING ON CLIMATE.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

*”DOE Releases Second Annual National Energy Employment Analysis.” Energy.gov. January 13, 2017.


Across all 50 states, more than

101,700 jobs are supported by the wind

industry, a 32% increase since 2015*.

Climate Leadership from Alaska to Paris— As an International Delegate for the Sierra Club, Esau Sinnok advocated for global climate action on behalf of his Alaskan village during the United Nations COP21 and joined worldwide celebrations when the Paris Agreement entered into force on November 4.

Cities and States are Ready for 100—Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 campaign leverages the power of city leaders to catalyze a national movement toward 100% clean, renewable energy. Sierra Club’s Suncoast Group built public awareness and support for a transition to renewable energy in St. Petersburg, Florida. In November, the City approved a plan to commit to 100% clean energy goals.

Achieving Just Climate Solutions In 2016, we expanded the clean energy movement and kept dirty fuels in the ground by investing in strategic policy and legal work and by tapping into local, grassroots activism.

Arctic Youth Ambassador Esau Sinnok is an Inupiaq Eskimo whose village must relocate due to severe climate change disruption. Esau attended the United Nations COP21 in Paris as an International Delegate representing the Sierra Club and his indigenous community, demanding global climate action from world leaders.

Just over a decade ago, Sierra Club’s nascent Beyond Coal Campaign challenged three proposed coal plants in Iowa, a state that generated 75% of its energy from coal. After years of partnering with local groups to close coal plants and advance clean energy, the Sierra Club has helped charter a renewable energy future for the state that is growing the economy and jobs without threatening the health of communities. In 2016, Iowa made clean energy history when it approved the nation’s largest-ever wind project.

On a municipal level, Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 campaign is inspiring cities across the country to generate 100% of the energy they use from clean, renewable sources within the next two decades. Twenty-one cities—including Boulder, Salt Lake City, and St. Petersburg—made the 100% clean energy commitment, and we’ll continue to accelerate change locally.

None of this progress would be possible without community leaders who hold decision makers accountable for providing clean air and water, clean energy, and equitable climate solutions for all.



40% of coal burned in U.S. power

plants—400 million tons of coal every year—is mined

from public lands and heavily subsidized.

Permanent Protections—President Barack Obama permanently banned oil and gas drilling in 115 million acres of the Arctic Ocean and 3.8 million acres of the Atlantic Ocean, safeguarding pristine waters, native villages, coastal communities, and a rich diversity of marine life.

For almost a decade, Sierra Club’s

Arctic Team and Environmental Law Program used

legal, organizing, and communications strategies to

protect the climate and coastal economies from the

risks of offshore oil drilling.

...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ADVANCING CONSERVATION

Gold Butte National Monument—Lifelong Sierra Club leader Marge Sill helped establish the Wilderness Act in 1964 as well as the Great Basin National Park in 1986. She was active in protecting the places she loved, including Gold Butte National Monument, until the day she passed in October.

*Brean, Henry. “‘Mother of Nevada wilderness’ Marge Sill dies at 92 .” Las Vegas Review-Journal. October 25, 2016.


Keep it in the Ground—The Obama Administration announced a three-year moratorium on new public land coal leases to analyze the full impact of coal on public health and our climate.

“ No one cared more about protecting Nevada’s breath-

taking wilderness than Marge Sill, and no one fought

harder to ensure it stayed that way. Over the past five

decades, every protected acre in Nevada has had

Marge’s fingerprints on it.” —U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev*

Protecting Our Wild AmericaSierra Club’s volunteers and staff lead local campaigns that build new partnerships, grassroots leadership, and advocacy power to win permanent protections for wild places and priceless cultural sites.

Victories in 2016 included the designation of nine new national monuments, bringing Obama’s total to 29 monument designations that protect more than 553 million acres of land and waters. Two of the newest national monuments, the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah and the Gold Butte National Monument in Nevada, protect 1.6 million acres of critical habitat for native plants and animals in the Southwest.

Historic conservation victories like these result from decades of advocacy by committed Sierra Club staff, partners, and volunteers like “Mother of Nevada Wilderness” Marge Sill. A passionate wilderness and environmental advocate, Marge joined the Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter in the 1950s and was instrumental in protecting Nevada’s wild expanses and mentoring the next generation of conservationists.

Knowing that in order to avoid a climate catastrophe we must keep the vast majority of fossil fuels in the ground, we also support partnerships with other environmental groups, activists, the outdoor recreation industry, and business leaders to permanently protect our public lands. Our tenacious grassroots advocacy inspired President Obama to answer our call by placing a moratorium on new federal coal leases, and banning oil and gas drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

Protecting America’s wild places and providing opportunities for people of all backgrounds to explore and enjoy the outdoors go hand in hand. In celebration of the National Park Service’s 100th anniversary, the Sierra Club hosted more than 300 outings, connecting 3,300 Americans with our public lands near and far.



Indigenous Climate Justice Movement—The Standing Rock Sioux’s battle against the Dakota Access pipeline and the Lummi Nation’s landmark victory to stop a proposed coal export facility demonstrated the success of standing up for climate justice and clean water.

Military Outdoors and Advocacy—Sierra Club’s Military Outdoors veteran leaders joined Alaska Natives, communities of color, outdoor enthusiasts, communities of faith, and 24 diverse organizations that make up the We Are The Arctic coalition to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

BUILDING A MOVEMENT...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

*Mullins, Demond. “My Duty as a Veteran: Protect the Arctic Refuge.” October 13, 2016.


“ To change the world, we must first change ourselves.

By grounding our work in equity, inclusion, and

justice, we will bring new people into our movement

and create a culture that gets people excited and

engaged.” —Nellis Kennedy-Howard

“Protecting the Arctic Refuge

is an extension of my service in defense of

the nation*.” —Demond Mullins,

PhD, Former Armor Crewman/Infantryman

The Sierra Club supported 300 events during

the #NoDAPL Day of Action and sparked nearly

325,000 actions demanding the

construction of the pipeline be stopped.

Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice—In an ongoing effort to build a more justice-oriented and welcoming organization, the Sierra Club hired Nellis Kennedy-Howard as its first-ever director of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice.

Engaging a Broad Movement

Critical to our success in movement building is cultivating the skills necessary for staff and volunteer leaders to work effectively with a wide range of partners. Nellis Kennedy-Howard, Sierra Club’s first-ever director of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice, works with staff, volunteers, and members to create a culture where people from all walks of life feel included and valued; to build a foundation of equity and justice that informs all our work; and to promote ongoing education, training, and personal growth.

The Sierra Club and the Sierra Club Foundation join in solidarity with low-income communities, communities of color, and other groups who are most impacted by pollution and the effects of climate change, including indigenous nations. The Sierra Club supported Tribal Nations’ right to clean water and clean air, urging the rejection of the Dakota Access Pipeline and joining the Lummi Nation to defeat a proposed coal export terminal in the Pacific Northwest.

Sierra Club’s Military Outdoor program helps veterans experience the healing power of nature and lead efforts to protect our wild lands. In June, a team of veterans set out to explore the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, adding their powerful voices to a diverse coalition to permanently protect America’s last wild frontier.

The power of organized resistance and allyship is unstoppable. By building relationships and lifting up the voices of others across movements, we’re building a larger, more powerful social movement that addresses not just climate change, but also racial and economic inequities.



...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OUR COMMITMENT

Together, we help create demand for renewable energy and efficient technologies .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Another innovative aspect of our movement-building work is collaborating with other foundations and our colleagues in the investment community. Together, we help create demand for renewable energy and efficiency technologies to facilitate the shift to clean energy for all. We also engage with companies and policy makers on important issues such as methane emissions, sustainability, and carbon footprint disclosures—an important complement to the policy advocacy, legal work, and public education funded through grantmaking.

“ We must pursue every strategy available to achieve our mission, including the management of our portfolio. Our immediate focus is to accelerate prudent investments in clean energy solutions working with our colleagues in organizations committed to sustainability.”

—Gail Greenwald, Investment Committee Chair

It takes more than any one organization to drive progress on climate and clean energy solutions, defend public lands from fossil fuel development, and provide opportunities for all Americans to connect with the great outdoors—it requires a broad, strategic, integrated movement.

The Sierra Club Foundation supports and advances powerful relationships with allies who share our commitment to justice and equity. We find and expand the connections between environmental protection and other social justice causes, leveraging financial resources to lift up successes and maximize our impact.

More than ever, it’s critical to invest in partnerships to make sure our democracy is not weakened. Through grants to the Sierra Club and other organizations, we support frontline communities, young activists,Tribal Nations, labor groups, and outdoor recreation advocates across the globe. Developing new leaders, delivering effective public education, and sup-porting community-led programs are core strategies for sustained success.




Supporting a variety of environmental programs not otherwise included in categories listed here

$ 3,333,951

2016 GRANTS PAID...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Our Methods: We partner with individual and institutional donors to align financial resources with strategic, measurable outcomes; provide flexible funding for innovation; build capacity in the environmental movement; and create partnerships with a broad spectrum of allied organizations around shared values and goals. As the fiscal sponsor of the charitable programs of the Sierra Club, we provide resources to it and other nonprofit organizations to support scientific, educational, literary, organizing, advocacy, and legal programs that further our goals.

In 2016, we made grants totaling $53,658,378


Preventing construction of new coal-fired power plants; retiring existing plants; promoting clean energy alternatives

$ 21,513,275


Scaling clean, renewable energy solutions in the power and transportation sectors and building widespread public support for a clean energy economy

$ 5,893,960


Supporting Sierra Club chapters and groups working at the local, state, and regional levels to educate the public about issues relating to protection of the natural and human environment

$ 5,498,717


Educating the public about issues relating to protection of the natural and human environment

$ 749,080


Protecting the environment and preserving natural resources for future generations by advancing reproductive health and sustainable development initiatives

$ 781,987


Empowering grassroots activists and organizations in other nations by transferring knowledge and expertise related to coal; reforming international financial institution funding to support clean energy development

$ 974,346


Creating public support for trade and investment rules that protect the environment; demonstrating how existing trade rules undermine governments’ ability to protect the environment and combat climate change

$ 598,987


Bringing together national and local conservation efforts to end mining and drilling of fossil fuels on public lands, secure land protections, connect communities with nearby nature, and protect and restore wild forests

$ 8,102,391


Advocating for an equitable and participatory American democracy to ensure that public policy addresses the linkages between climate change and public health, and social, economic, and environmental justice

$ 490,713


Providing legal strategy for Sierra Club’s priority campaigns as well as state-level chapters

$ 1,407,070


Training and empowering students to achieve tangible social and environmental progress by organizing grassroots campaigns that develop the next generation of environmental leaders

$ 504,969


Reaching across economic lines, cultures, and communities to engage all Americans–including military and youth–to explore, enjoy, and protect the natural world

$ 1,263,767


Ensuring communities of color and low-income communities have a voice in decisions that affect their community and bridging the gap between these communities and environmentalists; ensuring that the clean energy economy supports the health and livelihoods of working families

$ 379,009


Supporting partner organizations working to advance clean energy solutions, including community participation in policy formulation; supporting outdoor trails projects with a focus on connecting people with nature, particularly in urban areas

$ 646,627


Supporting the charitable content of Sierra magazine

$ 1,352,072


Supporting partner organizations in other countries that confront coal pollution and climate change; supporting efforts to protect wild tigers and their habitat, including against fossil fuel infrastructure development

$ 1 67,457



Financial information has been extracted from the Sierra Club Foundation’s audited financial statements, on which an independent public accounting firm expressed an unqualified opinion. To view the complete audited financial statements, please visit www.sierraclubfoundation.org/financials or contact us directly.

In 2016, we proudly earned our seventh consecutive four-star rating from nonprofit Charity Navigator, as well as an “A” from CharityWatch.


AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 19,364,595 $ 15,299,493

Money market securities 22,072,528 11,615,397

Contributions receivable, pledges and bequests, net 9,299,550 19,248,886

Contributions receivable, other 3,825,789 2,010,902

Contributions receivable, charitable trusts, net 6,252,753 5,994,039

Investments 67,015,643 62,183,328

Assets held under split-interest agreements 13,173,750 13,835,168

Other assets 2,980,713 1,516,361

Total Assets 143,985,321 131,703,574

Liabilities Accounts payable 131,196 376,758

Grants payable 5,404,745 4,761,642

Software hosting obligation – 579,400

Liabilities under split-interest agreements 13,162,592 12,756,763

Total Liabilities 18,698,533 18,474,563

Net AssetsUnrestricted:

Undesignated 17,054,976 15,750,012

Board-designated 14,989,745 15,226,881

Total unrestricted 32,044,721 30,976,893

Temporarily restricted 65,933,081 68,563,020

Permanently restricted 27,308,986 13,689,098

Total Net Assets 125,286,788 113,229,011

Total Liabilities & Net Assets $ 143,985,321 $ 131,703,574

Sierra Club Foundation Statement of Financial PositionDecember 31, 2016 and 2015

2016 2013

Sierra Club Foundation—Summary of Expenses 2016

Sierra Club Foundation Statement of ActivitiesDecember 31, 2016 and 2015

$ 77,756,532















$ 113,229,011

2016 2015

Revenues, Gains & Other SupportContributions

Contributions related to split-interest agreements


Total Contributions

Net gains (losses) from investments

Interest and dividends

Net change in value of split-interest agreements

Other income

Total Revenues, Gains & Other Support

ExpensesProgram services

Support services:



Total Expenses

Change in net assets

Net assets, beginning of year

Net Assets, End of Year

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

$ 57,673,640















$ 125,286,788

83% Programs, Grants & Services

2% Administrative

Sierra Club Foundation statement of financial position Sierra Club Foundation statement of activities.................................................................................................................................................................





Maria DinesDavid DonovanJay DuncansonLisa A. EbelingJacob EpsteinKatie FellmanAustin FiteCarol FleishauerMr. Flynn & Ms. BauerSteven FoxLisa FremontCornelia FunkeJolanta GalMaida GershowitzJosh & Cecilia GoldLeonard GoodmanGeorge & Amanda Hanley FoundationJessie HarrisPam HartingPam & Brad HemmingerDouglas & Nancy HindmanDon HoffmanLorraine HonigJudy JacobsAllen Jedlicka & Wendy BrudevoldHoyle C. JonesJ.W. Kaempfer, Jr.Mike & Martha KahnSue Kaplan & David KarnovskyJason Katz-BrownBert KerstetterSteve KinneyMarjorie KlaymanSarah KordaPhilip KorsantSheralyn ListgartenMichael & Ann Ross LoebDixon LongMary Beth Dorbant MaherDiane Mahony

Eifiona MainMelissa MarshallGary & Betty MassoniKaren McCullohRick McDonaldRobert & Alexandra McNameeRoger MerrimanRebecca P. MillikenMary Moglia-CannonDavid & Mary Ellen MoirLetitia & Milan MomirovEric MoodyClaire L. Moore & Christopher GermerMojdeh MorganDean & LaVon MortonJutta MosseWendy NeuMr. & Mrs. Conan O’BrienCarl PageSally Mulford PatrickCaroline PayneJane PeattieDeborah PinesNancy & Robert PlaxicoJennifer QuinnLisa Renstrom & Robert PerkowitzMarie ReyBearLarry RussoCarol & George SabochickGar & Elizabeth SalzgeberNorman Schiele & Dana LonganRaymond SchmitzJonathan SchmuggeChris & Teresa ScottLuanne Selk & Jon SkillmanBradlee ShattuckSusan ShawPeter SladeRaoul & Dominique SlavinGibbs M. & Catherine W. Smith

Isabel SnyderBrian & Michele SpaldingCatherine M. Stiefel & J. Keith BehnerElizabeth StifelEd & Janice StillFaith StrongTricia Takacs & Ron GeorgeRisa TeitelbaumOtto ThomasDr. Jitendra TrivediDoug UrellLenita Van Der WerffThomas Van DyckJody VandergriffMarty L. VaughanAlex VolckhausenBarbara WeinerMartha J. Weiner Charitable FoundationHarry WexnerDr. William H. WhartonKent WosepkaM.W. WymanJoseph YasgurScott Young & Sulara JamesPeter & Rachel ZahnSara ZimetStephen G. Zimmerman

$2,500-$4,999Anonymous Thomas AbelnMargaret & Heinz AeschbachLeslie AlexanderDwight AlpernMarcia Angle & Mark TrustinCraig Bacon & Hanne BakJanet BakerKrishna Balasubramani & Shauna Ewing

Barbara BaylessPamela & Albert BendichCeleste A. BergDavid BezansonJennifer BiceDiana BlochSam & Laurie BooherB. A. Braun & C. AllredMichael BroachJames BrooksFrederick & Jane BucknerMira Bieler BurdettSteve & Buffy CaflischG. K. Cahill & K. KingLee & Michael CallahamMalinda CampbellAlan & Janan CarterLaura ChenelAllison Chin & Bruce BakerMarlies ComjeanMary E. CopperudKaren CordryLeanne Cowley & Steven GalanteDaniel Family FoundationLoren DavisPamela Decker-NelsonMartha Delaney & Scott RussellMichael & Allison DelmanLarry DelpitGeorge DenlingerRajnikant & Helen DesaiJames K. & Sara C. DonnellLisa EdelsteinMs. Victoria EricksonEllie FabeGordon & Linda FergusonDenise FilakoskyJames & Paulette FlanaganHenry M. Frechette, Jr. & Judy A. HodgeMr. & Mrs. Dennis Friedman

$1,000,000+ Anonymous Fund ChangeFred & Alice Stanback

$100,000-$99,999Anonymous Connell Donor FundDr. David & Julia GrambortJerrold JungLee LockieRobert H. McKinney & Shelley Barr McKinneyBryce E. MillerTim & Annette RyanWade & Brenda Woodson

$50,000-$99,999Anonymous John DensmoreChristopher Kaneb

$25,000-$49,999Anonymous Geeta & Kamesh AiyerSteven & Nicey BerkenfeldCharles & Mary BossermanThomas BuhrAnthony & Lawrie DeanCharles & Debbie FrankRoni HornLawrence & Ellen KeeshanCraig LarsonGuy & Jeanine SapersteinWilliam Weihl & Lisa Mihaly

$15,000-$24,999Anonymous Paul & Linda BurgSibyl Frankenburg & Steve KesselJames Goldsborough

P. Gollon & A. PariserRobert & Rosemary HeilEmily HonigJulia PollockDavid & Elizabeth RomeAnthony RossoB. Schilling & R. CarrTodd Tibbals & Andrea EscherRichard D. WaterfieldDr. Mary Ruth WeiselLinda & Peter WernerTom & Anne Woiwode

$10,000-$14,999Anonymous Tom & Johanna BaruchRonald BellCarol Bieri & Joel SandersLoren Blackford & Michael DubnoDarlene BookoffRev. & Mrs. Frederick BuechnerTom BuglerDr. Yue Chen & Kirat SinghAmy T. CherotKathryn S. CochraneHelen M. CoolurisGeorge Cotsirilos Jr. & Maria BairdTimothy CrowellHarry M. DaltonPeter Danzig & Lava ThomasGary & Denise DavidChis & Celeste DierRichard & Marjorie FiddlerBarbara & Donald FrankMorris F. FriedellMark GardnerFrances G. GinsbergJanet Grossman & Howard MechanicStephen R. HagerdonTyroan Hardy

David HuschRobert L. Jennings, Jr. & Barbara H. BottLeon JonesHelmut KapczynskiMs. Nancy KittlePeter Kjellerup & Amanda CabotMichael KleinRena KoopmanWanda KownackiJohnny KreitmanGeorge KrummeDouglas H. LegumLeslie LytleGary & Karen MartinKennon P. McKeeChristopher Miller & Catherine McNameeWalter E. D. MillerRand Hideo MorimotoDave & Brigitte OlsenDrs. Susan Ott & David RalphThe Pagliuzza FamilySara PattonMs. Bonnie PenceEric PiesnerGlenn & Susan PrattFrank & Joann RandallDorine Real & Lee TepperDavid RitcheyLuis Jorge Rivera-HerreraPat & Jim RobertsonPaul & Katy RosenbergerChester SermakThe Seybold FamilyFrances ShapiroWill & Lois SheehanNavot Shoresh & Betty ChuDebbie & Bob SlotpoleElizabeth & Jeffrey SpauldingRamakrishnan SrikantV. Stocker & R. MorrisonPaul & Judith Tarabek

Caryl & Bob TerrellBarbara & Preston VanHankenCraig & Bette WilliamsChristopher Wool

$5,000-$9,999Anonymous Anne Ambler & John FayHarold C. AppletonEric & Cindy Arbanovella FundDarren AronofskyBetty Azar & Larry HarrisJoan BacaFrederick M. & Wendy P. BachmanJan & Mark BalcomMichael BatesDavid & Ann BeckerJohn Behrmann*Ronald BellDouglas & Carey BenhamRichard J. Bingham, M.D.Phyllis BischofRachael BowmanNancy Braus & Rich GeidelLinda & Paul BremerLynn BrennanBob Burnett & Kathy BarryAnn & Larry BurnsTerry & Elvira BurnsWilliam N. ButlerAllison CarlsonDave CarvalhoJohn K. ChalmersMichael ChisekNard ClaarCatherine Coakley*Dayton ColesRoberta A. ConroyRebecca Dalton & Mark FloodSusan & Jim DehmlowPaul Denoon

This list includes environmental champions who have given gifts of $1,000 or more exclusively to the Sierra Club Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. Those who have contributed non-tax deductable funds to the Sierra Club are gratefully acknowledged in the July/August edition of Sierra magazine.


* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.




Madeleine A. BakerStephen & Barbara Jo BakerAlbert J. BalducchiMarybel BalendonckBrian BallD. Ballin & M. MacCollinJoseph BaribeauDr. & Mrs. George T. BarkerWilliam Barker & June RobinsonSusan Barnes-GeltSpencer BarrowesEllen BarthAnn R. BaruchW. Eugene BasantaKaren S. Basin, M.D.Kirit BasuRob BatesJohn & Jennifer BauerJohn BauerJonathan & Sarah BaumBeverly H. BaumanDawn BaumanTerry BaumDick Baumgartner & Liz SalzerOlive BavinsBlair BeadnellThomas & Elaine BealLinda M. BealeJohn M. Beard, Jr.Matt Beaumont-GayCharles BeckerAlan BednarskiDean & Karen BeemanRobert BeitmanJon & Metta BelisleJ. Bruce BellMrs. Ricki J. BellSteve BelmontJerald BelofskyJosephine S. BenedekAndrew BennettSunshine S. BenoitWalter R. BenoitDan Berg & Welcome JerdeStacey Berg & Mary BrandtElliot BergerBruce & Janiece BerglandMilton BerkmanThomas BernardJerry BernhardNorval E. Bernhardnt, M.D.Walter H. Berninger

Anna & Bennett Bezzo-ClarkNikhil BhattAndrea BillhardtEric Bing & Barbara RhombergAndrew & Lucinda BirchTimothy BishopMark & Deborah BlackmanSharon BlanchetThomas & Susan BlandyCarol Blaney & John SunPeter & Patricia BlascoCasey & Nancy BloodRonald BoehmPeter R. BoermaReinhard Bohme & Kathryn HobbieJeffrey BoichukJohn Boles

Carolyn BollhoeferReid & Lindsay BoltonKurt BomkeAnne Bonaparte & Judd WilliamsBrenda M. BoothMark BorchardtMarianne P. BorselleJames BowblissGreg BrandtHolly BrandtSara Brannin-MooserSusan BrawleyCharles H. BrayshawLynn BraytonLinda BremerKathleen Brennan & Tom WaitsPatricia Ann BrennanDr. David BrennerCheryl BriggsThomas BriggsRichard & Cynthia BrilliW. Anthony Brooke

Jim BrooksRoger & Ronnie BrooksAllan & Marilyn BrownChad & Rebecca BrownClair Brown & Richard KatzMalcolm BrownPatrick BrownRobert BrownPatricia L. BruggereJanet BrumanCharles BruskeJon & Mozhdeh BrussWendy BrussKyle M. BrutonJacob Buchowski

James J. Buck, Jr.Susan BuckleyDinah Buechner-VischerGro Buer & Bruce WilliamsDr. Gene & Mary Kay BuingerJ.T. BullittTim & Michelle BurgeRobert E. Burke, M.D.David BurnettMichael BurnsRalph Burr, Jr. & Andrew CushingJanna BushawLinda ButlerBillie ButterfieldDavid ByeLoree & Cecil BykerkAmes ByrdTheresa ByrneCenie CafarelliKimberly CahillDr. William H. Calvin & Katherine Calvin

Sally CampbellRobert & Paulette CanteyMarilyn CantisanoJerry Caprio & Jeanne MarklinGary & Eileen Thornton CarisBetsy & Alan CarpenterDenise CarpenterAnn & Nicholas CarrMarc & Linda CarrascoCandace Carroll & Len SimonEvelyn CarterJohn & Joan CaseyJohn B. CassidyMarilyn CastoGreg & Amy Caucutt

Peggy Cavanagh & Douglas StrongMr. Robert J. CeckaRichard & Doris CellariusD. Cernitz & M. CernitzWilliam ChambersAlex ChapmanMichael CharneyMargaret CharousMatthew CharousMarta Chase & Kicab Castaneda-MendezJeff ChasinCorey ChatisNirupa Chaudhari & Stephen RoperHazel CheilekCatherine ChenChristopher ChenBarbara ChigasJohn ChristiansenNancy & Larry ChurchMary Martha ChurchmanAndrea CiaranelloCarol J. CiszewskiKathleen & Richard Citrenbaum

* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.

Edward & Ruth FriedmanRex FuquaPatricia GardnerFrank & Karen GeefayRose Marie & Nick GeneralovichBrenda GitterDr. Kathy GouldAlison & Greg GrahamMarlene & Ward GreenbergRev. Jean GreenwoodDr. William W. Hager & Georgine C. HagerSharon & Dan HananWalt HandschinCoon Hathaway Fund at The San Francisco FoundationPhilip HaworthDr. Carl Hess & Tracy PirnackHolly HollarRyan G. HowardMatthew HuberKristin HullLarry Jacobs & Mirka KnasterJ. JarzembowskiKenneth & Winifred JohansonJudith Johnston & Bruce BushWally Juchert & Diane BoyerMaureen & Carl JulianDale S. KammerlohrJon Kannegaard & Patricia SandovalDaniel KaplanSteve KasselClaudia KasserraRichard & Betsey KauffmanShane KellerMurray S. KilgourBruce B. KingmanMary KlippelEunice KochPritpal Singh KochharKurt & Gladys LangAnne LarsonHelen & Al LeBlancPatrick & Jeanne LejeuneArthur LevinZahavah LevineLawrence LincolnJudith & Barton LipofskyLinda LodgeHeidi Lopez

Lynn R. MacDonaldMarguerite MacIntyreArlee S. MaierShari Malone & Bob KozmaRichard MargolinDavid McCalebKen McGintyTom McphersonJohn MeltonJosephine MerckAngie MerolaPeter & Kathleen MetcalfKen MetzgerJerry Meyer & Nina ZingaleRoger & Mary Ann MeyerBarbara Milliken & Jack PrichettJan MilnerEdward T. Moen, IIRudolf & Bernice MoosJudith MosleyJoan N. NeilCatharine & David NewburyLisa NienhuisJames T. NystromSuzanne OparilMary-Lou ParduePaul PareWilliam & Judith PennimanSam PrattJenny Price & Tony HunterDaniel ReiberPamela Petre ReisMary D. & Ned C. ReynoldsJim & Kim RiceStu RichelRuel H. Robbins, Jr.Marilee RoccaNaomi J. RosenfeldDavid RossettiVictoria Decker RosskamJonathan RuschhauptClaire RussellGloria SalickRobert B. SargentThe Sauer Foundation FundRonald SauersAndy Sawyer & Carol BinghamJo & Robert SawyerDavid ScheibelhutCynthia, Michael, Andrew & Benjamin Schlegl

Jennifer SchweglerJudge Frank E. Schwelb*Susan Sedlachek & Marilyn VohsShirley ShapiroDonald E. SharpCathy & Doug SheaforS. L. SheaMs. Nancy L. ShifflerPriscille SibleyPatricia SmithMaurice SpidellEllen StackRichard J. StuckeyJohn SwanerDavid SwerdloffGenevieve Mary SzubaAmy & Orion TaitJason TaylorClare Eddy ThawMaria Thomas, M.D.Neil TollasGene UlrichNancy & James UtaskiHenry Scott WallaceM. Burrage WarnerTom & Cathy WasilewskiDaniel & Marcella WatkinsRobert L. Weiss, Jr.Robert W. WestWt WhitfieldCarolyn WilsonTim WoodAnn WorthingtonJerald Wray & Dirk MolRobert & Grace WuertzE. M. Young & C. E. Litsey

$1,000-$2,499Anonymous Katherine Abbott

John AbelDr. Nancy Adams & John BurgessSusan AdamsWinifred R. AdamsRonald & Patricia AdlerLee AdreanHoward J. AibelDennis J. AignerEdwin & Jean AikenEllen AisenbreyElizabeth E. AlbertJoe Albright & Marcia KunstelMr. & Mrs. Gregg AlexA.M. Alexander & G.H. GrouixMadelyn AlfanoEva & Matthew AllenMatthew & Marcia AllenMs. Sarah AllenDr. William C. & Mrs. Kathryn E. AllenTimothy Allison-HatchMark Almeida & Theresa GalvinAnnalisa AlvrusLawrence AmbsAllan & Ginna Portman AmisJohn & Kaaren AncarrowElizabeth S. AndersonJune AndersonPeter J. ApplebyThomas & Sharon ArendshorstSallie & Edward ArensCynthia Holcroft ArganiBarry & Jo ArikoK. Richards & M. ArmstrongRuthanne ArnoldRandal B. ArthurKatherine & Joseph AugerLeslie BackDr. & Mrs. Robert B. BaerCharles E. Baker


2120* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.


Diane & Gary CiurczakDavid ClarkDeborah ClarkSusan ClarkMatthew ClaryWilliam ClerkinScott ClossonConstance CoddingLouis & Leocadia CodispotiChristie C. & Ward B. Coe, IIICarl & Linda CohanHarvey & Naomi CohenLarry CohenAlmeda W. ColbyRichard & Frieda ColemanJanet ConklinMichael R. ConleyGraeme ConnellJeri & John ConnellyRita Connelly & Megan C. LowrySteven & Carolyn ConnerRita ConsolvoAndrea Conte & Philip BredesenDavid J. CookThom & Luann CooleyT. Cordoba & G. CabreraCharles D. CornwellEugene L. CoxMr. & Mrs. James CoxLiz & Charlie CrandallPeter & Eva CraneMalcolm CravensFlorence CromwellJohn CromwellPatricia CrowMary Alice Crowe-TaylorMatthew CroyleStephen & Erin CrozierCraig & Joan CummingsRigney & Robert CunninghamRobert CunninghamStephen & Tracy CurtinChristine CurtisMerritt CuttenFrederic & Anne D’AlauroBruce Paul DaggyEdward DannenbergGordon DarbyJoan M. DavisJustin DavisKathleen & William Davis

Sara DavisLois Day*Alex De RichemontDr. & Mrs. Larry DeeRichard L. DeHartGeorge & Mickey DeikeW. Dejong & E. ErdosErika DelacorteWilliam & Christine DeLoacheRobert DeLoshJim & Dory DelpJitendra & Saryu DesaiMarie DesJardinsMichael & Hana Le DesmaCraig & Mary DeutscheMichael & Holly Di Flora

Judy DibbleKacey DillierGrace DinsdaleWilliam & Mary Jo DiVitoJenifer & Carlo DoanKatrina DodsonRobert DodsonAnthony DohertyKenneth & Elaine DolskyEarl & Evelyn DolvenZachary DombrowskiCraig DonahueTim DouglasPeter & Diane DowlerArden DownJanet Dracksdorf & Stephen MillsDavid DrewsJean DuganCharles DunbarDayton DuncanRussell & Ruth DunstChristian & Denise Duren

Stan & Joan DutrowJeffrey DwoskinTania DysonPenelope EckertElizabeth EipperKaren EisenstadtAl & Naomi EismanRonald EleshLaurence Elias

James & Judy EllingsonJennifer EllisJennifer EngelSara & K. M. EoffDeborah & Steve EpsteinRuth & John EpsteinWilliam Strickler Etnyre, Ph.D.Aline & Henry EulerJoseph Evall & Richard LynnEliza FactorBarbara FahnestockElizabeth FalconGary & Kathy FalkMary B. FarisS. R. FarkasFrances & Joseph FarnanPaul FarrTracy FarwellJ.D. FassettW. Bradford FayRich & Ruthellen FeinGail & Marc FentonSylvia Fergus

Bryan & Jan FergusonTim Fickenscher & Carol WindrumBert FingerhutWilliam FinlaysonHerman & Carol FischerAdrian FisherJudith FlandersDr. & Mrs. Scott Fleischman

Robert & Susan FlintTom & Nancy FlorsheimBill FlowerJohn & Diane FlynnMargaret A. FlynnBenjamin FohnerMadonna & John FongAmy FosterDeborah FosterJoyce FosterJ. FoulkesElizabeth FourniesLynn FoxMarie & Steve FranceLeo FrancisBarbara A. FrankMr. Robert FranklandMichael FreemanTherese FreibergWalt French & Virginia YangAbigail & Scott FriedmanDagmar FriedmanRyan FringerGerald FritzDr. Andrew & Diana FrostJane FrydmanMack FuhrerDavid Fukuzawa & Toni KovachJudy & Howard Fulk

Spencer & Rena FulweilerBill & Iva FutrellJohn GadboisMarilyn Gaddis, Ph.D.Barbara & Gene GaffneyAlan & Sarah GalbraithCandace Galen & S. OssanaSanford & Linda GallanterMargot GaltGerald T. GardnerGeoffrey GarinCatharine Garmany

Richard & Beverly GarnetDorothy GarwoodCraig R. GasserSarah GatelyChris & Patricia GearhartPaul K. GeerJoan Gelch & Morris WeintraubDouglas GentileJack & Joan GeorgePhilip & Kathleen GeorgeThomas GeorgePhyllis R. GertisDr. Gessert & Ms. StarkJoel D. GewirtzPerry Gibson & Kenneth KrausCarrie GiddingsSusan & Noel Martin GieseckeTom GilmoreJames GingrichJim & Linda GinsburgLaura GlassDr. & Mrs. Ken GlazenerRaymond GoetzRolf & Julie GoetzeBarbara & Alan GoldenKatia & Jeffrey GoldmuntzE.P. Goodman & D. CohenSusan Roome Goodwin

Pat & Larry GordinJames GordonElaine GormanCynthia & Scott GrauRobert B. GreenKen Greenberg & Clara GerdesBrett GreenfieldJill Greenlee & Andrew HallGay N. GreerStephanie GregerJean GremDan O’Madigan Gribble

Waldo R. GriffinCharlotte GriswoldMaureen J. GroperDr. & Mrs. James GrossmanRichard L. GrossmanLarry GroteSteffie GrowAnn GrundyJim GruseckiDoug & Jeanne GuentherAvery & Kristin GuestMichael GuffyIhnsouk Guim & Paula BurkharBarbara GuralAbhijit GurjalCorbin & Pamela GwaltneySylvia HagmannBelle HahnLynn HaleDavid & Nancy HallKathleen HallHelena HalperinWilliam HamiltonRuthellen HammerAnne HammondElvira HandJoan M. HanlinDuane Carl Hanselman

Margaret HansenPatricia Hansen & Valorie VaughnBrigitta A. HansonDavid & Mary HarbeitnerSteven HarmerMarcia HarmsDavid M. HarnishDouglas HarnsbergerJacob Harold & Dr. Carolyn SufrinShirley HarringtonDavid HarrisDenise HarrisJohn L. HarrisPerry E. & Anne L. HarrisMia & David HartleyBarbara J. HartloffCraig Hartman & Jan O’BrienKari Hartwig & Dennis MurnyakAnn HarveyYveline HarveyWilliam HaukoosFrank E. & Lorraine HauserRobert J. HawKate & Lee HawkinsRichard HayDr. Mary HaydenStan & Sharon HayesMary Earle HaynesJohn Hazelroth & Sheila GottslebenLinda Chess HealyBob & Zetta HearinLeen HeefnerMelissa HelmRalph HelmsDr. Daniel HelyBarbara HendersonPaul & Maria HendersonChristopher HenrichJudith HermanValerie HermanSteve Herscovici & Tracy BareLouis HerskowitzNancy HertertJohn B. HerveyTim HesterbergNancy & Jacob HeydemannCharles High & Deb DixonLaura HillLowell & Carol HillHeather & Glenn HillardMr. David HirmesJerre & Nancy Hitz

Steve & Martha HixonAndrew HodgeJill & Gerben HoeksmaCarol Holder & John MallinckrodtGeorge HomsyLogan HoodStephen Hoover & Margaret PastelVicky HooverMark HortonJohn HoustonBill & Jean HowardKeith HowardNancy Howard & Timothy ScottJanice & John HowieCharlotte & Fred HubbellDr. L. Rowell & Alice G. HuesmannSherry & Walter HunnerRuth HunterLee Huntington & Neil ToribaraConrad HunzikerMelissa HutchinsonWilliam E. IbeCol. Steven E. & Charlotte A. IcardiAddison & Deborah IgleheartElizabeth IjamesJay InnesThomas InukaiCorinne IrwinRoberta & Gregory IsaeffZephyr IselyTom & Ann IsenbergMary IsraelRobert & Freddi JacobiCarl & Shay JacobsonBrian JaffeGary JamesB. Janakiraman & A. ChenLynn JanklowMr. & Mrs. Wendell JeffreyMichael & Lois JensenDoug & Valerie JohnsonElizabeth JohnsonJanis JohnsonMark JohnsonSherwood & Shawna JohnsonSuzanne JohnsonWilliam JohnsonRobert JohnstonTony JohnstonMr. & Mrs. Bertrand J. JonesLee JonesWard Jones




Jonathan JordanSusan G. JorgensenRobert & Sharon KainRobert M. KaiserElaine & Ivan KamilAnthony J. KanieckiEugene KapaloskiMr. Harold B. KapellDr. & Mrs. Philip KaplanDiane Ryan KatzDr. L.R. KaufmanAlice KawashAli KazemiRetha KeenanMike Keer & Cindy StackBenjamin Keh & Patricia GeeAngeliki & Charles KeilEmily KellyLouise M. & Peter J. KellyMr. KellyJulie J. KelseyDr. Kemeny & Dr. FeigenbaumMr. & Mrs. Richard S. KentR. Glen & Carol KeplerLiesa & James KerlerBruce & Candis KernsJohn KerrickLawrence & Toba KersonEd & Barbara G. KileDennis KillianJoyce & David KimAmy KimballEdward & Katherine KimballMason KincaidElizabeth KingMak KingLeslie KirschDr. Fred KirschenmannLarry & Leneta KitchelT. Kitson & P. ShermanTherese KittStuart & Alicia KlappJonathan KleinWard & Carol KleinStephen KnaebelNancy KnowlesChris Knowlton & Steve AkesonPhyllis & Eric KnudsenSonja & Tom KoenigGerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky Foundation, Inc.Robert Koppe

Roy J Korn, Sr.*Sonia Kragh & Alexis NarsipurLinda Krasnow & Everett BirdRichard KrauseB. Krieger & A. PasserEvelyn S. KritchevskyLynn & Allison KritterNicholas KrollEdward & Mary KromeNancy KrutoySiuling Ku & Kenneth HuiTom KulikHolly KulkaSteve KuranoffGary KurisNancy KurtzLinda & Harold KushnerRobert & Karen KustelAnneli KynerJoseph LachSamuel & Patricia LacinaDeb Lacusta & Dan CastellanetaRobert & Jane LadnerMichael D. LagiosJim & Dawna LahtiMichael D. LampenRoberta Lampert & Jim PiperScott Landis & Philippa BrownePeter LangmaidKenneth LangtonWilliam M. LardieRobert & Erik LarsonKevin Lavrack

Randy LawMarta Jo LawrenceRussell & Marjorie LawtonAlex Lee & Karen WeissmanFelix LeeMargot Lee

Mark LeffertMr. & Mrs. Joseph P. LegalletJeffrey LehmerDr. David LehnherrJack LeibmanWilliam C. LeightyMonica & Robert Lender, Jr.Richard LenskiDavid LermanAaron LessenSusan LessinAlan P. LevensteinEd Levi & Jan TownsleyHoward LevyKent LewandowskiJoan & Roger LewinP. LewisDorothy LichtensteinJan & John LimbMark LindbergJulie Mapes LindholmDavid & Patty LindquesterNate LinkPatricia A. Lintala

Stu LipkinJim & Judy LipmanDavid & Honey LippmanA. Lipson & R. KaplanBenjamin LiptonMark Litt

Edmund W. LittlefieldRichard & Janis LittlefieldTom & Gail LitwilerWalter LivingstonHelaine LobmanJohn & Kathy LogalboJohn LongMarvelene LoobyDennis LooNoah & Rebecca LorenHank LouisChristopher & Alexandra LouisellMegan LowryAmy LuckeyKirk & Sarah LudwigNorman & Christy LundbergBen LunskyAaron LustigEd Lynch & Regina Lindsey-LynchPenelope MachinskiDonald B. MacLeanDana MadhavanRichard & Diane Madion-Kay

Wayne MagginDr. Mark A. Magnuson & Ms. Lucile HouseworthMary Ann MahoneyJoseph MajkaJune & David MakowerMark MakulinskiChris & Melody MalachowskyJoan & John MalakMr. Lawrence B. MalliettLeslie March & Warren ZimmermanDaniel J. MargolisPatricia MaridaAnne Marshall

Karen & Bruce MarshallSteve MarshShawna MartellGeoffrey Martin-NobleNicholas & LoueIIa MartinLauren Martini & Matthew MendelsohnSteven & Janet R. MarxMelanie & Bob MasonRobert J. & Carol A. MasonTerry Massagli & Fred DrennanPamela MasseyRobert MassonJoan MathewsRobert MatlockMary Ann MatthewsPeter & Carolyn MattoxGretchen MaurerNancy MavisJohn & Maryellen MayPatrick McCabeTom & Darlene McCalmontTy MccarthyCraig McCaw

Donald & Alison McCormackGeorge MccraryJeannine McCullaghAnne McCullochMr. & Mrs. Charles McCulloughJohn McDermottRobert McDonnellThomas A. McDowellSean McGarry & Emily LooneyMarisa McGovern FrackmanPamela McIntyreSusan McLeanMichael McMullanJames McNamaraMs. Christa McReynolds

Chris & Lyrica MctiernanLes MeierPurple Lady Fund/Barbara J. MeislinDr. & Mrs. David Meltzer, M.D.Edward A. Menard & Sharon L. MenardThe Janis & Alan Menken FoundationMaureen Merrigan & Wendi BundyElizabeth MerrittWilliam MessnerVieve MetcalfeHelen MettlerKaren & Tory MeyerSylvia & John MiddlebrooksTom & Lynne MikulinaVictoria MikysaBill Miller & Ida HoubyDonna & Larry MillerHarold & Eileen MillerMary Ann MillerRalph & Janet MillerRobert Miller, Jr.Thomas E. MillerTollie Miller

Robert & Julia MillisDavid & Jennifer MinerTerry & Chet MitchellMarianne Mitosinka & George WickMildred MohanTravis MohrmanRameen & Diana MolaviLori Moline & Steven OlsonDavid MonseesPatrick & Trisha MooreKelly D. MoranDrs. Linda & Barry MorenzDuane & Margaret MorseDr. Harry MoscovitzMarcia Mosimann

Sarah Rimer MossAshok K. MozaDrs. Gary L. & Carolyn R. MuellerP. March & M. MullettDavidson & Meaghan MullgardtJames & Christine MurakamiCarol P. MurdockDenton MurphyEugene MussoMatthew & Louise MyersRobert M. MyersDeborah NagelBeva Nall-LangdonN. Nassif & P. HillDeborah & Jerry NedelmanGeorge NelsenDaniel & Lorraine NelsonJanis NelsonMark & Barbara NelsonThomas NeltnerAlvin & Kathleen NeumannPaul & Antje NewhagenPatricia NewtonPatricia NicolayHelen Nielsen & Jonathan StarrByron & Emilie NimocksRobert H. NorrisMark S. & Deborah S. NovakMr. Ray NovakKevin NufferMargie Nulsen & Chris FrolkingAnne OakesJoel Ohlgren & Nancy EvenGarrick OhlssonAustin OkieSusan C. OldsKatherine OlmsteadRick OlsonMichael OltmansGilbert S. Omenn & Martha DarlingJonathan F. OrserEric & Julie OrtsKatherine Osborne-ValdezGail Osherenko & Oran YoungLinda L. OsterHelen OstruskeDonald R. & Rita OtisRita & John OusterhoutSherry PalaciosRegina Pally & James KorbMs. Gene PalmerSara Parikh

Glenn ParkJohn ParryVi PatekBob PattersonC. E. & Berniece PattersonSheridan Pauker & Jonathan KaplanJessie PaulMelanie PaykosEmily Payne & John HellerWilliam D. PennycookTheresa A. PerenichDaniel PerkinsDavid PerkinsRobert & Ann PerkinsLinda PetersRobert & Veronica PetersenNancy PetersmeyerMr. PettersonMark & Hannah PhillipKay Phillips & Jill MortensenSam & Stephanie PhillipsGordon & Susie PhilpottG. Pickrell & E. RichardsRichard E. PillmoreCarol PimentelScott M. PinkusJoseph PittmanRahn & Vickie PitzerChristopher J. PleatsikasStanley Frank PlewesSuzanne PleziaKathryn PonPaul PopenoeTracy PorosoffDon & Lois PorterSteven Bryant PorterSusan PorterDiana Hitt PotterStephen P. PoulsenThomas PowderlyRichard PowellChristopher PowerBrian Powers & Carol TellettDr. Anadi Pratap & William EbsworthGail PribNancy & Ronald ProeselSteve & Alicia PruittAl & Caroline PugsleyRalph & Leslie PurdyLeslie QuenichetLucinda RaabeDonna Racette

* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.




Rachel RadvanyStan & Connie RajnakDavid RakovWallace RalphFred RandallSteven & Carole RathfonHelen RaticoMary RavenDr. Gordon R. RayJulie Raymond & Neil HuntBeth & James ReamAnn ReddyMary Ann RedekerDouglas A. & Carole W. ReeceJessica ReevesCharles Reimann & Wendy B. WrightChristopher ReimannMark ReinhardtJuliana ReserDouglas & Leslie RexCynthia ReynoldsTerry & Alyce J. RichardsonDan Ridgeway & Claudia ElsnerMary Kay RingWilliam L. RittenbergChristina Lyn RiversAdam RobbinsKent Harrison RobbinsBrian K. RobertiEdna RobertsMarty RobertsBill RobertsonDoug Robinson & Melita Team Frances RobinsonLeslie Roessler & Luc KuykensDiane RohdaKristin RokoszFrank & Jutta RomeroBetty Rose & Jim DoleJeffrey & Melanie RosenbergJonathan RossFederico RossiDr. Scott & Phyllis RowleyLinda Royle-WeestJoshua RubinThomas & Anna RuddArleen RussiJohn RyanKathy & Donald RynbrandtMichael Alan SacksDr. Patricia E. Sacks

Doreen SafersteinAnn M. Sagalyn, D.M.D.Nicholas & Mary SammonsCarol Samuels & David TaylorMichael L. SandlerDolly Sandoval & Ed HoffmanTimothy M. SandryDavid & Laura SangreeGeorge Sardina, M.D.Jean Diamond SargentThe Sarowitz FamilyDouglas E. SatterfieldGerald & Ann SaulCarla & David SaundersLinda L. SaurageCynthia & Sam SavageNathan E. SavinMr. & Mrs.* Brooke SawyerCarolyn SaxJane & Peter ScanlonKirk & Kerri ScarbroughSteve & Debra SchaeferMichael SchauppJeremy & Katherine ScheidtDenise M. Scheinberg

Martin & Laurie ScheinmanJan SchellenbergerJ. Scheuer & J. MellickerJeffrey SchlegelJune K. SchloerbEdgar SchmidtMaria Schmidt & Carmelo RomanoPatricia & Roy SchmidtAngel & Mark SchneiderJeanette SchneiderArt & Jayne SchoellerBernadeen SchollRoger Scholl

Marian Schott*Melanie SchraderJohn Schrock & Mary BerubeD. Schroeder & D. BadgerKristopher SchroederFord & Susan SchumannGregory & Nancy SchutzJonathan SchwartzStephen ScofieldElizabeth ScullyKarly SegalJean SeidlerLinda & Richard SeimeJane Nye SelbyRobert SeltzerAmy Semmel

Joel & Elizabeth SerebranskyDeborah & Paul ShanahanNorman & Linda SharpNate SharpeGary SharronArthur & Mary Jo ShartsisReid & Melissa ShayTimothy & Melinda SheaKara SheeMaureen SheehanPatty SheehanBianca ShepardCallista ShepherdByron & Linda Sher

Robert SherdingBrian E. ShermeyerJohn SheuLawrence L. ShihAndrew ShoreStan ShorePhil ShorterDarin & Rachel ShowalterAllan Shrafman & Giedra GershmanLinda ShueDavid ShumakerRafael & Toni SierraTom & Heidi SikinaJ. A. SilanderJohn Sillers

Daniel & Trudy SimmonsJamie SimoDoug SimonsJesse SimonsRaphael SimonsonJames & Teri SimpsonVirginia & Bill SimpsonMichael SinowitzDalia SirkinKaren SkjeiMark SlaterHelene & Jeff SlocumJan SmartAmy E. Smith & John ZinmanEileen N. SmithFrank SmithJim & Emilia SmithKate SmithNicole SmithStan SmithStephen Smith & Karen GraulRichard SmoloweMark SmythDerek Snyder

Kira SnyderVirginia SogomonianMary & Allan SolaresEric SommerfeldMichael Sosin & Tedi SiminowskyHamilton Southworth

Dennis & Heidi SparacinoStephen Sperber & Roberta SilversteinDr. & Mrs. John D. SpraginsDabney StandleyLoren StanfieldMarie StanislawD. Steven StathatosWilliam & Diane SteenPatricia SteindlerRalph StephanRachel K. SternCarol StewartDoug StewartElizabeth StewartBernard Jay SteyerJulie StindtBarbara J. StowellBarney StrausHoward Strauss & Betty RomeDr. Julie Strauss & Joel BrownLiz Strauss & Mark HughesRichard & Joanna StrawbridgeDorine Holsey StreeterJoel StroheckerStacy StryerDaniel & Alisa StutzbachBradley & Kathryn SullivanRachel SussmanDr. Stanley & Ardys SutphinJohn SuttleChris & John SuttonJan H. SuwinskiE. Adele P. Swan

Cynthia SwansonJohn SwansonCyrus B. & Barbara K.* SweetJanet SweetJack SylvanLee Taft

James TakasugiCharlotte TartDr. Marianne TauberCharlot & Blair TaylorJohn & Delia TaylorMarcia TeasdaleThaddeus TeczaSean TeegardenGary & Esther TepferScott ThompsonLouise ThomsJoan ThuebelG. Thurston & M. PrendergastNancy TingleyCharles TombergRon TownsendBen & Laurie TrainerBruce & Sue TrammCharles TrepinskiAlice TrexlerDavid TroutRoy TroxelMr. & Mrs. Susan TrucksPatricia Stout TurnerMr. & Mrs. William B. TurnerJoann TurovskyBetty & Ted UllmanDwayne UlloaLewis B. UlreyAmy & Stephen UnfriedRichard UrellDenise & Harold UrquhartDonald & Miriam UtterDeborah & Chris van den Honert

Theo Van DinterRose Marie Van OppenRandy & Patricia VanderbeekJames H. VanderMeerJohn & Ann Varady Dr. Lelia VaughanSandra M. VenningThomas VerhoevenM. Viqueira & S. MillerKaren VogtmannSophie Von HaselbergPaul VosburghGary & Babette WagnerTerry WaldenChristopher WalshJerry WalshLeslie L. WalshRichard WalshAnn Walter & Derek EconomyMarco & Grit WaltherDavid WangFelix W. WangFerdie WangLaurie WangDenise WardCarolyn WardripDr. Mary R. WardropAmy & Michael WarlickDr. Edward WarrenSharan WarrenMeira Warshauer & Sam BakerKaren WashburnBill & Sheila WassermanBruce WatsonSanford WaxerMary WeatherfordFrancine WeaverDr. & Mrs. Ronald WeberRobert J. WeggelPeter & Lynne WeilElizabeth WeilandJamie WeismanMarc Weiss & Nancy MeyerDorothy Caire WelckerP. Weller & S. Rynes-WellerBarbara & Frank WelshLois WelshonsPatrick WendellBill WensrichGerald WerksmanAl WernerClay & Helen Wertheimer

John & Connie WesleyRobert D. WestfallClark WestmontSheela & Willard WestreKotzie WheelerLisa WhiteMargaret R. WhiteBryce WhitmoreRobert WickleinBarbara WiesemanDeborah WileyBerry A. WilliamsCecliy WilsonDavid M. WilsonNancy L. WilsonSteven & Cynthia WineDr. Becky WinklerDarci WinvickBarbara WiseToni & Dale WiseDouglas & Anna WoernerAizik WolfToby & Ed WollHarold WoodCarolyn & Peter WoodburyJoanne WoodiePetra & John WoodRuth Anne & C.J. WoodruffPatricia WoolleySarah Woolsey & Michael RubinWinfield Word-SimsKim Worsencroft & Dennis McEvoySusan WyattDudley WymanDavid WypijJames YamasGeorge YntemaJocelyn YonemotoSusan Young & F. YorraDavis You & Deborah GravitzJ. YousoTed YurekJanine ZachariaEdward ZaelkeJoyce ZaitlinJ.D. Zidell* & J. JubelierRuth ZowaderCaroline Zug

* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.




foundations, corporations & organizations

Above & Beyond SalonAdams Legacy FoundationAgua Fund, Inc.The Ahmanson FoundationAlaska Wilderness LeagueAllyn Foundation, Inc.The Almar FoundationAmerican ForestsAmerican Heart Association, Inc.American WaterAnderson Fund FoundationAileen S. Andrew FoundationAngeles Chapter 20’s & 30’s SectionAngeles Chapter FoundationThe Mary Angiola FoundationApex Clean EnergyPaul G. Arbin Charitable TrustArkay FoundationAvanti SalonAvedaAveda Experience CenterAveda Fredric’s InstituteAveda ServicesBack O’Beyond Climate FundThe Baltoro TrustEdward R. Bazinet FoundationBeachcomber FundChester & Marion Beals Memorial FundBear Gulch FoundationPhilip T. Bee Charitable TrustMillicent & Eugene Bell FoundationBella Capelli SanctuarioThe Black Dog FoundationBlake Sports Group, LLCJacob & Hilda Blaustein FoundationElaine & Sidney Blitz FamilyHarris & Frances Block FoundationBloomberg PhilanthropiesBlue Grass Community Foundation

Blue Water Water RaftingBluestem CommunicationsBone-In BBQ, LLCBosco Charitable FundThomas and Louise Brant Family FundJudith Haskell Brewer FundBridgebuilders FoundationBridgewood FieldwaterBroad Reach FundBrown Institute-Austintown, Inc.Brownstein Family FoundationThe Brunckhorst FoundationMaynard P. & Katharine Z. Buehle FoundationBullard FoundationBullitt FoundationC.A.N. FoundationCali & Evett Family FundThe California EndowmentCalifornia State Parks FoundationThe Keith Campbell FoundationThe Campion FoundationCanoe Club of Greater HarrisburgThalia & Michael C. Carlos Foundation, Inc.Casal’s Despa & SalonCasal’s Howland, LLCCascadia Consulting GroupCatto Charitable FoundationCayuga FoundationChange The World FundJohn W. & Claribel K. Chapman Family FundCharitable Auto AgencyCharities Aid FoundationCherokee GroupChilders-Lackland FoundationLouis Chiofalo CharitableCity of Berkeley

Arthur M. Clayton Charitable FundClimateWorks FoundationCloud Family FoundationCoastal Heritage Fund of the Maine Community FoundationI. L. Cohen FoundationThe Manny and Ruth Cohen FoundationCohen Volk Economic ConsultingMarilyn & Schuyler ColeCombined Jewish PhilanthropiesComer Family FoundationCommunities Foundation of TexasCommunity Foundation for Greater AtlantaCommunity Foundation of Jackson HoleConnable Office, Inc.Conservation AllianceConservation BiologyReitzel Cook FoundationEleanor Cray Cottle Charitable TrustCraigslist Charitable FundCreative Energies SolarJoyce C. Crofton Charitable FundCross Charitable FoundationCrown Family PhilanthropiesDanem FoundationDarling Family FoundationDel Mar Global TrustDesert Protective CouncilDesert Tortoise CouncilLudell Deutscher IRRV TrustThe Harry George and Dee Dolan Charitable FundDolotta Family Charity Foundation, Inc. DSW Mortgage, Inc.Dun FoundationThe Dutton Charitable Fund

E.R.B.N, Inc. DBA Brown Aveda InstituteE4thefutureEarth & Humanity FoundationEarthjusticeEaster Family FundThe Educational Foundation of AmericaEdwards Mother Earth FoundationElbaz Family FoundationEnergy & Resource SolutionsThe Energy FoundationEnvironmental Fund for GeorgiaERB Family FoundationE. Joseph Evans Charitable TrustThe Everglades FoundationEvolve FoundationBurdick Faulkner Charitable FundThe Fine & Greenwald FoundationFischer Family FundFlora Family FoundationFood Choice TaskforceFox & Bank LLPThe Sidney E. Frank FoundationMrs. Zollie S. Frank FundT. & M. Frankel FoundationFresh EnergyMichelle & Robert Friend FoundationFriends of Griffith ParkFroelich Family FoundationFulton Family Legacy FundThe Fund for Sustenance & SustainabilityThe Future Wave SalonGaia FundL. & K. Gallagher FoundationGarfield FoundationThe Gartner Family Charitable TrustGeorgia River Network

Ann & Gordon Getty FoundationGirard FoundationDave & Sheila Gold FoundationDavid B. Gold FoundationThe Goldhirsh Foundation, Inc.Goldman, Sachs & Co.Horace W. Goldsmith FoundationGood People GlobalJulian Grace FoundationSierra Club Grand Rapids ICOGrand Victoria FoundationGrantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co., LLCGray Family Fund of ChicagoGreat Swamp Watershed AssociationGreenfield Revocable TrustGreenline Salon, LLCGreenwald Family FoundationLeo S. Guthman FundHamill Family FoundationHanley FoundationHarder FoundationHarpeth River Watershed AssociationHealthy Living FundHeinrich Foundation CharitableVira & Howard Heinz EndowmentsChristina Heroy FoundationWilliam & Flora Hewlett FoundationThe High Stakes FoundationTamisie Honey Charitable FundHopper-Dean Family FundFred and Charlotte Hubbell FoundationThe Huisking Foundation, Inc.The Humanist FundThe Hummingbird FundHuplits FoundationI-70 Opposition Fund

Ibi David Salon & SpaThe Inge FoundationIowa Environmental CouncilJames Family Giving FundThe Joelson FoundationTed and Ruth Johnson Family FoundationThe JPB FoundationThe K FoundationMorton & Merle Kane Family FoundationKars 4 KidsKass-Center Family CharitableKatz Family FoundationKeep Growing DetroitRobert Kemp Community EndowmentKendeda FundWilliam A. Kerr FoundationKey FoundationKing Ridge FoundationKirkpatrick FoundationKlaus Family FundKleiman-Moran Charitable FundKlipper Family FoundationKnepper Charitable Gift FundKoaniani Fund of the HawaiiMichael & Ina Korek FoundationKorsant Charitable FoundationThe Kresge FoundationKrogerBosack Kruger FoundationKubo Hospitality ManagementThe L-A-D Foundation, Inc.Ladies & Gentlemen Salon & Spa - Lyndhurst, OHLadies & Gentlemen Salon & Spa - Mentor, OHLaemmle Charitable FoundationLakewood FundLasting Impressions Salon & Spa

Forrest & Frances Lattner FoundationLaura Lee SalonLefkowitz Family FoundationLeibowitz and Greenway Family Charitable FoundationLouis Leibowitz Charitable TrustLenfestey Family FoundationSteven C. Leuthold Family FoundationNels & Liz Leutwiler FoundationBill & Bonny Levine FoundationLois LindauerLinker Family Philanthropic Fund Lintilhac FoundationLiving Springs FoundationEthel M. Looram Foundation, Inc.The Lost Man FoundationLotus FundLeon Lowenstein FoundationLoxahatchee GroupLucky Seven FoundationLuddy Family TrustThe LWH Family FoundationJohn D. & Catherine T. MacArthur FoundationMarquis George MacDonald FoundationThe Maggie & Waggie Foundation, A Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable FoundationMaki FoundationManaaki FoundationThe Mancheski FoundationMann Family FoundationThe Maple Tree FundMark and Karen Marder Family FoundationMartin Foundation

Martin-Fabert FoundationThe Marxe Family FoundationThe Matter FundMattlin FoundationMcDanel Land FoundationMcKinney Family FoundationThe Katherine McKinney Memorial FundKevin K. McKinney Charitable FundThe McKnight FoundationGiles W. & Elise G. Mead FoundationMaurie & Ethel Meltzer Family FoundationJohn Merck FundMerrill LynchMertz-Gilmore FoundationMesirow FinancialMetabolic StudioMetta FundThe Ruth & Peter Metz Family FoundationThe Seymour Metzner American Freedom FundMGDY- Kathleen R. McGrady Endowment FundMiami FoundationMichael Christopher SalonMichael’s Inc.Michl FundMiddle Road FoundationMidvale FoundationMile High United WayElwell Miller FundMiller-Syfert FundMinnesota Environmental FundMissall Giving AccountMissouri Foundation for HealthCynthia & George Mitchell FoundationMommas Mustard Pickles & BBQ

We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.




foundations, corporations & organizations

endowmentsLynne Aronstam EndowmentStuart Avery Wildlife EndowmentMary L. Bowerman EndowmentJeffrey Brenner Endowment for Midwest Environmental ProtectionCentennial General EndowmentCenter for Environmental Innovation EndowmentHigman Colby Library EndowmentLouisa Pike Crook EndowmentBernard & Sheila Eckstein EndowmentEndowment IFrontera del Norte EndowmentLorin T. Gill EndowmentAvis Goodwin Endowment for Wildlife Habitat ProtectionGreat Lakes EndowmentPeter Grubb Hut Endowment Fund

Margaret Andrew Hansell EndowmentHarbor Properties EndowmentHigman III EndowmentJames & Sue Higman EndowmentClark Jones Western U.S. EndowmentClark & Marjorie Jones EndowmentChristopher Karlin Memorial EndowmentKolar EndowmentSusan M. Krohn Memorial EndowmentLoma Prieta Chapter EndowmentLong Island Sound EndowmentAbigail B. Mackey Yellowstone EndowmentRonald Mann EndowmentMinerva McDonell EndowmentTyler Nakashima Education Endowment

Richard W. Nathan EndowmentWarren Olney EndowmentAlbert & Katherine Payne EndowmentGlenn & Susan Pratt Protecting Indiana Waters EndowmentAmos Roos Memorial EndowmentMel & Beverly Rubin Endowment FundSan Gorgonio Chapter EndowmentMarion Sandomire EndowmentSchroeder Wildlife EndowmentSeelig EndowmentSierra Nevada Ecoregion EndowmentEd Stevens EndowmentFred A. & Louise H. Taylor EndowmentGary J. Torre Endowment

Kenneth Turner EndowmentUtah Chapter EndowmentJack C. Voelpel EndowmentVolunteer Awards EndowmentEd & Peggy Wayburn EndowmentRichard Weiland EndowmentFred & Betsy Weintz EndowmentWest Virginia EndowmentAllan N. Williams EndowmentYellowstone & Northern Plains EndowmentThe Bob Woodie Endowment for Inspiring Connections OutdoorsThe Eric Counseller Fund for Protection of Wild Animals and PlacesRebecca Haraway Dalton Endowed FundThe Timothy George Myren and James Taylor Myren Endowment

Tom Bugler in memory of Brandy Bugler Endecott Ralph Burr, Jr. & Andrew Cushing in honor of Ralph C. BurrBetsy & Alan Carpenter in honor of 27 GrandchildrenD. & M. Cernitz in honor of Susie Cernitz, Dustin Cernitz, Nicole Senosian, Joaquin Senosian, Lani Meyers, Marcos Soriano & Dick Dysart

Gay N. Greer in honor of Lisa NienhuisBelle Hahn in honor of Tom HahnLaura Hill in memory of Royce HillSusan Johnston in memory of Roger JohnstonMaureen & Carl Julian in memory of Jon SilvertonRobert & Sharon Kain in memory Steve GlennMason Kincaid in memory of Charley KincaidRichard McManus in memory of Mark & Katie McManus

Angie Merola in memory of Joseph MerolaTerry & Chet Mitchell in memory of Roger JohnsonMorningstar Foundation in honor of Richard N. GoldmanJoseph Pittman in memory of Donald LipshutzRussell Marketing Research, Inc. in memory of Jon SilvertonWilliam Wharton in memory of Charlotte WhartonKotzie Wheeler in honor of Ruth Wheeler

commemoratives & memorials

Kurt BauereissMartin & Lynn BloomWilliam N. ButlerEllie Raab CyrRosemary A. Czapor

Kate EllisonGeoffrey A. & Dorothy B. Fricker*Steve GarrettDavid E. & Nancy Mullen Hall

Sally JustisTac & Mami KambayashiStephen KierulffHank LewisAnn Lowry

Andrew & Gemma MajorFloyd R. & Jeanette L. MartinKen McGintyJames & Katherine MouleKrishnan Raman

Bob & Peggy Schotz, Schotz Family TrustDianna SmithStephen Waller & Jane WardRichard & Patricia Williams

life income trusts


Monimos FoundationMorningstar FoundationM. Edward Morris Foundation, Inc.Moss Gift TrustMother Lode ChapterCharles Stewart Mott FoundationMountain Thrift ShopCharles Hazlehurst MouraMurdy FoundationMurray & Murray, P.L.C.Isidore C. & Penny W. Myers FoundationNamaste FoundationNanell FoundationNational League of CitiesNational Park FoundationNational WildernessNatureBridgePerl Nelson Family FoundationThe New-Land Foundation, Inc.New Place FundNew Venture FundNextGen Climate ActionLou and Nilsen FamilyNoblelight FoundationNurtur Salonspa Columbus, LLCOhio Environmental CouncilOppenheimer Family FoundationOregon Environmental CouncilOrton Family FoundationOsprey FoundationOther People’s Pixels FundOtto Haas Charitable TrustThe Outdoor FoundationPadosi FoundationJames W. Parker Charitable FundParticipant ProductionsThe Partnership Project, Inc.PatagoniaPeierls FoundationWilliam Penn FoundationPetchers FoundationEugene and Jane Petchesky FundPhalarope FundPhilpott Family FoundationPick Family FoundationPierce Family Charitable FoundationThe Pierson FoundationPittsburgh UnitedFrederick Pitzman FundLester Poretsky FamilyJ.L. Powell, Jr. FamilyPure Concept Salon - Cincinnati, OHPure Concept Salon - Mason, OHQuill Fund

Quitiplas FoundationV. Kann Rasmussen FoundationRay Family Charitable FundRazoo FoundationRE-AMP NetworkDaniel and Mary Reeves FoundationREIThe REI FoundationReid Family Charitable FundResources Legacy FundRettig Foundation TrustAnita B. & Howard S. Richmond FoundationRipples FoundationRitner IncorporatedRobertson FoundationRock for WaterRockefeller Brothers Foundation, Inc.David Rockefeller FundColin Rooney FundRose FoundationThe T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable GivingRudd Foundation, Inc.May and Samuel Rudin Family FoundationMichael B. Rukin Charitable FoundationRussell Marketing Research, Inc.John Rutledge & Amparo VillablancaSacramento Region Community FoundationA. & J. Saks FoundationSampson Family FoundationSandler FoundationSusan Sarandon Charitable FoundationMr. & Mrs. Brooke Sawyer Jr. FundThe Schaffner Family FoundationThe Schauble Family FoundationScherman Foundation, Inc.Helen Schlaffer FoundationSchwartz Cousins Fund of Marin Community FoundationM. & H. Schwartz Family FoundationSchwartz-Hanessian Family Charitable FundThe Seattle FoundationSeaward FundSeiger Family FoundationSellen Construction CompanySerad Holdings LimitedSerena FundShafer Philanthropic FamilyShah Foundation

Karen & Jay Shapiro CharitableShasta County Citizens for a Healthy EnvironmentMichael T. Sherman FoundationS. Irving and Anne Nevard Sherr Foundation, Inc.The Shifting FoundationShugar Magic FoundationD.C. Shumaker FundSibley-Saltonstall Charitable FoundationThe Stephen M. Silberstein FoundationSilicon Valley Community FoundationJean Sinclair Charitable FundSinging Field Foundation, Inc.Single Step FoundationCatherine Smith Fundsource adage NYCSpace Exploration Tech CorporationSpurlino FoundationSquare One Salon - DaytonSquare One Salon - Oak CreekState of CaliforniaState of MontanaState VoicesBarbara Ann Steel Charitable FoundationSteinberg Charitable FundThe Stern Family FoundationThe Ludwig and Nancy Sternberger Charitable FoundationStio Mountain StudioStoller Family Charitable Lead Annuity TrustRichard & Virginia Strock Family FundThe Suggs Family FoundationSunTrustThree Rivers MarketTides FoundationToole FundMarana Webber Tost Charitable FundTown Creek FoundationTreeline FoundationTruist, Inc.

United Way of Central New MexicoUniversity of DelawareUS BankThe US Charitable Gift TrustUser Testing, Inc.V.F. Outdoor, Inc.The Moore VanWoerkom Charitable FundCharles Vetzner FundWashington Environmental CouncilWallace Global FundThe Gertrude and William C. Wardlaw FundWarsh-Mott LegacyWCR/Economy Data FoundationWege FoundationH. H. Weinert FoundationThe Weissman Family FoundationWestchester Community FoundationWestport FundWestWind FoundationWhite Pine Fund IMAWhitman Family FoundationWhole Foods MarketWilliam B. Wiener, Jr. FoundationWilburforce FoundationWildebeest FundWildlife Preserves, Inc.Jerry J. Wilson Memorial FundThomas H. Wilson and Family FoundationWisecarver-Brown Charitable TrustWishcamper FundWISPIRG FoundationWitten-Steinberg FamilyCarol S. Wolski FundWrather Family FoundationWyoming Wildlife AdvocatesYellow Chair FoundationZepplin Development, Inc.Catherine & Kenneth Zimba Charitable FundZwanziger Fund at The Boston Foundation

* DeceasedWe apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.

bequestsEstate of Stanley AdelsteinEstate of Joan M. Baca Estate of John Nicholson Bulica

Estate of Joan CaseyEstate of Arnold ClarkEstate of Aila G. DaweEstate of Pauline T. Dyer

Estate of Melva C. HackneyEstate of Roger J. HarmonEstate of Mary Jane HartwellEstate of Howard Jacobs

Estate of Siegfried KohlEstate of William L. ShumanEstate of Everill StevensonEstate of Steve Tearney

Estate of Akiko WendelmootEstate of Roger Westman




AdobeBristol Myers SquibbGE Foundation

Johnson & Johnson Robert R. McCormick Foundation

MedtronicThe Merck FoundationNorfolk Southern

Paypal PepsiCo PG&E

Qualcomm Salesforce.orgSymantec Corporation

Visa Wells Fargo

matching gifts









Nancy G. BrownNatalea G. BrownSteven BrucknerJudith A. BruelsRon O. & Nancy C. BryantJohn BuchserJames J. Buck, Jr.John Nicholson Bulica*Otis Kidwell BurgerDr. James V. BurkeTerry & Elvira BurnsJanet & Russ BuschertKathryn M. BusterGerald ButenhoffWilliam N. ButlerBrian M. BuxtonDot CadaAria CahirJohn CalawayWaneta Read CaldwellJim CallisonMary W. CampKathleen & Craig CampbellRonald & Linda CampbellDavid & Helen Button CantuAlan CaplanElizabeth B. CaplanRoger & Jan CappsPaul A. Carbone & Farah D. ChanduPeter Carey & Lois LiptonBarbara B. CarlKen CarmichaelThe Carollo FamilyClyde C.* & Jane P. CarpenterPaula CarrellNancy CarringerChip CarroonDebra CarterNancy B. CarterJoan Casey*Charles B. Cash, Jr. & Catherine Lippert

Rance CassadyBart CasselRichard W. CaswellRichard & Doris CellariusEd Cencora*Dolores R. CerraDan & Phyllis CerysJohn K. ChalmersClarence ChaplinMarta Chase & Kicab Castaneda-MendezDenis ChengAmy T. CherotPeter Allan ChildsAlice ChorneskyDonald ChorzempaLinda ChristianGreg & Rose ChristiansonMichael Jay ChusmirDaniel L. & Sandra J. CiskeArnold Clark*Dr. Carolyn ClarkDavid B. Clark & Amy D. BertelsonSusan ClarkSusan ClemitusJean A. CleverlyPortland Hathaway CoatesDr. Cliff CockerhamBarton T. CoddingtonJoseph & Claire CohenRichard & Frieda ColemanMarcie D. ColpasJohn ConnellChip ConwayCarolyn CookJanet T. CookJoe Cook & Anna JengLinda CooperLori Cooper-OttHazel CopeKaren CordryBarbara J. Corona

Louise V. CortrightJudith CosgroveSandy CotaEdward C. CouryKay CousineauRobert CoxChristopher Craig & T. Edwin WheelessPhilip CrawfordMary Crisp in memory of Ed Wohlwender, Jr.Ken & Carolyn CrokerElizabeth Ann & Robert CromeyJeanine CrouseMr. & Mrs. Ken CrowleyPat & Forrest CummingsSherry CummingsLinda C. CurtisKelly J. CutshallEllie Raab CyrThomas J. Dahle & Karen J. ObyGuy E. DahmsCol. Theodore R. Dale*, USAF, Ret. & Dee Brazil-DaleBecca* & Harry M. DaltonOliver* & Helen M. DaltonSali DaltonJohn D’AmbraRebecca & Steven DanemanStephanie DarkMark DaSylvaRev. Kenneth R. DaughertyDeryk DavidsonDr. Bruce DavieKathleen & William DavisVera M. DavisKen & Marjorie DawdyAila G. Dawe*Craig DawsonDorothy A. DawsonPaul Deal & Lauren EuseyShulamit Decktor

John & Cathy DeCockSusan & Jimbo DehmlowDana Del NorteDale Della RosaLyn deMartinEdward DempseyRuth E. DenisonBill DenneenSteve DennerCynthia DennyIsrael R. DiazDaniel DiehlJim & Nathalie DienerWilliam S. Dillingham*Carl DobyElizabeth DodgeMartin C. DodgeChristine DoerrAnthony J. DohertyRobert W. & Lila M. DolanBenjamin W. D’OogePatricia DornPatricia DotzlerDavid DowCarol A. DoyleStephanie DragonDr. Jay Dratler, Jr.George B. DriskellSue DrobnyPaul & Jutta DudleyMyrl DuncanSteven DunganJames DunhamPat DunkelJim & Maggie DunnArthur J. DusdallJohn & Polly Dyer*Diane D. EamesStanley D. EcholsBernard & Sheila EcksteinEric & Debora EdmundsMichael Edwards

Gay AbarbanellRev. Dr. Alicia & Dave AbellVictor AbeloffMarjorie Abrams, Ph.D.Diana AbrashkinDr. C. Luke AdamsGeorge S. AdamsThomas & Sandy AdamsMary Adamson & Richard HarringtonStanley* & Hope* AdelsteinThomas & Sandra AhlstromMartha AinsworthJerry & Kathy AkersElizabeth E. AlbertJay AlbrechtRaymond A. AlexanderRobert T. & Marilyn M. AllenRobert AllenDr. Julie Ann AllenderDr. R. G. & D. B. AlveyAnne J. AmblerCharles AmmannEd AmmenAlden AndersonBud & Jackie AndersonG. Anderson & I. KucherenkoDr. Heather AndersonJack & Charlotte AndersonJane C. Anderson, M.D.Judy AndersonNancy AndersonRoss AndersonCynthia S. AndreJeri & Gus AndrewsRic & Susie AngellRoy L. & Loretta AnnalaLuean AnthonyLiisa AntillaArthur & Penny AntolickDavid ArchibaldRichard ArkleyDr. Tom & Ms. Lynda Armbruster

Camille Armstrong & Geoffrey SmithKristin ArmstrongAmy Arnold, M.D.Isaac AronowBud & Doris AronsonCharles R. ArterburnLoretta AtkinsKristine H. AtkinsonLinda & Bob AubrechtDr. Frederick AustinJonathan & Elaine AustinMauricio L. AustinElinor K. AvenattiCarlos & ToyokoAnn AvilaEvan G. BacasFritz & Ginger BachemDave & Rita BadenGinger BadgerJennifer BaerAnne T. BagliniMessrs Baidas & ReevesSharrie Lane Bailey & Gary BaileyAlan R. BairVirginia H. BakerLynn BalfourDr. Diane BalinChris BallantyneDr. Galen O. BallardThomas L. BallardTania BanakSara BarbeeSam & Susanne BardelsonSue A. BarletCarole Wolfe BarnesWard Robert BarnesSusan E. BarronRon Bartell & Christine MitchellJack BasartScott & Deb BascomCarol BaskinKathie Kerler Bastian

Anthony L. Bastone, II & Jessie BastoneMichael BatesKurt BauereissDan BaumhardtCharlie BealsSusan BeardSteven BechardStephen D. Beck & Avril M. AllanDenise BeckerJill Brown BecotteBarbara M. BeeryDonald G. BegalkePeter BeldenMichael BellDrs. Joanne & Steve BelovichMichael J. BenariJanetha BensonJohn E. Benson & M. Leita KingslandVirginia M. BensonDr. Barbara L. Bentley & Dr. Glenn D. PrestwichKathleen A. Beres & Miller D. EinselHoward & Dorothy BergerStephen P. BerkowitzIrv & Jan BerlinBill BerlinerJames Berneking & Jan CampbellRobin BerringtonRobert Hunt Berry in memory of Homer Hill HuntBeth C. BertramBrian BesserStephen A. BessoneBettina BickelMelanie & Harvey BilligMary E. BinderElena BiondiFlo BisanzHallie & Howard BlauKevin & Deborah Block-Schwenk

Gina Kindschi BloomMartin & Lynn BloomPhilip & Amy BlumenthalBillie BlytmannAlida BockinoJoan BoerDr. & Mrs. Norman BohrerMary-Ed BolBarry BoldenJohn & Christel R.* BolesWilliam BolteElizabeth M. Bonnett, Ed.D.James M. BonnettJerry BookerDarlene BookoffMichelle BorodinskyRon & Sheila BosworthBradford & Nancy BottgerMary Ellen BowenJoseph BowerDr. William M. BoydKerry BraceJean Marie BradshawJames & Margaret BradyVerna M. Brainard aka “Mother Nature”JoAnna BrandPhil BrandisRoberta Brashear-Kaulfers & Randy KaulfersJohn & Novella BredesonAnne BredonElizabeth BreedloveLynn BrennanPatricia Ann BrennanDeborah BrientLeonard BrillWanda Broadie-AlexanderAllan & Marilyn BrownDoug BrownE. Scott BrownHelen D. BrownJudith Brown

THE RACHEL CARSON SOCIETY honors and recognizes those who make a commitment to the environment by including the Sierra Club Foundation or the Sierra Club in their estate plans.

* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.









Ola Masefield EdwardsLynne M. EggersCarol ElfantWalter EllertAudrey Ellinger & Rita AntonFrank & Sue-Anne EllisFrank W. EllisKate EllisonLuther ElmoreMargaret Daniel EndresJohn & Sue EngelDale EngelbergAlice ErbJohn M. ErskineHoward & Jacquelyn ErtelMarty & Deb EssenBarbara EssingerWilliam S. Etnyre, Ph.D.Olive EvansRobert B. EvansRobert L.* & Carol L. EvansRenee EwinsBarbara FabrizioLyndelle FairlieJohn & Genevieve* FairvalSusanna de FallaShirley FastnerGreg & Kathleen FeinsingerVictor FenhausMartha FergerDr. William E.* & Stephenie S. Ferguson in memory of Richard Edward FergusonRichard FiddlerLarry Field & Cheryl SuchorsMona FieldJune C. FieldsMary Ann FieneMichael FinemanSol Fingold*Charlie Fink & Leonard JonesJane FinleyJohn & Norina FinleyChristine FiordalisRobert W. FiorettiNorman FischerVeronika Fischer-RiedelJared B. Fish & Javier L. FishIngeburg FisherKeith FisherJeanine Carole Fitschen

Gerry & Louise FitzgeraldGary FitzsimmonsJoan L. FlandersRuth L. Flock in memory of Lloyd C. FlockKim F. FloydDr. Wesley K. FoellJohn S. FolchiPhyllis Fong in rememberance of Esther & VincentGunther S. Fonken* & Angnes J. HughesMr. & Mrs. Joe FontaineCarl FordMr. & Mrs.* John Patrick FordPatricia R. ForniPreston ForsytheJoe FossJohn & Debbie FosterRobert & Patricia FosterDr. Terry & Pamela FoutsGeorge & Sophia J. FowlerCatherine E. FoxCheryl FoxGerald & Heidi FoxLaurence R. FoxStephen D. FoxGerald & Donna FoyMary Linda Francis

Barbara & Donald FrankCharles & Debbie FrankHenry FrankJohn L. FranklinMike FranklinTom* & Betsy FranzBarbara J. FraserAmy J. FredrickRobert J. FreestonGeoffrey A.* & Dorothy B. Fricker

Robert & Linda FrithDr. Ronald M. FritzNorma FruinDonald M. FuhrerSue FussNora GainesRuth C. GalaidMabel GalbreathMary R. GaleJanice GaltKenneth J. GamaufGeorge A. & Nancy J. GambleS. Joseph GambleJeffrey GannonWynn GarberHelen A. GarciaB. I. GarlinghouseJeff GarmonSteve GarrettMichele Garside, Ph.D.Pamela GatesMr. Albert Geller

Richard GenserOscar H. Geralds, Jr.Martin & Bodil GerotwolMaida GershowitzNoel GersondeBarbara GerstnerRichard D. GerstonThomas GerwatowskiHelen E. Giambruni & Philip D. Greene

Karen GibsonMartha E. GiffordDr. June GillLois & Kent GillJohn GillelandKay GillisAdrian G. GillissenJohn H. GlanvilleRichard* & Fran GlassCharles* & Neva GlennMichel GodboutBetty Jo GoddardJohanna GoeringDonald GoldSteven & Monique GoldsteinMr. & Mrs. Peter GollingPeter GollonTorrey Lisa GoodmanEmma Leigh GoodwinEric A. GordonGayle Gordon & Ken FeldmanMichael E. Goriansky

Susan B. GormanPerlita & Dennis GossMilton & Joan GottliebDee GrahamDr. & Mrs. John L. GrahamRicky GrahamDr. David & Julia GrambortMarjorie A. GrantMary A. GravittFredianne GrayS. Paul GrayKeri GreenPaul J. GreenRebecca GreenRuth GreenWilliam H. & Anne E. Green, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Greenberg

Miriam GreenblattMinna C. GreeneKatherine B. Gregg & Carl M. ColsonTeryna GregoryWilliam M. Grier, Jr.Melanie L. GriffinWaldo R. GriffinSteve GriffithsDr. Thomas A. Griggs

Robert H. GrimmFrederic GrosDonald GruberBob GrunlohMary GuilfoyleRalph GullicksonKaren GumaElizabeth A. Gunn-DiestBob GunningHerbert* & Marion HaasMarcia C. HackettJack L. Hadley* & Domenic D. Metta, life partnersMadeleine Joyce HagenAbigail Hagler, M.D.Ely HaimowitzDavid & Susan HaleChristopher & Sherrie HallClarence & Kaye HallDanny HallDavid E. & Nancy Mullen HallMichael & Danella HalleJanet & Geoffrey HamillMelissa Jones HamiltonJoseph & Yvonne HammerquistCamille HammondSusan Ann HamptonDonald J.* & Lillian F. HanahanPeter & Harriet Hanauer

Jeannette Hanby & David BygottNancy* & John HandDawn HandyMarilyn & Barletta HansenRonald & Mary HansenKaren HansonHal & Leslie HarberJune Hawthorne HarbettGordon L. & Eleanor HardingBarbara Hargrove

Jody Harlan & Tim WagnerRoger J. Harmon*Jan & Ken HarperKaren HarperCharles O. HarrisonLee V. & Lois Marie HarrodTim & Rainy HartleyIra J. HartochHonor HartzogDebora Harvey-FrederiksenMolly Perkins HauckWilliam E. Hauser in memory of Sally E. HauserTimothy D. HavenSteven Hayashi & Judy Winn BellChristine B. HayesJohn R.* & Maryann HayesWilliam S. Hayes & Ronald J. BurnsThomas HealyDiane K. HeathGail HeathDebbie & Clay HeatonWilbert HeinzSusan HeitmanWm. N. HelgesonCaroline R. HelmuthJeff HeltonMarjorie HempsteadDeWitt Henderson

Frederick B. HendricksCarol Alice HenningRobert HenryTheodore Hepp*Jeannette E. HerrickJane HetheringtonDavid M. HigginbothamClinton HillDorothy M. Hill*Julie HilleryKen HillierMary Lou HillJanet Petersen Siegfried HillmerNaida HindertLinda HiteDr. Benjamin HochmanTom & Lee Ann HodgesNancy HoeckerRay HoekstraWendy HoffspiegelJoseph M.* & Sandy S. HoganMarjory HolderDennis & Jeanette HolemanGerald W. & Deanna D. HollemanMolly HolmanCharlotte M. HondaBob HonsingerMarcia HoodwinJulian L. HookMelissa HopeJim HorlacherJack H. HouvourasJudy & Ted HowellsJohn K. & Janice L. HowieDennis & Christine HrdinaDr. Sally L. HresanJoseph E. HuardAlan HuckabayRon Huffmeier & Kathy HunterConnie HughesKen HughesWilliam HughesHeidi Huglin-DeaneDiane J. HuisingaDiana M. HuletClarice HunterNancy HutchinsMelissa HutchinsonRichard L. HuttingerStephanie HysmithKatherine E-G Iacovelli

Joseph IagnemmoLibby IngallsMina C. IngersollMaryann InmanCorinne IrwinRuss IrwinJustin B. Israel* & Emel GlicksmanGuy JacobKaren JacobsWilliam Jacobs & Susan PoseyBarbara A. JacobsenJacques F. JacobsonMichael A. James-LongNicholas A. JarinaAllen Jedlicka & Wendy BrudevoldJohn JennettenKathryn Jennings & Richard BunnHenning JensenLinda A. JensenDr.* & Mrs. Louis K. JensenKen & Wynn JohansonA. Stephen JohnsonDr. Jann JohnsonRichard W. Johnson & Lauretta L. RikerRobert E. JohnsonDiana JohnstonMark R. JohnstonDavid* & Susan JonasJack JonasBertrand & Wally JonesCedron Jones & Sara ToubmanColleen JonesKeith Evan JonesGary B. Jordan & Shirley A. PhillipsKristine E. JordanBob & Diane JorgensenCharles JoyJudith JoyWally JuchertJay M. JulianE. Jeff & Sally JustisRobert Kaarto, Jr. & Teodoro ManiaciMichael & Martha KahnHildegard KaiglerTac & Mami KambayashiStan KaminLes & Denise KangasCarl S. KanunLois KarasekKenny Karem

* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.









Richard KarkHarriet KarkutAlexander & Marie KarpBarbara KatzenbergHolly KaufmanHank KaufmannDr. Paul D. KayHarold & Patricia KeairnesRichard C. KeatingAnn KeenanMarcia E. KeimerRobert KeiserEdna Lee KellySheryl Kemp-AtkinsLaura A. KemperMike KennedyElaine R. & Stuart G. KentLenore KesterKenneth & Eleanor KiddStephen KierulffEd & Barbara KileDennis M. Killian, M.D.Bruce B. KingmanLynne L. KingsleyJudy KinsmanMike & Sally* KittrossIrene R. Kitzman, M.D.Larry & Pat KlaasenRonald P. KleinEd KleinerLloyd & Christine KlemkeSusan KnoseBruni KobbeRuth Anne KocourAlbert J. KoegelHelen C. KoenigCharles G. KoppHenry Koukol, Jr.Lance S. KounitzEleanor M. KowalczykMarcelline Krafchick, Ph.D.Marilyn KrattRichard E. & Sandra KrauseMichael & Sandra KrikorianDiane KristoffEvelyn S. KritchevskyMarie KrollKurt KruegerLucille KuderGary KuehnleMichael Kuleba

Lawrence D. KunzGary KurisJeff KurzweilTom KutscherKathy KuyperJohn S. KyperLisa LaGrowMary M. LahrenC. Laib & M. NorrisSusan LambJackie LambkaJean M. LamphierMadeleine LandisMark P. LangDiana L. LangerDennis L. LanningClifford Lardinois, Jr. & Patricia DumondKaren LassenLinore LathamKeith LathropJoan M. LauxMary LawrenceTom & Lise LawsonKathleen LawtonLarry Layne & Sheelagh BoydRayna LazaroffSamantha T. Le, O.D.Joan LeBel, M.D.Al & Helen LeBlancCiCi & Owen LeeGloria Ann LeeDiane LefevreGeo W. & Loretta Q. LeflerJoseph P. LegalletJack & Alice LeibmanDeborah B. Leiderman, M.D.Lewis LeidwingerKristin A. LeinDavid LeithauserSteven G. LermanStephen LeveyLeonard LevineEllis & Cheryl LevinsonJonathan LevittHank LewisJames A. LewisElla LibermanDavid Lingren & Ilana SchatzHenry J. Link, P.E.Carol T. Linnig

Lawrence LintnerLynn LiottaElizabeth LittleEdith LiuGary & Ellen LloydWarren P. LongDonna LoransDeonn LossettGrace LossmanDrs. J. William & Deborah LoudaFrank Loulan & Richard Pearce-MosesMary Lowery in memory of daughter Marcelle StoweSteven M. LucasRudy Lukez & Dana Schaefer

M. LundJeffrey L. LutherPeggy Nance LyleDavid LymanEdward LynchAnne LyonJames & Eugenia MacKellarWilly & Pam MacMullenThomas L. MadduxJoan MadridCathy MagarJim & Kathy MaggiTony & Alice MaistrovichAndrew & Gemma MajorKaren MakiPatricia & Richard MalinowskiSuzanne Malis-AndersenHenry & De Ada MallyStuart & Wendy MalmidFrancis MangelsMarvin MarcusFloyd R. & Jeanette L. Martin

Grover V. MartinMichael P. & Minnie L. MartinStan G. MartinSetsuko MarukiJudith MarvinCherie MasonRabbi Steven MasonMary Mastin & Brian PaddockDonald P. MathewsJoan Mathews, Ph.D.Arthur M. MatthewsDuran & Mary Sue MatthewsMiriam Barton MaxwellKathryn E. May, Ph.D.Leona McandrewsDavid McCaleb

Dave & Sally McCardle Family TrustJackie McCauleyGary W. McCormickSarah McCoy & Jim BuchananJanet L. McCroryMarianne McDermottBrian P. & Ann A. McDonaldSally Wood McDonaldSherry L. McFallPatrick D. McGahenHarry G. & Lauren P. McGavranKen McGintyMs. Janis McGowan & Mr. Jim HendersonChuck & Jean McGradyWilliam McGrathMarie & Arch McKellarJo Ann Stoddard McNielRochelle McReynoldsJoseph & Carol McveighRuth & James Mead

Kathleen MeagherDavid B. MechLarry Mehlhaff* & Marion KlausDavid Mendelsohn, Jr., M.D. & Carole L. MendelsohnJohn MertesDave MessengerJerry Meyer & Nina ZingaleMaurice F. MeysenburgPhyllis H. MichelSara MichlJoseph MiglioreBryce E. MillerCarol MillerConnie Miller

Joseph & Margaret MillerNorman* & Pauline S. MillerRobert J. MillerJerome Millman* & Felicitas dela CruzCheryl Dearman MillsRobert & Carolyn MilnerBill Minge & Jane Anton-MingeRita MinjaresDavid MinnickGerald MinogueSandra M. MiragliaSteven Mironov & Denise St. John-MironovMary Nell MitchellMilly & Mel MogulofSusann MolnarGeorge Momany, M.D.Kenneth M. Mondal & Juliet A. MondalReverend John MonesteroJeffrey A. MonoPatricia & Bruce Montgomery

Claire L. Moore & Christopher GermerEric & Julie MooreNorman E. Moore, Jr.Paul G. MorissetteWilliam & Barbara MorkillDon MorrisSally MorrisonDiantha MorseJoe MortonLawrence K. MossJames & Katherine Moule

Constance Mounce in memory of Adrian P. MounceRandall J. MoyerMilton MozenBruce Muirhead & Denise Pare-MuirheadLinda M. MulderKatherine MulvaneyAlden & Jane MunsonL. J. MurawskiAnn M. MurphyStanton & Elaine MusickMolly MuthWilhelmina & Ellis MutherGeorge NahmiO. Ruth NajachtGerald & Darlene NeffRuth H. NeffSherrie & Darrell NeftJohn & Ilene NelsonMary Ann NelsonMichael Eric NelsonChristopher H. NewboldNorman J. & Fay L. Newcomb

Thomas H. NicholasJoan NikelskyDennis Patrick NilandChris & JoAnn NolenDr. Pieter NoomenJill NorthJan & Judith NovakMarsha NovakRichard NunnoMarie U. NylenSara O’NealAndrea & Walter O’Neill

Anne OakesC. S. ObioraEsther & Steven OdgisJon A. & Dr. Julie Z. OienThe Dawn E. Okerlund TrustWilliam R. OliverLarry Olsen & Deborah CherkasMaryellen OmanDon OrahoodJonathan F. OrserShirley & James OrtmanJohn & Debi OsborneHarry & Denise OsterbergerMary K. OswaldJonah Otelsberg, Ph.D.* & Peter David GoodwinDrs. Susan Ott & David RalphTadd OttmanGerald OttoneCas OvertonMary J. Packard & Gary C. PackardDonna M. PainoSally PalaianCheryl S. PalmerLiz Schneck PalterRobert W. PannDale Paradis

Cynthia PareJames L. ParkerNancy Felicia ParksAmy J. ParrentClaude & David PaulsenMary C. PayneJerold PearsonJerrie PedersenRonald W. PerkinsAndrea L. PerrRobert PerrinRobert & Veronica PetersenKaren M. PetersonTodd W. PetersonAlain Joseph PetitMaggie PettersenDeborah Ann PhelpsJames & Anna-Maria PhelpsMargaret M. PhillipsValerie PhillipsWalter L. PhillipsPam Pieper & Bob McMichaelSally PiersonStacey & Doug PilcherDr. Ray & Jana PingleJuliann E. PintoTheodore & Eleanor PirozekLynne A. PlambeckJeannie PlumleyAnn PogueJonathan & Suzan PoisnerDionne PolkJulia E. PollockCarl PopeSue PopeDavid & Gaylene PorettiBeatriz PortelaDeborah & Roger PotashSheryl D. PothsMyrna Barbara PototskyBernadette A. PowellDouglas PowellMartin PriceFred & Annette PrieveDean & Patrice PrigmoreAlice French PrimroseGray PrinceIngeborg B. ProchazkaKaren ProtheroDeanne PrusakCaroline Pufalt

* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.









Lewis & Elizabeth PurvisHolly & Rollie PutnamJack Putnam & Jean GortnerJan PutnamArnie QuanA. J. QueenenElissa QuerzeCarolyn S. QuinnMargaret QuinnSheila QuinnSai RajagopalanStanley & Connie RajnakDave Raney & Eileen TamuraPamela D. RansomeDr. Mukunda Rao & Dr. Vijaya RaoSara RappaportJay A. RashkinJohn, Sarah, & Charlie RathJill Rawlings in honor of Susan CooperJack Reddan & Terrie ArfiKatherine RedderKatherine N. & Bruce J. RedderEd Reed & Johanna SchmidCompton ReesRenee & Dave ReeseGail ReissenMichael J. RenzJohn RettenmayerJack R. RheinGrace RiceStu RichelArleen RichterLes Richter* & Jim PetersonWilliam L. & Linda K. RichterKatherine Riggs in memory of Frances C. RiggsSally RingsKlaus RittenbachDenise RiveraMichael RobakFord M. RobbinsMary RobbinsJenny RobertsRichard & Laurie RobertsHenry RobertsonW. Bruce RobinsonDavid F. & Maxine H. RockWillard RodgersVioleta F. RodriguezPhillip Rogul & Jill Uhley Rogul

Janice A. RohnElaine RosenfeldJean L. RosenfeldEllen RosserNancy RothBarbara RubenLionel RubergCharlotte RubinPaul I. RubinfeldClark W. RuffMargery RumphClaire H. RussellDavid A. RussellDelbert Russell & Joyce KadyThomas G. RustWilliam D. Ryckman, III & Mari J. StamnesNancy G. RyderRoger & Gail SabbadiniMargaret E. SadlerTerradan L. & Maryse J. SagewyndCharlotte Sahnow

Carol Salami-GoswickAdam G. SalingEvert V. SaloThomas SamarasKay Anne SampsonJamie E. SamselBill SanderXenia SandersStanley SandrowiczDonald & Elizabeth SandsGeorge Sardina, M.D.Linda SartorKathleen SaundersCorinna S. Scheibler

Jessica R. Schiffman & Patrick R. TimminsElliott & Genevieve SchiffmannBarry & Libby SchillerSusan R. SchinkeKim Schlack & Fred VerettoAlfred C. SchmidtEdgar SchmidtMaria Shawn SchmittJonathan SchmuggeGlenn H. & Mary S. SchnadtBarbara SchneidersBob & Peggy Schotz, Schotz Family TrustSabine Schramm

H. SchroederMarge & Les SchroederSandra J. SchroederDieter* & Barbara SchugtLara L. SchulterArthur N. SchumacherJeanie ScottMelynnique SeabrookLaRoy & Mary SeaverSusan Sedlachek & Marilyn VohsHelene SegalKevin SegallMark SeidmanDavid SelletAnn Sextro

Ann ShaferThomas Shafer & Susan KelleyBeverly ShaverPatty SheehanLois SheltonTimothy C. SherckLawrence J. & Charlotte ShermanPhilip Sherman in memory of Charlotte ShermanSeymour & Vivian Elena ShifrenMarion* & Rocco SicilianoLucy SidenerHarold & June Siebert, CRTMiriam G. SimmonsLa Ree M. Simon

Yvette D. SimpsonLeslie A. SinclairMartha Ann SingerRichard & Winifred SittAndrea SkarraGregory A. SkompGeorge R. SlatonHolly SlettelandAlethea SmarttGeorge & Terry SmithJerry Smith & Dottie FugielO. Wayne Smith, Jr.Richard W. SmithRoy J. SmithSuzanne & Ron SmithVernon Neil SmithViki J.SmithWilliam J. SmithWilliam V. SmithLois SneddenDiane & Dale SnyderEugenia SnyderKatherine L. Sobieck

Julia SommerStuart & Monica SorenPatricia SorensenPeter A. SoriaDoris SosinRand Sparling & Adrienne MeiselHarry SpenceJack & Pearl SperberRichard SpindlerJohn A. Srnka & Min PoonNapoleon St. CyrGreg B. StarrCatherine “Cat Heron” SteeleHugo & Monica SteensmaMichael SteinbergEarl R. SteinbrinkThor Steingraber

C.G. Steinhauser III, R.E.Anne StephensPaul & Arianthe StettnerLarry StevensEverill Stevenson* & Jane Rider-StevensonLois K. StewartWilliam T. Stewart, Jr.Susan StillmanJohn* & Laurel StilwellDr. Verena StockerRichard Carl StoikeSydell S. StokesRobert & Nancy StoneLawrence Stotter*Barbara J. StowellMerna StrassnerYvonne A. StreffWilliam A. & Doerga V. StrohlAlida H. Struze

Linda Claire StukeyPatricia SturmMr. & Mrs. Richard SuetterlinGeorgianna SwalmCynthia SwansonSandra SwarbrickStanley L. SwartPaul A. SwartzEva-Maria SwedlowThomas & Gail SweetKaren J. SwopeHalina SzyposzynskiJohn F. TacchinoRichard TaftAnn TagawaPeter S. Tannen & David C. Strachan

Charles A. TaorminaStephanie & Alan TarkingtonDonna TaubeRobin Tawney & Jo Anne AltrichterDave Howard TaylorLinda L. TaylorMeredith TaylorSteven TaylorSusan M. TaylorSteve Tearney*Stella TheofilakosGeorgette TheotigJudith Thielen-ButtsChristopher TholstrupDeborah ThomasMargaret & Kathryn ThomasSally ThomasFrank ThompsonJustine Thompson

Larry ThompsonPaul ThompsonRosemary M. ThompsonLouise ThomsRobert ThurmPatricia G. TiceGloria TierneyMarcia & Robert TobyDr. Jonathan B. & Debra M. TocksSharon Todd-Elliot & William H. ElliottCharles TombergTina TopalianGlenn E. TorbettDr. David TorresDr. Earl & Ruth TrevathanAlice E. Trexler, Ph.D.Cynthia TrippBruce D. TrotterRich Thompson TuckerEileen TunickMiss Dorothy Ann TurickDennis TurnerJanis Kate TurnerTerry L. TurnerRalph L. TuscherMari TustinDulce J. TwistDr. & Mrs. David Ulmer, Jr.Earl Underwood & Teri UnderwoodArthur* & Lorraine UngerWilliam & Saima UphamAbigail P. van AlstyneDr. Peter Van BloklandLoretta Van CoppenolleMercedes Van Den BergWillem Van Den BergRobert Neil Van RyLisa Van ValkenburghDr. Lorna Vander ZandenJames VanderMeerLinda & John VaronichSusan VaughanEberhard & Catherine VeitFred VeltriLinda Verdoorn & Robert S. PowersDorothy Jean VesterMargo M. Villanova

Penny & Francisco VillegasElizabeth VincentAntonio VisiolaDonald A. VogelSally VogelPhilip F. von VoigtlanderBarbara VonBenkenJudy Wade & Bill BakerHarlan Wadley, M.D.Genevieve WagnerWilliam F. WagnerM.W. WahundraBrian D. WakeShari Wakiyama & Steve DollaseJack WaldronDiane WalkerEdward WallMichael D. WallaceDerek WallentinsenMarilyn J. WalterSally J. WaltonEverett WardHamilton WardLewis & Grace* WardBetty WarnerJo Anne & Fred WarrenPenny L. WarrenMichael Washenko & Elizabeth PattersonConstance & Elmer WatersMatthew K. WathenJanis & Lyn B.* WatkinsSeth WatkinsBruce WatsonHarold WebbShoshana WechslerJames & Barbara WeegKathy WeeksRik WehbringAbbie Gail WeiserMichael & Beverly WelberReynold WelchJoann A. WellsWalter & Luella WellsAdam WerbachCharles W. West, Jr. & Beverly J. CreeNorman R. WestRoger Westman*Jim & Donna Whalen

Kate WheatlandSherman E. & Anne P. WheelerRichard M. WhitakerJoshua White & Jessica FreemanLea Gina WhiteDiane WhitmoreSharon M. WilbertCheryl Wilfong & Bill McKimGary R. WilliamsJohn WilliamsLarry Williams & Patti PrideMark H. WilliamsMerle Williams & Ken LoseyRichard & Patricia WilliamsSusan WilliamsGeoffrey & Christine WilliamsonPatricia WilliamsonRobert A. WilsonSandra Z. WilsonMary J. WimmerTrudy Wofsey-TompkinsBarry WolfPat J. WolffHarold & Janet WoodEdmund WoodburyRichard & Jane WormJerry WrayElizabeth WrightGary WrightDr. Kenneth C. WrightJR YasgurRalph & Susan YoungsJim YulgaFlora ZagoritesNoel ZakChuck ZamitesKen ZarkerCindy ZembrykiLinda ZielinskiLinda G. ZiesmerCindy ZirkinDonna M. Zook

* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.







leGeeta & Kamesh AiyerMr. & Mrs. John W. Allyn, Jr.Tripp & Chia Huei AmdurCaroline AmplatzMrs. Nancy K. AndersonTodd & Kerri AntesHarold C. AppletonAlexander AuCarol BaderTom & Johanna BaruchDr. & Mrs. Reinier Beeuwkes, IIIRon BellNancy BennettBruce N. BergerSteven & Nicey BerkenfeldCarol Bieri & Joel SandersRichard J. Bingham, M.D.Steven L. BlackLoren Blackford & Michael DubnoLuke BocherPamela Tanner BollDavid A. BreskinJudith BrewerRev. & Mrs. Frederick BuechnerTom BuglerThomas Buhr

Harriet BullittPaul BurgBob Burnett & Kathy Barry

Brian Cali & Sophie EvettSamantha CampbellCamaron CassidyRichard & Doris CellariusTodd Clayton ChaffeeDr. Yue Chen & Kirat SinghAmy T. CherotPaul ChevalierBarbara ChigasAllison Chin & Bruce BakerMichael ChisekKathryn S. CochraneDaryl & Michele ConnellHelen M. CoolurisGeorge Cotsirilos, Jr. & Maria BairdTimothy CrowellHarry M. DaltonPeter Danzig & Lava Thomas

Gary & Denise DavidBruce S. DavieNathaniel Dean

John DensmoreRanae DeSantisDavid desJardins & Nancy BlachmanChris & Celeste DierJudith T. DrakeTimothy Dunn & Ellen StofanPatrick Keating Egan FamilyElyssa ElbazRichard & Marjorie FiddlerKatie FlintRobert & Susan FlintBarbara & Donald FrankCharles & Debbie FrankSibyl Frankenburg & Steve KesselMorris F. FriedellMark GardnerJoseph & Anna Gartner

Martha GingrichFrances G. GinsbergElaine GoldSteven GoldPeter Goldman & Martha KongsgaardJames GoldsboroughP. Gollon & A. PariserLeonard C. GoodmanJeremy & Hannelore GranthamGail & Roy GreenwaldDave Gregory

Paul GrowaldLarry GussinJohn & Janet HaasStephen R. HagerdonThomas Hahn & Robin PhippsGeorge & Amanda HanleyTyroan HardyN. Hatcher & M. TakashimaRobert & Rosemary HeilSusan HeitmanJonathan HoeflerEmily HonigRoni HornDavid HuschAddison & Deborah IgleheartJudy JacobsRobert L. Jennings, Jr. & Barbara H. BottLeon JonesJerrold JungLynn Jurich & Brad MurrayAndrew JustMorton & Merle KaneChristopher KanebHelmut KapczynskiLawrence & Ellen KeeshanJ. Kendler & B. KirkbrideJonathan & Dr. Monica KernBert KerstetterMs. Nancy KittlePeter Kjellerup & Amanda CabotMichael KleinTony KolishRena KoopmanWanda KownackiJohnny KreitmanJohn KriendlerCraig LarsonBruce Ledesma & Cheryl SendaydiegoRobert LeechDouglas H. LegumNels & Liz LeutwilerRoger & Florence Liddell

THE SUMMIT CIRCLE is a network of philanthropic leaders who give $10,000 or more annually to the Sierra Club Foundation or the Sierra Club.

Lee LockieMichael & Ann Ross LoebDixon LongMary LoudLeslie LytleCharles MacDonaldBryan R. MartinGary & Karen MartinKennon P. McKeeCraig McKibben & Sarah MernerKent McKinneyKevin McKinneyMarni McKinney & Richard D. Waterfield

Robert H. McKinney & Shelley Barr McKinneyWallace McOuat & Claire YoungJane MeadBryce E. MillerChristopher Miller & Catherine McNameeJohn J. B. Miller

Walter E. D. MillerMichael MillsThomas MisteleDave & Jane MolineEric MoodyRand Hideo MorimotoReuben MungerJames NegleyCraig NewmarkLinda L. NicholesRobert NugentDave & Brigitte OlsenMr. & Mrs. Gilman OrdwayMichael & Roberta C. OrtizDrs. Susan Ott & David Ralph

The Pagliuzza FamilyEric PiesnerJulia PollockTed PriceKate PurdyJennifer QuinnSanjay Ranchod & Kavita TrivediFrank & Joann Randall

Julie Raymond & Neil HuntDorine Real & Lee TepperMargaret ReiserMichael & Veronica RichterDavid RitcheyPat & Jim RobertsonGay RogersDavid & Elizabeth RomePaul & Katy RosenbergerAnthony RossoMarjorie B. RoswellTim & Annette RyanJoy Sabl & Pieter MarisJoseph SanbergRobert W. SandersonJames S. SandlerRoger & Vicki SantGuy & Jeanine SapersteinMr. & Mrs. William SarnoffVal SchaffnerB. Schilling & R. CarrJonathan SchmuggeGregg & Kimberly SciabicaJonathan ScottRandee SeigerBrenda SenturiaBen SerebinChester SermakThe Seybold FamilyFrances ShapiroSuvi SharmaWill & Lois SheehanNavot Shoresh & Betty ChuDan & Kathleen ShugarPaul & Sheri Siegel

Stephen SilbersteinJohn B. & Mary Helen SlaterDebbie & Bob SlotpoleJames SmithElizabeth & Jeffrey SpauldingCyrus & Joanne SpurlinoRamakrishnan SrikantFred & Alice StanbackCatherine M. Stiefel & J. Keith BehnerV. Stocker & R. MorrisonFaith StrongRichard J. StuckeyPaul & Judith TarabekKathryn Taylor & Tom SteyerClare Eddy ThawJessica M. ThompsonTodd Tibbals & Andrea EscherDoug* & Maggie WalkerHenry Scott WallaceRichard D. WaterfieldWilliam Weihl & Lisa MihalyDr. Mary Ruth WeiselMarc Weiss & Nancy MeyerPaul WeissmanLinda & Peter WernerCraig & Bette WilliamsJanet & Robert WitzemanWade & Brenda WoodsonChristopher WoolDaniel YatesShirley Weese YoungRoxanne Eigenbrod Zak

* Deceased We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name or contribution. Please let us know.



The Sierra Club Foundation is supported by a talented staff with an impressive breadth of professional backgrounds. Their outstanding programmatic, financial, and administrative management expertise are the pillars of the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness. We appreciate their exceptional commitment to upholding the Foundation’s mission to educate and empower people to protect and improve the natural and human environment.

2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS................................................................................................................................ 2016 FOUNDATION STAFF.........................................................................................................................................................

Peter Martin (2008 - September 2016)Allison Chin, Interim Executive Director (September - November 2016)Dan Chu, Executive Director

Henry Holmes, Grants and Compliance DirectorTing Lee, Grants and Compliance ManagerChristina Monroe, Administrative AssistantAgana Moreno, Senior Accountant

Jennie Palmer, Manager of Administration and Board RelationsGinny Quick, Chief Financial OfficerNaomi Reed, Bookkeeper

Please visit


Contribute to our efforts or call (415) 995-1780

The Sierra Club Foundation is committed to funding solutions that

accelerate environmental and

social change in a just, equitable, and inclusive way.

Thank you for choosing to invest with

us. Your charitable dollars help advance clean

energy solutions, wildlands protection,

and climate justice.

Farewell, Peter! In September, we bid a fond farewell to Peter Martin, who served as the Sierra Club Foundation’s executive director for eight years. Peter first joined the Sierra Club as a volunteer for the Inspiring Connections Outdoors program and accepted a fundraising position in Sierra Club’s Advancement department in 2001. Since becoming executive director of the Foundation in 2008, Peter helped lead our $60 million annual fundraising efforts, played a key role in developing our mission-aligned investment and divestment program, built a world-class board of directors, and supported expansion of our grantmaking in the U.S. and internationally. We’re deeply grateful for Peter’s years of strategic leadership and friendship.


An independent, volunteer board of birectors, supported by professional staff, governs the Sierra Club Foundation. The board primarily focuses on enhancing the overall performance of the Foundation and supporting the charitable and educational work of the Sierra Club and other grantees. We are grateful to collaborate with such an experienced team of leaders whose innovation, philanthropy, and advocacy guide and advance our strategic objectives.

Steven Berkenfeld – Chair, Long Island, NY; Managing Director in the Investment Banking Division, Barclays

Shirley Weese Young – Vice Chair, Chicago, IL; Graphic designer; Founder and Partner, Two Green Giants

Marni McKinney – Treasurer, Indianapolis, IN; Chairman, Indiana Community Bank Board for Marshall & Ilsley Bank; President, McKinney Family Foundation

Bill Weihl – Secretary, San Francisco, CA; Director of Sustainability at Facebook, and previously Green Energy Czar at Google; CTO at Akamai Technologies; Professor of Computer Science at MIT

Allison Chin – Officer at Large, Leesburg, VA; Environmental activist and cancer biologist

Geeta Aiyer, Boston, MA; Founder and President of Boston Common Asset Management; Founder of Walden Capital Management; Founder of East India Spice; Founder of Direct Action for Women Now (DAWN)

Darren Aronofsky, Brooklyn, NY; Academy Award-nominated filmmaker and environmental activist

Myke Bybee, Washington, DC; Project Director at the Resources Legacy Fund and previously Program Officer at the Wyss Foundation

Flavia de la Fuente, Austin, TX; Investments Analyst at Employees Retirement System of Texas

Gail Greenwald, Cambridge, MA; Investor, advisor and Director at Launchpad Venture Group and partner in the Clean Energy Venture Group

Lawrence (Larry) W. Keeshan, Berkeley, CA; Arbitrator, Former Global General Counsel, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Aaron Mair, Schenectady, NY; NYSDOH Public Health EPIGIS Analyst; Sierra Club President

Robert McKinney – Director Emeritus, Indianapolis, IN; Retired; Naval Officer, CEO, and Founder of law firm; State Chairman of three presidential campaigns; Chairman of Indiana University, Marian University, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, and Federal National Mortgage Association

Sanjay Ranchod, Albany, CA; Vice President of Policy & Electricity Markets, and Regulatory Counsel at SolarCity

Mike Richter, New York, NY; President, BrightCore Energy; Founder and Managing Partner, Healthy Planet Partners; Former professional hockey player, NHL

(W.) Timothy (Tim) Ryan – Director Emeritus, Belvedere, CA; Retired investment manager

Joseph Sanberg, Los Angeles, CA; Co-Founder and Chair of the Board of Advisors for Aspiration.com; founding investor in Blue Apron; Chair of CalEITC4Me

Marc Weiss, New York, NY; Independent filmmaker, journalist, and organizer; Creator and Executive Producer of PBS documentary series P.O.V.; Executive Producer of A Fierce Green Fire

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SIERRA CLUB FOUNDATION > A N N UA L R E PO R T 2 01 6

Design: Clark Creative Groupwww.clarkcreative.com

Sierra Club Foundation2101 Webster Street, Suite 1250, Oakland, CA 94612T: (415) 995-1780 E: foundation@sierraclubfoundation.org www.sierraclubfoundation.org

The foundation for a healthy planet.Our goals:

Expand opportunities for more people to explore,

enjoy, and protect the planet by supporting programs

and policies that reach across economic, cultural, and

community lines to get people outdoors.

Solve the climate crisis primarily through a successful

transition to a resource-efficient, clean energy economy

that better serves people and nature.

Secure protections for public lands and waters,

promote healthy ecosystems and communities, and fight

for clean air and water.

Build a diverse, inclusive environmental movement

that reflects and represents today’s American public and

prioritizes important connections between environmental

health and social justice.

................................................................................................................................................................................................Photo credits: Read left to right on all pages:

IFC: Angelina Acevedo IFC: Micah BairdIFC: Bureau of Land Management (CC BY 2.0)IFC: Angelina Acevedo IFC: Stock photoIFC: Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Spectral Q

IFC: Courtesy of Sierra ClubIFC: Bureau of Land Management (CC BY 2.0)IFC: Christopher Michel (CC BY 2.0)IFC: SloMo PhotographyIFC: Bob Wick, BLM (CC BY 2.0) IFC: Annette Jones IFC: SloMo PhotographyIFC: Courtesy of Sierra Club IFC: Bureau of Land Management (CC BY 2.0)IFC: SloMo PhotographyIFC: Courtesy of Sierra Club IFC: Courtesy of Sustainable HanoverIFC: Stock photo

IFC: Julia MarshallIFC: Zac TaylorIFC: Stock photoIFC: Bob Wick, BLM (CC BY 2.0)IFC: ©norahsilva.comIFC: Stock photoIFC: SloMo PhotographyIFC: Bureau of Land Management (CC BY 2.0)IFC: Bureau of Land Management (CC BY 2.0)Page 2: Stock photo Page 3: Courtesy of Sierra Club Page 4: Courtesy of Sierra Student CoalitionPage 4: TumblingRun (CC BY-ND 2.0) Page 4: Kathleen Finnerty

Page 4: Joe deSousa (CC0 1.0)Page 5: Joe SolomonPage 6: Bureau of Land Management (CC BY 2.0)Page 6: Friends of Marge SillPage 7: Stock photoPage 7: Stock photoPage 7: Micah BairdPage 8: Ian Shive

Page 8: Lindsey McNamaraPage 8: Brian NevinsPage 8: Brian Nevins

Page 9: Courtesy of Nellis Kennedy-HowardPage 10: Adamw1987 (CC BY-SA 4.0)Page 12: Micah BairdPage 13: Ian ShivePage 13: Steven W. Martin Photography, BLM (CC BY 2.0)Page 13: Bureau of Land Management (CC BY 2.0)Page 13: Yeou-Rong Jih

Page 17: Jason Kintz Page 18: Courtesy of Nicole Ghio Page 19: Greg McFall/NOAA (CC BY 2.0) Page 19: Micah Baird Page 20: Erik Voss Page 20: Stock photo Page 21: Sierra Club / Spectral Q Page 22: Micah Baird Page 22: Stock photo Page 23: Courtesy of Sierra Club Page 24: Stock photo Page 24: Angelina Acevedo

Page 24: Ian Shive Page 26: Micah Baird Page 27: Micah Baird Page 28: Stock photo Page 31: Bob Wick, BLM (CC BY 2.0) Page 32: David Ledig, BLM (CC BY 2.0) Page 32: Bob Wick, BLM (CC BY 2.0) Page 33: Sara Edgar

Page 34: Stock photo Page 35: Stock photo Page 35: Micah Baird Page 36: Brian Nevins Page 36: Micah Baird Page 37: Stock photo Page 38: Stock photo Page 38: Stock photo Page 39: Stock photo Page 39: Micah BairdPage 40: Bob Wick, BLM (CC BY 2.0)

Page 41: Courtesy of Sierra Club