When is the best time to buy your kids a new pair of shoes

Post on 08-Dec-2014

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As kid’s feet overgrow during regular intervals the shoe which he/she is wearing would become uncomfortable over time. But many parents do not give much importance thinking everything is fine but it is their kid who faces the ordeals. As kids grow the shoes which fit them today becomes improper fit within a few months and makes their feet feel bad. This is why it is utmost essential to buy the new pair of footwear for your kid. http://www.piedpiperchildrensshoes.com/

Transcript of When is the best time to buy your kids a new pair of shoes

When is the best time to buy your kids a new pair of Shoes?

• As kid’s feet overgrow during regular intervals the shoe which he/she is wearing would become uncomfortable over time.

• But many parents do not give much importance thinking everything is fine but it is their kid who faces the ordeals.

• As kids grow the shoes which fit them today becomes improper fit within a few months and makes their feet feel bad. This is why it is utmost essential to buy the new pair of footwear for your kid.

• Shoes are the best determining cause for an outfit but when it comes to daily wear there are several aspects which should be considered.

• You could have purchased shoes and think it will suit for the occasion and lasting for a long period but the comfort factor should also be considered. • If you are unaware of

when to purchase the new set of shoes for your child then here are some factors to help you out with this:

Wear Signs

• There is no other better issue like wear and tear which expresses the need for changing your kid’s shoe. Check for wear and tear in your child’s footwear and more this is present the greater are the chances for your kid to have blister formation.

• Daily wear shoes will slowly wear off having some spots leading to the formation of holes.• While you check outside

surface of your shoe pay special attention to the thread on the bottom of the shoes. • If these thin threads are

present then the traction reaps of the shoe surface making your kid to slip and fall down.

Walking Style

• While your kid wears shoes pay attention on how he walks and this is a great way to check the potential foot and leg problems.

• Also this is an indication of whether he needs the new shoes. If shoes have become too tight it results in their weird walking style.

• The support offered would be less compared to when these shoes have been purchased hence causing the difference in walking style.

Examine the feet of your child

•  Every time your boy removes his shoes check their feet for any wrinkles or blisters. If his foot is reddish then it is the resultant of the tight wear and an indication of blister formation.

• This is also the best time when new shoes are to be purchased without any further delay.

• Pay more attention to the heels and toes as this are the most vulnerable area for blister formation.

• Keeping your child’s feet healthy paves way for better foot health and growth. Hence always have a check on it and buy the proper fitting shoes for them. • If you are thinking it to

be expensive to change footwear often then buy the ones which are offering discounts.

For more information on shoesContact: http://www.piedpiperchildrensshoes.com/