WHEN IN DOUBT 2008 Football Officials Clinic. Purpose of Our Conversation To examine the gray areas...

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Transcript of WHEN IN DOUBT 2008 Football Officials Clinic. Purpose of Our Conversation To examine the gray areas...


2008 Football Officials Clinic

Purpose of Our Conversation

To examine the gray areas of football officiating as it relates to FCS competition in order to be consistent in our application of the rules, mechanics, and game situations.

To recognize that non-instant replay competition employs different philosophies than those games utilizing replay.

To emphasize areas of our current football philosophies that give guidance.

To leave with all of us aware of what is expected from us in regards to these topics.

About doubt…

“Only God and certain madmen have no doubts.” –Martin Luther (1483-1546)

About doubt…

“Only the one who knows nothing doubts nothing.” --French proverb

What does THE MAN say?

“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14.31

--Jesus Christ

(to St. Peter)

What does DOUBT mean for football officials?

As it relates to football officiating, having doubt means possessing a sense of uncertainty, being skeptical, having reservations, or questions about action that has happened.

When doubt exists, far more scrutiny is applied to the situation in order to manage the game and insure fairness.

Differences between FCS and FBS

Officiating philosophies differ in several notable ways between I-AA and I-A. Basically, WE DO NOT HAVE INSTANT REPLAY. Thus, we cannot officiate as if we did.

Runner down or fumble?

When in question, the runner was DOWN and the ball was NOT FUMBLED.

Touchdown or Not?

The current philosophies state that when there is doubt, it is a touchdown because replay can review. WE JUST HAVE TO SEE IT. Use the OVC Goal Line Mechanic. If umpire does not grab shirt and you did not see a runner with the ball cross the goal line, chances are there is NO touchdown. Concentrate and focus.

Runner out of bounds or not?

Current philosophies state if there is a doubt, the runner did not step out of bounds. Replay or not, if we see the runner step out, we kill the play. If we don’t, then the play continues.

My opinion is that is how successful officials officiate anyway.

QB pass or fumble?

When in doubt for us, it is an incomplete pass. Avoid cheap turnovers.

Receiver incomplete or catch/fumble

Chances are on a bang/bang catch/no catch, it was an incomplete. When in doubt, wipe it out. Avoid cheap turnovers.


Incomplete Pass


When in doubt….

Wipe it out!

Ineligible Receiver Downfield

Don’t trouble trouble. The ball in this play barely crosses the line and number 60 is downfield illegally. Let is go. Avoid being technical about anything all the time. Make it be there.


Catch/No Catch

“The ground cannot cause a fumble, but it surely can cause an incomplete pass.” If the ball is out, it is not a catch.


2008 Football Officials Clinic