What's the Best Social Media Network For You?

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of What's the Best Social Media Network For You?

What’s the best social media platform for you?

Helene Kwong, CEO & Founder of Hashtagitude@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Social media is continually evolving…

…so how do you keep up?

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

We will focus on the top four most important social media networks and how you can successfully use each network for

your brand.

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

First up…

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Of the 1.44 billion monthly active users: 74% are college-educated 87% are adults age 18-29 More women than men use Facebook

Data from Pew Research Center Social Media Update 2014

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

What can you do on Facebook to increase success?

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Post Videos

Since the start of 2015, Facebook has made a big push for videos posted

natively to their platform. This means you’re uploading videos directly to

Facebook, NOT posting URLs to Youtube video links.

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

See how many more views native videos receive?

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Use Facebook’s Posting Tools

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Facebook “Punishes” Third-Party Apps

Facebook wants you to use THEIR platform, not Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or any other

third-party management platform

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

An exception….Post Planner’s posts increase engagement

more than other third-party systems

@hkwong | #hashtagitude


@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Of the 232 million+ monthly active users: 37% are adults age 18-29 24% are adult men vs. 21% adult women 25% are adults in urban areas 30% are college-educated

Data from Pew Research Center Social Media Update 2014

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

What can you do on Twitter to increase


@hkwong | #hashtagitude

HashtagsHashtags increase the visibility of your tweets! Just make sure to use only a

maximum of three hashtags per tweet (any more looks spammy)

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Follow Your Audience

Follow people you resonate with, or who would be more likely to purchase products

(if you’re a business). Be strategic with your following; no #TeamFollowBack.

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

ENGAGE with your audience!

Pay attention to your audience’s tweets and show them you care. Reply with comments

as opposed to passively favoriting or retweeting their tweets.

@hkwong | #hashtagitude


@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Of the 111 million+ users in the U.S.: 31% are adults age 30-49 32% are adults in urban areas 50% are college-educated 44% have income over $75K

Data from Pew Research Center Social Media Update 2014

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

What can you do on LinkedIn to increase success?

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Write Custom Connection Messages

Customize your message when connecting with someone new. Don’t just send the

generic “I’d like to add you to my network” message.

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Use LinkedIn Pulse

Never blogged before? Get started with LinkedIn Pulse posts to expose your

network to your subject matter expertise. Each new post you publish gets pushed out

to your network’s notifications.

@hkwong | #hashtagitude


@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Of the 300 million+ users sharing 60 million+ photos daily: 53% are adults age 18-29 29% are online women vs. 22% online men 28% have income under $30K 24% are college graduates

Data from Pew Research Center Social Media Update 2014 @hkwong | #hashtagitude

What can you do on Instagram to increase success?

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Hashtag It Up!

Unlike Twitter, the more hashtags you use on Instagram, the more engagement (likes

& comments) you will receive!

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Be Personable & Tell a Story

Show behind-the-scenes at your office or while you’re designing a work in progress. Telling

stories through your Instagram photos draws your audience in.

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Have more questions?

@hkwong | #hashtagitude

Sign up for a free 30-minute Social Media


@hkwong | #hashtagitude