Whatcom Fair Voting Welcomes you Please watch the next slides, and see whether they are...

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Transcript of Whatcom Fair Voting Welcomes you Please watch the next slides, and see whether they are...

Whatcom Fair VotingWelcomes you

Please watch the next slides, and see

whether they are “right”.......

Here is your

Logic and Accuracy Test.

Math Program

Example One:

input 2

input 2input 3____________________________

input 2input 3____________________________

output 5

Math Program

Examples Two, and more:

input 3

input 3input 4____________________________

input 3input 4____________________________

output 7

input 12345

input 12345input 11111__________________________________

input 12345input 11111__________________________________

output 23456

input 100

input 100input -1

input 100input -1____________________________

output 99


What does this

math program do?

(those examples are re-displayed on the next slide)

input 2input 3______output 5

input 3input 4______output 7

input 12345input 11111___________output 23456

input 100input -1_________output 99


What does this

math program do?

Or, even more simply,

Or, even more simply,

What would the output be for the following example:

input 555input 444____________________________

output ?

Well, if you're being asked this question on the math portion of the SAT test (which is known NOT to be malicious) you can safely answer:

Well, if you're being asked this question on the math portion of the SAT test (which is known NOT to be malicious) you can safely answer:

"It adds the two numbers input!"

with an instruction like:..........

INPUT X INPUT Y IF X and Y are NUMBERSTHEN____________________

OUTPUT = X+Y (that’s the program code, logically)

input 555input 444____________________________

output 999( it’s logical, right?)


would give:

But what if....???The real program code was.......



( IF ( X = 555 AND Y = 444 )

<-- “special case”



( IF ( X = 555 AND Y = 444 )


(are you watching?

programming code uses “logic”;

IF “THIS” is a special case, THEN do

“THAT”. )



( IF ( X = 555 AND Y = 444 )



(Oh, that’s not what you expected?)

So, the result of that special case would be....

input 555input 444____________________________


And that’s the “right” answer,because the instructions say so.

But unless you either came upon that special case by sheer luck, ...... or.....

You actually read all the lines of the program code,

you’d never know!

“Logical” conclusion:

No test can “prove” that the program “does not have” some special case tucked away inside it.

“L&A” tests(*) only find

accidental errors, not

intentional variations.

(*)L&A= ”Logic & Accuracy”

The ONLY WAY to verify the workings of computer code is to review every step written into the code.

...every step!

A review of every step written into the code is necessary, so a trusted inspector can see the way the counting is done for EVERY CASE, even odd, special cases......

in fact, .....

in fact, .....A review looking for odd, special cases is especially necessary, so no unexpected results could be written into the procedures, because that’s the only way they could be found.

And that is what we insist must be done with the

programs that get and

count your votes, because......

If you cannot trust the way the votes are counted, then .....

If you cannot trust the way the votes are counted, then

nothing much elsein politics matters.

Insist on a voter-verified paper ballot at the polling-place - archived for auditing

recounts, so that…..

an external, independent audit of votes is possible...and

and .....

“public source” software code, to allow inspectors to look for odd, special cases, so no unexpected results could be written into the procedures.

paper ballots and open source software

Thanks for caring,

Whatcom Fair VotingRev 4web source: http://www.nas.com/beddill/fairvoting/