What You Need To Know! - Amazon Web Services · Issue 7 July 2019 office.holytrinityelca@gmail.com...

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Transcript of What You Need To Know! - Amazon Web Services · Issue 7 July 2019 office.holytrinityelca@gmail.com...

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 8895 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71115

Volume XXXIV Issue 7

July 2019

office.holytrinityelca@gmail.com 318-797-9402

Mission Statement: We the people of Holy Trinity are called to “Glorify God by building vibrant relationships with Jesus and joyfully sharing his message with others.

What You Need To Know!

Summer Brunch

July 14th at 9:15am

Worship will be held

in the Fellowship

Hall all Summer

Serving Meals at

Hope House

July 9th

& 2nd Tues of each month

Check out our website at :


Church Office Closed

July 4-5 for

Independence Day

Special Congregational


July 14 at 9:30 am

Vacation Bible School

July 14-18

5:30–8:00 pm


07. Howard Hart & Bob McCollum 14. Mary Wright & Roger Barnes 21. Rick Volden & Linda McCollum 28. Judy Lauritsen & Bob McCollum


07. Johnson, G. Barnes, Mitchell 14. Shoul, Asbrock, de Graffenreid 21. Moentmann, Farnell 28. McCollum, Rabon, R. Barnes


07. Eric Johnson 14. Tommy Rabon 21. Tim Moentmann 28. Roger Barnes If you are unable to serve when you are scheduled, please switch with someone and inform the office of the change.

03. Krissy Barz 04. Karen Carlsrud 04. Cindy Norgard 06. Todd Wright 10. Dorothy Gieseke 13. Bob McCollum 13. Mary Oden 16. Linda McCollum 17. Kris Crawford 20. Steve Carlsrud 21. Sharon Aalgaard 21. EJ Johnson, Jr. 25. Meghann Shacklette 29. Hannah Johnson 29. Arielle Leighton 30. Mary Wright 31. Joanna McPherson

Linda McCollum Allison Palmer

Niki Barz DeAnne Guzel

More Drivers Needed. Contact Carol Shoul (347-9073)

04. None 11. Carol Shoul 18. Kay Rabon

25. Sandy Barrington

05. Steve & Karen Carlsrud 22. Bob Roy & Phyllis Nelson 26. Jack & Katy Parker

04. Office Closed 05. Office Closed 07. Install Council 09. Serving Meals at Hope House 14. Summer Brunch—9:15am 14. Congregational Mtg.—9:30am 14. VBS—5:30-8:00pm 15. VBS—5:30-8:00pm 16. VBS—5:30-8:00pm 17. VBS—5:30-8:00pm 18. VBS—5:30-8:00pm 21. Noisy Offering

01. John Barrington 01. Bob McCollum 01. Marcia Robinson 03. Penny Sexton 11. Kenzingtyn Primm 29. Robin Hogue

READERS 8/10:30

07. Rick Volden & TBA 14. Howard Hart & TBA 21. Mary Wright & TBA 28. Jim Lauritsen & TBA USHERS 8/10:30

07. Menn/Offineer & TBA 14. Carlsrud & TBA 21. Lauritsen & TBA 28. Shepherd/Wood & TBA ACOLYTES 8/10:30

07. Brennon Menn & Emma Leighton 14. Adam Dale & Alexa McPherson 21. Karen Carlsrud & Kayla McPherson 28. Jimmy Wright & Adam Dale

Bless, O God, those who lead and assist in our

services as they serve you and enable us to

participate in this time of worship. Amen

PS – A Word from Pastor Stan

Summer is here! We can feel it in the heat of the summer sun, in the different activities of sum-mer, and in a different schedule for the season. During the rest of the year, much of what we do is guided by the different school calendars—holidays, vacations, activities, etc. It is the time of regular Sunday School classes for our children, confirmation classes, choir, etc.

We begin to think that we take the summer off. As I tell people, summer is not less busy, just dif-ferently busy. Dr. Dan and his staff, just completed a very successful week of MMAD Camp. Dr. Dan and the Shreveport Regional Chorale will present “God and Country Celebration” at the Shreveport Con-vention Center.

We are getting ready for our Vacation Bible School week from Sunday, July 14 to Thursday, July 18. It will be run by our Christian Education Committee headed by Vickie Menn, with meals served by our various committees. Hopefully, we will also be visited by some of the young people that Traynee Rash helps in the summer.

We have also worked to have our summer worship experience be somewhat different. We contin-ue to worship in the Fellowship Hall, with our worship area in the round. We have also recently changed liturgies to be from With One Voice, Setting 5. Our hymns are also from that same worship supplement.

One of the well-known quotes of our time is that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. What worked in the 1950’s and 1960’s, does not work today. We do not have Lutherans immigrating to America. We are not generally have large num-bers of children.

For Holy Trinity, it is no longer the 1980’s or 1990’s, with all the enthusiasm of merging Nativity and Trinity Lutheran Churches. There was the rush of all the numbers, the building of the Fellowship Hall/Sanctuary in 1988 and the final Sanctuary in 1991. We completed paying for those projects around the beginning of 2008.

We have since experienced the rise of megachurches and non-denominational churches. They have garnered the energy and enthusiasm we had in being new and growing. They have captured the at-tention of many people who want to blend in to the crowd and simply, much of the time, just be enter-tained in worship.

We have seen the churches who cannot adapt begin to close. We, in our synod, are seeing old, his-toric churches reinvent themselves by selling their expensive to keep up buildings and continue ministry in new and different settings.

New ways of being the church are the norm for this day and time. We still have to be true to our heritage as Lutherans, but we have to try new ways to speak to and attract the few Lutherans who move here and possibly begin to reach the other churched and unchurched people of our community who need a home and a place to experience God’s love and faith.

The question, as always, is “Are we willing to move at least a little out of our comfort zone, our habits, to welcome and be changed by new people and ideas in our life together.” The other guide for us is to seek out and follow the guidance of our God. Where does God want us to be? Whom does God want us to welcome and serve?

Talk to me about this. Talk to your council members. Talk to the new Vision Committee being formed. What is God telling you about the future of Holy Trinity?






OF 05/31/19








2019 $61,205 $64,150 $2,945 $151,798 $159,102 $7,304


May 2019 Income

General Fund (includes Flowers & Thrivent) $15,601.28 Building (includes A/C & Capital Imp.) $338.00 Endowment $129.00 Noisy Offering $44.32 Special Giving* $572.55 Total $16,685.15

(Special Giving includes Briarwood, Fee Offset, MMAD Camp, Rentals, and Youth)

Visitors in June

Gene & Gary Asinas—Shreveport

David Janese & Andrew Colaiacomo—Shreveport

Yvonne & Pat Bass—Shreveport

Christian Education & Youth

VBS 2019 God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride

Come and join in the fun at our VBS….

Sunday, July 14 thru Thursday, July 18, 2019 Starting at 5:30 with a light supper and closing at 8:00

There will singing, crafting, gaming, and of course storytelling for everyone to come and enjoy. So, we will see you there. Call the office 797-9402 and let Elizabeth know you are coming, or fill out a registration form and leave it in the Sunday School of-fice…There is a $5.00 charge for the VBS t-shirt. So, invite your friends and family to come join in on the fun….

RALLY DAY LOCK IN starts on Saturday even-ing…….August 10 …….we will have fun activities, crafts, food to eat all in prepara-tions for our Rally Day Church service Sunday morning, August 11….we will be celebrating the end of our summer activities and the blessing of another school year to come. So be on the outlook for more information to come and mark your calen-dars for a lot of fun at the lock in Saturday, August 10…….


Hello! Were any of you able to answer the questions in the June Spirit that were under Evangelism?

The answers are here.

Which gospel states : “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for

you from the foundation of the world; for… I was a stranger and you welcomed me”?

A: Matt.25:34-35.

What gestures should be used when directing people at communion or at other points in service?

A: When directing people at communion or at other points in the service, use hospitable ges-

tures that welcome and invite (for example, a slow sweep of the arm).

What list would involve others if you plan ahead?

A: Involve others! Par t of your role is to help everyone in the congregation par ticipate in a

ministry of hospitality. Plan ahead by making a list of persons in the congregation who you know can

help guide visitors, so that when visitors arrive it will be easy to connect them.

It is my intention that as we ponder these questions and find the answers, it helps each of us be

more aware of our goal as we welcome visitors and congregation members. We want each person to

feel comfortable and at peace as we gather to worship our awesome God give them the desire to re-


Now, can you fill in the blanks in the following paragraphs?

Guide visitors to the worship space and direct them to the _____________ __________, or other

places as needed. Be _________, watching for anyone who seems lost or unsure where to go.

After worship, make an effort ___________________________________. Consider saying some-

thing like “_______________________________” rather than, “Thank you for visiting us today,” as

a way of including them as full participants in worship.

Answers to follow next month.

Shirley Asbrock


How do I feel about stewardship….. hmmm. Well, it took a while for the Lord to get my attention

and make me ponder this question. I am very thankful my Lord is a patient Lord.

As I have read and worshipped on a more regular basis over the years, I feel that I am drawn to give

more of myself to God’s service. There is such a happy mood that follows giving and helping, wheth-

er it’s helping with a chore, cleaning the kitchen at church, giving a donation or tithing. They each

give me a feeling of comfort.

My belief is that everything I have is a blessing from God and it is up to me to take care of it and

share as I can. I ask for guidance with the steps of my life and have faith that I will be directed to

tasks that God would have me perform.

The latest book I’m reading says that if we practice being better disciples, we become better stewards

more easily. With that thought in mind, I am trying to do more to help at church and in my communi-


I am very blessed to have HTLC as a church home and I delight in the friendly church family that

surrounds me. May each of you feel God’s peaceful love and comfort each day.

Faithfully yours,

Shirley Asbrock

The Barbers have moved and

would like to share their new

contact information with the

HTLC family!

Lydia and Ron Barber 19613 Spyglass Hill Dr. Baton Rouge, La. 70809 Lydia cell 318-470-6612 Ron cell 318-218-1159


Summer Sunday Brunch II - July 14th - 9:15 am

Please join us and bring something to share:

A Casserole or other Breakfast Main Dish, Fresh Fruit (Strawberries, Melon, Grapes, etc. or Fruit Salad), Breads (Sweet Rolls, Donuts, , Pastries, Muffins, etc.).

Please bring your items plated and ready to serve.

We hope you will join us. These “Between Services” Brunches are also a great time for both ser-vices to get together and have a time of fellowship.

It’s also a great time to come bring friends to church and show off Holy Trinity at its best - great music, sermon and liturgy plus wonderful Holy Trinity food.

They may like us and come back!

Our Narthex bulletin board items have been temporarily relocated to the bulletin board in the hallway by the Sunday School Office in Fellowship Hall, until we move our Worship Services back to the Sanctuary on Sunday, August 18th.

Look there for Sign Up Sheets and other information that you would usually find in the Narthex.

Social Outreach

Back to School Time for

Stoner Hill & Creswell

Elementary Schools

Many of the students of these schools are underprivileged and their parents can’t afford school sup-plies for them. The teachers often end up buying supplies out of their own pockets.

They need our help!

The Social Outreach Committee is collecting school supplies for these students again this year. If you would like to participate, please take a Supply List from the bulletin board and bring some of the items and put them in the tubs in the Narthex. Sales should be starting soon.

If you prefer to make a donation and let us shop for you, you can put your money or a check (marked School Supplies) in the envelope on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.

Please bring by August 5th, if possible, as school starts on August 12th.


M.M.A.D. Camp 2019 was a success!!

Thanks to Sign Gypsies for our cute signs out front for the last day of camp!

Since October 2018, Jonathan and Kim Fox have been setting up signs all across Shreveport to help

celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and special events. They are the local affiliates for

Sign Gypsies, a company with more than 400 affiliates nationwide.

They can be reached at 318-532-6670 or SignGypsies.com


8895 Youree Drive

Shreveport, LA 71115–2511


Thank You Notes


From a M.M.A.D. camp grandparent:

I just wanted to take the time to thank all of you for sharing your time & talent with

all of the kids this week. It is a blessing being able to watch my granddaughter

grow up. Seeing her so excited to go to M.M.A.D. Camp and so happy when she

gets home tells me that she is having a blast. I am sure she won’t want it to end.

Thank you again for all of your dedication, time, and I am sure patience. It takes

special people to do what y’all have done. Your hard work doesn’t go unrecog-


Thanks again,

Lily’s Nana, Sharlene Warner