what you can expect...

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Transcript of what you can expect...

what you should expect from your business lawyer

Choosing an attorney can be a daunting experience. The first step to finding the right attorney for you is to remember a couple of "nevers."

Never pick a lawyer based on a television ad.  Flashy ads have absolutely no correlation with quality lawyering. 

Never assume bigger is better. There are a number of outstanding attorneys in law firms of all size.

Never assume the most expensive or best known attorney is best for you. Attorney styles vary enormously. The best attorney for you is the attorney who is the most compatible with your personality, your business and your objectives.

Never assume your voice doesn’t count. While you can and should rely on the advice of your attorney, remember, an attorney is merely an agent for you. Implicit in that fact are the same obligations that any agent has to his or her employer—like loyalty, respect, efficiency, competence and truth.

Remember...it’s your business.

You’re in control.

Choose wisely.

We hope this guide can help.

what you should expect from your business lawyer

Your business attorney should add value by creating opportunities and solving company problems with market-driven initiatives.

! 1.! Your attorney should be your eyes and ears to things you should know, and to creative ! ! opportunities you should consider.

! 2.! The attorney should identify all of the ways that s/he can help you.

! 3.! Frequent contact, including on-site visits at no charge, is essential. From the beginning, ! ! your attorney should learn about every aspect of your business - your marketplace, ! ! customers, needs, opportunities, expectations and problems.

! 4.! Your attorney should ask you: "What you are trying to achieve?" "What have you ! ! done?" "What are the developments?" "What are the changes?"

! 5.! Your attorney should then ask you: "What do you see out there in your perspective, ! ! because this is what we are seeing." That should be helpful and worth paying for.

Your attorney should be a goal achiever and a problem solver, not someone who regularly tells you that something "can't be done."

Your attorney should create innovative contracts to help you seize opportunities, make money, and avoid lawsuits.

! 1.! Your attorney should be able to identify your needs and opportunities, and tailor your ! ! contracts accordingly.

! 2.! Boiler plate contracts signify bad lawyering.

Your attorney should provide major assistance with the prevention of employee problems.

! 1.! A critical element in the prevention of employee problems is the creation or updating of ! ! an employee manual.! 2.! Your attorney should explain all applicable laws regarding compensation, discrimination, ! ! harassment, etc.

Your attorney should help you provide structures and systems that ensure against any piercing of the corporate veil.

! 1.! You must be adequately capitalized at all times.

! 2.! Your company must observe all corporate formalities (stock issuance, corporate ! ! minutes, basic contractual agreements)

! 3.! Personal and corporate assets must be strictly separated.

Your attorney should be able to assist you in avoiding pitfalls in commercial borrowing.

! 1.! Commercial loans are not prepayable unless the loan agreement so indicates.

! 2.! Oral credit agreements are not enforceable.

Communication is the key to the relationship between attorneys and their clients. The attorney should always be able to identify every option for addressing an opportunity or problem, and specify the approximate cost and time frame of each option.

Your attorney should relate and work well with your entire staff, your customers, and the other professionals who serve you.

Your attorney must employ fair billing practices.

! 1.! Fully itemized invoices.

! 2.! 1/10 hour billing increments, not 1/4 hour minimum billing increments.!! 3.! Delegation of all uncomplicated matters

! 4.! Minimal attorney conferences.

! 5.! No legal research or discovery without your approval

Your attorney should make you feel that he or she is your Partner in helping your business to accomplish its objectives. 

Remember...itʼs not just business. Itʼs a relationship.