What will happen in the future

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of What will happen in the future

What will happen in the future?

Isabel Cristina Alvarado

In the future all people want major changes to improve the quality of life ...

but to what extent can call life! see


large and important advances, one of many is to continue beyond the discovery of as a space elevator would be to explore life on other planets and connect with the world from aliens. be going to occur within 10 years


It will come many a crisis, but the capitalist system will remain will be those who can accumulate more wealth at the expense of others who will have her in a game often violent ambitions, power, prestige and ultimately exploitation of people and resources.


But will is that all technological inventions, money, power, can avoid environmental damage we are causing and will gradually degrade the life of every being that comes from generation to generation .... no health ... no life ... for more money and innovation that has it can not recover the water, nature, trees, man is unwittingly destroying their lives and caring for others that may not help offset all the problems you have here on earth ... Sera that what will happen in the future be called quality of life.