What was the Blitz? Why did the Blitz start? To shelter! The Blackout The deadly v1 and v2...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Transcript of What was the Blitz? Why did the Blitz start? To shelter! The Blackout The deadly v1 and v2...

What was the Blitz?Why did the Blitz start?To shelter! The Blackout

The deadly v1 and v2

Evacuation Barrage balloons Gas masksGas masks

ARP Wardens


The Blitz

What was the Blitz?

• The Blitz (from German, "lightning") was the sustained strategetic bombing of Britain by Nazi Germany between 7  September 1940 and 10 May 1941, the Second world war.

The first faze lasted 57 days!

Why did the Blitz start?

• Germany bombed Britain by air to try to force them to surrender since they were unable to invade them.

•But one night when they were meant to bomb some factories they accidentally bombed some houses.

To shelter!

• To save them selves from the bombs people hid in bomb shelters. Two were called the Anderson shelter and the Morrison shelter.

The blackout

• At night every one had to turn off their

• lights so the bombers didn’t know where to bomb this was called the Blackout.

The deadly v1 and v2

• V1 was the world’s first self-guided missile.

• A few months later Hitler’s best engineers created the v2 it travelled faster than the speed of sound.


• During the blitz children and some pregnant women were evacuated to get away from the bombs and to live in Britain after the war.

barrage balloon

• A barrage balloon is a large tethered balloon with metal cables, used to defend against low-level aircraft attack by damaging the aircraft on collision with the cables, or at least making the attacker's approach more difficult. Some versions carried small explosive charges that would be pulled up against the aircraft to ensure its destruction .

Gas masks

Everyone in the cities needed gas masks in case of a gas attack though never was one.

Some children were given Mickey mouse gas masks to encourage them to wear gas masks.

A.R.P wardens

• A.R.P warden stands for Air Raid Precautions.

• There job was to get everyone into shelter when there is an Air raid.

By Ben and Sammy