What to do with Young Living’s Essential Oils and...

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Transcript of What to do with Young Living’s Essential Oils and...

What to do with Young Living’s Essential Oils and Supplements

Aroma Life A lady used Aroma Life Blend on her wrist. It lowered her cholesterol. I have used Aroma Life, just a drop or two, on the chest, pulse points on the wrist, and feet

with success in lowering blood pressure. For high blood pressure- Aroma Life is very helpful with marjoram in it. It can be applied

to the chest a few times day, just a drop or two at a time. With each of my four successful pregnancies, the last of which was twins, I would get

terrible spots that would appear to be stretched veins. After several years of this unsightly condition, I tried something I saw in the Essential Oil Desk Reference. I would take a few drops of Cell-lite Magic and add a few drops of Aroma Life once or twice a day. I then experience what I assume was a clot, as there was a bit of a hard lump, and pain in the largest area of the vein. I continued the application and in about three days of pain the pain stopped and the whole thing cleared up.

Oils have done wonders for my mother easing the last two years of her life, the only time she was actually sick. Aroma life took care of her bedsores in THREE days - she never had them again

Aroma Siez My husband used Aroma Siez in his bunion and saw a noticeable improvement in about

three days. My jaw was so tight from TMJ. I applied Aroma Seiz all along the jaw line and the next

day I had forgotten it even hurt.

Australian Blue Bug repellant-put 2-3 drops of Australian Blue on neck and behind the ears, and on bare

skin. It may be a good idea to suggest taking Australian Blue internally as it combats fungus

from the inside. Australian Blue is excellent for scar tissue. After back surgery, a year ago, I found out

from my Dr I had some scar tissue in there at my incision and he told me "scar tissue" can be painful. I read in the EDOR about Australian Blue, bought a bottle, and it really does help. I read it will dissolve by using this oil persistently.....I love this oil.

Basil I mentioned a while ago about a foot issue that I am having. I want to share that I have

started using Basil and on the 1st application, the pain stopped within seconds. It was also interesting that when I massaged my foot that time, I could feel stress and pain in my whole foot and ankle that I had not been able to feel before. I have never worked with Basil before and am most intrigued by it's affect on nerve pain. It lasts a few hours before I have to apply more and it seems to be very relaxing to the whole area.

I find that applying basil essential oil to areas that I bruise (e.g., if I bump into a chair in the night) prevents a bruise from actually forming. I also add some wintergreen, just for good measure.

Four years ago I used BASIL ONCE and got rid of a problem with what I would call a tense muscle situation across my shoulders that had bothered me daily for a long time.

We were told that Basil would be a good fly deterrent and that we should put some on a terra cotta diffuser and hang it in the barn. We did, and noticed a difference almost immediately.

Believe For teething aches and pains...we used to grab for the Tylenol...and let me tell you...we

found out QUICK that Believe oil (or Balsam) down the spine works JUST as well...and FASTER!!

Our college aged daughter just told us today that she uses Believe for colds and has even used it with a young girl who has asthma. It has consistently "chased them away" in short order. :-)

I love Believe best for ear pain...it has balsam, frankincense and rosewood...all GREAT oils for ears!

Brain Power Gary Young once told me that for Alzheimer’s, it might be very helpful to diffuse the Young

Living blend, Brain Power, in the room, and rub it on the sides of the neck, and the back of the head, in the brain stem area

Here's something I found relating to right-left brain connection: If you take a drop of Brain Power Oil on your pinky, place it on the tip of your tongue and then place the tip of the tongue up against the roof of the mouth it will help to balance right & left brain.

Cassia I use it in by beverages if I want a cinnamon taste, such as in teas, water, and if I cheat

and have coffee, it’s very yummy in an iced Latte with vanilla also. I’ve added it also to softened cream cheese as a fruit dip.

Cedarwood Cedarwood is my FAVORITE sleep oil! I put a drop on a tissue and sleep with it next to my

nose! It is HEAVEN! Western Red Cedar is great for adding to woodchips or placing in closets or dressers to

repel insects. It will keep moths away. For mold allergies, my friend diffuses Cedarwood and says it has been the greatest help

to her. Cedarwood induces deep sleep. I used it after 2 surgeries, and slept longer than I should

have...weaned myself off of pain meds using Cedarwood! I have a friend who has eczema and she used Cedarwood and it did wonders overnight

she was amazed cedarwood is wonderful for keeping the oiliness down. Tennis Elbow-I used Cedarwood throughout the day from the elbow to the wrist for this

problem/pain! It worked for me.....this is what got me into YL oils in the beginning. The first application 5-7 drops took about 1/2 the pain away. The 2nd application the pain went away (I had it in both arms as I'd been cutting down burdock in the pasture for days!). I used the arm bands for tennis elbow and continued with the Cedarwood for a couple of months as I did not want it to return.

Cinnamon Bark Cinnamon Bark essential oil is highly effective for plantar warts. For diabetics-Add Cinnamon Bark oil to something you drink in the morning! I still put it in

my 16 oz. mug of (now organic) coffee (I like things hot and 4 drops is great for me, but) I

started out with only two drops. My numbers were always in the 170's or 180's. I was pleased when I got a 150!!!! After using the cinnamon oil, I am now down in the 130', 140's and several readings going down to the 110's!!!! My doctor thinks I am very diligent----the only diligence is using the cinnamon every day!

Cinnamon oil is a POTENT Insulin and Sugar Balancer, and I know of one testimonial of a man who just Recently got diabetes and used tons (3 drops 3 times or more a day) of cinnamon oil on bottom of feet every day for less then 4 months and no more diabetes, though he was apparently new to diabetes, but still, talk about Pancreas heaven!!!! GO Cinnamon Oil!

Citrus Fresh Smells so good! I put 5-10 drops in a spritz bottle to spray around and freshen the

house. It uplifts my mood. I diffuse it too and it makes the house smell nice. Put a drop in your water for flavor and to purify it. I used citrus fresh for ridges in my fingernails. I applied the oil two times a day. In less

than a month I have the smoothest fingernails. I love using Citrus Fresh in Perrier® water and on popcorn! I melt the butter (or coconut oil-

the end result tastes the same) and add 1-2 drops of Citrus Fresh to it and pour it over my popcorn.

I have corns on the bottoms of both of my feet that hurt me so badly I have walked on the sides of my feet for a long time. It appears to me that after putting Citrus Fresh (tried other oils mentioned, this is the one that works for me). These painful corns are just melting away. YIPEEE!!!! They aren't gone completely but shrink everyday. I put a drop of Citrus Fresh on each one morning and night (or whenever I think of it). After about three weeks of this I can stand flat footed again. One shouldn't give up. I figure the corn didn't just appear overnight and it is not going to go away that quickly either.

Clarity Dryness caused by sleep apnea machine--In response to sleep apnea- Clarity essential oil

in the mask has helped a few people we know get over the sleep apnea & not have to even use the mask. It's certainly worth a try. You could also apply it before going to bed to the temples & feet.

When I start seeing zigzag lines, flashing lights, and a blind spot, I can be sure a dreadful migraine will soon follow. However, if I immediately rub a few drops of Clarity™ on my temples, my forehead, and the back of my neck, the headache never seems to manifest. It's amazing!"

I used Clarity when I was in school and it truly works. My grandson (13) when studying and he gets to a tough section comes to me and says, “Grandma, may I use some of your oils?” I'll place a drop in his hands to rub together for inhaling. One time he inhaled and I heard him say, “WOW! I GOT IT! This is so simple.” He has been a believer every since.

I find Clarity almost instantly clears the mind.

CLARY SAGE I use a little Clary Sage at night under my nose to help me get REM sleep, dream, etc. It

is very hormone balancing. Childbirth- I was only 1.5cm dilated, the Dr. wanted to give me pitocin and I refused

instead took 6 drops of clary sage and went from 1.5cm to 10 cm in 1 hour. My Dr. was in shock.

I use Clary Sage once there is a good labor pattern. I use it on the cervix reflexology points and a few drops under the tongue. I wouldn't use them in a cap...the oils absorb much quicker (for this!) sublingually.

Clove Put on new forming zits and follow up with Lavender. Will make them go away! Great for periodontal disease. Put drop in water and swish around your mouth, or brush

on directly. Zings a bit, but is great for teeth and gums! Apply a little bit 2+ times a day, directly on cold sores- use a toothpick if you need

something tiny. Clears them up so much faster! Diffuse a bottle in a room to get rid of mold. But only in a room you won’t be in until it

clears out! Apply neat to toenail fungus to kill it. But be consistent and use it for a bit even once you

think it is gone, just to be sure it is all gone. A drop of clove in the mouth, a few times a day apparently helps with smoking cessation. When my husband feels a cold sore coming on, he has me rub a little clove on the spot.

(He says it doesn’t burn, but I think it would!) 2 or 3 applications and they never seem to really develop.

I pulled something in my right leg (sprained ankle side) that went from the groin down the inner leg to below the knee. Immediately I applied Clove oil, and the pain went away.

Good for sterilizing anything- use in place of alcohol. I have used clove in the past and it saved me from getting a root canal. It took 2 weeks

with applications 3 times a day but it worked and not a pain since. Taken in a capsule, can regulate insulin for diabetics Put on cuts to sterilize and to numb it. I was able to get off coumadin, a blood thinner, by putting 1 or 2 drops Oil of Cloves in

my orange juice every day. My doctor assisted me with a lot of pro-time tests proving that Cloves was doing the job.

Coriander To balance sugar-The spleen is involved with the immune system. It also determines if the

body will be able to metabolize a particular food, emotion, thought, energy or other external influences. The spleen and the pancreas (which makes insulin) are both involved in with food metabolism, blood sugar levels and the mood swings associated with them. Both organs and their shared meridian influence your general energy levels. Tracing your meridians is one if the easiest and most effective ways you can correct the mismatch between your genetic programming and the demands of your environment. Using Coriander on your finger will trace what is called The Triple Warmer (Pancreas/Spleen Meridian). Use an open palm, facing the body, directly touching it: Start at your ring finger (outside), trace straight up the arm, over the shoulder, to the ear lobe, circle around the ear and end at your temple. This meridian is most active between the hours of 9 PM - 11 PM - so try it then.

Cypress My mother has peripheral arterial disease, resulting in severe blockage of lower extremity

veins. She had bypass surgery several years ago, but the swelling in her feet and legs continued. I sent her a bottle of cypress oil with instructions to mix several drops in V6 massage oil and apply to legs and feet. She used it before bedtime the day she received it and when she awoke the next morning, the swelling was almost gone.

My husband snores and nothing else worked for him. I put Cypress on his throat gland area. I did this as I recently heard on a tape to put it over swollen glands when you are sick.

His gland weren't swollen (that I knew of) but I tried it for the snoring, and it worked wonderfully! He slept so quietly that I had to wonder if he was still alive! (just kidding)

My husband has been an asthmatic for 18 yrs. So bad that he has stopped breathing twice. Since introduced to the oils, he uses RC and Cypress twice daily on the lung areas of his feet and he now hasn't used his nebulizer now for almost a year. The RC opens up the lungs and the Cypress will pull out any fluid that is irritating

I had heard somewhere that using Cypress on the neck over the throat before bed helped and two people that I suggested this to said it worked the first time.

I keep oils on hand for my midwife's patients. One of the biggest sellers of oils is for varicose veins. We buy a bottle of Cel-Lite Magic and a 15 ml bottle of Cypress. We pour as much Cypress into the bottle of Cel-Lite magic as it will hold. Then morning and night we apply it everywhere it is needed. I've had women have relief the first night, and if the varicosities are severe, some women have relief on day three.

Dill When my husband tests high for sugar in the evening he puts 1 drop of dill and 1 drop of

coriander under his tongue and it always brings his sugar down. He actually has to be aware, because sometimes it takes it too low and he has to have some fruit or juice.

DiGize Amazing for indigestion. Rub on tummy and it works better than anything the doc gives

you. I get really painful gas pains and putting 1-3 drops on my palm and rubbing my belly-

mostly above and around the belly button, makes it go away in 15 minutes or less. Rub on throat, chest and/or tummy for heartburn. Rub a few drops on abdomen for diarrhea or constipation- helps with either one, even on

kids. For my hernia, I was taking the little purple pill daily. so I replaced it with water and a drop

of Di-tone. It got rid of all my symptoms. When I do the Master Cleanse, it calms the cramps on the 2nd or 3rd day like nothing

else. Just a drop or two on my belly and the cramps are GONE!! Works the same for me for the rare cases of heartburn or indigestion I might experience.

For morning sickness, I rub Di-Tone around the ears. (ear rim and mastoid bone) Apply 1-2 drops DiGize on the bottoms of the feet for colon support. A friend of mine had H Pylori and she got immediate results with Di-Gize (formerly Di-

Tone) taken internally in water. She used about 5 drops 4x a day. She may have also rubbed it around her navel area.

Dragon Time Rub on belly for menstrual cramps. Helps with hormones/moods- helps to regulate. One lady put a few drops of Dragon Time in the Bath & Shower Gel to make a face wash

for her son. After a few weeks it had really cleared up his acne.

Dream Catcher Dream Catcher really helped me sleep better - even though I do not have any trouble with

dreams or nightmares. It allows me to get sleep deeply and feel more refreshed in the morning.

Egyption Gold

I have been using the Egyptian Gold since it became available just like I would Immupower. If anyone in my family is even the slightest run down, a few drops down their spine takes care of it. We do the same every time we get on an airplane and did a lot of traveling over the holidays with no on getting sick. It really seems to support the immune system and build resistance. For us, the smell is delicious and for my son, he much prefers the Egyption Gold aroma to that of the Immupower (which would often be a battle to get him to use). It would be the first oil I'd reach for if any of us needed an antibiotic-like course of treatment. I also use it just because it smells so yummy.

Today I woke up with a scratchy, sore throat. I had been fighting a post-nasal drip for the past few days, and was taking extra vitamin c, which was helping, but not with the sore throat. On an impulse, I picked up Egyptian Gold and put three drops under my tongue (NOT tasty) and within five minutes my throat felt MUCH better. Within a half hour, all the icky scratchiness was gone.

Here's my EG story. My sister-in-law who suffers from severe depression came to my house one day and did not have her medication. I filled a capsule with EG and she said she had the best day she has ever had!

Elemi Called “poor man’s Frankincense” it can be used for the same things as Frankincense. Good on cuts and skin problems. Used it to get rid of some skin cancery patches by applying 2 times a day for a few

weeks. My Mother in Law had Shingles--I used Elemi on her right arm that was directly affected.

After using it once, she was finally able to go through the day without any problems. In the past she has had breakouts every couple of years. I gave her a second massage and used the Elemi on that arm again and she has not had a breakout since. This has been a year ago so with time we will see exactly how much it has helped.

Elemi is also good for old scar tissue. A friend used it and an old injury to a tendon that occasionally caused him pain and was always "tight". After a few applications it was "normal".

A cousin of mine had paralysis on one side of the face, I was advised that Elemi is a good oil to use, rubbed directly on your face. It was a couple of months for him to regain sensation.

I use Elemi with great success on small red facial veins.

Endoflex Put Endoflex on the thyroid and the thymus gland, then tap the thymus to stimulate it. I have very severe PMS.... I have severe mood swings to the point of feeling suicidal at

times, feel completely out of control, start raging and making no sense (completely irrational), etc. I know that I'm PMSing, but I can't do anything about it. On one night of my PMS week, I was raging, crying, feeling like I was coming out of my skin, feeling out of control, etc. So I got out my EODR and looked up PMS. It said, "Put a drop of Endoflex on your tongue and hold your tongue to the roof of your mouth." Willing to try anything, I did it. It was like putting hair spray in my mouth, but within 4-5 minutes, I was normal again...my mood had stabilized and all of my symptoms were gone! I have had to put the Endoflex on my tongue on several occasions since then...though it doesn't taste good, it doesn't have the same "oooh Yuk!" taste that it originally had and it works every time. I also put the endoflex on my abdomen on the week before and during my period and don't have anywhere near the problems I've had in the past!

I use Endoflex every day for hypothyroidism. I rub it in the indented area in the center, lower front of my neck and I often rub it on my feet.

I used EndoFlex to help with what I thought was hot flashes. As soon as I felt one coming on, I covered the top of the bottle with my thumb to just get "some" oil and touched the roof of my mouth. You don't need much, because it's not the best tasting stuff. It really helped.

Energee if any of you have followed me, I have bad varicose veins and I am trying Energee, I think

its working, better than I think! When I started using Energee the pain in the veins went away and the bubbles are starting to fade.

Eucalyptus Radiata Keeps ticks off. A drop on them usually makes them pull out, if they do get on you. I used the Young Living Essential Eucalyptus Oil for my allergies by inhaling for only 3

days. The results were remarkable: not only did it stop my allergy problem, my sense of smell has returned after 32 years.

Eucalyptus Globulus I have been putting Eucalyptus globules in my nose. I just put a drop in my hand and dip my

pinkie in it and get it as far as I can up my nose. I used to follow it with a little V-6 oil, but don't seem to need it now. It clears up allergies so I can sleep.

Last night, my 18 month old started coughing a lot which was disrupting sleep. I got up and put RC and Eucalyptus on her chest and never heard another peep!

I put 5-10 drops of peppermint and/or eucalyptus essential oil on a single sheet of toilet paper and then vacuum the sheet up. It emits a nice uplifting scent while I'm vacuuming

Eucalyptus globulus kills bed bugs!

Exodus II Seven years ago I was diagnosed with a Thyroid Nodule (and a biopsy -- not cancerous but

a surgeon still wanted to remove it). GARY YOUNG personally told me to use EXODUS II Oil on it and it virtually disappeared within a year or so (now can feel the slightest trace of it).

Fennel Put a few drops in water and drink to increase milk production in lactating mothers. Fennel in a capsule, ten drops as much as four times a day will bring up the milk

supply... ONE cap makes me drench the sheets in my sleep with milk! We also use it directly under the tongue after delivery...it helps mom like Pitocin

would...helping the uterus clamp down etc. Menstrual cramps-I know someone who tried using a couple drops of Fennel in every

glass of water she drank. The next cycle was much better than it had ever been for her. She didn't have cramps and only minor discomfort. She also avoided the monthly headache. She was very impressed with Fennell.

Fennel stimulates kidney function. For sensitive teeth- I use FENNEL with great results -- stops bleeding gums, cuts down

on decay and takes away any pain or discomfort from sensitive teeth. I put it on neet (straight) on gums on sensitive teeth area before retiring.

Frankincense For depression- I use it everyday, several times a day, inhale, put on feet, on nape of

neck, on your temples. It's impossible to stress strongly enough how valuable it is! What worked really well was wearing a necklace vial so I could keep Frankincense in it and wear it next to my body night and day except during showers. The oil continuously absorbs into my body.

I have a friend with a fibroid and she applies Frankincense daily and it has shrunk. Her doctor sees no need of a hysterectomy

I had a Black Unwanted Spot... I used Frankincense neet (straight) on the thing. It took several months, but there is no sign of it left and there have been no others.

For Depression, I diffused frankincense, used the clay necklace with it, used it on my feet twice a day, and inhaled it deeply two-three times a day. I found it just as effective as Prozac when combined with the St. John's Wort. I had to use 6 tablets of St. John's Wort as well daily.

I was diagnosed with micro calcifications in my breasts in 2003. I purchased Frankincense in October of 2003 and applied it daily on my breast. In May of 2004 they were not able to locate any calcifications on my breast on the mammogram. Since then I have been using Frankincense faithfully.

My friend's doctor told her last year, after having diagnosed her with many fibroid cysts told her to come back in 6 months for a re-evaluation. I convinced her to use the frankincense and lavender oils daily, at least 2x day, which she did for at least 4 months. After 6 months, she returned to the doctor to have another scan done, and was thrilled to find that ALL the cysts were gone!!

My husband had a very large mole like spot on the top of his head. It was growing and becoming more pronounced. I used Frankincense on the spot for about 10 days. The mole changed color, had raised edges and then it just fell off. There is no sign of any mole ever existing on that spot.....skin is just like a baby's skin.

My husband had fungus under one of his big toenails for 25 years. I gave him a bottle of Frankincense oil, and he puts a drop at the base of his toenail every morning and evening. The toenail has grown out healthy from the root, and the infected part is almost gone now.

I have only had experience with applying frankincense to a tumor (on a horse’s neck) – the tumor dissolved completely within ten days, and there has been no recurrence.

My 3 year old gets red scaly skin on the insides of his elbows. I rub a drop of Frankincense on them and it clears it up in about 3-5 days (if I let it get bad before doing something about it!)

Research on the Medline website lists Frankincense reduces the hormone cortisol (The death Hormone) by 40% just by inhaling it

For allergy sufferers, frankincense diluted and applied around the eyes can help with itchy eyes

I used frankincense to remove a mole. I was careful not to get in on surrounding sensitive skin areas. It took a while, but dried up and came off layer by layer.

I use it to enhance my clarity of thought and uplift my mood (I rub it on the arteries in my neck, on the back of my neck, and I hold my hands up to my nose and just s-m-e-l-l....).

I use it to relieve discomfort (put it where it hurts - it's really amazing for discomfort that starts in the hip and radiates down the leg - no other oil works as well for this)... It's also a great support for the immune system

Chronic sinus infection-to snort up your nose Frankincense... talk about a nose cleaner, but hurts for about 60 seconds then gone, I take equivalent of 1 drop

Frankincense is a natural sedative and it is good to rub on the crown of the head and forehead before sleep.

I experienced sciatica because of an injury falling off my horse, and frankincense was the oil that finally worked the best, consistently. I applied it at the area of concern, every day until it went away.

I know that Frankincense is always one of the best to rebuild the lungs. Especially good in retention enemas.

I had a friend who used Frankincense to help eliminate fibroids with great success. She put 2-3 drops in her hand and wiped it on the area morning and night. In about a month's time the fibroids that were giving her great pain were greatly reduced and the pain was almost gone. Frankincense is also good at healing scar tissue which very well could be some of her problem too, what with all the surgeries.

Gathering "Gathering" keeps me REALLY focused. It feels as if this oil literally 'grabs' my head with

its invisible hands and make me look in one direction. I use it on my forehead if I have to think hard, and on my ears if I have to listen hard. In one of the tapes

Gary Young talks about Gathering. The blend was specifically designed for focusing, but it helps migraines because it balances the brain's right hemisphere with the left hemisphere. If you are strong on the left brain (being mathematical, logical), then you rub it on the left temple clockwise three times and then come across to the right side of the temple and rub it three times. What this does energy-wise is to help integrate the left brain with the right brain.

Gentle Baby It clears up diaper rash faster than anything else. But it will BURN if not diluted. A 10:1

dilution works fine. I rubbed it neat on my tummy after my second baby was born by C-section. I put it on the

bottom of me feet too. It really helped! I rub it neat on the kid’s eczema spots. Diluted I used it on cradle cap (wow!). I dilute it (4:1) and massage the baby all over if she’s extra fussy or cross or not feeling

well. After I had my daughter by C-Section, my legs swelled up with Edema. They were so

swollen for several days and my OB said eventually it would go away. It didn’t after several days, and I was tired of having no shin bones. GB was the only oil I had, so I rubbed GB on my legs and they were back to normal within 24 hours.

When I had severe menstrual cramps, I rubbed Gentle Baby over the uterine area, and in about 20 minutes, the cramps had subsided to very mild.

Rub on pregnant tummy daily to prevent stretch marks. I love it and use it mainly in conjunction with Valor for my going to bed and getting a good

night sleep ritual. I put Gentle Baby on my shoulders, neck and chest and sometimes (esp. when I'm traveling) I'll take a few drops in my hands and brush them over my pillow. The smell is heavenly.

I have also used it for headaches or neck-aches, just a few drops on whichever area is ailing you, and often within minutes, there is relief.

There have also been times I've used it like you'd use Di-tone, just over your belly for any stomach problems.

My sister has used it to help her kids either settle down at the end of the day or help pull them out of a meltdown. Sometimes, just a few drops on your hands and then just holding the child or gently touching their heads or feet also has an effect (of course, with the parents' permission).

It's also what I diffuse at night in our bedroom, along the lines of the whole winding down at the end of the day ritual.

My daughter had to have her cervix sewed shut so she could carry her second baby. She was having constant contraction all the time. To stop them and to ease the pain she would apply Lavender and Gentle Baby to the lower abdomen and lower back and crawl into a tub of hot water. This would stop the contractions altogether. She had to do this for 8 1/2 months before the baby was born. She had the same problem with the first baby but she didn't have her cervix sewed shut then. It was the use of Lavender and Gentle Baby that kept her from having the baby too prematurely. This baby was born at 8 months.

Geranium Geranium on the palm sides of your fingers. Use it as often as needed. Great for sinus

stuff and allergies. Helps with Shingles For pain relief Use in pool instead of chlorine I have camped in the New Jersey Pine Barrens and had great success with Geranium to

repel ticks and chiggers. I literally doused myself twice a day in the oil. Melaleuca and geranium killed MRSA (Antibiotic resistant staph) in BBC research study Geranium and Helichrysum stopped my PLACENTA SITE from bleeding after a placental

abruption of over 1/3 of my placenta... and saved my life as well as the life of my unborn child.

My husband injured his nose on Sunday, causing it to bleed like crazy. Two drops each of geranium and helichrysum along the bridge of his nose stopped the bleeding almost instantly.

Ginger Dr. Carolyn DeMarco recommends powdered ginger in capsules for morning sickness for

pregnant women who are sensitive to smells.

Goldenrod For men with erectile issues: Topical use does not work. A capsule with 3 drops works

well for most. 5 drops may work perhaps a bit too well, causing an erection bordering on discomfort. Start with a single drop and work up from there, rather than filling up a capsule and backing off from that.

Grapefruit Grapefruit EO in a 200 parts per million concentration inhibits skin cancer by 80.50 % For ear pain- I would take a tiny amount (part of a drop) of grapefruit oil and rub it around

the OUTSIDE of the ear, all the way around. This is absolutely the best solution for this problem I have seen, and the relief is usually immediate.

Grapefruit digests fat deposits in the liver. It works with Frankincense on fatty tumors. However, if using it triple your water intake or the fatty tumors will move to a new location. It works as an air purifier for air bacteria. Gary Young

Harmony When I quit smoking, I could not be without Harmony oil. I found there was something

about Harmony I truly needed during the quitting phase. I slathered myself in it, kept some in my purse, and whenever I had a craving, I would either put some in my hands and inhale it or put some on myself... I found it stopped the cravings very effectively and was

the oil I relied on the most. Harmony worked the best in fighting the intense nicotine cravings.

I find it to be amazing for my mood balancing! A few drops on my palm each day! I have a bottle of Harmony that I leave uncapped at my desk. An allergy sufferer walked

past my cube then double-backed and asked what I had that smelled so good. She said her allergies had her all blocked up and the only time they unblock is when she walks past my cube.

Recently my 5 year old had a very bad lingering cough and had a coughing fit that lasted nearly two hours. I tried everything I could think of then remembered someone saying how Harmony helped allergy attacks. So I put just a dab on her chest since I'd already used so many other oils and a little bit of Peace and Calming on her feet, and she finally calmed down and fell asleep.

Husband is allergic to cats, what works is an application of Harmony right over the thymus, and then tap, tap, tap with the fingers until symptoms subside.

For irritation or allergic reaction to any oil or blend: rub a few drops of Harmony over the thymus gland (at the base of the neck) with one hand and hold the other hand over the navel for about one minute.

I had itchy skin on my abdomen and back and had not been able to discover the source. I tried several remedies before I remembered a seminar I had attended in San Diego where Gary Young used Harmony on people from the audience for allergies. I rubbed the Harmony on the general problem areas and within five minutes I was no longer itchy. And the effect lasts! Now if I even start to itch, I just grab the Harmony and the itch is gone."

A couple of our children have had hay fever / allergies really bad - Harmony had made a huge difference. We have noticed that it also helps other types of allergic reactions - I can now wear any kind of jewelry in my ears - before using Harmony my ears would get red, hot, itchy and very painful.

I use Harmony every day as a "perfume" to balance myself at work. I work in a fast paced environment and always have to be on my toes. I notice a huge difference on the rare occasion I might forget it or use another oil. It is wonderful for giving you a feeling of confidence.

I know someone who uses Harmony oil to relieve itchy allergy eyes. Just breathing in Harmony instantly relieves the itch.

For lack of libido, we use a drop on our shoulders, chest and on location (for a bit of a warming effect).

Helichrysm I have a friend who uses Helichrysm for varicose veins and reports it really helps with pain

and healing, Geranium and Helichrysum stopped my PLACENTA SITE from bleeding after a placental

abruption of over 1/3 of my placenta... and saved my life as well as the life of my unborn child.

My husband injured his nose on Sunday, causing it to bleed like crazy. Two drops each of geranium and helichrysum along the bridge of his nose stopped the bleeding almost instantly.

Hyssop Hyssop oil is GREAT for lung issues...we do about three drops in a capsule, and fill it with

olive oil and stick it in the rectum...and go to bed Hyssop in a 200 parts per million concentration inhibits skin cancer by 75.90 %Hyssop

when applied to the big toe on the right foot will help break addictions

Idaho Balsam Fir For Depression- two drops of Idaho Balsam Fir on the bottom of each foot each evening.

Must be consistent! Idaho Balsam Fir is good for sore achy muscles. All Forms of Arthritis and its painful symptoms can be alleviated by the following formula: 5

drops Idaho Balsam Fir, 3 drops Vetiver, 1 drop Oregano I was prescribed Codeine after my thyroid surgery a few years ago. I took it and was SO

sick! (Can you imagine vomiting after thyroid surgery...NO FUN!!) I stopped the drugs and started taking BALSAM oil internally (about 15 drops in a capsule every three hours or so). I was able to manage the pain and recover without anything more than a few Tylenol.

I had a bone spur in my hand, at the base of my thumb. I was at convention and Gary Young was touting the wonders of Idaho Balsam, so I bought some and got good pain relief but continued long past getting home, maybe three weeks and then suddenly realized that I was no longer applying the oil to the spur - it just wasn't there! So try that if RC isn't working and if Idaho Balsam doesn't work try something else, but it won't be overnight!

I am using it on my teething baby...a few drops down the spine, and drops around her ears and neck when she needs it.

We have a used it for EAR INFECTION pain! (My kids do not tolerate Grapefruit OR Lavender around their ears...both oils seem to burn them...while Balsam is FINE!) So...basically I am saying... for ANY pain...we reach for Balsam oil

I used Idaho Balsam fir oil for an umbilical hernia...and mine was protruding about an inch. AND, BTW, it was during pregnancy. After two applications, it just slipped back in...painful, but WAY less than surgery! Also, my niece has a 18 month old with an umbilical hernia...and she is using Balsam with GREAT success...it has taken a few weeks of applying it a few times a day...but it is about HALF of what it WAS.

It was Idaho Balsam Fir that Gary used on his sunburn. I had wonderful success using Idaho Balsam Fir with deep tissue massage on a

nondescript shoulder pain that limited motion and was long term. One of my customers told me she has applied Idaho Balsam Fir on her husband just under

his nose. Seemed to clear up the snoring issue. For stress, you can rub the oil anywhere on your body, but mostly we do on the bottom of

the feet. My husband uses IBF all the time and I mostly put it on his feet or on sore muscles. We can tell a big difference in his depression problems when we use it regularly.

I had an umbilical hernia. I applied Idaho Balsam Oil three to four times a day. The muscle relaxed and I was able to (painfully) push the hernia back through the stomach muscle. I had a child with a groin hernia - same story, but it went back in on its own. My niece has a daughter that had an umbilical hernia - same usage and hernia corrected itself. It took Abel five weeks, me two weeks and my niece's daughter about a month.

One of my clients used Idaho Balsam Fir quite successfully on Poison Ivy

Idaho Tansy A few years ago I read something about Idaho Tansy that made me believe it would help

my itchy eyes. I had terrible allergies then. I put 1 drop of Idaho Tansy in 20 drops of V-6. Then I put my finger on the bottle and tipped it up (you don’t get a full drop this way) then I rubbed my finger over my eyelid. For a moment I thought I'd made a huge mistake as the tingling increased. But before I could get to the V-6 bottle, the tingling changed to warmth. The itching went away and this would last for 4 -6 hours.

Idaho Tansy is an excellent oil to purge the liver.

Joy When the kids get extra crabby, I rub it neat on feet or ears. It can be a strong smell. Some people (like me) have to work up to it, so it may not be a

good one to start with on first timers. Wear it as perfume. Rub on heart, temples for lift in mood Should help with depression- I use on tip of nose, mastoid [bone behind ears], outer

ridges of ears, hollow of neck and brain stem. Sometimes I put it over my heart, depending on the emotions of the day.

For depression-. I started using Joy over my heart twice a day. Took 2 weeks to notice a change.

JuvaCleanse For vaccinated children- use JuvaCleanse oil (ONE DROP AT A TIME for infants, IMO!!!)

over his liver a few times a day, to help his body cleanse the poison. JuvaFlex for cleansing the liver, improving digestion and removing toxins. For those who want to chelate heavy metals, use 22 drops of JuvaCleanse in a capsule.

(1-3 times a day for 3 months)

Lavender I have excellent results with allergies having people take 6 drops Peppermint and 4 drops

Lavender and put it in a capsule and swallow it. My husband used to have 40 years of this type of allergies and he is now free from them.

I rub a drop or two on my scar and it’s pretty soft. When my sinuses are stuffy in the middle of the night I rub a drop or 2 on my temples and

cheekbones and it helps clear it up. I like to put it (5 drops) of lavender in the YL bath gel and give the kids their bath in it. I put it on my 2-year-old’s scars on his head and they are going away. Amazing on burns! I put it on neat, as soon as I can after a burn and whenever I

remember to do it again. It stops the blistering and pain. It might still hurt, but you know when you take a shower and hot water really hurts? Well, that doesn’t happen if you put Lavender on it!

I’ve put it on the roof of my mouth when I’ve burnt it and it helped a lot. Healed it faster too. 3 drops in a capsule taken orally should help with allergies; 3 drops Lavender and 3 drops

Roman Chamomile is a natural antihistamine. My favorite way to enjoy Lavender is in the evening in a cup of hot water with some agave

stirred in! It's a wonderful prelude to a good nights sleep. One of the most intriguing things I've heard of on this chat line several years ago, someone

put a single drop of Lavender in a white cake batter before baking. Reportedly, everyone goes crazy over the cake.

A friend of mine said every time he feels a cold sore coming on he pulls out the lavender and applies it anytime he is aware of a little itching, pain, or whatever. Sometimes several times an hour at first. It almost always keeps it from erupting for him.

For Vertigo-I increased my water intake and have a bottle of lavender with me at all times. It will stop the spinning almost instantly. I also apply Lavender to my scalp after I wash my hair. I have not had an episode since I started doing this.

It can help you relax. Inhale for panic attacks. Rubbing on belly may stop pre-term labor- While waiting for the rescue people to arrive to

take her to the hospital (she thought she was losing her baby), my friend prayed and felt compelled to rub lavender all over her belly, and the early labor stopped immediately. She

was on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy, and every time she got up, the contractions returned. She'd rub on lavender, and they'd stop. Finally, on her due date, she put the lavender away, and had a healthy baby boy a short time later.

Lavender, rubbed around the bones surrounding the eye socket and down the bridge of the nose, will take care of most irritations of the eye.

In regards to clogged tear ducts, the lavender works wonders. My youngest son was cleared of it within a few days. My oldest son had them until he was 18 months old (pre-oil time) Rub the lavender, around the bone surrounding the eye as well as down the bridge of the nose.

Lavender rubbed around my eyes and put on my temples puts me to sleep quickly and I have deep comfortable sleep.

I am a runner and it seems my monthly visitor calls right before a marathon! Four or five drops of straight lavender over the lower abdomen stops cramps before they even start and the effects last for a couple hours(at least in my case) which is especially crucial when racing. Having done 8 ibuprofen pills per period in my teens, I am so grateful to have this oil now which actually soothes body and emotions instead of just dulling pain and poisoning my liver.

My husband's painful muscle cramps (from overworking in yard) go away immediately with rubbing a small amount of Lavender on the area. This works without fail EVERY time.

My husband has severe pollen allergies. According to the allergist, he's in the top 2% in severity. He has excellent luck using Lavender. He uses it around his eyes (just on the bone- around the eye socket) and also puts some under his nose. In almost all cases, it either stops the allergy attack all together or significantly reduces his symptoms.

A friend has a mother who has restless leg syndrome. I sent her lavender and peppermint oils to apply to her leg. She reports that the symptoms are gone and that the lavender helps her sleep better as well.

My son Daniel gets welts from mosquito bites. I put Lavender oil on the bites. By the next morning the bites on his hand, were hardly noticeable. The swelling had gone done, and the bites had almost disappeared.

I have had a lot of success putting six-eight drops of lavender in a capsule and taking it internally for allergies. My son has suffered for years with very bad allergies mainly affecting his eyes. Since we started to use the lavender, he hasn't used ANY allergy medicine - where as before it was a daily necessity, and it didn't always clear it up! Every year we have had to use steroid eye drops for his eyes because the doctor said that the swelling could scar the eye (it was the iris that was inflamed)...now we just use lavender and that's it!!

I used to wake up in the morning with a blocked nose, sore and watery eyes - pretty much the symptoms of hay fever. At the time I was taking tablets for it, but it would only offer temporary relief. I gave the Lavender Oil a go and applied it to my nose and areas on my chest before I went to bed. After two weeks the symptoms disappeared!!

For a short term, quick fix on my teenaged son, I just put Lavender on the back of his neck as per EODR. It works like a charm in about 15-20 minutes. We do this if he needs to go out in public or to work without the runny nose.

Taking lavender in a capsule has rid many of their allergies. If you don't want to take it internally then you must RELIGIOUSLY apply the lavender oil twice daily on the temples, behind the ears (mastoids) back of neck & feet. Using it one day on one day off will not do it.

A friend of mine had lumps in her breasts and she used Lavender every night before bed and the lumps disappeared.

For high blood pressure, I remember reading about a visiting nurse to the reservations who used Lavender with great success on the Vita Flex point: Left Hand, about an inch below the ring finger. One lady she frequently visited who suffered from high blood pressure found that a single drop of Lavender lowered her blood pressure several points within several minutes after application as stated.

Chronic sinus infection-to snort up your nose Lavendar... talk about a nose cleaner, but hurts for about 60 seconds then gone, I take equivalent of 1 drop

When I found out I had Carpel Tunnel, I rubbed lavender oil all around my wrists, and gently stretched my wrists by pulling on them, using the other hand, and also rotating them back and forth a few times. I did this every day for probably a week, and have not had any problems since.

I had a lot of fibrous tissue (I am 56). I started using Ningxia Red in July. I also do Lavender on the breast and the feet at bedtime. All the hard fibrous tissue is completely gone. Other lumps have decreased in size as well.

My daughter had to have her cervix sewed shut so she could carry her second baby. She was having constant contraction all the time. To stop them and to ease the pain she would apply Lavender and Gentle Baby to the lower abdomen and lower back and crawl into a tub of hot water. This would stop the contractions altogether. She had to do this for 8 1/2 months before the baby was born. She had the same problem with the first baby but she didn't have her cervix sewed shut then. It was the use of Lavender and Gentle Baby that kept her from having the baby too prematurely. This baby was born at 8 months.

Mosquitoes do not like Lavender - mix with a little V6 - and apply generously

Legacy We use Legacy every night. It is wonderful for helping assure a deep restful, no "wakeup in

the middle of the night" sleep. It also seems to help my husband with his sinus and allergies. he wakes up with a clearer head and no sniffles.

Lemon Love the way it smells! I like to put about 5 drops in a 50 cent spritz bottle with a little water

and purification and I spray it around the house. It really helps neutralize the diaper pail odor.

It takes of the sticky residue from tape, band aids, and the birth-control patch. Mom says it worked to pop her ears on a flight. Grapefruit was supposed to have helped

with an ear infection, so I rub lemon behind the children’s’ ears, or mine when they feel “full” (cuz it’s a citrus too and I don’t have grapefruit!).

Put a few drops in water and wash your fruit and produce with it. It will clean off any residual pesticides or other stuff.

Put a drop in your water for good taste and clean water. My son and his friends use Lemon oil to clean tar off their surfboards and boogie boards.

What used to take them an hour of scraping now only takes a few minutes. They sprinkle lemon oil on their boards, wait a couple of minutes, then wipe clean.

After cleaning fish lemon oil removes fishy smell from fingers instantly! It's also good to use in the dishwasher for sanitizing and fragrance! Lemony clean smell

will fill the room when opening the machine. Nice! I use empty Ningxia Red bottles (big, glass, oil-proof) to drink water throughout the day.

With each bottle refill, I add 3 drops of my choice of lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, or Citrus Fresh oil. That means even if I don't rub any oils on myself I still get the benefits of 9 drops of citrus oils a day. Besides the therapeutic benefits I read about in the Essential Oils Desk Reference, I am guarding against food-poisoning and Giardia.

When preparing salads, I let my vegetables soak in water with a few drops of lemon oil. I trust this is helping neutralizing the chlorine in my tap water and killing any little critters.

My favorite Lemon use is for grapes. We have a lot of grapes and especially for the Thompson Seedless variety, I wash, destem, and put in the refrigerator to get nice and cold, then when ready to put out to serve, put a few drops of YL Lemon oil over the fruit (3-5), mix and serve. This is really great for pot-lucks and other gatherings. Refreshing and tasty, too.

For the last several months, I've been putting 2-3 drops of LEMON and 2-3 drops of peppermint in my quart glass BYJ bottle (I fill three of them for the day) to drink during the day. I've realized over the last couple of weeks that I've NOT had a mosquito bite all summer long! The other thing I've noticed is no unpleasant body odor. (and I'm NOT using deodorant, just Y/L oils) I'm thinkin' it's the lemon and peppermint water I've been drinking!

For Acid reflux- One of my friends used a drop of lemon in a glass of water. After about 1/2 an hour, it went away. From then on, with each use, it went away faster & faster. It got to the point where it would be gone in 30 sec.

Lemon will take gum out of clothes and hair. Add 3-5 drops to the post filter of your water distiller to change the taste, to increase the

oxygen, and to increase the frequency of the water. Rinse strawberries in water with a few drops of lemon. It kills the molds and bacteria on

them and they will last longer. For an imbedded splinter, the best thing I know of is a drop or 2 of lemon essential oil. It

not only disinfects it but for some strange reason, it also causes it to come out!! No, it doesn't pop out right before your very eyes but put some on it and cover with a band-aid and in the morning don't be surprised if it's out.

My daughter had a wart the size of a quarter on her foot--we put lemon oil on it twice a day and it's gone!

We have had great results using Lemon oil on head lice. Rub a few drops into scalp and through hair, then shampoo and put more Lemon on and comb hair out . Do this for a few days and the lice fall out Also mix a few drops of Lemon with water in a spray bottle and spray all the area as well as washing the clothing and bedding using the Lemon. It worked great for this friend of mine that had 5 children with head lice!!

I have found that using lemon oil in the water I drink daily tremendously cuts down on my craving for sugar and sugar products

Lemongrass Bunions and also of plantar fascitis: I came into YL because of this ligament condition.

Used Lemongrass oil directly on my feet 2x daily for 2 and 1/2 mos. with total relief after 3 yrs. of misery and trying all sorts of things for relief. I should have diluted the oil because now I am sensitized to it and break out in a horrible rash if I get near it.

I put a single topical application of lemongrass on a ganglion cyst on my daughter's wrist, which she has had for well over a year. In four days' time, it was about 2/3 the original size and softer. She left for a 3-week vacation shortly after that, so I gave her another application and we are waiting to see what it does.

Try Lemongrass it is good for helping with connective tissue (tendons and ligaments). I had a friend's son who was playing rough and fell sprained his ankle and lemongrass was a lifesaver. It took alot of the pain away and the next day it was just a little tender instead of being a major injury. I love the stuff!

Had a girlfriend who had a mysterious pain along the base of her thumb. No reason, just hurt like crazy to move it. We put lemongrass on it and the pain subsided to half. Another application and even more relief. Next morning...gone. She had suffered with that pain for

3 days. Lemongrass helps the body to regenerate the ligament tissue. For a Deteriorating Spine- a mixture of Lemongrass, Wintergreen and Cypress. This mix

helped my husband with severe pain in his sciatic. We put two drops on Am and Pm on spine area of feet and on heel where the sciatic point is. Also put on hip vita flex points.

Spray lemongrass oil on your children's bed linens to keep those spiders that have hidden indoors for the winter away from their sheets. Children like the fragrance and it gives them an aromatherapy treatment.

a kidney stone got lodged in the uterer on my right side same place as the 1st time it happen to me . I applied 1-2 drops each of lemongrass and rosemary and instantly the pain stop.

Gary once recommended Lemongrass in capsules for cholesterol. One or two capsules/day.

Lemongrass--the bugs don't like the smell and will leave you alone when you use it. 3-4 drops in your palm, rub your hands together and pat yourself down from head to toe and you're all set for 2-4 hours. And without all those harmful chemicals that cause so many problems.

Melaluca alternifolia (tea tree) Rub on face to get rid of acne. Just apply topically. It is a strong smell though. If the sinuses get "drippy", I take a capsule of Melaleuca Alternifolia--12 drops in a 00 gel

cap, internally. Dries it right up. When we get Poison Ivy, we saturate the area with Melaluca and continue to do it until the

rash is all gone. Couldn’t live without this oil! Melaleuca and geranium killed MRSA (Antibiotic resistant staph) in BBC research study. I was getting an ingrown toenail; the side of my big toe was getting very red and infected.

A drop of melaleuca alternafolia applied directly two days in a row took care of the pain, infection and redness. Using a nailfile, I pulled the skin away from the nail to directly apply the oil where I could see infection starting and gently lifted the nail away from the "wrong" direction where it was headed. It has been 5 days and it feels great.

Melissa I think the undisputed King of Anti - Canker sores is Melissa oil The magic oil is Melissa for shingles. I had them last year and completely overcame them in

about 2 weeks, along with all the pain that goes with them. All I have is little pink places on my skin where they were and they are fading. I put Melissa on my feet 2 times and rubbed what was left on my hands under my arms on all the lymph nodes. I did have a couple of days that were uncomfortable and also within 30 minutes my body was eliminating the virus through the bowels. I have not had a single pain of any kind from that problem in over a year!

Melrose Diffuse for mold problems Put neat on cuts to disinfect. My 1 year old daughter developed round, oozy sores on her legs that the doctors said was

a fungal thing, like Ringworm. Rather than the prescription cream that would take several weeks, I put Melrose on the sores every time I changed her diaper. In 24 hours the sores were dry and healing. Hooray!

Apply neat on toenail and around it for nail fungus.

My granddaughter couldn't sleep through the night due to coughing. She was wearing both of us out, so I rubbed Melrose on her back then held my hand on her chest. Afterwards she slept so quietly I had to check periodically to see if she was still breathing!

It stopped itching from an allergic reaction when I applied it neat to the area. From personal experience I can attest to the fact that Melrose oil does help for ear

infections. Rubbing it on the ear, but, being careful not to get it directly in the ear canal is important. Also, I place a drop on a cotton ball and insert the cotton ball in the ear for several hours at a time.

A family member had trouble with ear infections. She used Melrose on a cotton ball, then put a couple of drops of V-6 oil over the Melrose. She then gently placed the cotton ball in the ear---just resting on the ear opening. She also put Melrose on the back of her ear, front and below.

Helps with chiggers. Some people think it works as a deterrent for chiggers too. For asthma, we use Melrose & Peppermint applications for when coughing fits get going

at night. I apply it all over the chest, back, tops and bottoms of the feet. I had 2 people tell me on Sat, March 25, that they had great results using Melrose on

psoriasis. It just "melted it away"

Mister For severe menstrual cramps, I rub Mister oil on my belly...and put a heating pad on my

belly over it, and within ten minutes, I am GOOD TO GO! No more pain! (This also worked on a friend who had stage 4 endometriosis and severe monthly cramps.)

My husband and I found Mister oil to be very “uplifting”. *grin* (May be helpful with impotence.)

Mister.....I could not live without for hot flashes. I put it on my wrist and then rub the inside of the elbow .....I do this when I wake up and when I go to bed.

I wear it for cologne. My husband used Mister oil and quite by accident, we discovered is has a Viagra-like


Mountain Savory My favorite use for Mountain Savory so far has been taken it internally together with

Oregano and Lemon for flu's or colds.

Myrrh I had stuffed head, clogged sinuses and couldn’t hear. I took Myrrh in a capsule, about 12

drops am & pm... it took it care of my discomfort. Applied a generous amount of Myrrh to lower abdomen and breech baby moved to proper

position I'd recommend trying Myrrh - that oil is amazing and I truly believe it is what allowed my

severely torn calf muscle to heal as well as it did. When I was putting oils on the injured muscle (which was hard as a rock!) they seemed to help it feel better, but it was not really responding as I'd hoped. Another oiler recommended myrrh (which I wouldn't have thought of) and when I put it on the leg, the muscle softened instantaneously! That really turned the corner for me on my healing.

Myrtle Try Myrtle on the palm sides of your fingers. Use it as often as needed. It is great for sinus

stuff and allergies. Myrtle is great for sinus infections.

To help with allergies, I use Myrtle on my face and neck all over the sinus areas every night. For thyroid support, I use Myrtle Oil rubbed on thyroid gland at base of throat and on the

neck of the big toes. Myrtle -- It is wonderful for sinus/allergy kinds of problems. I apply it across the forehead,

temples and under the cheek bones, deep breathe it and then rub what's left on my thyroid gland because it's a thyroid balancer.

Nutmeg An oil that is good for adrenal glands is Nutmeg. The first time I rubbed Nutmeg over my

adrenals and kidneys I immediately felt a difference. I have been using it for a month and I feel much better than I have.

Orange Teething- I put a drop on my finger and rub it on. It doesn't burn and has a numbing

effect. It has to be reapplied every 3 hours of so. I put 2 drops in my 32 oz cup of water. I like the flavor even better than lemon. Orange oil destroys the exoskeleton of fleas and then they die! It is safe to spray all

around. In my dryer, instead of dryer sheets, I put about 10 drops of orange oil on a dry washcloth

and throw it in the dryer. The clothes smell fresh and there is no static cling!!

Oregano I rubbed a drop neat on my 4 planter’s warts for a month 2 times a day and they got

smaller and smaller and disappeared completely and have not come back. It took about a month

Cold sores- only use a tiny amount and only right on the sore. It will burn. If prone to cold sores, you may want to take a capsule with 1 drop of Oregano internally each day.

We've used Oregano on any kind of virus (flu, resident spinal virus) and gotten relief, sometimes in as little as 20 minutes. But you keep on using it for awhile after the symptoms go away, and then periodically. Put it along the spine, like in Raindrop technique. If you can get someone to do the Raindrop technique on you, even better.

When my daughter had Step throat this winter, oregano diffused and on the bottom of her feet worked wonders.

Regarding the cough, try diffusing oregano; it really worked! I put the diffuser right up to my mouth and inhaled the oregano -- felt strange, but I could feel it penetrating into my lungs. Did this for a few days and the cough was completely gone.

When a family member was in intensive care with an apparatus to help him breathe, we diffused Oregano (not too long---it's very potent). We could see a change in his breathing in SECONDS after we would start diffusing the Oregano. He was supposed to practice breathing deeply, but would only take very shallow breaths. When the Oregano was diffused, his breathing would change to very deep breathing. We could see the change on the monitor. I wish I could draw the diagram...the change was so dramatic.

My husband had a number of moles on his back, abdomen, and one behind his right ear. We applied oregano twice daily. In two weeks they were crusty. In one month they were pale and much flatter. In six weeks the smaller ones were gone. In eight weeks all were gone.

All Forms of Arthritis and its painful symptoms can be alleviated by the following formula: 5 drops Idaho Balsam Fir, 3 drops Vetiver, 1 drop Oregano

Oregano oil, 2 drops in a capsule will lower your blood pressure. For shingles-Oregano, seven drops in capsule 2x/day for 21 days

My mother-in law used 3 drops of oregano daily in a capsule it lowered her cholesterol 111 points in 3 months.

I had a friend that had a ganglion cyst on her finger. She alternated Oregano and Thyme every other day and in a short time it was gone.

My brother-in-law used Oregano Oil (which I thought was a pretty hot oil for this),he had a few small moles on his neck. He put a drop of Oregano on them 3 times a day and they fell off. He is a very happy man now......bothered him for years....

My brother-in-law used straight Oregano oil on his skin tags and they fell off in 2 days. He was so excited about it and so was I; they were all over his neck and he said he would nick them with the razor when he shaved. The only reason I suggested Oregano Oil was because I had a wart on one of my fingers and the Oregano took it away.

Ortho Ease Helped with menstrual cramps. OrthoEase rubbed all over my belly has worked for me.

My menstrual cramps have also subsided since taking half of capsule of SclarEssence in the evening before going to bed.

Patchouli Patchouli is a great example of a slow-diffusing oil. It take FOREVER to even get a drop out

of the bottle, but it smells SO good in the air. We diffused it in our basement to get rid of an army of moths that the previous owner had left us. (No kidding, there were hundreds.)

Pan Away Works great on aches and pains. I rub it on my ouchy toe and knee and they don’t hurt

for a while (like a month or 2). When I bang myself on something- not usually stuff that breaks the skin, but hurts a lot, I

put a drop or 2 on it and it feels better and doesn’t bruise. When the baby was teething and nothing else worked, I had some diluted and I rubbed a

little bit of it on my fingers till it was almost all gone and then I rubbed the residue on her jaw line and it helped her a lot.

I had to have 6 or 7 vials of blood drawn. By the time they were done, my arm really hurt. As soon as I got home I put Pan Away on it to see if it would help. It did. 2 days later, bruising appeared- starting an inch away from the needle sight, and it was old bruise color. There was no bruise on the area I had put the PanAway!

Skin tags- I have used PanAway for this type of problem with great success. I apply just one drop let it go for several days and apply another. Depending on the size it may take some time. My neck at one time had many skin tags but they are now gone.

Migraines-the only oil that would touch the pain was PanAway. The second time I got enough relief from PanAway to be able to stand up, but not function well. I then did something that made a HUGE difference. With PanAway rubbed in all over my head where there was pain, I headed to the shower. After a hot shower, driving the oil in, I was virtually pain free!!!

Last summer my daughter in law crushed her fingers so badly that I thought it was going to blow out. I grabbed PanAway. Crying, she asked me why I was oiling her finger...before she finished speaking her finger quit hurting and the swelling went down. The soreness stayed but the real crisis was over.

Peace and Calming I use it every night on my wrists before I go to bed. I rub a drop, or so, on them. I rub it on the baby’s ears (because they are easiest to reach!) to help her sleep better

I like to put it in the bath gel and take a lovely bath with it. And it’s nice for the children’s bath too.

Rub on feet at night for good night of sleep. Put a drop in your palm and rub hands together. Rub hands on pillow and then inhale

deeply from your cupped palms. A great protocol for a good nights sleep! After a very distressing phone call, I was in tears. I opened my bottle of P&C and inhaled

a few times. I was amazed at how much more in control and calmer I felt! Put a drop or 2 on a cotton ball by your head at night to help with snoring. Or put on feet

to help with snoring. I have my husband put Peace & Calming on his earlobes and beneath his nose before bed

and he doesn't snore...sometimes it will last 2 - 3 nights before he has to reapply. Before this his snoring was so bad I had to wear earplugs to bed!

My office mate has been struggling as to whether or not to take her son to be evaluated for ADD/ADHD. She has spent many sleepless nights and tears because she doesn't want to drug her 9 year old son. I finally persuaded her to try Peace and Calming. She bought and used it two days later before homework time. What usually takes him 1 ½ hours took ½ hour. He never interrupted her once, he sat still, his writing was legible for the first time ever and they were both very happy campers. She now puts it on his feet at night and in the morning before he goes to school.

While Pregnant, I get Restless Leg Syndrome, where my legs twitch involuntarily. It’s usually worse at night. 2 drops of Peace & Calming rubbed on the bottom of each foot and up the leg takes care of it!

Peace and Calming helped with being dependent on pain killers. I put it on my wrists on the inside, my temples and I also breathed it in from my hands. Also I defuse it.

About 7 years ago, I had a painful ileocecal valve due to what seemed like spasms. I used 'Peace and Calming', rubbed directly over, and within about a week, all the pain was gone. Over the week, the spasms disappeared.

Peppermint I rub a drop on my temples and back of my neck for headache relief. 1 Drop Of Young Living Peppermint Oil equals 26 cups of Peppermint Tea If putting peppermint on your temples doesn't work for migraines...try it in a capsule. I fill

the capsule full of straight peppermint. (Later I was down to just ½ a cap.) That is what it took for mine. If the first capsule didn't totally cut it, I take a second capsule about 1/2 hour after the first

I rub it on my temples, cheekbones and the bridge of my nose for major allergy attacks. (It does “leak” into my eyes, so I try to only do this when my contacts are out). It really clears up my sinuses.

I put a drop on my tongue to clear out my stuffy head. And it WILL clear you up. (I don’t like to do this at night because it wakes me up too much.)

I rub a little on the tip and/or bridge of my nose daily to keep my allergies away and it works well.

I rub some diluted (or neat) on my tummy when I’m feeling gassy or “rumbly” in there. It is excellent for that!

I rub it well-diluted on the kids chests for congestion I have excellent results with allergies having people take 6 drops Peppermint and 4 drops

Lavender and put it in a capsule and swallow it. My husband used to have 40 years of this type of allergies and he is now free from them.

I rub (diluted) it on my son’s tummy when he seems constipated. I use it is on the bottoms of the feet when one of my kids has a fever - their body cools

down within a few minutes! In the heat of the summer, I add a single drop of peppermint oil to a gallon of water, and

drink it all day to keep my body temperature cool. You can put it somewhere that hurts - and it sometimes helps. (Please avoid wet areas of

the body, or mucous linings - it can be a hot oil) Dr. Daniel Penoel, MD, French medical doctor, once told us in a class that if someone has

arthritis, and can recall the first joint in the body that began to hurt, and they apply peppermint oil to that joint, the whole body will quit hurting.

It's been well documented to increase mental acuity. Many years ago, before Young Living, a German doctor would share a drop of peppermint oil with us after lunch, not only to help us with digestion, but also to help us stay awake during the afternoon. We each dutifully took a drop of peppermint oil and put it on the back of one of our hands, and then licked it off. Whew! Was it strong! But it worked!

I put about 8 - 10 drops of it in water and sprayed down the doors in my house to keep the ants OUTSIDE.

It has also been found to increase the test scores of those who smell it during test taking. A friend of mine who has suffered from fibromyalgia told me recently that peppermint is

an oil that helps cool her body down nicely, and it relieves a lot of her discomfort. Insect repellent -- on me, on my roses and vegetables. Mix a few drops with water,

shake well, mist. Cold or flu? Stuffed up due to allergies? Sniffing peppermint is awesome! I have voice

students who come to class saying they can't sing. I have them put a drop of peppermint on their noses, and in a few minutes they're breathing! Then they can open up and sing.

For a sore throat- mix about 3 drops with some honey in a tablespoon. Have you ever had chocolate mint brownies? All it takes is 1-2 drops to a brownie mix, oh

heaven! If I even SUSPECT I have bad breath -- Peppermint! I got food poisoning! I put 3 drops of Peppermint and 3 drops of Thieves into the capsule,

filling up the rest of the capsule with olive oil which I always have handy in a little dropper bottle along with my oils. Half an hour later I was a new woman, able to dance the night away

For morning sickness- Peppermint oil, just a drop (or partial drop) on the tongue and BREATHE thru the mouth!

I have found that applying 2-3 drops of undiluted peppermint oil to my forehead and temples a few minutes before riding in a car keeps my motion sickness symptoms under control without the drowsiness common to most anti-motion sickness medications."

I sniffed Peppermint to restore smell and I am now able to smell some of the oils. Before I could hardly even smell the Peppermint

For my allergies, I use Peppermint every morning and evening - a drop under the nose to clear the sinuses.

Lactose Intolerance- a friend of mine now takes 2 drops of peppermint on her tongue and a smidge of DiGize or peppermint on her bellybutton before or after eating dairy. She says it works faster and better than Lactaid.

A friend has a mother who has restless leg syndrome. I sent her lavender and peppermint oils to apply to her leg. She reports that the symptoms are gone and that the lavender helps her sleep better as well.

I have a lower back problem. I rub peppermint oil on my lower back to relieve pain. Peppermint Oil (neat) works great on Poison Ivy and dries it up quickly Get rid of rodents- DIFFUSE PEPPERMINT. Chases all the varmints. AND in so doing, all

fleas, flies, spiders, will go too. When I diffused for fleas I didn't see any of the above for 3

years. My son has juvenile arthritis. I put YL Peppermint oil mixed with an organic vegetable oil

on his knees when he has a flare up. It really helps with the pain. Peppermint seems to be the oil that helps improve the sense of smell the most. Put it in

hands, rub them together, and sit and smell... I have good success with Purification or Peppermint as an insect repellant. I take a cream

like Animal Scents and add quite a few drops of the oil to it. I rub that on my skin and it keeps the bugs away.

We have had COMPLETE and total instant success with using a few drops (not diluted in a spray bottle) for ants in two different houses with PEPPERMINT. The ants left and never returned!

I put 1drop of Peppermint in an 8 oz. glass of pure water. My husband takes a couple sips before bed and doesn't snore. If he skips a night of this protocol....HE SNORES.

We mixed peppermint essential oil with our rug shampoo to destroy a flea infestation. First, we tried the store brand flea bomb, but it did not work. So we shampooed the rug using 15-20 drops in a gallon of shampoo mix, two weeks in a row. It worked great, and now we no longer have fleas! Thanks to peppermint oil, we can all stop itching (including our cat)

A few drops of peppermint oil directly on black grease spots on carpet can remove the grease.* After you apply the oil, let it set for about ten seconds and then rub it out with a dry cloth. You can do this a few times, if needed, and then wipe it with a damp cloth. The spot will be gone and the carpet will smell refreshing

A client of mine puts a drop of peppermint in his morning tea and no longer needs his "anti-reflux" medicines.

I was unfortunate enough to eat some very contaminated meat last November. I dragged my feet at first--I thought I just had an upset stomach. I was very getting sicker and sicker. Then I took 15 to 20 drops of Peppermint in an 8 ounce glass of water, adding in some Mineral Essence and Life 5 (YL’s probiotic) as well. Well it tasted awful – so concentrated. But it did the trick and got the poison out of my system. I continued drinking as many drops of Peppermint as I could handle in water after that first glass.

I was first introduced to YL essential oils because of my terribly stiff neck. I even had it x-rayed and the doctor said he'd never seen a neck so bad on someone my age (47). He said it looked like the neck of a 90 year-old woman. My YL friend offered to buy me some Peppermint oil, and I gratefully took her up on it. I used it to alleviate the pain, but never expected what eventually happened. I applied the oil as needed all day long for pain, and after 6 weeks I rarely needed to use it. After 2 months, I never used it again for my neck - that was over a year ago! I have full range and no pain (unless I sleep in a bad position).

Our son, Philip, is in the Army National Guard. Each morning he adds peppermint oil to the water supply he carries on his back. After about seven weeks, some of the soldiers in Philip's camp drained their water containers and black mold chunks fell out. However, even after all that time, Philip's water and container were sparkling clean, thanks to the purifying benefits of Young Living's peppermint essential oil

For flies, Mix peppermint oil and water in a spray bottle and apply all over the horse. Also, you could apply the peppermint oil directly to tips of ears. I have also had success using Animal Scents ointment in tiny amounts just inside the ears, to repel bugs.

Purification Amazing on mosquito bites. If you rub it on a fresh bite, it doesn’t itch, and it goes away

faster. It is suppose to take the poisons out or something.

I can't tell you the endless # of testimonials I've read on Purification oil in the diffuser for chronic asthma sufferers...that have instantly alleviated a breathing problem in 20 minutes of diffusing,(just the attack itself not chronic lifelong asthma sufferer - this requires diffusing every day and the capsules of RC & Raven)

In my experience, Purification has been excellent for repelling bees! A few drops behind the ears, on wrists and knees repelled about 50 bees which swarmed our picnic table every time we brought food out while camping in Southern California.


Works well on odors. I either put it (5 drops) in the spritz bottle with lemon and water, or diffuse it.

Mold- we diffused purification in our moldy basement. I used two whole bottles and the basement hasn't smelled bad since. That was a few years ago. It even took care of some cat odors.

Another way to deal with mold: I put half a bottle of Purification on an A/C Filter and let the A/C circulate it. Mold fell out of the vents

Seems to work pretty well on rashes- bug bite induced or allergic reaction ones. Rub on the outside of the throat when you feel a sore throat coming on. I use Purification in an Aroma Ball that fits in the electric socket and it is very low in heat in

fact no heat. No need to spray it is there all the time working. I put in ten drops at a time for the whole day!

The tiny seed ticks that are the size of a pin head. A drop of Purification on them made them come right out. (Did not work as well on the huge deer ticks.)

I used to wake up in the middle of the night with leg cramps. Now, before I go to bed, I put a drop of Purification down each meridian on my legs. No more muscle cramps!

Put 10-20 drops on your AC filter every month when you replace the filters. Be careful though, if you don’t hold the filter at an angle, the oils may drop right through onto the floor!

My brother arrived in London from Washington to visit us with a severe allergy from the Silver Maple tree in his garden at home. I asked my brother to hold out his hand and put one drop of Purification on it. He rubbed his hands together and cupped them over his nose, breathing in the wonderful, cleansing aroma of the oil. It was literally within seconds that the sneezing subsided and we didn't hear one allergic sneeze for the next 10 days until he made his way home again!

I am deathly allergic to any wasp or bee stings, literally. I have to go to the hospital within minutes of being bitten for treatment. Anyway, about a month ago I was out in the yard working and was bitten by a wasp. I immediately ran inside and put two drops of purification on the bite. Waited about five minutes and did this again. Within ten minutes the pain went away and I had no reaction to the sting. It was unbelievable.

Add a 15 ml bottle to a 5 gal bucket of paint to eliminate odors and fumes from painting. Put 3 drops in the washing machine with clothes to kill bacteria and germs in clothes. When we became YL members, the first thing I tried was Purification for Tinnitus. Quoting

from my old EO Pocket Reference "For the average hearing loss problem, massage Purification on ear lobe, behind the ears, and down the jaw line (along the Eustachian tube). I put it on at night and the next morning the ringing was gone. I have to do a repeat about every 12 months.

Purification works well for Tinnitus. One can use the Vita Flex protocol along with it. I have good success with Purification or Peppermint as an insect repellant. I take a cream

like Animal Scents and add quite a few drops of the oil to it. I rub that on my skin and it keeps the bugs away.

My 17-year-old son suffered with excessive perspiration under the arm pits for months and months...nothing worked! I learned from my EODR (pg 390 - Perspiration (Excessive)) that Sage works for excessive perspiration, but having none on hand yet, I used Purification, which contains Sage. I made my son a little mixture of 20:80 and had him apply 2 to 4 drops under each arm pit after daily shower. WOW...it worked! Excessive perspiration gone! It even balanced his teen hormones a bit too! :>)

I had several sinus infections last year and I applied several oils directly on the cheek bones and massaged them in. I opened bottle after bottle of oil to smell it in, but nothing made a difference like..... diffusing Purification and sitting in front of the diffuser. The mucous went from green and yellow to clear the very next day and then the day after that I was completely mucous free.

I used Purification™ to clean my bathroom, and it worked great! It cleaned hard water stains from the toilet, as well as the shower tile and grout. I have been trying to get the grout clean for years, using all types of poisons (which did not even work). With the Purification oil, it came off very easily and left a fresh, clean smell, too.

RC Rub on bridge of nose for sinus relief. Can put it around eyes and on cheekbones, but be

careful, since it can “bleed” towards eyes and sting a little. Rub neat or diluted on chest for congestion relief. For any chest congestion that sometimes occurs, a drop or two of RC on the throat and

chest and then inhaled from the hand that applied it. You can put it on a Q-tip and rub the inside of your nose, but only if you are brave! It

stings! But it really clears you out! If I get any inkling of allergy problems, I inhale RC and rub some under my nose and at

the opening of the nostrils. If most of your trouble is at night, other than diffusing, try putting some RC on your pillow.

Diffuse (on timer for 10 or 15 minutes every hour or two) for allergy/cold/congestion relief. When my sister had Mono, my mom sent her RC. She rubbed it on the bottoms of her

feet and swears that it helped her function and recover faster. When she thought she was better, she stopped using it and had a relapse.

I have a friend who suffers from seasonal allergies that cause nasal congestion. She puts a few drops of RC in hot water and inhales the vapors. Relief lasts 4-6 hours.

Last night, my 18 month old started coughing a lot which was disrupting sleep. I got up and put RC and Eucalyptus on her chest and never heard another peep!

I had a heel spur that I used RC on it. It took about 3 weeks applying it morning and night. I haven't had any problem since with it. That has been about 6 months. Also a friend of mine had one and she was getting shots for it and not helping it. I gave her some RC and she has no problem with it since.

Have put 5 drops in a Nebulizer (a breathing treatment device for treating bronchitis and emphysema) and it works great .

I have had a "roaring" noise in my ears and am using RC - about a drop down my neck on each side, over the area of the Eustachian Tube, each night. As long as I do this nightly my ears are fine. I have tried stopping using the RC and in about 4 to 5 days the noise is back.

I have sinus irritations. Using RC on flex points on feet works for me. I need drink lots of water for this also.

From an old video I have from a convention in 1998, Gary showed the X-Rays of a man with cancer from asbestos poisoning. He puts the man into a tent and diffuses RC for 21 hours straight into the tent - and the man begans coughing and hacking. Gary says they

almost lost him because he couldn't breathe because chunks of asbestos were coming up as he coughed. They had a hard time getting him oxygen. But, when it was over, the man went home free of cancer. They showed the X-Rays, and the man was free of the asbestos tumors in his lungs - it was truly miraculous.

My husband has been an asthmatic for 18 yrs. So bad that he has stopped breathing twice. Since introduced to the oils, he uses RC and Cypress twice daily on the lung areas of his feet and he now hasn't used his nebulizer now for almost a year. The RC opens up the lungs and the Cypress will pull out any fluid that is irritating

RC is great on spurs. Just rub a little on the spot every night and morning. I knew a postmaster who was about to go into disability retirement because she had such severe spurs on her feet. She had been to specialists and all kinds of doctors and nothing helped. She walked so lopsided, it was sad to see. I gave her a bottle of RC and said, "You've tried everything else, now try this and see if it helps." She called me less than 2 weeks later and was elated because one foot was noticeably better. After several more weeks, no pain in that one foot and the other was tolerable. Now she has no pain whatsoever and talk of retiring is gone!

Bone Spurs, no matter where they are located, can be dissolved by applying RC Blend onto them 2-3 times a day until you begin to see a difference, then in no time after that they are gone.

Raven Asthma- I have a friend whose husband and son were using inhalers and had increased

the usage in bad times up to once an hour. They were getting dizzy and weird feeling from over-dosage. The husband is using Raven on the lung and bronchial reflex points on the foot and has used the inhaler only once or so in two weeks.

Ravensera When my husband gets a cough, he keeps it for months! That is until we started doing

rectal implants of Raven mixed with V-6. If you haven't tried that for a cough yet, I highly recommend it.

At the YL Regional Meeting in the S.F. Bay Area, Merilee Tolen, who was presenting, said that she had success with shingles by taking 7 drops of Ravensera in a capsule, morning and evening. She said all shingles symptoms were gone in 2 day, and she continued to take the oils for two additional weeks

For Shingles: Ravensara and Thieves in a capsule...equal parts, about ten drops each. One time usually does it...but you might need to do it for a few days.

I had a problem snoring recently because of my pregnancy (swelling of mucous membranes). What helped me was putting a drop of ravensara on each end of a Q-tip then swabbing the inside of each nostril, before going to bed. I tried Raven once and it was uncomfortable, just to forewarn!

In a Young Living presentation in San Francisco a while back, presenter Merilee Tolen described what worked for her for shingles: 7 drops of ravensara in a capsule twice a day (morning and evening). All shingles symptoms were gone in 2 days. She took the oils for two weeks to make sure her system was clear.

Release Last week I was travelling in Vancouver when I woke up with the worst menstrual cramps

I have ever had. I looked in my bag and I had no painkillers packed. In desperation of much needed sleep I grabbed my bag of oils for some relief. I rubbed a few drops of Release on my belly...about 15 minutes later the pain had vanished and I was able to get

back to sleep. (It did not return for the rest of the week either!) The blend of Release stimulates harmony and balance by releasing memory trauma from

liver cells, which store emotions of anger, hate, and frustration. Apply neat over liver, apply compress over liver, or massage Vita Flex points on feet and hands.

Relieve It My daughter got a tennis racket for her birthday and I decided to play with her even though

I haven't played in years. I ended up with such pain, I could hardly lift a coffee cup to my mouth. I used Relieve-it twice and it went away, came back a few weeks later, used it once more and it never came back.

Roman Chamomile It’s supposed to be soothing, but I don’t like the smell much. I’ll still put a little on my ears

at night if I’m really restless and think I want something more than Peace and Calming. I do rub it on the kid’s ears before bedtime to help them sleep. I use it along with Peace

and Calming on the nights they don’t feel so well. I diluted it with olive oil and massaged the baby’s whole body with it when she didn’t feel

well, and again when she was teething. I did it before bed and she slept better. I rub a drop on my son’s head after he bonks it and the bruising is a lot less. I put a drop, neat, on cuts after they’ve scabbed over. It sometimes stings on a fresh cut.

But it is safe, painless, and effective for lips My 3 year old had a small abscess on his cheek and I used this to help it heal from the

inside out. I rubbed a drop, or partial drop on it about 2x a day. Rub a little on teething gums for relief. There have been a few times that Roman Chamomile worked better than M Grain for

migraines. I like the smell better.

Rose1 I have rosacea and rose oil supports my efforts to improve the appearance of my facial

skin. I tried A.R.T. but have had varied success. One drop of undiluted rose oil on my fingertips for both cheeks goes a long way to improve my condition and reduce flare ups.

Currently, I'm using undiluted rose oil to treat benign breast lumps. The surgeon told me the benign lumps are a hard mass and should not be removed unless they find malignancy. So far, so good. I apply 2 drops of rose oil on each breast, usually at night and, in the morning when I remember. The doctors are already amazed that they lumps have shrunk and wondered what I was doing in the 2 months since I had the initial tests.

I use Rose Oil at night, just before I go to bed, and have the most restful sleep imaginable. I put it on the center of my forehead, over my heart, on the brain stem, and under my nose. When I wake up the next morning, I feel like I've been on vacation for weeks. And when I forget to put it on, I awaken tired and a bit achy.

I love rose oil! While recovering from a serious face injury a little while ago, I read up on essential oils and what to use for tissue regeneration. I started using rose oil, and within two days I was already getting compliments on how much better I looked. Now my friends say that they can hardly see the scars at all.

Sandalwod Sandalwood oxygenates the pineal/pituitary gland, thus improving attitude and body


Sacred Mountain

For allergy or asthma attack relief, rub on bottom of feet. A while back someone wrote to me and said that Sacred Mountain rubbed on the bottoms

of the feet knocked the allergy symptoms right out. Well, I got some, tried it and it really works! In fact, it's become our most favorite oil - smells wonderful. Men like it because it could easily pass as after shave.

SclarEssence I started using SclarEssence a week ago and I think my acne is the best it has been in

years. I hated being 40 and having acne. I have been taking SclarEssence and my acne has really cleared up. I’m 40 and had acne

for many years. I take it in a capsule every day. Really seemed to work. My menstrual cramps have also subsided since taking half of capsule of SclarEssence in

the evening before going to bed.Spruce

I have been troubled with mood swings all my life and on a tape Gary mentioned spruce for bi-polar. I used it sparingly for awhile but really noticed greater stability when I increased it to 6-8 drops a day on ankles and wrists (hormonal points).

Stevia We keep it in the first aid kit and even though it stings like crazy when applied to a cut, it

minimizes scarring and any complications that come from a wound. We use it in our family for first aid - I have knocked out some nasty infections! Anyway…

some nasty skin problems that most doctors will prescribe antibiotics for, using the Stevia extract... two staph invasions of my daughter's skin - one on the arm and one on the foot, that resolved in moments with Stevia extract.

For a staph infection: Topically...Stevia Extract. My friend put Stevia into a swollen, sore cut on her knee. She did not want to use

antibiotics, but was having so much pain she did not know what to do. The pain quit after the Stevia application, swelling was down in less than 24 hours. She applied the liquid Stevia twice a day.

Tangerine For morning sickness, TANGERINE oil in water was by FAR the best for me! Just a few

drops in a glass bottle (I recycle my Liter BYJ bottles and put a lid from the Enzyme bottles (so it is plastic instead of metal)) and then SHAKE the oils into the water!

In response to helping dizziness, Tangerine oil is WONDERFUL FOR THIS. I used to have major dizzy spells after a car wreck i was in and Tangerine applied in a clockwise motion on the forehead and temples stops it for me almost immediately.

Tangerine is a magnificent oil to use for swelling. Use it liberally, and stroke it gently over the area, and generally, you can see improvement within a few minutes.

Thieves I love the smell! Rub it neat on the bottom of my feet and sometimes on the back of my

neck or my ears if I’m feeling puny. Thieves also immediately gives relief from ingrown toe nails ..... for 20 years I have

suffered with this. Now I put a few drops on and the toenail literally jumps away from the skin like magic.

I dilute it (my diluted bottle is 4:1) and rub it on the bottom of the children’s feet when there’s a sickness going around, or they seem to be coming down with something. I think some people put it on every day.

I put 5 drops in a spritz bottle with a little water and I spray the room. It kills more than 95% of the pathogens.

Diffuse to purify air in the room. Use in mouth (water-pick, gargle in water) to prevent gum disease and stop the need for a

root canal. I have tried Thieves oil every time I had a toothache, some white blisters inside the mouth

area or gums. I used my fingers and sometimes a Q-tip. For tooth or sinus pain, I rub Thieves right on the gum. It relieves the pain quickly and

heals whatever infection was there. A drop in the mouth on the throat will help a sore throat- even works for Strep throat. But

it is a hot oil. You can mix a drop or 2 with honey or honey & Lemon for throat relief. Sanitizing Spray- I use 4-6 drops of Thieves with distilled water in a 4oz dark glass spray

bottle. Make sure to shake it before each use! I use it for hands, toys, tables, diaper changing stations, etc. I've even been known to use it as a throat spray if I'm inadvertently exposed to cigarette smoke or airborne mold.

For strep throat, I had great success rubbing diluted Thieves all over my throat and up the sides of my neck behind my ears. I put a drop of Thieves in a glass of almond milk and drank it several times a day.

Spray Thieves or Thieves Cleaner in between the sheets, on top of the sheets, etc. to kill dust mites!

I swim and to get rid of the chlorine on my skin, I add 3 drops Thieves to the Bath Gel (and sometimes lemon too) and I use it as a body wash. Sometimes I put it in the bath as soak in it. Soaking works as well as scrubbing to totally eliminate all traces of chlorine!

I have found that the Thieves oil works great for you feet if it is a fungus. Kills 99.96% of all bacteria, virus, and fungus. After your bath or shower, before you dry your feet, and while they are still wet, I would put several drops of Thieves oil in your hands and massage it all over your feet. Then either Animal Scents Ointment, or Tender Tush Ointment, then white cotton socks, to keep the moisture in, and white cotton gloves for your hands. Often times, part of the moisture we have lost is water. The difference will be amazing

With Thieves, I have put a "smidge" on my tongue and held it on the roof of my mouth to relieve "itchiness" in my sinuses.

I got food poisoning! I put 3 drops of Peppermint and 3 drops of Thieves into the capsule, filling up the rest of the capsule with olive oil which I always have handy in a little dropper bottle along with my oils. Half an hour later I was a new woman, able to dance the night away.

For a sty in the eye- Thieves on her toes, on the "eye points." Once my daughter had a sty on her eyelid, and we applied Thieves to the toes. (2nd and 3rd, underneath, I believe.) The next day the sty was more than half gone, and by the next day completely gone

I have used thieves spray to remove cigarette smells from the carpet. I sprayed it directly on the carpet; it was so successful that I use it on the carpet for other odors as well.

Recently, a customer of mine shared that by diluting Thieves oil and using that for her five year old son, within 2 days she was able to clear up his ear infection.

Before I get into a pool (don't have access to a non-chlorinated pool), I put Thieves on each foot. I heard this can support the body against the crappy chemicals

Diabetes-I have been taking 8 drops of Thieves oil in a 00 capsule daily, and it has been regulating my sugar. It's a good idea to muscle test yourself to see how much you actually need.

We have had terrific success with Poison Ivy rashes using Thieves & Purification. I found that Thieves actually takes care of the itching away as well as the rash. I used it neat (non-diluted) on my skin.

Thieves has been effective in stopping arthritis pain. Rub into area of pain. Taken internally (6-10 drops in capsule with olive oil) can stop diarrhea. Take 3x a day for

3 days if it is severe. My 4 yr. old was carrying a heavy piece of green wood up a small banking and fell on the

log with his fingers under it. He was in a lot of pain. After a promise it wouldn't sting he let me put diluted Thieves on his fingers. Immediately the pain and swelling was gone. Within 5 min. had to remember which hand was hurt!

For Shingles: Ravensara and Thieves in a capsule...equal parts, about ten drops each. One time usually does it...but you might need to do it for a few days.

Had decay in 2 molars and was experiencing pain, so I took a flossing tool (disposible ones you can buy in any grocery or drug store) and I would put about one half drop of thieves, or Melrose or clove but mainly I would use thieves and rub the floss part of the tool in the thieves oil and floss in between the bad teeth so the oil would go down into the gums. Then I would put another drop of oil on my finger and rub the oil on the gums around the bad tooth and hold it there for a minute. Well I am happy to say I no longer have any pain in either of these teeth.

I use diluted Thieves on my little girl for a huge canker sore. I have also used it on others, but that was a biggie. It helped the pain and melted the sore. It started to work right away, but took a few days to disappear.

For hand soap, I make a mixture of Thieves Oil, bath gel base, V-6 and water in a foam bottle works and smells great!

I just spoke with one of my customers and she said Thieves worked very well for the Poison Ivy/Oak. She said it helped dry it up and it did not spread at all.

My 8 year old daughter gets a lot of ear infections and strep throat very easily. However, she hasn't had to take an antibiotic for over a year (that is when I found the oils). She rubs Thieves around the outside of her ear and throat when they hurt. Thieves is a hot oil but she does use it neet (straight). It helps with the pain and evidently gets rid of any infection.

My sister had a mouth full of cavities (about 7) and she would brush her teeth twice a day with the Thieves toothpaste, Swish her mouth with the Thieves mouthwash and then apply the Theives Oil directly to her teeth. She did this by putting the oil on her finger and just rubbing it on the teeth. She did this for about three months and when she went back to the dentist she only had one cavity and it was almost gone! The cavity that was still there had been really bad, her whole tooth was almost eaten up. But after three months there was just a little bit of cavity left.

I was doing this for a bad tooth I took one of the tiny dropper bottles you can get from Abundant Health put pure Theives into it and after I brushed my teeth I just dropped a drop directly on the tooth. I eventually had to go and have the tooth taken care of because the cavity was inside the tooth with just a tiny hole exposed to the outside but the dentist wondered how I had this tooth the way it was for so long without any pain.....Thieves! Also he said that this kind of cavity almost always abcesses with infection; mine never did......Thieves!

Thyme I used Thyme on the bottom of the feet for snoring and it worked for us. Whooping Cough-Thyme oil works great...all of my kids have had it...and we use caps. A great side effect of Thyme Oil, at least for me, is that it is quite energizing. I use from 2-6

drops in a capsule. I always have it on hand now. Perhaps the energy giving qualities of Thyme occur because it oxygenates the blood?

Trauma Life

1 I used to think that Trauma Life was for EMOTIONAL trauma... This week I have applied it to:

2 A Pregnant client with a pulled muscle...she said the pain was GONE within 15 seconds...and she had been suffering with it for DAYS!

3 Myself; I stabbed myself in that hand while poking holes in a bottle for a kid *grimace* The pain was lessened about 80% within 25 seconds!

4 A child fell off of the trampoline. She stopped crying immediately, and the bruise I was SURE was going to come has never appeared!

5 I call Trauma Life a Miracle Oil. I never cease to be AMAZED at its success with trauma in the body. My grandson ran directly into the edge of the door. I grabbed Trauma Life. The next day, you had to hunt for the red crease that looked about to break open and was swelling the day before.

6 I use Trauma Life when I have trouble sleeping.

Transformation I use Transformation at the first sign of a sniffle in my girls. In the event of an elevated

temp, Transformation will bring it down really quickly...faster than peppermint in our experience. We really love it. I believe it is one of the oils to always have on hand, and to use liberally. We pretty much just put it on the feet.

I've found tremendous relief from backaches applying topically on location of discomfort! I much prefer it to purify my drinking water. I love its wonderful milder taste more than

either lemon or peppermint, which are both in this blend. Transformation! This just feels SOOO good! I use it on my head, face neck heart area, all

Chakras when doing a Chakra Balancing. It’s very calming, helps focus, reduces stress & gently energizes.

Tsuga I had great results using Tsuga for a long time clogged ear and often my sinus on the

same side would plug up. I put Tsuga on around my ear and down my neck before I went to bed for, oh, I don't know, maybe a couple of weeks. Now I hear great out of that ear all of the time and I don't wake up with that side of my sinuses stuffed up anymore and it has been about 8 months or so now.

Valerian Valerian on the top of each of my big toes if I can't sleep at night. For insomnia- a drop of Valerian under your tongue (it tastes terrible, but only for 1/2 a

second), may help you a great deal.

Valor Uplifts mood. Good for depression- put a drop on wrists, temples. I have a gentleman taking Valor in capsules. I had read on the Joy Group about drinking

a glass of water with a drop of Valor in it, and shared the story with him, and he chose to put a few drops in an empty capsule, and take it internally, and said it's wonderful

Rub on feet to help give courage to face difficult things (example: first day of school for kids)

Called “Chiropractic in a bottle” it is good for the back. Rub on back or back of neck. Use it before a chiropractic visit to enhance the results and make them hold longer.

My daughter's boyfriend is completely off antidepressants and meds. for ADHD nowadays, thanks to Valor on the feet and Joy on the forehead and neck.

My granddaughter, almost 7 years old, loves the Valor applied on the bottoms of her feet before sleeping. She says she sleeps better with it.

I was getting sciatic nerve pain in my late pregnancy. I rubbed a drop or 2 of Valor on my lower back morning and night and the shooting pains stopped.

I rubbed 1-2 drops on my lower back each night throughout my pregnancy and I had practically no back pain at all! (It was my third pregnancy and I definitely had a LOT of back pain for the first 2.)

For my TMJ: Valor blend rubbed on the jaw joints and jaw area every night before bed. My TMJ went away.

My husband has been using Valor for over a year as an aftershave. I swear by Valor. My husband's snoring stopped when we began applying it to the soles of

his feet at bedtime. I found that Valor takes care of my ear discomfort. I use it behind the ear and in front of

the ear. Also use it over the eyebrows and under the eye on the sinus area. When my daughter was pregnant, that is REALLY pregnant and she had a horrible

'toothache' like achey pain that centered in her hip and ran down her leg. She was miserable! She started using Valor starting on the spot and on the small of her back and got almost instant relief. She still has problems once in a while with that hip and Valor does the trick every time.

Veviter If you're chemically sensitive in workplaces, etc., it works well for exposures to toxic

odors. I simply turn the bottle upside down on my tongue and let it coat the tongue. Then I rub my tongue on the top and sides of my mouth. It really helps!

For Depression- use Veviter on the brainstem (on back of the neck) topically I rub a drop on my belly before bed and it helps me sleep better. Researchers found Vetiver to be very helpful in controlling ADD symptoms. I taught both my grandson and granddaughter how to put a drop or two of Vetiver on the

bottom of each big toe every morning. They were to then rub their big toes together and put on their socks. All this without touching the oil because when they did touch the oil, the teacher and other children complained about the smell at school. WHEN they were consistent, there was huge improvement in both of the children.

Vetiver is very high in sesquiterpenes, over 95%. Vetiver is a good muscle relaxer: I've used that on muscles on my husband's back when

they turn into marble-like bumps that need to be rubbed out. Vetiver just melts them away. All Forms of Arthritis and its painful symptoms can be alleviated by the following formula:

5 drops Idaho Balsam Fir, 3 drops Vetiver, 1 drop Oregano Dr. Terry Friedmann did some work with EO's and found that the oil that was most effective

with ADD was Vetiver.

White Angelica I also White Angelica in a spray bottle for my girls who tend to have nightmares. A couple

sprays and they are sleeping peacefully.


AlkaLime AlkaLime seems to alleviate allergy symptoms almost immediately. Perhaps because it is

so alkalinizing and allergies likely do best in acidic conditions.

Animal Scents Barb Lemke submitted the following tip: “I recently sold Animal Scents™ Ointment to a

client. I told her that I use it on my feet to soften my heels. She tried it on her sore ankle, and her brother tried it on his aching lower back. She called shortly thereafter to order four more containers, as both her sore ankle and her brother’s back discomfort were quickly relieved. She said her brother had tried every pill and ointment on his back, but nothing had worked as well as the Animal Scents Ointment. That is the beauty of the essential oils in Animal Scents Ointment.”

Applying it morning and night kept my pregnant belly soft and elastic and itch free. I never had the itchy issues I had with my non-YL pregnancies, and I got no new stretch marks!

Used it to unglue super-glued together fingers. We are using the YL Animal Scents Ointment on my nine year old daughter who has

moderate eczema. When she uses it twice a day she gets good results. She said nothing she has used has helped the itching as much.

My son had a fungus on his feet for the past 2 years, we started applying Animal Scents ointment and a week later his feet are beautiful. I told him to keep at it another week to make sure he gets the roots of the fungus and it doesn't grow back. Oh, he said that he first applied Melrose then he applied the ointment.

I apply an oil and then seal it with the Animal Scents Ointment. The ointment is wonderful. The night of convention we all used it as massage and foot

lotion. Animal Scents seems to have really good fly repellant qualities. My very creative 17 year old girl super glued three fingers. Not only did she glue these

fingers together (from the second knuckle down), but they were 100% attached to the shell she was working on. Looking through the oil cabinet, I decided to go with Animal Scents Ointment. Using a toothpick as a mini saw, sliding it sideways between skin and the shell, she was freed, with skin intact and no pain. Then we did the same thing between each finger. It was quite impressive and fast working too.

I use it after shower on rough skin, skin tags, hangnails, you name it and they all disappear. People all day long comment on how good I smell.

We are using the YL Animal Scents Ointment on my nine year old daughter who has moderate eczema. When she uses it twice a day she gets good results. She said nothing she has used has helped the itching as much.

I got rid of the brown spots on my hands by just using Animal Scents Ointment. I use it at least once a day, usually at night and often in the morning. It's a great protectant to make it easier to wash away the germs.

I have had phenomenal success with Animal Scents Ointment for my itchy rash. I can't recommend it enough.

Animal Scents Ointment works wonders on psoriasis. My husband who is not into oil used this on his psoriasis. It took away the itch and the inflammation.

Today a customer called to tell me that the sample of Animal Scents I gave her for cracks on her hands ended up going to her elderly (80 years?) father who has an "ulcer" on his leg. I believe he has diabetes, if memory serves me right. Anyway, the ulcer is healing with Animal Scents use.

'Protruding and painful' described my situation completely, when I decided to skip everything and just use Animal Scents Ointment on my hemorrhoids instead. I used a little, 3 times a day (if I wasn't working I'd have done it up to 5 times) and the gradual relief was complete by day 3-4. By the fourth day I actually forgot I had a problem. I highly recommend it, so gently and soothing as opposed to the 'dancing around' with the

stinging/burning of the oils. I love my oils, but not for this any more! I'm a new mom of just 7 weeks and when I had these issues with yeast all I needed to use

was Animal Scents Ointment. I would put it on as soon as my son was done nursing and I never worried about washing it off before his next feeding. It cleared up the yeast and made my sore nipples feel soooo much better. It is also my favorite diaper rash treatment.

Having read a previous “oiler's” suggestion of using Animal Scents Ointment (mixed with Rosemary) on the hair for volume and shine, I was a bit dubious as my hair is fine and straight. Three days ago, I tried a small amount of her recommendation on my hair and am astonished at the results. With some silver hair mixed in with the dark brown, I am amazed at how the silver hair glistens. All the hair looks healthier and is shinier. Tonight at dinner with friends, my hair's new look was mentioned by them and brought a big thumbs-up.

I have suffered with ATopic and Contact Dermititis for many years. I started to have a breakout on the insides of my legs about a week ago. I applied the Ointment, and Next Morning it was gone. I also put it on my arms the other day. My arms get really dry, and I thought lets try it. It was great

To add to the long list of Animal Scents Ointment uses, my daughters horse has a lot of old scars where the skin is bare. The ASO makes the hair grow. Also, since I have using it as hand cream, the little flat warts that were on my hands are gone.

My husband uses it on his elbows and kneecaps for psoriasis and we both use it on our toenails to keep them conditioned; they don't get thick. Also, my brother-in-law uses it on his rough hands from years of welding.

Animal Scents Shampoo Animal Scents Shampoo is all natural and balances emotions. It can be put on an open

wound. It cleans the wound and renders it bacteria-free with no pain. It will pull out sand and gook.

BLM A friend had a bone spur on her heel. After taking BLM for 5 days the pain was gone. She

had cortisone shots from the doctor that did not take the pain away like the BLM. My 90-year-young mother just had a bone density scan because she has had severe loss

of bone mass. Her rheumatologist was astounded because he said that she no longer has severe bone loss. He couldn't believe that her bone density improved so much in 1 year. Now what did she do differently? She has been taking BLM for around 8 months, just 1 level scoop a day. She can't take more because BLM is too high (for her) in potassium. Aren't YL products wonderful!?

As an avid BLM user, I can say that it truly nourishes my joints and reduces inflammation which eliminates pain.

My husband and I are avid runners and both have experienced this pain (plantar fascitis) in the bottom of the foot. What helped me was taking BLM and switching to a more supportive running shoe.

I haven't had problems with my back but BLM did wonders for my shoulder. A side benefit is that my finger nails are longer and stronger than ever. And the urge to bite them is totally gone.

Ningxia Red Ningxia Red helped my son and me with hay fever and other pollen allergies. 1oz in a.m.

and 1 oz in p.m. Diagnosed with West Nile Virus and drank 2 liters of NR in 3 days. Virus totally gone by


Two Tablespoons of BYJ has the ANTIOXIDANT POWER of: 4 pounds of carrots, 2 quarts of carrot juice, 8 oranges, 1 pint of orange juice, 2 pounds of beets, 2 cups of beet juice, 3 cups of raspberries or 2 cups of blueberries. WOW ~ that's why my husband and I stopped juicing and started drinking NR!

I have a friend who is also a Young Living member who has used NingXia Red (1-2oz/day) for about 3 months. His cholesterol was high - 190-240 and he was on medicine every day. His cholesterol is normal now and he is off the meds his doctor told him he would need for the rest of his life. NingXia Red is the way to go if you have high cholesterol!

Comfortone Dr. Friedman swears a daily high dose of Comfortone keeps parasites (eggs?) from

becoming embedded in the intestines. Dentarome

There is one more great use that we have found with the Dentrome REGULAR toothpaste.... it works great for clearing up acne. We just rub in a dab of the Dentarome toothpaste on a pimple before bed at night, and nine times out of ten, the pimple(s) is gone in the morning!

Put it on Poison Ivy to relieve the itch and heal faster. I use the Ultra and I love it. I used to have to go to the dentist three times a year (which

then cost me money as my insurance only pays for two visits) to keep the tartar under control (I was beginning to have some deep pockets which gave them concern for gum disease). Then I started using YL's toothpaste (and I like the taste of the Ultra the best so use it) bought a Sonicare toothbrush and after six months of both I have graduated back to a twice a year schedule. The hygienist couldn't believe how white my teeth were and how little tartar there was (just a little behind the front bottom teeth, which is common as that is where our salivary glands are). I used to have to whiten my teeth with the bleach from the dentist and gave that up as well...no need. So I am happy with it.

Dentarome Plus is my underarm deodorant of choice. Works long and a tiny dab goes on smoothly and disappears.

Detoxzyme Vicki Opfer did tell us at the Regional Meeting that she really likes Detoxzyme and has

been using it daily for some time. Her reason was that she considers it to be the "all purpose" enzyme because it breaks down fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fibers.

Detoxzyme between meals helps pull toxins out of your body; before meals it helps to digest foods.

Essentialzyme A coworker of mine came to my desk last week and said that he had gone to a Mexican

restaurant for lunch and it was tearing his stomach up, he had cramps, and he thought he might have gotten food poisoning. The pain was high in his stomach and he also was running to the bathroom. I asked him if he wanted to try an alternative way to help it and he said yes, so I gave him 3 Essentialzyme tablets. Within 20 minutes his stomach was completely back to normal, no more symptoms whatsoever. He was amazed!

ImmuPro It's suggested to take this before bedtime. Great way to fall asleep as well as keep the

immune system built up. Good for trouble getting sleep.


This juva spice makes great omelets, we use it on Chinese stir fry and on baked potatoes. What ever I can think of. I sure like it.

I like it on SALAD, soup, on top of my morning veggie juice. I use JuvaSpice on rice, veggies, salads, almost anything and it tastes great!! Sprinkle on salads, spice up meatloafs, if you're a meat eater. I don't do beef, but instead

use ground turkey which can be bland. JuvaSpice really adds flavor to it.

Longevity When I feel a virus or cold coming on, I take a capsule 2 or 3 times daily. I feel so much

better, so much faster! I take a capsule with 3 drops Longevity in it each morning, and I believe it is one of the big

factors in helping with my depression. The allopaths kept putting my elderly mother on cholesterol medicine because her last test

was at 380! The resulting pain in her side from the medicine always made her quit taking it. Last September, I told her to try Longevity, just to see if she didn't feel better. At that point, I did not even know Longevity was good for cholesterol! After six months on Longevity, her cholesterol was down to 240!

I started taking Longevity for my Cholesterol. It dropped 30 points in 2 months. Remember my sister's testimony about how Longevity capsules dropped her cholesterol

level 63 points in only 5 weeks at one capsule a day. *She/ /started at 269 in Spring, 2005*. Well, now we are up to around 4 months at one cap/day, and for the first time in her adult life, her cholesterol level is below 200. It went from 206 down to 186!

Progessence cream My 30 year old daughter has had fibriods and painful periods and acne. About 2 ½

months ago she started using the Progessence cream and has had fabulous results with it. No more PMS and her face is clearing up. She did not even know she was getting her period this last time.

Prenolene Plus I use prenolone plus for four years, I use it on my face. It took the age spots out and it

made me look beautiful. I gave a little of my Prenolone to a friend, to try for facial redness and flushing, which

runs in her family. It worked so well, that now both she and her mother use Prenolone for this condition. The first time she ordered it, she used the Prenolone without the DHEA, but their last order was for the Prenolone with the DHEA, one tube for each, so it doesn't seen to matter which one they use. They are both very happy with the results.

I have suffered from a skin disease called Rosacea for about 10 years. My dermatologist has had me on a topical steroid and 3 dilferent antibiotics over that time period. They have no "cure" for it and they don't know exactly what causes it. Tried Prenolone; I put it on my face. It's a cream. The next day my face was clear. You have never seen my face when it is real bad, but let me tell you, this is a GOD-SEND!! I have been using it every day since, and my face looks better than I can ever remember being, without taking some kind of drug. It is actually softer and smoother than ever. Other things I experienced after applying the Prenolone, was a calming effect and a clearer mental state.

Sulfurzyme I have bone spurs on every corner of every vertebra. I have been taking Sulfurzyme -I feel

better than ever. My recent x-ray of my vertebrae showed the spurs being smaller. I started taking the Sulfurzyme a year ago.

My husband has stomach acid problems & there are family problems with hiatal hernia conditions. The doctors always prescribe anti-acids for him to take but when he takes his Sulfurzyme he does not need them! So he takes it when he remembers & doesn't have the stomach problems.

Last year I began taking Sulfurzyme for something else and noticed within TWO WEEKS that I had no allergies whatsoever. I haven't been plagued by anything since!

My favorite supplement is Sulfurzyme! It has strengthened my ligaments so I don't need to go to the chiropractor much anymore. I used to go every month... I haven't been there for over a year!

Sulfurzyme took the gray out of my hair. I don't remember my hair being that light before the gray, but it definitely was no longer gray. Edith Chupp

I used to have year-round allergies so badly I was taking prescription Claritin plus Benadryl every 3-4 hours and it couldn't touch it. When I found YL and started taking Sulfurzyme regularly--NO ALLERGIES. Period. It's been 4 years and I'm sneeze free.

I was told that Sulfurzyme is the single-most effective product for Fibromyalgia. I have had great results for terrible chronic back pain taking the Sulfurzyme capsules (2 in

am, 2 before bed) regularly. I've been on them for about 18 months and it has made a big difference in my overall pain. It's also resulted in overall improved energy. The few times I forgot to take it, I was in terrible pain all night and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally realized I'd forgotten my Sulfurzyme. It's allowed me to go off a bad prescription anti-inflammatory (yeah!)

Something that just might help you with the cravings is good old Sulfurzyme. That was one of the very first products I began using and within 2 weeks I noticed that my year-round allergies were gone. Within the first month my cravings for junk food, sugar, etc. dwindled down to zip! I have to admit, though, I'm a coward when it comes to the taste, so I take the capsules.

Thieves Cleaner I use Thieves Cleaner in a spray bottle to clean the leaves on my indoor rubber tree which

clears out the spider mites and other little critters. She seems to like it! As a gardener, I know the importance of cleaning my gardening tools-especially pruners-to

prevent diseases from spreading from one plant to another. I have found that Thieves® Household Cleaner not only cleans sticky sap from a plant quickly and easily, but it also disinfects it at the same time.

As a vegetable wash, several drops in my hands then wash the fruits and veggies with it. cap full in washing machine I am a car enthusiast, and I get oil and grease all over my clothes all of the time. I spray

Thieves® Household Cleaner on my greasy clothes, and it cleans the stains better than anything on the market!

used straight on my hands to remove paint I've scrubbed poison ivy blisters with it to remove the poison ivy oils from my skin. cleaned floors and carpet spots Every fall, we get mold growing on the siding of our house, so last October, I cleaned a 4 ft.

X 4 ft. area with Thieves® Household Cleaner. I sprayed it on, scrubbed it with a brush, waited five minutes, and sprayed it down with the hose. I showed my husband how clean it was, but he still chose to clean the rest of the side of the house with bleach. This October, I looked at that side of the house. Again, the seasonal mold is all over the siding...except for the 4 ft. X 4 ft. area I cleaned with Thieves last year.

Used for: 1) hand soap 2) spot remover on clothes 3) flying insect and spider killer 4) window cleaner & bathroom & kitchen cleaner 5) wood furniture that has a varathene finish

6) light spray on eye glasses 7) computer screen, TV screen I used to suffer from dust mite allergies, especially during the winter months when

everything is sealed up to keep out the cold. Now when I make my bed each week, I use Thieves® Spray on my pillows and bed sheets, which helps with my allergic reactions. I also spray the whole mattress when I strip the bed and mattress cover each month. Because I have hot air heating, more dust is generated in the winter months, and Thieves helps me control the situation

My friend, Jan Weger, told me recently that she cleans her oven with Thieves Cleaner and it works fabulously. Sure, I thought, but not for mine - it was r-e-a-l-l-y bad... So, out of sheer desperation, I mixed a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of Thieves Cleaner and water, and sprayed the inside of the oven. Then I went away for awhile and did something else, and when I came back.... The oven wiped right off without any scrubbing or anything. It was nothing short of a miracle. I also sprayed down the grates, and wiped them off without a problem, also. I wish you could have seen it - it wiped off like something wet, not sticky.

I use a diluted mixture of Thieves Cleaner (don't ask me how much - I just pour it in a container and add water) to clean my wood and tile floors.

I pour some Thieves Cleaner in the little cup in the automatic dishwasher and set it off, and it cleans the dishes beautifully.

I sometimes throw Thieves Cleaner in my washing machine when I'm washing something "challenging."

When I got sick last year, my daughter, Jessica, not only diffused Thieves oil in the house to keep from getting sick, herself - she also used Thieves Cleaner as a body wash when she took a shower. She was fine, and never caught it.

I had 3 months + experience with liver toxicity with my gelding from walnut leaves this fall.... I won't state the entire protocol that I used right now but suffice it to say that Thieves Cleaner was on the top of the product list! The result from the walnut toxicity was the leg or other area would swell, then get a gray mark (as if another horse had kicked him) and then the skin would break open and the flesh would come off..... It was not a pretty sight! In desperation and knowing that this needed to heal quickly, I used 2 capfuls of Thieves Cleaner in 16 ounces of water and sprayed it on the areas. I sprayed on the full 16 ounces every application. It cleaned the area amazingly and the areas I used the Thieves on, healed more quickly than the areas I did not. (I had to test it out...)Then, I added additional oils to this spray and sealed it with Animal Scents Ointment. The gelding (Cowboy) always seemed very appreciative after his anointing sessions; although when he saw me coming..... he'd start to go the other way. He felt awful and it was a slow process. Cowboy received oils internally, topically, Raindrop therapies, and as much love mixed with patience that I could muster. The "vet" said he would die, the farrier said that horses founder (dangerous inflammation) from walnut exposure or worse... I told the vet that I wouldn't use his 2 "really powerful" antibiotics because I had powerful, safe essential oils that would not harm my horse. In disdain, he shook his head, repeated himself 3 times and walked away. Back to the point, Thieves Cleaner is a WONDER and it did not burn or irritate an already irritated horse for skin that was falling off..... it in fact was calming to him.

I used thieves cleaner the last two times I did my carpet! It is fantastic! Cleans better than the commercial shampoo and was cheaper too! I used 1/4 cup for two gallons of water. It leaves your house smelling wonderful! And you know you have killed all those germs!

Raindrop Technique I have yet to find a Herpes virus that the Raindrop Technique will not eliminate. Many, many

successes. Expect a major outbreak or two, sometimes three but it is the virus's way of

saying, "Good bye". If you recall last December I wrote about the 65 year old woman who had severe scoliosis

since she was nine years old and the success I had in the RDT applications. Four to be exact. The three inch curve to the left in her spine (thoracic) shifted back to center approx 2 inches and the curve in her lumbar region also shifted almost center. Then she ran out of money so I suggested she purchase the YL oils and I would train her husband to do RDT so that her progress could continue....Besides I was leaving on an extensive end of year trip. Last evening I saw her for the first time since mid December. In the meantime, her husband had given her two RDT sessions himself. He is a crusty old carpenter man that was willing and apparently very capable. Here's the punch. Her spine now is perfectly centered and has held since the last part of Dec. She said her muscles seem to be in the process of readjusting to her new alignment and that although at times it was uncomfortable, she had no complaints. She is elated with her new back. She said she still wakes up in the night to feel if her spine is still centered.

My Mom received complete relief from her chronic back pain with weekly Raindrop Techniques. We were able to discontinue the narcotic pain patches she'd been wearing that, in fact, were ineffective!

A client that came for a Raindrop one day this past week complained of pain in her right hip as well as generalized pain due to fibromyalgia. Her right hip pain was totally relieved after the Raindrop technique.

My Mom's chronic back pain for which she was wearing a narcotic pain patch and taking Tylenol and Ibuprofen every day was relieved and resolved after 6 weekly Raindrop therapy treatments.

ALWAYS disperse essential oils(s) you wish to use for your bath in YL Bath Gel Base, an organic honey, or sea salts. Usually you would add about 10 drops to a tablespoon of liquid like the Bath Gel or honey or 15 drops to 1/2 cup of salt.

FLY REPELLANT: Last summer we made up a fly spray for our horses with a quart of water, and 30 drops each of: peppermint, Purification, lemongrass, and Melrose. If I had had clove, I would have added it as well. Without the clove, it discouraged everything except the big horseflies and deerflies, which seemed to be able to ignore it if they really wanted to bite. (Idaho Tansy for Horseflies-KS)