What Sleep means to Your Bone Health

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of What Sleep means to Your Bone Health

What Sleep Means To Your Bone Health

Lack of sleep can have various negative impacts on your health. One of the major effects is on

bone health. Perpetual lack of sleep affects bone metabolism and bone marrow composition

which further effects development and repair of bones that occur naturally.

Inadequate sleep not only stops the formation of new bones, but also lowers the bone density.

The damages that occur due to daily mild activities can be repaired naturally, but due to lack of

sleep, bone repair process slows down. It also decreases the amount of fats in bone marrow. So

lack of sleep lowers your bone density which further can result in developing osteoporosis.

Methods to get more sleep

Sufficient amount of sleep is necessary to have healthy bones. On an average, an adult needs

sleep for eight hours each night, but with age falling asleep gets a little bit difficult. You can

improve the quality of your sleep by following these tips.

1) Stick to sleep-wake schedule – Sticking to a sleep-wake schedule will help you to set

your internal body clock and enhance your sleep quality. Start by setting your sleep time

that works with your lifestyle. Choose a time when you feel completely tired so that you

don’t toss and turn.

2). Limit the use of electronics with screens after dark – Limit your smartphones,

televisions, desktops or laptops an hour before going to sleep. These screens emit blue

light which is strongly responsible for sleep disturbance.

3). Exercise – Exercise enhances your metabolism, increases body temperature and

promotes sleep. Make sure to finish your exercise at least 3 hours before your bedtime.

Don’t stick to your couch while watching television. Perform low-intense exercise,

gentle stretching or yoga to promote your sleep quality.

4). Avoid alcohol before bedtime – Avoid consuming liquor before bedtime to maintain the

quality of your sleep. A nightcap may help you in getting sound sleep, but once you’re

out, it can disturb your sleep cycle.

5). Make sure your room is dark – The darker the room, the better you’ll sleep. Use

heavy shade curtains to prevent light from doors and windows. You can also wear

sleep mask to cover your eyes.

If above mentioned steps do not work, then consult your doctor. As a sleep disorder can

make your bones weak and can cause a lot of other health issues. Make sure to take a

healthy diet. Add calcium rich foods to your diet. Consider trying bone health

supplements with more calcium and vitamin D for extra bone support.