What Really Makes Scientific Sense - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2015-04-23 · What...

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Transcript of What Really Makes Scientific Sense - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2015-04-23 · What...

Creation or Evolution:Creation or Evolution:

What What ReallyReally Makes Makes

Scientific SenseScientific Sense??

Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating& The Age of the Earth& The Age of the Earth

Creation 301Creation 301

Why Study the Subject?Why Study the Subject?The Implications:The Implications:

•• By Attacking Creation, Evolution is Undermining By Attacking Creation, Evolution is Undermining the basic Foundation of Christianitythe basic Foundation of Christianity–– Colossians 1:16Colossians 1:16--2020

–– Revelation 4:9Revelation 4:9--11 11 God is God is CreatorCreator & & SaviorSavior

–– Revelation 5:9Revelation 5:9--1414

•• If Supernatural Creation did not Occur, then Jesus If Supernatural Creation did not Occur, then Jesus is Not Creator or Qualified to be Redeemeris Not Creator or Qualified to be Redeemer

•• By Understanding the Importance of this Issue a By Understanding the Importance of this Issue a Christian is much better equipped for Evangelism.Christian is much better equipped for Evangelism.

DarwinismDarwinism & & CreationismCreationism are are Mutually Exclusive Scientific Mutually Exclusive Scientific

ExplanationsExplanations of Origins & Therefore Completely Incompatibleof Origins & Therefore Completely Incompatible

““If all animals and man evolved, then there If all animals and man evolved, then there

were no first parents, no paradise, no fall. were no first parents, no paradise, no fall.

And if there had been no fall, then the And if there had been no fall, then the

entire historic fabric of Christianity, the entire historic fabric of Christianity, the

story of the first sin, and the reason for the story of the first sin, and the reason for the

atonement collapses like a house of cards.atonement collapses like a house of cards.””

−− H.G. Wells [1866H.G. Wells [1866--1946], 1946], The Outlines of The Outlines of

HistoryHistory , 2 Volumes (1920), 2 Volumes (1920)..

Creation & Redemption are Knit TogetherCreation & Redemption are Knit Together

The atheist understands this better than some The atheist understands this better than some ChristiansChristians::

ChristianChristian’’s Responses Response

•• Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you

concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary

to write to you exhorting you to to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for contend earnestly for

the faiththe faith which was once for all delivered to the saintswhich was once for all delivered to the saints..

−−−−−−−− Jude 1:3.Jude 1:3.

•• But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be

ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a

reason for the hope that is in youreason for the hope that is in you, with , with meeknessmeekness and and

fearfear;; ––1 Peter 3:15.1 Peter 3:15.

Is The Age of the Earth Important?Is The Age of the Earth Important?Understanding a young age for the earth is more than just Understanding a young age for the earth is more than just

an intellectual exercisean intellectual exercise——itit’’ss actually critical to oneactually critical to one’’s faiths faith..

If the first 11 chapters of Genesis are allegorical or If the first 11 chapters of Genesis are allegorical or

figurative then there is no real doctrinal basis for figurative then there is no real doctrinal basis for the the

sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage, original sin, the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage, original sin, the

need for a Savior, the reasons behind the global flood and need for a Savior, the reasons behind the global flood and

the dispersion of the nationsthe dispersion of the nations..

Jesus believed in the Genesis creation account as factual Jesus believed in the Genesis creation account as factual historyhistory——shouldnshouldn’’t we?t we?

““Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female'made them male and female’’ and said, 'For this reason a man and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, andshall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, andthe two shall become one flesh'? So then, they are no longer the two shall become one flesh'? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separatenot man separate””..——Matthew 19:4Matthew 19:4--66

Then God saw everything that He had made, and Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the morning were the sixth daysixth day..——Genesis 1:31Genesis 1:31

Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host oof f

them, were finished. And on the seventh day God them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the the seventh dayseventh day from all His work which He had from all His work which He had done.done.——Genesis 2:1Genesis 2:1--22

‘‘Six days you shall labor and do all your work.....For Six days you shall labor and do all your work.....For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.day and made it holy.’’——Exodus 20:9,11Exodus 20:9,11

In Six DaysIn Six Days………………

Biblical Evidence for Young EarthBiblical Evidence for Young Earth

hh Genesis 5Genesis 5 and and 1111 give the genealogies from give the genealogies from AdamAdam to to NoahNoah [[1056 years1056 years] and ] and ShemShem to to AbrahamAbraham; [; [390 years390 years] 10 generations each.] 10 generations each.

hhNo No MajorMajor Missing GenealogiesMissing Genealogies——OT & NT Lists OT & NT Lists ((MatthewMatthew & & LukeLuke) are Consistent. ) are Consistent. Jude 1:14Jude 1:14 confirms confirms that there are no gaps at all between Adam and Enoch that there are no gaps at all between Adam and Enoch ((““77thth from Adamfrom Adam””).).

hh Although there may be some gaps in the Although there may be some gaps in the genealogical record, they would not account for genealogical record, they would not account for more than 2,000 years at the most.more than 2,000 years at the most.

hh Allowing for generous gaps the Biblical record, Allowing for generous gaps the Biblical record, the earth can be no older than ~8,000 yearsthe earth can be no older than ~8,000 years——still still much younger than Evolution claims the age of much younger than Evolution claims the age of man (100,000 to >1 million years). man (100,000 to >1 million years).

The Bible Affirms Six Literal DaysThe Bible Affirms Six Literal Days

hThe Primary Meaning of “Yom”. In the overwhelming majority of its 2304 appearances in the OT a literal day is meant. ‘Olam’ could have been used for ‘ages’ but it was not.

h Ordinal Numbering. Whenever the word occurs with an ordinal number or in a numbered series, it always refers to a literal day. Such is the case in Genesis 1. {first, second, third,….. seventh day}

hRotational Cycle of the Earth. Each creation day is framed by the phrase, “evening and morning”, referring to one rotational cycle of the earth.

Why is it that we know what this word means Why is it that we know what this word means

EVERYWHERE else but not in Genesis chapter 1?!EVERYWHERE else but not in Genesis chapter 1?!

�� Materialistic EvolutionMaterialistic EvolutionThe hypothesis that the complex chemical processes and diverse The hypothesis that the complex chemical processes and diverse biological systems are the result of random processes (Natural biological systems are the result of random processes (Natural Selection & Mutations) working over a period of Selection & Mutations) working over a period of billions of yearsbillions of years..

��Theistic EvolutionTheistic EvolutionThe hypothesis that God initially created the raw materials and The hypothesis that God initially created the raw materials and energy and then through natural processes (Natural Selection & energy and then through natural processes (Natural Selection & Mutations) these evolved into the abundant variety of life we seMutations) these evolved into the abundant variety of life we see e today; including man, over a period of hundreds of today; including man, over a period of hundreds of billions of yearsbillions of years, , at times intervening to speed up the process. at times intervening to speed up the process. Genesis is allegoricalGenesis is allegorical..

�� Progressive CreationProgressive Creation““The hypothesis that God has increased the complexity of life on The hypothesis that God has increased the complexity of life on earth by successive creations of new life forms over earth by successive creations of new life forms over billions of yearsbillions of yearswhile miraculously changing the earth to accommodate the new while miraculously changing the earth to accommodate the new life.life.””----Dr. Hugh Ross (Dr. Hugh Ross (Dinosaurs & Dinosaurs & HuminidsHuminids, Reasons to Believe , Reasons to Believe audiotape, 1990) audiotape, 1990) Genesis is allegoricalGenesis is allegorical..

““DenominationsDenominations”” of Evolutionof Evolution

(1) Sequential order of Genesis creation account is (1) Sequential order of Genesis creation account is inconsistent with the framework of Theistic inconsistent with the framework of Theistic Evolution.Evolution.

(2) Negates the doctrine that physical death (2) Negates the doctrine that physical death resulting from sin contrary to resulting from sin contrary to Deuteronomy 30:15, Deuteronomy 30:15, 19; Jeremiah 21:819; Jeremiah 21:8--9; Romans 3:239; Romans 3:23. All three aspects . All three aspects of the death of Adam are included:of the death of Adam are included:

Spirit > immediate Spirit > immediate …….... Holiness goneHoliness gone

Soul > progressive ..... Soul > progressive ..... Happiness goneHappiness gone

Body > future Body > future ……………….... Healthiness goneHealthiness gone

(3) Localized Flood Contradicts both the logic & (3) Localized Flood Contradicts both the logic & purpose of the Biblepurpose of the Bible’’s teaching of a global flood. s teaching of a global flood. Genesis 7:2Genesis 7:2--4,134,13--24; 8:1724; 8:17--19,2119,21..

Theological & Doctrinal Problems Related toTheological & Doctrinal Problems Related to““Theistic EvolutionTheistic Evolution”” & & ““Progressive CreationProgressive Creation””

hIn Exodus 20:11; 31:17Exodus 20:11; 31:17 repeats the Genesis account by stating that God created the heavens and earth “in six days” or ‘yammim’. This Hebrew word occurs 858 times in the OT and EVERY time refers to normal days, never to ‘ages’.

hThe ‘Seventh day’ is closed. God rested, not because He was tired but because He was finished! However, God did not cease His ‘work’ in the world—He remains actively involved!

hFinally, natural death would have existed hundreds of millions of years prior to God’s warning Adam & Eve of death. God’s remark about death (“In the day you eat of In the day you eat of that tree, you will diethat tree, you will die”) would not have made logical sense. The relationship of sin and death would lose all theological meaning.

Problems with Problems with ““Theistic EvolutionTheistic Evolution””& & ““Progressive CreationProgressive Creation””

1st Day} 4.5 Billion years ago: Solar System & sunlight appeared on the 1st Day. Thick clouds surrounded the earth and hid the sun, moon and stars.

2nd Day} 4 Billion years ago: Water from volcanic steam formed the oceans.

3rd Day} 1-3 Billion years ago: God created single-cell aquatic plant life and plants and continued to create other plants and trees on subsequent days. No evidence however.4th Day} 1 Billion years ago {“very rough guess”}: God “brought forth” the sun, moon and stars by clearing away a thick cloud layer surrounding the earth.

God actually created the sun, stars and moon on the 4th

Day – not just “brought them forth”. This contradicts “sunlight” appearing 4.5 billion years ago. Also, plant life was created one day before – plants could not survive millions of years without sunlight but they could for one literal day!

God created grass, plants and trees on the 3rd day. According even to the Evolutionary Time Scale, absolutely no complex plants or trees have been found past 540 million years ago. The Pre-Cambrian layer is “empty”.

Volcanic steam alone cannot account for all the water on earth. Besides this, water existed in abundance from the beginning. Genesis 1:2. {See also 2 Peter 3:5,6}

The Genesis record states that the sun was created on the 4th Day with the other stars & the moon. The source of light on the 1st day probably emanated from God (e.g., 1 John 1:5); earth was spinning (making evening & morning)

5th Day} 300-600 Million years ago: God created an “explosion” of aquatic life forms and fish; insects and amphibians. The oldest true-feathered birds appear overlapping the 6th day during the time of dinosaurs.

God created all fish and birds fully formed and functional after their kinds on the 5th day – no indication He created birds on the 6th day! Also, amphibians were probably created on the 6th day along with the other land animals. Creeping things like the insects were created on the 6th

day.6th Day} 0.04 - 230 Million years ago: God created reptiles, including dinosaurs, then mammals 65 MY ago, tool-using manlike apes 2-3 million years ago, man 40,000 yrs ago.

The Bible gives no indication that God created “tool-using”manlike apes prior to Adam and Eve. Apes were created after their own “kind” {species} just before God specially created man “after His own image” on the 6th day.

According to Progressive According to Progressive CreationCreation…………

But According to Genesis 1But According to Genesis 1…………

Problems with Problems with ““Progressive CreationProgressive Creation””

Charles Darwin Was Conflicted Over the Enigma of Charles Darwin Was Conflicted Over the Enigma of Design in Nature But Rejected Design in Nature But Rejected Theistic EvolutionTheistic Evolution

“There is a grandeur in this view of life that the creator

breathed into several forms, or into one, the breath of life, and

these have gone cycling on, giving rise to forms most beautiful

and most wonderful to behold”.

Darwin wrote in his On the Origin of Species[…], published

in 1859, in regards to “Descent With Modification”:

But in a letter to Asa Gray* he writes:

“I grieve to say that I cannot honestly go as far as you do about

Design. I am conscious that I am in an utterly hopeless muddle. I

cannot think that the world as we see it is the result of chance;

and yet I cannot look at each separate thing as the result of

Design”. {Gillespie, Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation, p.87}.

* Renowned American professor of botany at Harvard and

lifelong friend of Darwin’s who subscribed to Theistic Evolution.

Even Darwin Considered Even Darwin Considered Theistic Evolution Theistic Evolution a a ““Disguised Form of Special CreationDisguised Form of Special Creation”” & Rejected It& Rejected It

Gillespie quotes Darwin as saying:

“I entirely reject, as in my judgment quite unnecessary, any subsequent addition "of new powers and attributes and forces"; or of any "principles of improvement," except insofar as every character which is naturally selected or preserved is in some way an advantage or improvement, otherwise it would not have been selected. If I were convinced that I required such additions to the hypothesis of natural selection, I would reject it as rubbish. ... I would give nothing for the theory of natural selection if it requires miraculous additions at any one stage of descent”. {N.C. Gillespie, Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation, p.120}.

Darwin correctly recognized that Theistic Evolution made the Darwin correctly recognized that Theistic Evolution made the

mechanism of Natural Selection totally unnecessary. If mechanism of Natural Selection totally unnecessary. If

variations and/or selection were variations and/or selection were preordainedpreordained, then his theory , then his theory

simply became a simply became a ‘‘slowedslowed--downdown’’ version of Creation.version of Creation.

The irony is that on pp.178The irony is that on pp.178--180 in his 6180 in his 6thth and final edition and final edition

(1872) of (1872) of ““Origin of Species (Origin of Species (Through The Means of Through The Means of

Natural SelectionNatural Selection))””, Darwin referred to , Darwin referred to natural selectionnatural selection

as an as an ““incompetentincompetent”” mechanism for Macro Evolution.mechanism for Macro Evolution.

�� Special CreationSpecial CreationGod created the heavens and earth and all that is within God created the heavens and earth and all that is within them, the raw materials, energy, physical & chemical them, the raw materials, energy, physical & chemical processes and the abundant variety and complexity of processes and the abundant variety and complexity of life; including man, fully mature & functional, in six life; including man, fully mature & functional, in six literal days. literal days. Genesis is Literal!Genesis is Literal!

The Biblical PositionThe Biblical Position

Furthermore, based on a study of Biblical Furthermore, based on a study of Biblical genologiesgenologiesthe earth, and by extension the Universe, is no more the earth, and by extension the Universe, is no more than ~8000 years old and probably ~6000 years old! than ~8000 years old and probably ~6000 years old!

This poses a controversy: What about all the This poses a controversy: What about all the ““scientific scientific evidenceevidence”” that the earth is 4.5 billion years old and the that the earth is 4.5 billion years old and the Universe is 8Universe is 8--14 billion years old?14 billion years old?

Short AnswerShort Answer: Such conclusions are based on : Such conclusions are based on ““inductiveinductive””science rather than science rather than ““deductivedeductive”” or or ““empiricalempirical”” science.science.

Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

Radioactive Decay ProcessRadioactive Decay Process�� Naturally Occurring Process Where an Isotope of Naturally Occurring Process Where an Isotope of

Element Element ““AA”” Converts Into That of Another, Converts Into That of Another, ““BB””

�� ““AA”” Is Referred to As the Is Referred to As the ““ParentParent”” and and ““BB”” Is Is

Referred to As the Referred to As the ““DaughterDaughter”” ElementElement

��This Process Usually Involves the Release of This Process Usually Involves the Release of

Alpha [2 Protons + 2 Neutrons] or Beta [1 Electron] Alpha [2 Protons + 2 Neutrons] or Beta [1 Electron]

Particles From the Nucleus of an Atom.Particles From the Nucleus of an Atom.

�� Conversion Rate Is Measured by Conversion Rate Is Measured by ““HalfHalf--lifelife”” = =

The Time It Takes for 1/2 of the Original Element to The Time It Takes for 1/2 of the Original Element to

Convert Into Its Convert Into Its ““DaughterDaughter”” ElementElement

�� Practical Range of Dating is about 6Practical Range of Dating is about 6--8 times the 8 times the

HalfHalf--Life and limited by measurement sensitivity.Life and limited by measurement sensitivity.

Radioactive Decay ExamplesRadioactive Decay ExamplesElement Element ““AA”” Has a HalfHas a Half--Life of 5000 Years Life of 5000 Years

If HalfIf Half--Life Longer Age Would Be Older for a Given Life Longer Age Would Be Older for a Given

Ratio. Ratio.

= 2500 YrsA

100% A 75% A

25% B

A BTime

= 5000 YrsA

100% A 50% A

50% B

A BTime

Original Sample Original Sample Tested Sample Tested Sample


206Pb1.5334.199 minβ-Thallium206Tl

206Pb5.407138.376 daysαPolonium210Po



5.9825.013 days

β- 99.99987%

α 0.00013%Bismuth210Bi

210Bi0.06422.3 yrsβ-Lead210Pb

210Pb5.4841.30 minβ-Thallium210Tl

210Pb7.883164.3 micosecαPolonium214Po



5.61719.9 min

β- 99.98%

α 0.02%Bismuth214Bi

214Bi1.02426.8 minβ-Lead214Pb

214Po7.26335 millisec αRadon218Rn



2.8831.5 sec

α 99.90%

β- 0.10%Astatine218At



0.2653.10 min

α 99.98%

β- 0.02%Polonium218Po

218Po5.5903.8235 daysαRadon222Rn

222Rn4.8711,602 yrsαRadium226Ra

226Ra4.77075,380 yrsαThorium230Th

230Th4.859245,500 yrsαUranium two234U

234U2.1976.70 hrsβ-Uranium Z234Pa



0.0741.16 min

β- 99.84%

IT 0.16%Protactinium234Pa

234Pa0.27324.10 daysβ-Thorium234Th

234Th4.2704.468x109 yrsαUranium238U

Decay productMeVHalf-lifeDecay modeNameNuclide MeV = Million Electron VoltsMeV = Million Electron Volts

aaaaaaaa = alpha particle (2 protons+ 2 neutrons)= alpha particle (2 protons+ 2 neutrons)

bbbbbbbb-------- = beta particle (electron or positron)= beta particle (electron or positron)

IT = Isomeric Transition (gamma ray)IT = Isomeric Transition (gamma ray)

238238U Radioactive Decay ChainU Radioactive Decay Chain

Radio Isotope Age Dating Radio Isotope Age Dating Methods & Methods & ““Half LivesHalf Lives””

Uranium238 {4.47B yr} Lead206 (+Zircon crystals)

Potassium40 {1.25B yrs} Argon40

Rubidium87 {48.8B yrs} Strontium87

Carbon14 {5.73K yrs} Carbon12

Radioactive Radioactive ‘‘ParentParent’’ Stable Stable ‘‘DaughterDaughter’’ ProductProduct

Notice the large difference in ‘Half Life’between Carbon-14 & the Other Isotopes!

This implies better resolution of results.

Starting Starting Assumptions Assumptions Drastically Affect Drastically Affect Age Dating Results Using Radio IsotopesAge Dating Results Using Radio Isotopes(1) The (1) The original ratiooriginal ratio of parent/daughter isotopes is of parent/daughter isotopes is

accurately knownaccurately known——cannot be accurately known cannot be accurately known

(usually an (usually an ‘‘educatededucated’’ guess)guess)

(2) The known (2) The known rate of leakagerate of leakage of parent or daughter of parent or daughter

isotopes OUT OF the sampleisotopes OUT OF the sample——cannot be accurately cannot be accurately


(3) The known (3) The known rate of influxrate of influx of parent or daughter of parent or daughter

isotopes INTO the sampleisotopes INTO the sample——cannot be accurately cannot be accurately


(4) The (4) The decay ratesdecay rates themselves are assumed to themselves are assumed to

have remained have remained constantconstant over the lifetime of the over the lifetime of the

samplesample——possible deviationspossible deviations

Radiometric Assumption ErrorRadiometric Assumption Error

Actual TimeActual Time vs.vs. MeasurementsMeasurements



((2500 Yr Half Life2500 Yr Half Life ‘‘HourHour’’ Glass Example)Glass Example)


Assumption #1Assumption #1



2500 yr2500 yr

2500 yr2500 yr



5000 yr5000 yr

2500 yr2500 yr




Assumption #2Assumption #2



2500 yr2500 yr

2500 yr2500 yr



Same Same 25%/75%25%/75%Ratio But Time Ratio But Time

is Grossly is Grossly Miscalculated Miscalculated

Radio Isotope Age DatingRadio Isotope Age Dating IssuesIssues“The progression of life was never witnessed, it is inferred. The vertical sequence of fossils is thought to represent a process because the enclosing rocks are interpreted as a process. The rocks do date the fossils, but the fossils date the rocks more accurately. Stratigraphy cannot avoid this kind of reasoning, if it insists on using only temporal concepts, because circularity is inherent in the derivation of time scales.”–J.E. O'Rourke, American Journal of Science, vol. 276, January 1976, p.53.

“And this poses something of a problem: if we date the rocks by their fossils, how can we then turn around and talk about patterns of evolutionary change through time in the fossil record?”– Niles Eldredge(American Museum of Natural History, New York), Time Frames: The Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibria, Simon & Shuster, New York, 1985, p.52.

Example: A (fossil age) = B (rock age)

There is no meaningful solution to this equation unless either A or B is accurately known! Circular reasoning forces an assignment of an arbitrary value to either A or B.

Cosmic RadiationCosmic Radiationconvertsconverts……


How Radioactive How Radioactive CarbonCarbon1414 Gets Into Gets Into Living ThingsLiving Things

AIRAIR: : 78.07% Nitrogen (N78.07% Nitrogen (N1414))18.90% Oxygen (O18.90% Oxygen (O1616))

2.00% Water Vapor2.00% Water Vapor1.00% Argon (Ar1.00% Argon (Ar4040))0.03% Carbon Dioxide0.03% Carbon Dioxide

CC1414+ + OO1616

= Carbon Dioxide = Carbon Dioxide

……into radioactiveinto radioactiveWhen the plant or animal When the plant or animal dies the builddies the build--up of Cup of C1414

stops & the ratio of Cstops & the ratio of C1212 & & CC1414 is measured.is measured.

Plants Absorb Plants Absorb Carbon DioxideCarbon Dioxide

C14 is absorbed by plants & ingested by animals which are in turn also eaten by other animals and man.

•• Coal from Russia, dated 300 million years old. Coal from Russia, dated 300 million years old.

C14=1,680 yearsC14=1,680 years

•• Bones of a saberBones of a saber--toothed tiger from the toothed tiger from the LaBreaLaBrea tar tar

pits, dated 100,000pits, dated 100,000--one million years old. one million years old.

C14=28,000 yearsC14=28,000 years

• Mummified seals have yielded C14C14 ages ranging from 615615 to 46004600 years ago.

•• A freshly killed seal dated by A freshly killed seal dated by C14C14 showed it had showed it had

died died 1300 years1300 years agoago

•• Living snails' shells showed they had died Living snails' shells showed they had died 27,000 27,000

yearsyears ago.ago. Journals of Radiocarbon & Science

CC1414 DatingDating Gives Grossly Different Age Dating Gives Grossly Different Age Dating Compared to PotassiumCompared to Potassium4040 Argon MethodArgon Method

(Journals of Radiocarbon & Science)

Measurable quantities of Carbon-14 have been found in diamonds—implies that they cannot be older than 45,000

(<8x Half Life) to 90,000 (equipment sensitivity) years!

• Mummified seals have yielded ages ranging from 615 to 4600 years. Freshly killed seals have been carbon-dated at over thousand of years.

• “Carbon-14 contents as low as 3.3. + 0.2 percent modern (apparent age, 27,000 years) measured from the shells of snails Melanoides tuberculatus living in artesian springs in southern Nevada are attributed to fixation of dissolved HCO3, with which the shell are in carbon isotope equilibrium.”– Dr. Alan Riggs (formerly U.S. Geological Survey, now at staff at Univ. Washington, Seattle; Science, vol.224, 6 April 1984, p.58)

On the Carbon-14 Method:

1.The rock initially did not have any Lead or Argon in it.

2. The rate of decay has been constant from the moment process started.

3. No contamination, e.g., nothing added or taken away during decay process.

Potassium40 ArgonLava rocks formed in Lava rocks formed in 18011801 in Hawaii were dated by in Hawaii were dated by

the potassiumthe potassium--argon method argon method using 3 assumptionsusing 3 assumptions: :

Results of DatingResults of Dating::

160 million to 3 billion years old.160 million to 3 billion years old.Source: Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 63 (1968)Source: Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 63 (1968)

It is now believed the lava was contaminated with It is now believed the lava was contaminated with additional Argon as it flowed through the earthadditional Argon as it flowed through the earth’’s s crust to the surface & the crust to the surface & the initialinitial Parent/Daughter Parent/Daughter Ratio was grossly overestimated.Ratio was grossly overestimated.

On the PotassiumOn the Potassium--Argon MethodArgon Method::

““In conventional interpretation of KIn conventional interpretation of K--ArAr age data, it is common to age data, it is common to discard ages which are substantially too high or too low comparediscard ages which are substantially too high or too low compared d with the rest of the group or with other available data such as with the rest of the group or with other available data such as the the geological time scalegeological time scale. The discrepancies between the rejected and . The discrepancies between the rejected and the accepted are arbitrarily attributed to excess or loss of argthe accepted are arbitrarily attributed to excess or loss of argon.on.””––A Hayatsu; (Dept. of Geophysics, Univ. of Western Ontario, A Hayatsu; (Dept. of Geophysics, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada); Canada); Canadian Journal of Earth SciencesCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 16, 1979, p.974., vol. 16, 1979, p.974.

““Thus, if one believes that the derived ages in particular instanThus, if one believes that the derived ages in particular instances ces

are in gross disagreement with established facts of field geologare in gross disagreement with established facts of field geology, he y, he

must conjure up geological processes that could cause anomalous must conjure up geological processes that could cause anomalous

or altered argon contents of the minerals.or altered argon contents of the minerals.”” –– Prof. J.F. Prof. J.F. EverndenEvernden

(Dept. of Geology, Univ. of California, Berkeley) & Dr. John R. (Dept. of Geology, Univ. of California, Berkeley) & Dr. John R.

Richards (Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian NationalRichards (Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National

Univ., Canberra); Univ., Canberra); Journal of the Geological Society of AustraliaJournal of the Geological Society of Australia, vol. , vol.

9, 1962, p.3.9, 1962, p.3.

On the RubidiumOn the Rubidium--Strontium MethodStrontium Method::““These results indicate that even totalThese results indicate that even total--rock systems may be open rock systems may be open

during metamorphism and may have their isotopic system changed, during metamorphism and may have their isotopic system changed,

making it impossible to determine their geologic age.making it impossible to determine their geologic age.””——Prof. Gunter Prof. Gunter

Faure (Dept. of Geology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus) & Prof. JamFaure (Dept. of Geology, Ohio State Univ., Columbus) & Prof. James L. es L.

Powell (Dept. of Geology, Oberlin College, Ohio); Powell (Dept. of Geology, Oberlin College, Ohio); Strontium Isotope GeologyStrontium Isotope Geology, ,

SpringerSpringer--VerlagVerlag, Berlin and New York, 1972, p.102., Berlin and New York, 1972, p.102.

““One serious consequence of the mantle isochron model is that One serious consequence of the mantle isochron model is that

crystallization ages determined on basic igneous rocks by the Rbcrystallization ages determined on basic igneous rocks by the Rb--Sr Sr

wholewhole--rock technique can be greater that the true age by many rock technique can be greater that the true age by many

hundreds of millions of years. This problem of hundreds of millions of years. This problem of ‘‘inheritedinherited’’ age is age is

more serious for younger rocks, and there are wellmore serious for younger rocks, and there are well--documented documented

instances of conflicts between instances of conflicts between stratigraphicstratigraphic age and Rbage and Rb--Sr age in Sr age in

the literature.the literature.””––Dr. C. Brooks (Prof. of Geology, Univ. of Montreal, Quebec, Dr. C. Brooks (Prof. of Geology, Univ. of Montreal, Quebec,

Canada); Dr. D.E. James (Staff member in Geophysics and GeochemiCanada); Dr. D.E. James (Staff member in Geophysics and Geochemistry, stry,

Carnegie Institution of Washington, Wash., D.C.) & Dr. S.R. HartCarnegie Institution of Washington, Wash., D.C.) & Dr. S.R. Hart (Prof. of (Prof. of

Geochemistry, Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences, MIT, CambridgGeochemistry, Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences, MIT, Cambridge); e);

ScienceScience, vol. 193, 17 Sept. 1976, p.1093., vol. 193, 17 Sept. 1976, p.1093.

Fossils Date the Rocks But the Fossils Date the Rocks But the Rocks Date the Fossils!?Rocks Date the Fossils!?

““Certain fossils appear to be restricted to rocks of a Certain fossils appear to be restricted to rocks of a

relatively limited geological age span. These are relatively limited geological age span. These are

called 'index fossils'. Whenever a rock is found called 'index fossils'. Whenever a rock is found

bearing such a fossil, its approximate age is bearing such a fossil, its approximate age is

automatically established......This method is not automatically established......This method is not

foolproof. Occasionally an organism, previously foolproof. Occasionally an organism, previously

thought to be extinct, is found to be extant. Such thought to be extinct, is found to be extant. Such

'living fossils' obviously cannot function as index 'living fossils' obviously cannot function as index

fossils except within the broader time span of their fossils except within the broader time span of their

known existence.known existence.””––Dr. William D. Stansfield,(Biology, California Polytechnic Dr. William D. Stansfield,(Biology, California Polytechnic

State University), State University), The Science of EvolutionThe Science of Evolution, Macmillan, New , Macmillan, New

York, 1977, pp. 80.York, 1977, pp. 80.

“All the above methods for dating the age of the earth, its various strata, and its fossils are questionable, because the rates are likely to have fluctuated widely over earth history.........It is

obvious that radiometric dating techniques may not be the absolute dating methods that they are claimed to be. Age estimates on a given geological stratum by different radiometric methods are often quite different (sometimes by hundreds of millions

of years). There is no absolutely reliable long-term radiological ‘clock’.–Dr. William D. Stansfield, (Biology, California Polytechnic State University), The Science of Evolution, Macmillan, New York, 1977, pp. 82-84.

Radio Isotope Age Dating Radio Isotope Age Dating ConclusionsConclusions

“The age of our globe is presently thought to be some 4.5 billion years, based on radiodecay rates of uranium and thorium. Such 'confirmation' may

be short-lived, as nature is not to be discovered quite so easily. There has been in recent years the horrible realization that radiodecay rates are not as constant as previously thought, nor are they immune to environmental influences.”–Fredric B.

Jueneman, Fellow American Institute of Chemists, Industrial Research & Development, June 1982, p.21.

Radio Isotope Age Dating Radio Isotope Age Dating ConclusionsConclusions

Should we then trust what the Evolutionist tells us or Should we then trust what the Evolutionist tells us or

what the Bible tells us?what the Bible tells us?

Age of the EarthAge of the Earth

Evolutionary Timescales Based On Evolutionary Timescales Based On Geological Dates for Rock StrataGeological Dates for Rock Strata

Based on Problems with Radiometric Dating & Evolutionary Bias Based on Problems with Radiometric Dating & Evolutionary Bias Should This Chart Really be Trusted?Should This Chart Really be Trusted?

Geologic Column Explanations



(@Different Times)


(@Same Times)


Geology VideoGeology Video

““CavitationCavitation”” is defined as the is defined as the mechanical pulverizing processmechanical pulverizing process

associated with water flows >100 feet/sec. As water is rapidly associated with water flows >100 feet/sec. As water is rapidly

agitated by irregularities on rock surfaces, vacuum bubbles are agitated by irregularities on rock surfaces, vacuum bubbles are

produced which trap a great amount of energy.produced which trap a great amount of energy.

When these bubbles burst they inflict When these bubbles burst they inflict ““jackhammerjackhammer--likelike”” blows to blows to

the rocks literally converting them to powder within minutes to the rocks literally converting them to powder within minutes to

hours!hours! �� Glenn Canyon Dam is located on the Colorado Glenn Canyon Dam is located on the Colorado

River just above the Grand Canyon and formed the River just above the Grand Canyon and formed the

manman--made lake and reservoir, Lake Powell. It was made lake and reservoir, Lake Powell. It was

built between 1956built between 1956--1966 and is 1560 feet wide and 1966 and is 1560 feet wide and

710 feet high. It710 feet high. It’’s 25 feet thick at the top and 300 s 25 feet thick at the top and 300

feet thick at the bottom with a maximum water feet thick at the bottom with a maximum water

depth of 583 feet.depth of 583 feet.

�� Melting water from the massive snow fall in late Melting water from the massive snow fall in late

1983 was emptying into the lake during the summer 1983 was emptying into the lake during the summer

of 1984 at a rate of 148,000 cubic feet/sec and of 1984 at a rate of 148,000 cubic feet/sec and

threatened to overflow the dam. Watch what threatened to overflow the dam. Watch what

happens when engineers try to control the massive happens when engineers try to control the massive

water flow using a 40 foot diameter spillway.water flow using a 40 foot diameter spillway.

“Cavitation” Can Cause Rapid & Catastrophic Erosion

Geologic Evidence of Flood CavitationGeologic Evidence of Flood CavitationMissoula Scablands, WAMissoula Scablands, WA


Volcanic Ash Covers 4 StatesVolcanic Ash Covers 4 States

Mt. Saint HelensMt. Saint Helens

Canyons Formed by SuperCanyons Formed by Super--Heated Heated

Steam & Ash Blast >300 mph!Steam & Ash Blast >300 mph!

100 feet100 feet

Stratification Caused by 72 Hrs Stratification Caused by 72 Hrs Cumulative Eruption ActivityCumulative Eruption Activity

Mt. Saint Helens, May 18, 1980Mt. Saint Helens, May 18, 1980

Large, Deep Canyons Can Form Even Quicker!Large, Deep Canyons Can Form Even Quicker!

Palm frond fossils found in Palm frond fossils found in

Port Hardy, British ColumbiaPort Hardy, British ColumbiaCoal depositsCoal deposits——AntarcticaAntarctica

Worldwide Catastrophic Evidence of Rapid Burial Of A Organically Lush Pre-Flood Environment

Extinct, tropical vegetation found in ice core samples from Antarctica buried hundreds of feet in ice.

““. . . Antarctica probably had a . . . Antarctica probably had a lot lot

of vegetationof vegetation for plantfor plant--eaters such eaters such

as hadrosaurs, as duckas hadrosaurs, as duck--billed billed

dinosaurs are called.dinosaurs are called.””

PressPress--Enterprise, Riverside, CA, Enterprise, Riverside, CA,

Feb 13, 1998 (front page)Feb 13, 1998 (front page)

Major Components of Wood

CelluloseCellulose: : Linear chain of Hydrocarbon molecules.Linear chain of Hydrocarbon molecules.

LigninLignin: : Hydrocarbon binding agent for cellulose fibers.Hydrocarbon binding agent for cellulose fibers.

Wood FiberWood Fiber:: Lignin binds cellulose chains together.Lignin binds cellulose chains together.

Synthetic Formation of Coal from Wood


+ClayClay PressurizedPressurized

150150ººC C SteamSteam

+ +TimeTime<1 Yr<1 Yr

Ref. Ref. Organic GeoOrganic Geo--ChemistryChemistry, Hayatsu et al.,, Hayatsu et al., Vol. 6, 1984, pp. 463Vol. 6, 1984, pp. 463--471.471.

�� Coal is a combustible Coal is a combustible fossilizedfossilized mineral of mineral of CarbonCarbon..

�� The Carbon comes from the massive amounts of The Carbon comes from the massive amounts of organic material found in trees and plants.organic material found in trees and plants.

�� Coal is usually found in Coal is usually found in sedimentary rock stratasedimentary rock strata in in layers or veins called layers or veins called ““coal bedscoal beds”” or or ““coal seamscoal seams””but has been synthetically producedbut has been synthetically produced::


– O2Oxygen Oxygen


Rapid Coal FormationThe following quote summarizes the results of the series of The following quote summarizes the results of the series of

experiments done at the Argonne National Laboratory in the experiments done at the Argonne National Laboratory in the

19801980’’s to synthetically produce coal in less than 1 year!s to synthetically produce coal in less than 1 year!

““Chemists at the Argonne National Laboratory have succeeded in Chemists at the Argonne National Laboratory have succeeded in

making a type of artificial coal from naturally occurring materimaking a type of artificial coal from naturally occurring materials. als.

The process is much less severe than formerly thought to be The process is much less severe than formerly thought to be

necessary and provides some new insight into coal structure and necessary and provides some new insight into coal structure and

how to alter it.how to alter it.””——Chemical Engineering NewsChemical Engineering News, Nov. 21, 1983, p.42., Nov. 21, 1983, p.42.

Later, the results of their findings were also published in the Later, the results of their findings were also published in the

science journals science journals Organic GeoOrganic Geo--ChemistryChemistry & & NatureNature..

““Winans and his colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory have Winans and his colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory have

taken less than one year to prepare a thoroughly characterized taken less than one year to prepare a thoroughly characterized

synthetic coal. The material they produced is indistinguishablesynthetic coal. The material they produced is indistinguishable

from the real thing by all the techniques so far applied to it afrom the real thing by all the techniques so far applied to it and its nd its

synthesis raises many interesting questions in coal chemistrysynthesis raises many interesting questions in coal chemistry””——

““From Lignin to Coal in a YearFrom Lignin to Coal in a Year””, , NatureNature, March 28, 1985, p.316., March 28, 1985, p.316.

GeoGeo--Thermal Superheated Water Could Provide the Natural Energy.Thermal Superheated Water Could Provide the Natural Energy.

Rapid Oil FormationCan a similar process cause the rapid formation of oil from Can a similar process cause the rapid formation of oil from

decomposing organic matter?decomposing organic matter?

In an article entitled In an article entitled ““Water, Water EverywhereWater, Water Everywhere””, subtitled , subtitled

““Surreptitiously Converting Dead Matter Into Oil & CoalSurreptitiously Converting Dead Matter Into Oil & Coal””, ,

published in published in Science NewsScience News, Feb. 20, 1993, researchers at , Feb. 20, 1993, researchers at

Exxon discovered superheated water played a major role in Exxon discovered superheated water played a major role in

transforming organic matter into oil in a relatively short time.transforming organic matter into oil in a relatively short time.

They used a pressurized reactor vessel to mix the necessary They used a pressurized reactor vessel to mix the necessary

organic materials and pumped superheated water through organic materials and pumped superheated water through

the samples. At the end of the experiment oil had formed at the samples. At the end of the experiment oil had formed at

the top of the reaction chamber.the top of the reaction chamber.

The accumulation of organic sediments The accumulation of organic sediments

(derived from marine algae and other organic (derived from marine algae and other organic

sources) in the deep sea Guaymas Basin in the sources) in the deep sea Guaymas Basin in the

Gulf of California are being converted into oil Gulf of California are being converted into oil

via pressure and superheated water from geovia pressure and superheated water from geo--

thermal vents over 6000 feet under the sea.thermal vents over 6000 feet under the sea.

Scientific Evidence for Scientific Evidence for ‘‘YoungYoung’’ EarthEarth�� Results of GeochronologyResults of Geochronology

�� Over 70 Indicators or Over 70 Indicators or ““Geologic ClocksGeologic Clocks””

Exist That Can Estimate the Age of the EarthExist That Can Estimate the Age of the Earth

�� Some of the More Important Ones Are:Some of the More Important Ones Are:

�� Radioactive Decay ProductsRadioactive Decay Products

�� Accumulation of Meteor Dust Accumulation of Meteor Dust

�� Volcanic WaterVolcanic Water

�� Number & Frequency of CometsNumber & Frequency of Comets

�� Oil & Gas Pressure in Porous RockOil & Gas Pressure in Porous Rock

�� Oldest Living ThingsOldest Living Things

�� World Population GrowthWorld Population Growth

These These ““ChronometersChronometers”” Put A Maximum Limit on EarthPut A Maximum Limit on Earth’’s Ages Age

Polonium Radio-Halos�� Three Polonium radioisotopes have HalfThree Polonium radioisotopes have Half--lives of lives of

138 days [Po138 days [Po210210], 164 microsec [Po], 164 microsec [Po214214] and 3.1 ] and 3.1

min. [Pomin. [Po218218].].

�� Polonium radio halos have been found in PrePolonium radio halos have been found in Pre--Cambrian Cambrian

granite rock crystals. That means these rocks had to have granite rock crystals. That means these rocks had to have

cooled cooled ““instantaneouslyinstantaneously”” relative to geologic time!relative to geologic time!

�� Evolutionary science estimates dEvolutionary science estimates diamonds to be iamonds to be between 0.8between 0.8——3.0 Billion years old!3.0 Billion years old!

�� The halfThe half--life of Clife of C14 14 is 5730 is 5730 ++ 40 yrs therefore there should 40 yrs therefore there should be no measurable Cbe no measurable C1414 left after about 10 Halfleft after about 10 Half--lives or about lives or about 60,000 yrs. But measurable levels of C60,000 yrs. But measurable levels of C1414 are detected!are detected!

C14 In Diamonds

Oil & Gas In Porous Rock�� Over Time Oil & Natural Gas Escape Through the Dense Over Time Oil & Natural Gas Escape Through the Dense

Sedimentary Rock It Is Encased in.Sedimentary Rock It Is Encased in.

��But The Very High Pressures Encountered by Oil and Gas But The Very High Pressures Encountered by Oil and Gas

Well Drillers Indicate that it has been there for Well Drillers Indicate that it has been there for thousandsthousands

of years of years NOT millionsNOT millions of years!of years!

Helium-4 In Atmosphere�� The Accumulation of HeliumThe Accumulation of Helium--4 in the Earth4 in the Earth’’s Atmosphere Is s Atmosphere Is

Produced by the Radioactive Decay of Uranium and Thorium Produced by the Radioactive Decay of Uranium and Thorium in the Earthin the Earth’’s Crust and Oceans, and From Nuclear s Crust and Oceans, and From Nuclear Reactions Caused by Cosmic Rays From the Sun.Reactions Caused by Cosmic Rays From the Sun.

�� At the Present Rate of Accumulation Then in 4.5 Billion At the Present Rate of Accumulation Then in 4.5 Billion Years There Would Be 30 Times More HeliumYears There Would Be 30 Times More Helium--4 in the 4 in the Atmosphere.Atmosphere.

Earth’s Magnetic Field

��BBetween 1835 and 1965 geophysicists had made etween 1835 and 1965 geophysicists had made some 26 measurements of the magnetic dipole some 26 measurements of the magnetic dipole moment of the earthmoment of the earth’’s magnetic field. When plotted s magnetic field. When plotted against time (that is, the year of measurement) these against time (that is, the year of measurement) these data points fitted a data points fitted a very rapidvery rapid decay curve which had a decay curve which had a ‘‘halfhalf--lifelife’’ calculated of only 1,400 years.calculated of only 1,400 years.

�� Extrapolating this curve backwards and taking into Extrapolating this curve backwards and taking into account the point at which the field would begin to account the point at which the field would begin to heat & melt the earthheat & melt the earth’’s crust, the earths crust, the earth’’s magnetic s magnetic field was calculated at less than 10,000 years old.field was calculated at less than 10,000 years old.

�� Evolutionary scientists try to explain this data away Evolutionary scientists try to explain this data away with the with the ““field reversal theoryfield reversal theory”” of the earthof the earth’’s core but s core but there is no selfthere is no self--consistent data to support this theory. consistent data to support this theory.

Meteor Dust in Earth’s Strata�� One Estimate of Meteoric dust settling on earth One Estimate of Meteoric dust settling on earth

is a rate of 14.3 Million Tons annually.is a rate of 14.3 Million Tons annually.

�� At this rate over 4.5 Billion years there would be At this rate over 4.5 Billion years there would be over 45 feet of meteorite dust over the entire over 45 feet of meteorite dust over the entire surface of the earth and the moon.surface of the earth and the moon.

•• Issac Asimov, Issac Asimov, Science DigestScience Digest, Jan 1969: , Jan 1969: “…“…....a space a space

ship would land tailship would land tail--first and sink majestically out of first and sink majestically out of


•• Neil ArmstrongNeil Armstrong’’s biggest fear about landing on the s biggest fear about landing on the

moon: moon: “…“…falling into falling into all that dustall that dust..”” July television July television


•• Werner von Braun, NASA, (Werner von Braun, NASA, (‘‘fatherfather’’ of the US rocket of the US rocket

program, a creationist and Christian) believed moon program, a creationist and Christian) believed moon

was not old, and only a few inches would be found.was not old, and only a few inches would be found.

Only inches of moon dust!Only inches of moon dust!

Creationist Prediction:Creationist Prediction:Inches of Dust on Moon SurfaceInches of Dust on Moon Surface

Volcanoes Grow Quickly!

Jorullo Volcano, Mexico Jorullo Volcano, Mexico was created in 15 years was created in 15 years [1759[1759--1774] to a height 1774] to a height of about 4300 feet.of about 4300 feet.

Paricutin Volcano, Mexico was Paricutin Volcano, Mexico was created in 9 years [1943created in 9 years [1943--1952] 1952] to a height of about 1400 feet.to a height of about 1400 feet.

Volcanic Water

�� 7070 Volcanoes the Size of MexicoVolcanoes the Size of Mexico’’s Paricutin s Paricutin Would Release About Would Release About 0.001 Cubic Miles0.001 Cubic Miles of Water of Water Per Year.Per Year.

�� The Earth Contains a Total of About The Earth Contains a Total of About 340 Million 340 Million Cubic MilesCubic Miles of Water.of Water.

�� At This Rate It Would TakeAt This Rate It Would Take 340 Billion Years 340 Billion Years to to Fill All the Oceans in the World!Fill All the Oceans in the World!

�� But Note: There Are Typically Only AboutBut Note: There Are Typically Only About 12 12 Volcanoes Erupting Per Year.Volcanoes Erupting Per Year.


�� Each Time a Comet Circles the Sun a Each Time a Comet Circles the Sun a

Fraction of Its Mass Is Lost Due to the Blast of Fraction of Its Mass Is Lost Due to the Blast of

the the ““Solar WindSolar Wind””..

�� At the Observable Rate of Comet At the Observable Rate of Comet

Disintegration, All the ShortDisintegration, All the Short--period Comets period Comets

Would Be Gone in About 10,000 Years. Would Be Gone in About 10,000 Years.

�� Yet It Is Estimated That Millions of Comets Yet It Is Estimated That Millions of Comets

Still Exist. So Astronomers Speculate That Still Exist. So Astronomers Speculate That

There Is a Comet Nest Called the There Is a Comet Nest Called the ““Ort CloudOrt Cloud””

From Which Comets Are Spawned.From Which Comets Are Spawned.

�� But No Such Cloud Has Ever Been Observed!But No Such Cloud Has Ever Been Observed!

��California Giant SequoiasCalifornia Giant Sequoias 15001500——1000 BC1000 BC

��California BristleCalifornia Bristle--Cone Pines**Cone Pines** 30003000——2000 BC2000 BC

Commonly Accepted Ages of Civilizations*�� Sumerian 4500Sumerian 4500——3000 BC 3000 BC

�� Egyptian 4000Egyptian 4000——1500 BC1500 BC

�� Phoenician 2300Phoenician 2300——800 BC800 BC

Age of Oldest Living Things

*These are somewhat *These are somewhat ““inflatedinflated”” values because either (a) artifacts have been values because either (a) artifacts have been incorrectly dated using Cincorrectly dated using C1414 or (b) overlapping dynasties not accounted for.or (b) overlapping dynasties not accounted for.

Note: Humans accumulate 100Note: Humans accumulate 100--300 slightly bad genetic 300 slightly bad genetic mutations every generation so the human race cannot be very mutations every generation so the human race cannot be very old; otherwise mankind would have suffered a genetic meltdown old; otherwise mankind would have suffered a genetic meltdown and possible extinction over 100,000and possible extinction over 100,000——1,000,000 years.1,000,000 years.

““Old TjikkoOld Tjikko””, a , a Norway SpruceNorway Spruce ““clonalclonal”” tree, tree, located in Sweden, dated at 9,550 years old using located in Sweden, dated at 9,550 years old using CC1414 on the root system but tree rings show a on the root system but tree rings show a much younger age! Questionably hyped as the much younger age! Questionably hyped as the ““oldest known living individualoldest known living individual treetree””..

**There are Bristle**There are Bristle--Cone pines believed to be 5000Cone pines believed to be 5000--10,000 years old but these are 10,000 years old but these are based on questionable Cbased on questionable C1414 dating of the dating of the ““clonalclonal”” sprouts from a tree root system.sprouts from a tree root system.

All of these dates All of these dates compare favorably compare favorably with Genesis Flood with Genesis Flood Chronology!Chronology!

World Population Growth�� Long Ages Result In Overestimating WorldLong Ages Result In Overestimating World’’s Total Population by s Total Population by

Dozens of Orders of MagnitudeDozens of Orders of Magnitude

�� Same Population Growth Rate* Equation Applied to Three Time Same Population Growth Rate* Equation Applied to Three Time Scenarios: 100,000, 50,000 and 6,000 years.Scenarios: 100,000, 50,000 and 6,000 years.

* * Factoring inFactoring in: :

-- Birth/Death RatesBirth/Death Rates

-- Wars/FaminesWars/Famines

-- PlaguesPlagues

= Net Growth= Net Growth













Population Growth


Time (years)

3000 2000 1000 0 1000 2000


-50,000 years

-100,000 years




Flood~2350 BC

-6,000 years

Or -4,500 years @ 0.454%/YR Net Growth

6 Billion People is 6 Billion People is Predicted in 2000 AD Predicted in 2000 AD

for Biblical Time Scale.for Biblical Time Scale.

SoSo……What is the Real Issue?What is the Real Issue?Dr. George Wald was professor Emeritus of Biochemistry at

Harvard University and shared the Nobel prize in that field in

1967. He has written,

“There are only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is

spontaneous generation arising to evolution, the other is a

supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility.

Spontaneous generation, that life arose from non-living matter

was scientifically disproven 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and

others. That leaves us with only one possible conclusion: that life

arose as a supernatural creative act of God. I will not accept that

philosophically because I do not want to believe in God.

Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is

scientifically impossible–spontaneous generation arising to

evolution.”-- Scientific American, August 1954, p. 46.

Dogmatic adherence to Darwinism reveals a Dogmatic adherence to Darwinism reveals a blind biasblind bias..

Vain Spiritual ConditionVain Spiritual Condition

““because, because, although they knew Godalthough they knew God, they , they did did

not glorifynot glorify Him as God, Him as God, nor were thankfulnor were thankful, ,

but became but became futile in their thoughtsfutile in their thoughts

(imaginations), and (imaginations), and their foolish hearts were their foolish hearts were

darkeneddarkened..””——Romans 1:21.Romans 1:21.

So WhatSo What’’s At the Heart of Darwinism?s At the Heart of Darwinism?•• If Darwinian EvolutionIf Darwinian Evolution………………..

�� does not make logical sensedoes not make logical sense

�� is not supported by scientific evidenceis not supported by scientific evidence

�� is scientifically bankrupt is scientifically bankrupt

……..then why is it still so fervently believed & ..then why is it still so fervently believed & promoted?promoted?AnswerAnswer::

•• Darwinism is the foundation of the Darwinism is the foundation of the religion of religion of HumanismHumanism——defined as the religion of the atheistdefined as the religion of the atheist**..

•• Darwinism allows the atheist to have a Darwinism allows the atheist to have a ‘‘sophisticated excusesophisticated excuse’’ for not believing in a God.for not believing in a God.

•• Darwinism allows a person to engage in an Darwinism allows a person to engage in an immoral lifestyle immoral lifestyle without without apparentapparent accountabilityaccountabilityto divine authority. to divine authority.

* United States Supreme Court, * United States Supreme Court, TorcasoTorcaso vsvs Watkins (1961)Watkins (1961)

•• Darwinian evolution is nothing more than:Darwinian evolution is nothing more than:

�� Wishful thinkingWishful thinking

�� SelfSelf--delusiondelusion

�� An elaborate hoax being selfAn elaborate hoax being self--perpetuated by perpetuated by

a powerful interest groupa powerful interest group——HumanistsHumanists..

At The At The ‘‘End of the DayEnd of the Day’’

Darwinian Evolution doesn’t appear to be such a proven scientific fact after all!

So How is Such A Scientifically Bankrupt Theory Sustained?

•• By powerful secular media organizations like PBSBy powerful secular media organizations like PBS--TV which promote the Humanist agenda in a TV which promote the Humanist agenda in a popular but deceptive format.popular but deceptive format.

•• Almost limitless resources by billionaire financers Almost limitless resources by billionaire financers who benefit from the Humanist agenda.who benefit from the Humanist agenda.

•• Popular magazines:Popular magazines:

•• Scientific AmericanScientific American which is run by nonwhich is run by non--professional professional scientists and is not peerscientists and is not peer--reviewed.reviewed.

•• National GeographicNational Geographic which proactively promotes which proactively promotes Humanistic philosophy and lifestyle.Humanistic philosophy and lifestyle.

•• Science and technology agencies such as NASA Science and technology agencies such as NASA and JPL.and JPL.

•• Powerful secular educational organizations such Powerful secular educational organizations such as The National Science Foundation.as The National Science Foundation.

““The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven upon who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God. They have all turned aside, they have who seek God. They have all turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is none who does good, no, together become corrupt; there is none who does good, no, not onenot one””..——Psalms 14:1Psalms 14:1--33

Back to RealityBack to Reality

““You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought

to be like the clay. Shall what is formed say to him who to be like the clay. Shall what is formed say to him who

formed it, formed it, ““He did not make meHe did not make me””? Can the pot say of the ? Can the pot say of the

potter, potter, ““He knows nothingHe knows nothing””??——Isaiah 29:16Isaiah 29:16

For by Him all things were created that are in For by Him all things were created that are in

heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible,

whether thrones or dominions or principalities or whether thrones or dominions or principalities or

powers. All things were created through Him and powers. All things were created through Him and

for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all

things consist.things consist.——Colossians 1:16Colossians 1:16--1717

By faith we understand that the worlds were framed By faith we understand that the worlds were framed

by the word of God, so that the things which are by the word of God, so that the things which are

seen were not made of things which are visible.seen were not made of things which are visible.

——Hebrews 11:3Hebrews 11:3

The Ultimate TruthThe Ultimate Truth


““What is the greatest scientific What is the greatest scientific

hoax ever perpetrated on hoax ever perpetrated on


Final Jeopardy AnswerFinal Jeopardy Answer

