What plugins are out there?

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08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 1www.dop.nu

Which plugins are out there?

SymfonyCamp08 september 2007

Stefan Koopmanschap, Dutch Open Projects

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 2www.dop.nu

Which plugins are out there?

sfAmazonECS, sfAuthorizeNet, sfBBCodeParser, sfBB, sfBB_PayloadFilterChain, sfCollapsibleContent, sfCommissionJunction, sfConst, sfContentGetter, sfControlPanel, sfCrypt, sfCSRF, sfDataGrid, sfDimensions, sfDoctrineAmazonS3, sfDoctrineComments, sfDoctrineFriends, sfDoctrineNestedSetManager, sfDoctrine, sfDojo, sfErrorLogger, sfEventCalendar, sfEzpdo, sfFeed2, sfFlickr, sfFlickrGallery, sfFormBuilder, sfFormValidation, sfFPDF, sfGeshi, sfGravatarHelper,sfGuard, sfHelperExample, sfI18nExtract, sfISBN, sfJpGraph,sfLightbox, sfMarkdown, sfMediaLibrary, sfMinify, sfNifty, sfOpenID, sfOpenOffice, sfOptimizer, sfPackageManager, sfPageController, sfPagerNavigation, sfPayloadFilterChain, sfPayloadFilterChain_TextTransformation, sfPJS, sfManager, sfPokaYoke, sfPrinterFriendly, sfPropelActAsNestedSetBehavior, sfActAsSortableBehavior, sfActAsTaggableBehavior, sfPropelAudit, sfPropelFileStorage, sfPropelFloodControlBehavior, sfPropelLoadbalancer, sfPropelNotification, sfPropelOptimisticLockBehavior, sfPropelParanoidBehavior, sfPropelSpamTagBehavior, sfPropelUuidBehavior, sfPropelVersionableBehavior, sfPrototype, sfPrototypeTooltip, sfPrototypeWindow, sfQuickbooksExportInvoice, sfRequestHistory, sfSenseiAcl, sfSensei, sfShoppingCart, sfShortcuts, sfSimpleBlog, sfSimpleCMS, sfSimpleForum, sfSite, sfSmartyView, sfSslRequirement, sfSugarCRM, sfSuperCache, sfSwfChart, sfSwfObjectHelper, sfSwift, sfTabbedContent, sfTCPDF, sfThreeColumnLayoutHelper, sfThumbnail, sfUFO, sfUJS, sfWebBrowser, sfWSDL, sdYouTube, sfYUI, sfYzClientSideValidation, sfZend,

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 3www.dop.nu

OK, seriously...

Quite a few plugins out there (111 on september 5th)!

Various states: Alpha, Beta, Stable

Community driven

Easy to write: you'll see in 45 minutes

Let's take a look at some important ones

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 4www.dop.nu


Protection against Cross Site Request Forgery

Focus on security

Backport from a native symfony 1.1 feature

Just enable it in filters.yml and: GO!

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 5www.dop.nu


Complete replacement of Propel by Doctrine

Access your database using Doctrine, a PDO-based database abstraction layer

Check the Internet: There's lots of discussion on which is best

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 6www.dop.nu


Easily create RSS and Atom feeds

Also: Parse RSS and Atom feeds

Option to aggregate into a single list of posts

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 7www.dop.nu


Easily create a gallery on your site with pictures posted on Flickr

Uses sync'ing option to avoid spamming the Flickr API

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 8www.dop.nu


Gravatars rule

One central place to manage your avatar

Helper that makes it soooo easy to implement gravatars on your site

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 9www.dop.nu


JpGraph: create all kinds of cool graphs

Managers love that!

sfJpgraph allows for easy calling of Jpgraph in symfony

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 10www.dop.nu


Distributed Single Sign On

SSO without the need for a dependency to a central service

sfOpenID just supports “consumer” OpenID, no server (yet?)

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 11www.dop.nu


Report generation using OpenOffice

Choice of output, such as PDF, Word, Excel

Uses templates for consistent layout of documents

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 12www.dop.nu


Client side field validation

Still uses validate/*.yml for validation

Only basic validation, no extended validation


08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 13www.dop.nu


The name says it all

Easy to integrate e-commerce with your website

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 14www.dop.nu


Easy access to the SugarCRM SOAP interface

Not necessary to have leads/registrations go through Sugar anymore

One of the most important integrations for businesses, probably

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 15www.dop.nu


Various plugins for basic website functionality

Weblog, cms, forum

Might enhance symfony's competitive power against the traditional cms'es

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 16www.dop.nu


Easily create SOAP WSDL functionality

Perfect when creating web services/SOA applications

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 17www.dop.nu


To make Dustin happy ;)

Easy access to YUI javascript libraries

To make all frontend developers happy :)

08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 18www.dop.nu

And so many more...




08 september 2007 DUTCH OPEN PROJECTS 19www.dop.nu

The End
