What Kind Of Person Are You?

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of What Kind Of Person Are You?

As I travel throughout the world I encounter all kinds of people and these interactions have given me some

really interesting insight into human behavior. I have found that successful people all tend to

exhibit the same kind of behavior, while people who have difficulty finding success also

share some commonalities.

I'd like to share with you what I’ve learned over time so that you can see which of these behaviors you're doing in your life.

To begin to understand the two types of people that I'm talking about, it's helpful to keep in mind these two

concepts that I've taken from economics: abundance and scarcity.

Abundance means that there is massive supply of something. Whatever resource we happen

to be talking about, there is plenty of it to go around for everybody. We’re able to visualize this quite easily when we see countries that have an abundance of a resource, like the Middle East and oil. Abundance is gener-ally a positive thing because it allows that entity a chance to share what they have in exchange for other re-sources that benefit them. It’s how trade and capitalism work.

Scarcity is the opposite of that. With scarcity, there isn't enough of something to go around. People are left wanting and needing whatever that thing is and problems usually result. A big problem around the world is food scarcity and water scarcity. People's lives are put in jeopardy when they don't get these things. Scarcity is definitely bad.

So I apply these two terms when I think about successful and unsuccessful people. I've come up with my own

versions of these concepts and created the ideas of abundant thinkers and scarcity thinkers. You probably fall into parts of both because while you may be abundant in certain areas of

your life, you may experience scarcity in others. It's only natural.

However, your life is your own. And by taking charge of how you think and how you ap-

proach life's challenges, you can control the kind of person you are. To achieve success, you'll need to align yourself with abundant thinking and banish any scarcity thinking that you might have.



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Healthy, Wealthy, Happy: WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU?

Much of this has to do with positive or optimistic thinking. But I like to use the term abundant

because, just as in economics, abundant means taking stock of the resources at hand and determining that you have a lot of them. So I'll constantly be referring to the abundance in your life. It would be a good idea to take a mo-

ment and realize all the things in your life that are helping you. 

These are your resources. Remember them well, especially in difficult times.


Abundant thinkers believe there is more, while scarcity thinkers believe there is less.

An abundant mentality creates within you a belief that there's a surplus of resources to draw from, while a scarcity mentality makes you think that there's a shortage of resources.

This is a really important place to start. We all know from our own life experiences that thinking about the amount of something important in your life determines how you'll react to things.

When you've got money in your pocket or your bank account, you will gladly pick up dinner checks or buy gifts for loved ones and it's no big deal. You’re happy to do it because you know that even if you spend this money, there’s always more.

But when times are tough and there's little money for extra expenses, a simple little unexpected cost can bring about so much anxiety that it eats you from the inside out. You get snappy and angry and people start to worry about you.

An abundant mentality means keeping yourself flush with confidence and positivity because you know the well of energy within you will not run dry. But if you sit there and operate from a place of scarcity, you will be jealously guarding yourself like Gollum did with his precious ring.


Abundant thinkers operate with positivity, scarcity thinkers operate with negativity.

Abundant thinkers are naturally happy and confident people. Even if they aren't rich on pa-

per, they know that they are rich within because they are constantly generating optimism in their minds and hearts.

We all know people like this. They're always smiling and laughing. Nothing can get them down. They're kind of annoying almost. What can they possibly know that we don't? It’s probably nothing more than the understanding

that positive thinking will help them with whatever they encounter down the road of life.

Again, it all comes from that belief in the abundance within yourself. Once you feel that you

have a lot of resources within you, you start to walk with a little more swagger. You move fluidly throughout your day.

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Just think of how you feel on payday, after you've gotten your check but before you pay your bills. You've got

money in your hands! That's a similar feeling of abundance. You feel like anything is possible because anything is.

Scarcity thinkers, on the other hand, are worried to the core. That nagging scarcity sits in the pit of their stom-achs and prevents them from accomplishing great things. With that negativity comes all sorts of debilitating thoughts like envy, paranoia, and even anger.

Abundant thinkers appreciate people and the hard work they do. They stay positive and honor the

struggle that people go through in this hard world.

Scarcity thinkers are always criticizing others. They don't celebrate what people do well. Not content with how they’re feeling, they want other people to feel their misery, too.

We see this a lot with paranoid military dictators all across the world. They just look like they're not having fun in life. And they have whole countries in their back pocket! They're operating from that position of scarcity and they eat themselves up from the inside. Don't do that.

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Healthy, Wealthy, Happy: WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU?


Abundant thinkers think big.

Donald Trump says if you're going to think, THINK BIG!

Abundant thinkers are the ones who really think big. They think HUGE!

Scarcity thinkers are small thinkers. You have to be if you're operating from a guarded position of negativity. They don't think outside of the box. They stay insulated and small.

Abundant thinkers think big because that’s how you encounter other big thinkers. They expand outward

and connect with as many people and experiences as they can. They know that every interaction is an opportunity

to learn and grow. 

Abundant thinkers imagine the possibilities. They visualize their successes. They know it won't be

an easy or even quick road. But they know to aim for the highest possible summit and charge it!

Scarcity thinkers are still at the starting line, distrustful of others and their own abilities.


Abundant thinkers trust, while scarcity thinkers suspect.

Here's where it goes south really fast.

Cooperation requires two parts in order to be successful. It requires someone to give and someone to receive. In order for this to happen in the best form that it can, the relationship between

people has to presume good intentions on the part of both parties.

What I'm saying is that it's not enough for you to want something positive to come out of your interactions with

people, you need to believe that the other person is also trying to pull something positive from it.

When you are suspicious about other people's intentions and actions, you're really talking about yourself. Trust begins within and if you're operating from a place of abundance, then you can maximize the relationship

that comes from trusting others.

But start from a place of scarcity and you are almost done before you have even started. That suspicion will lead you nowhere.

The truth is we often mistrust or suspect people based on our past experiences. Maybe someone hurt us or lied

outright to our faces. We can maybe forgive, but forgetting is pretty hard.

But you run into problems when you hold on that suspicion. And many times, if you're truly honest, you find that the negative energy you're carrying is the result of some incident where you let yourself down. Your past can’t be changed. What do you do moving forward can.

Change your path and think from a place of genuine trust.

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Abundant thinkers embrace competition.

I often say that business travels at the speed of trust. And most relationships, whether

they are business-based or new friendships, progress much faster when both parties trust each other.

Distrust can stop the whole ship. And now you're wasting time circling the other person trying to figure out their motives. Are they out to get me? Am I going to get hurt?

So what about when you move beyond partnerships and enter into direct competition with other people? Then it’s fine to become a scarcity thinker, right?


Abundant thinkers will invite the competition that situations and people offer them. They

welcome the challenge and benefit greatly from it.

You should invite the competition to come at you because it makes you better. It gets you to the point of

innovation and growth faster. If you trust and compete, you are moving forward. You're not

stuck at zero like that weak scarcity thinker that's still trying to figure out what the safest move is. You’ve blown past them. See you.

If you're not pushing yourself to compete against the best or doing something that you're unfa-

miliar with, how will you grow as a person? Imagine just sitting there all day, refusing to be challenged, out of fear or some other negative emotion you're not dealing with. That’s not living.

It’s as if you were playing full-on basketball on a six foot goal with five year olds. That's not fun!

Make it hard for yourself as much as you can and as often as you can so that you and your enter-

prise can grow. Don't worry, you've got plenty of resources to support you. In fact, you've got an abundance of them!

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Healthy, Wealthy, Happy: WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU?


Abundant thinkers embrace risk.

What is the true purpose of building a magnificent ship that bobs with strength in the water? Is it meant to hang

out in the harbor? No! It’s meant to be put out to sea!

Abundant thinkers understand this principle. They challenge themselves and their abilities because they know they can handle it.

Scarcity people avoid risk. They tiptoe, day in and day out, softly all the way to their grave.

To achieve greatness, you must embrace risk. You must court it and challenge it right back.

Your relationships, your jobs, and your recreational activities are only worth doing if you're pushing yourself to be the best you can be.

Of course, you won't always succeed. Naturally you won't always come out on top.

But abundant thinkers understand and embrace this idea: that is how life works. You have to factor in

some failures along the way and trust that they won't kill you. In fact, you'll LEARN from those experiences. And that makes them worth doing anyway.

You can't have success without failure. It's the other side of that essential coin.

But stack up those experiences as fast as you can to get to success. Take risks. Be abundant.


Abundant thinkers under-promise and over-deliver, scarcity thinkers do the opposite.

Your mouth can sometimes get you into trouble. You want to impress others so much by what you plan to do that you sometimes have to walk back what you meant in the first place. Bad move.

Abundant thinkers let their work do the talking for them.

It all comes down to the expectations that you create in other people. Why create something that you can’t or won’t meet?

It’s certainly true that promising something can be an effective way to bolster any relationship. Contracts and nego-tiations, legal or not, are a big part of why we do things. I'll do this for you and you'll do this for me.

But when somebody doesn't uphold their end of the contract, trouble follows. Feelings get hurt. And now you’ve gone down the drain with negativity that could have been avoided by limiting your promises at the start.

So be smart and promise less. Seriously, there are lots of benefits to this approach.

One, obviously, is that you make it easier on yourself to deliver by lowering the bar. But that's not an important reason because remember you want to be challenging yourself.

Instead, think of under-promising as a chance to surprise others and yourself. Over-promising is

rather limiting because you're putting a specific amount on what you will deliver. At best, you've met your limit and at worst you've failed to reach that limit. 

But with under-promising you're leaving a whole lot of room to over-deliver. There’s no limit to what you can do this way. And that's always a warm surprise to anyone who's dealing with you.

Abundant thinkers always over-deliver. They're constantly searching for ways to be more of service

and provide more value. 

Guess which type of thinker people will naturally gravitate toward?

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An abundant person shares resources.

I say this all the time. Turning outward and engaging with humanity is the surest path to success.

We are an important part of this world and cooperation is the way to bring out the best in peo-ple and maximize our interactions. It is in this way that we learn and grow as a community.

When you share resources you bring yourself out into the world and encourage that same behavior in others. You may find that people will have a better or more efficient way of doing that thing you just did. Now

you’re learning and sharing your experience, which in turn helps them do better. It’s what

happens when you take risks and push other abundant thinkers!

Having a scarcity mentality will turn you inward and make you a hoarder. Ugh. If you think in your mind that you don’t have enough resources to share with the world, your work won’t go very far. Because you’re not operating from that inward energy. People won't want to work or interact with you because you're making it seem like that isn't what you want either.

Guard against that instinct and have an abundant mentality. Reach out and share. Create the

world you want to be in.

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Healthy, Wealthy, Happy: WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU?

If abundance was a color, what type of color would it be? And what type of color would scarcity be?

I imagine abundance to be something bold and bright, while scarcity would be some bland and drab color.

That's because abundance demands to be seen and expressed with the world. Scarcity would rather hide out in its hole, drab and lonely.

Don't walk around this world from a place of scarcity. You have so much to offer within you.

Be abundant in all the ways you can be.

Energy, light, ideas, warmth...all of these things are well within you before we even get to your abundant measurable exterior resources like friends, family, and possessions.

Take a truthful look at all of the things that you have in your life. There are many people on this planet that don't have nearly as much as you. Be abundant and live within that abundance.

Now share it with the world and find that intended destination healthy, wealthy, and happy.

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Jefferson Santos grew up in Richardson, Texas and attended Texas Christian University and played football at the Naval Academy. Jefferson is like many entrepreneurs who just decided one day that he wanted to be in charge of his own career. However, at the age of 25 he was $1,100 negative in his bank account, $70,000 in debt and decided he was in need of a change. Through guidance, self-improvement and commitment he turned his dream into a realist. Jefferson is now a multi-million dollar earner and has a team of over 300,000 leaders in 30 countries and it continues to grow every day.

Jefferson’s goal is to help YOU arrive at your intended destination healthy, wealthy and happy.

Follow him on Social Media channels:

Or visit his page:


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