What is your personality type

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Each personality type has its strengths and each has its weaknesses. No one personality type is better than another, although some types re suited to certain jobs, roles and positions than others.

Transcript of What is your personality type

What is your personality




Dominant, passionate, motivated, ambitious and task-oriented


Fire personalities are great leaders and have a lot of enthusiasm. They often encourage other people and try to “fire them up” about an idea. They tend to be quite strong-willed, stronger than some of the other types.


Fires tend to be aggressive and to lack sensitivity, and they can have problems with anger management.  

Fires are the types of personality most likely to become pushy bullies. 

If they are confronted with failure, this can extinguish them and plunge them into depression. They can also suffer from burnout.

Key sayings: 

“The buck stops here.” “Follow me.”



Loners, perfectionists, introspective, thoughtful, analytical and cautious.


Waters are usually sensitive to the needs of others and have a lot of capacity for empathy. They tend to be creative and imaginative and pay a lot of attention to detail.

They tend to be highly organised and like schedules. They are very safety-conscious.


Waters are the most prone to anxiety (thanks to their obsession with details, their tight schedules and their perfectionism) and to depression, caused by a lack of boundaries and a tendency to be overwhelmed by the problems and feelings of others. 

In the past, “melancholic” was used to describe both depression and this personality type.

Key sayings. 

“Look before you leap.” “I understand how you feel.”



Outgoing, friendly, sociable, impulsive, fun-loving, a people-person, optimistic and lively.


Airs have great people-skills and are very hospitable and outgoing – they’re not shy. 

They are superb at jobs that require a lot of contact with the public – receptionists, salespeople, speakers, etc. They tend to have a happy outlook on life that often rubs off on others.


Airs can be very impulsive and get themselves into trouble by not being able to say no.

They can also have problems with commitment to a project or a person, as they tend to lose interest with something if it isn’t fun. They can also have problems listening to others, as they love to talk.

Key sayings: 

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” “Are we having fun yet?” “Party, party, party!” (plus many other sayings – Airs love to talk!).



Easy-going, relaxed, calm, consistent, steady, low-energy.


Earths are very good at keeping calm in stressful situations, and they have a lot of patience. 

They are reliable and loyal.  They are also great peacemakers, as they can stay detached and mediate rather than getting involved and taking sides.


Earths hate change and can be very stubborn about taking on new ideas or new ways of doing things. 

They also have a tendency towards laziness and lack of motivation. They often lack ambition.

Key proverb: 

“Slow and steady wins the race.” “Keep calm and carry on.” “Just chill out and relax!”

What personality do you posses?

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