What is “incitement”?. Palestinian Media Watch eo.aspx?doc_id=11385 .

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of What is “incitement”?. Palestinian Media Watch eo.aspx?doc_id=11385 .

What is “incitement”?

A song recently on Palestinian Authority radio calling for the murder

of Jews:

We have accepted our death, so that Jerusalem will return. We are bombs, friends, when the homeland calls. My heart, with fury, exploded and scattered. The shrapnel of this life flew and the enemies were beheaded…..”

Translation: palestinianmediawatch.org

2014: Translated to Hebrew


Variations: Israeli reservists add a verse for peace


Prairie Dogs animated version


Dalal al-Mugribi Square, Al-Bireh

She belonged to the terrorist squad which attacked an Israeli bus on the Coastal Road in March 1978, killing 37 Israeli civilians and wounding 71. Since the attack she has become a national heroine.

Palestinian song writers are busy….


Four rabbis, praying in their Jerusalem synagogue, murdered:

Sister of terrorist praises attack

Nabrus, his 16-year-old sister, praised the deadly terror attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, saying "it’s a very good thing, I hope more such attacks take place, and more Jews get killed." According to her, she is "proud of her brother and I am willing to follow in his wake. I am willing to give my life to al-Aqsa."

